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Chapter 54 Director Meng

Early the next morning, when Meng Lang packed up and went out, Lin Xiaoyu was already waiting at the door.

"Good morning, Xiaoyu, you didn't wait long, did you?"

"Good morning, uncle. I just went out. This is breakfast for you."

Lin Xiaoyu handed over a plastic bag with a smile.

Meng Lang was flattered and took it. Inside was a small water glass with rabbit ears and a ham and egg sandwich.


It has been 24 years, this is the first time a girl has brought me breakfast, and it seems that it is made by myself...

What's going on with this complicated mood?

"Xiaoyu...oh no, Mr. Manager, you have troubled yourself."

"Haha!" Xiao Yu was amused by Meng Lang, and the two went downstairs laughing.

As Meng Lang walked, he took a bite of the sandwich. The runny fried egg yolk lingered between his teeth, and the meaty aroma of ham filled his mouth.

What a beautiful day...

After opening the water glass and taking a sip of the fragrant soy milk, Meng Lang asked casually, "Where is your sister?"

"She's still sleeping. I was busy very late last night, so I didn't call her...Uncle, are you disappointed that you didn't meet my sister?"

"Pfft!" Meng Lang spurted out a mouthful of soy milk.

He coughed twice and glared at Xiaoyu, "Children, don't talk nonsense."


"Ahem! So what... Xiaoyu, how are your studies at school?" Meng Lang casually changed the subject to hide his guilty conscience.

"Uncle, don't you know everything? You are always first in the class." Xiaoyu blinked.

"I...I mean, don't be proud! Being first in the class doesn't mean anything. There are only a few people in a class. Being first in the grade is awesome!

You must know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!”

Meng Lang also felt that his last question was a bit stupid, so he immediately released his "adult domineering spirit" and prepared to have an educational conversation with Xiao Yu from a position of strength.

"But I'm also number one in my grade."

Meng Lang was choked.

"What class are you in?" he asked weakly.

"6 classes, a total of 312 people."

"I remember... I remember it quite clearly."

Meng Lang seemed to see the invisible arrogance rising from Xiaoyu's body.

My "adult color domineering spirit" was ruthlessly crushed by the "academic domineering spirit"...

When it comes to dignity, Meng Lang felt it was necessary to maintain his "adult" persona.

"Actually, academic performance cannot explain everything. You must read books well, but also understand them. You must learn and apply them flexibly, and you cannot just study hard. Let me give you a few questions."


"Question: In the physical fitness test, you ran and ran, and finally passed the second place. What is your current rank?"

"Second place." Xiaoyu said almost without thinking.

"Well! This question is relatively basic. Please listen to the next question.

A snail fell to the bottom of a well. The well was 7 meters deep. One morning, it started to climb up. During the day, it could climb 3 meters. At night, it slid down 2 meters due to rest. How many days will it take to climb to the mouth of the well? "

"The fifth day."

"It is known that putting an elephant into a box takes three steps. Open the box, put the elephant in, and close the box. So how many steps does it take to put a giraffe into the box?"

"Step 4, because we still have to take out the elephant."

"0 is greater than 2, 2 is greater than 5, and 5 is greater than 0. Why is this?"

"Because it's rock, paper, scissors."


You are forcing me to use nuclear weapons!

"Haha! It seems that these elementary school questions are not difficult for you. Let me give you a more difficult adult question..."

"Uncle, why are you smiling so sinisterly?"

"Really? Those are just small details. Please listen to the question!" Meng Lang took out his phone and opened the collection.

"Cecilia Cheung's ex-husband is Nicholas Tse,

Nicholas Tse’s ex-girlfriend is Wang Fei,

Wang Fei’s husband is Li Yapeng,

Li Yapeng’s ex-girlfriend’s name is Qu Ying.

Qu Ying’s current boyfriend is Zhang Yadong,

Pu Shu has an ex-girlfriend named Zhou Xun.

Zhou Xun has an ex-boyfriend named Li Yapeng.

Wang Fei’s ex-husband is Dou Wei,

Dou Wei has a cousin named Dou Peng.

Dou Peng has an ex-girlfriend named Zhou Xun.

Dou Peng’s cousin is Dou Ying,

Dou Ying’s ex-husband is Zhang Yadong,

Zhang Yadong’s current girlfriend is Qu Ying,

Qu Ying’s ex-boyfriend’s name is Li Yapeng.

Excuse me! What is the relationship between Zhang Cecilia and Li Yapeng?"

Xiaoyu: "..."

"Uncle, you bully people..."

Meng Lang felt a little embarrassed when he saw Xiao Yu's aggrieved look.

"Ahem! Actually, my uncle's real purpose is to tell you that the adult world is very complicated, so you still have a lot to learn. You can't be complacent, you know?"

"Oh~ Your circle is so chaotic..." Xiaoyu shook her head helplessly like a young adult.

Meng Lang sweated on his forehead, and he quickly changed the topic while the sidewalk red light turned green.

"Xiao Yu, have you ever thought about what you want to do when you grow up? Do you have any dreams?"

"Hmm... I haven't thought about it, but I must choose the one that makes the most money."

"Making money? Why?" Meng Lang was stunned for a moment.

"Because it's hard for my sister to make money. If I can make a lot of money, my sister won't have to work so hard." Xiaoyu said matter-of-factly.

Meng Lang was a little helpless.

"Xiao Yu, actually you don't have to think about others in everything. Of course making money is important, but it's also important that you like it yourself.

You think about what you like, and then set a dream when you were young, and maybe it will come true when you grow up?"

"I like..." Xiaoyu thought for a while, "I like to be with my sister, so what dream should I choose?"


Is it severe sister dependence syndrome?

As Xiaoyu's "temporary guardian", Meng Lang feels that he has the responsibility and obligation to guide the flowers of the motherland on the right path of growth.

"Actually, we can think about the problem from another angle. You like to be with your sister, and you hope that she can live a better life, right?

So the most important thing for us is to make ourselves better and stronger, so that the more capable you are, the more help you can give to your sister, right?"

"Well..." Xiaoyu frowned and thought seriously for a moment.

"But if I make a lot of money, doesn't it mean that I am excellent and powerful?"

"Uh..." Meng Lang didn't know how to refute for a moment.

Because this view is almost the universal value today.

The money-only theory, laughing at the poor but not at prostitution, is the reality of this society.

He could actually understand why Xiaoyu had such a stubborn concept of money.

Due to family reasons, she had the concept of money in her young mind very early. Coupled with her premature maturity, she was able to see things more clearly than her peers.

From Xiao Yu's point of view, Meng Lang is really not qualified to preach to her about "lofty ideals" from the "moral commanding heights".

Because even not long ago, my imagination and criteria for a successful life were limited to an annual salary of one million.

From this aspect, Xiao Yu, in the second grade of elementary school, has already reached the life perception that Meng Lang had when he was 24 years old...

I couldn't help but feel sad.

And with Xiao Yu’s intelligence and hard work, the starting point of entering society in the future may be the end of his own struggle in the version of "A Tragic Life".

How qualified is a poor student to dictate the life of a future top student?

However, after reading too many autobiographies, Meng Lang gained a new understanding of life.

"Money is indeed an important criterion for judging strength, but many things cannot be solved with money. At this time, the importance of dreams is reflected."

"Like what?"

"Like health, like life, like happiness..." Meng Lang sighed and expressed his feelings.

Seeing Xiaoyu's confused look, Meng Lang said calmly.

“For example, in ten years, if I find out that I have cancer, can money save me?

For example, a disaster suddenly occurs around me, and many people I care about lose their lives. Can money bring them back to life?

Another example is that twenty years later, I got Alzheimer's disease and slowly forgot all the people around me. Can money make me happy again?

Therefore, above money, we should have a more ambitious and noble pursuit. This is the dream!

It’s harder than making money, but once you achieve your dreams, you may be able to change the whole world!”

"Well..." Xiaoyu fell into deep thought.

"Uncle, what do you mean, I should become a doctor to save lives and heal the wounded?"

"Well! I think this dream is good!"

Meng Lang looked pleased that he was a teachable child.

"I seem to understand a little bit, what is your dream, uncle?" Xiaoyu asked curiously.

"Me?" Meng Lang was stunned for a moment.

Yes, my childhood dream fell apart after only half of it was completed. So what about my future dream?

It seems that he really hasn't thought about this issue carefully.

After thinking seriously for a moment, he gradually came to some understanding.

"My dream...should be to see a world without sadness and more interesting.

At least, when I grow old, the autobiography I write... shouldn't be a tragedy..."

"Uncle's dream is so weird."

Hearing Xiaoyu's comment, Meng Lang also smiled.

Seeing that the two of them had reached the school gate, Xiao Yu suddenly stopped.

"Uncle, I have one last question."

"Well! You always have one last question, so ask it." Meng Lang smiled.

"Um...does it make money to be a doctor?"

Meng Lang's fatherly smile froze on his face.

Watching Xiao Yu walk into the school, Meng Lang helplessly shook his head.

"The main reason that prevents us from living a free and noble life... is the obsession with wealth..."

After saying something to himself, Meng Lang was about to leave when he suddenly noticed a familiar figure standing next to a car on the side of the road, smoking a cigarette.

"Hey! Captain Wang! Why are you here?" Meng Lang waved and said hello as he walked over there.

Several passers-by heard the sound and looked over.

When Wang Zhaoping heard the voice, his expression suddenly changed.

He turned around and saw Meng Lang walking slowly towards him, his face a little stiff.

But the next moment, he suddenly changed his expression to a happy one and threw away the cigarette butt in his hand.

"Director Meng! I've been waiting for you, hurry up! Come with me, the owners of the community are about to start a riot. If you don't go back, the brothers in our security team won't be able to stand it anymore!"

Meng Lang was immediately dumbfounded.

Director Meng?

Am I not just a consultant in name only?

Does this enter the system?

This chapter has been completed!
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