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Chapter 546 Two are missing and one is missing

Chapter 547 Two are missing and one is missing

"Ricefuckers! They are all a bunch of losers!

How could our model be fooled by such a simple misleading? Is there no prevention mechanism at all? Have you given so much funding to your technical department every year to feed the dog? "

"Mr. Wei, of course we have prevention mechanisms, but the quantitative model is just a rigid set of trading procedures, and it cannot make the best response to all emergencies.

If you suddenly face a large number of selling orders and a certain critical point is triggered, the model will indeed produce misjudgments.

This itself is a stop-loss mechanism to prevent losses from expanding, but I didn’t expect that it would be used by opponents..."

"I didn't expect it? It was over after I didn't expect it? Just because of a negligence of your technical department, we all worked in vain this year, you know?"

"That...can't be considered an oversight. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for anyone to predict our model so accurately.

But the opponent is just like opening up our program code line by line to find loopholes, and our model is like open source."

"Open source? Are you trying to say that there is a mole in your technical team?"

"No, no, no... I'm just making an analogy..."

"Using an analogy? By using an analogy, you can wipe out the mistakes of your technical department in one stroke?"

"This...Mr. Wei, I reminded the company yesterday that this opponent is not easy to deal with. It is best to avoid the Xu Group stock..."

Mr. Wei: "..."

The review meeting after the closing of the day was simply a process in which Mr. Wei frantically dumped the blame on the technical department, which also looked aggrieved.

To say that the person in the most embarrassing situation right now is probably Wei, the initiator of the "Jianghu Fatal Order".

If he hadn't underestimated their opponents this time and took the lead in provoking "the six major factions to besiege Guangmingding", their losses this time would not have been so heavy.

But who would have thought that his opponent would not give up when he saw that he was outnumbered, and would even dig a big hole for everyone to jump into.

A conservative estimate is that the total loss of all quantitative teams participating in this hunting operation today is at least four to five billion.

It can be said that if it does not open for three years, it will lose money after three years of opening.

Now they have taken their profits, happily slapped their butts and left, leaving him and Wei alone in a mess in the wind.

If this goes wrong and the big guys at the Kirin Club put the blame on him, then his career will be completely over.

As soon as the market closed, the cell phone in his pocket started to vibrate crazily, but now he had an ostrich mentality and didn't dare to answer those calls asking for accusations.

That's why he was so eager to throw the blame away.

But he also knew in his heart that it was meaningless to investigate how the tragedy happened at this time. At most, it was psychological comfort.

The important thing is how to recover the losses!

"Can we legally sue our opponent for maliciously disrupting the market? After all, there is precedent for this."

Yes, history may not simply repeat itself, but it will be surprisingly similar.

Back then, the British trader almost destroyed Nazdak, but in the end he was taken to court and ended up being extradited to the other side of the ocean.

In the final analysis, if we really want to dig deeper into this kind of incident involving major interests, it will all depend on who has the harder fist behind his back...

If there is a reasonable reason, then they can let their opponents feel the power of capital from outside the market!

It is not impossible to recover losses in the end.

"This... may be difficult..."

However, Mr. Wei's answer was a negative answer.

"We reviewed the entire process with the technical departments of other teams. Although the other team was the initiator of the entire incident, their methods were too clever.

They created an illusion that panicked the market in the early stage. On the contrary, we were misled. Because of the consistency of a large number of transactions, they used huge sell orders to smash through the price, and in disguise became the other party's effect amplifier."

Seeing Mr. Wei's confused look, the head of the technical department could only explain it in a simpler way.

"To use an analogy, it was as if the other party whispered, 'There's a bomb,' in a crowded space, and then those of us with sharp ears believed it when we heard it, and couldn't help being frightened and yelled, 'There's a bomb!'


Immediately afterwards, everyone was frightened and wanted to escape frantically, which triggered an oolong stampede incident.

You want to say who caused this flash crash, and who of us is more responsible, it’s really hard to define..."

Mr. Wei: "..."

Even if you know that you have suffered heavy losses today at the close of trading, nothing makes you vomit blood more than hearing this metaphor.

I've already lost money to my grandma's house, so I still have to shoulder the biggest blame?

However, he also knew in his heart that since they were all about quantification, whose butt was cleaner than whom?

You said that he "maliciously disrupts the market", then if he backhand gives you the label of "maliciously manipulating the market", then they are definitely not unfair.

"Well... In this case, even if we want to sue each other, collecting evidence will be a long-term process, and if we don't do it well, we may have to involve ourselves.

In addition, the opponent used northbound funds from Xiangjiang. If the financial team is registered abroad and the strength and background are unknown, the investigation will be more complicated. We may not necessarily win the lawsuit.

I just checked the relevant comments and found that many investors who suffered losses attributed the flash crash to domestic quantification.

Our reputation is not good to begin with. If we really make a big deal out of it, the outside world might think that this is a self-directed and self-directed scheme.

I’m afraid the safest thing to do now is to use your connections to minimize the impact of this matter so as not to get into trouble..."

Finally, these words from the company's legal affairs finally broke Mr. Wei's guard, which was on the verge of collapse.

So not only did I have to get the most severe beatings and take the biggest blame, but in the end I had to spend money to use my connections to wipe someone else’s butt?!

Who the hell can I talk to to reason with this?

He slumped down on the chair with a dejected look on his face.

Hegel said that the only lesson mankind has learned from history is that it has not learned any lessons from history.

However, this opponent might be a history student.

This leaves no room for them to take advantage of!

"This speed of making money... is really exaggerated..."

Gao Yuan saw the number on her account skyrocketed by more than 300 million, and she couldn't hide the smile on her face.

I know I shouldn't be addicted to the pleasure of making quick money.

However, there was no reason for her to refuse the wealth that was delivered to her door.

How much does it cost to cut leeks? Where can I find a cutting agency that can make quick money?

As for the corresponding risks, she naturally considered them in advance. Not only did she accurately grasp the opponent's mentality, she even consulted a legal advisor.

To put it bluntly, even if her opponent loses his mind and chooses to fight to the death, she is sure to drag out the lawsuit for several years.

And a few years later, she almost didn't look down on the more than 300 million anymore...

In a few years, the market banned more than 300 million yuan from free prostitution. No matter how you look at it, you will make a lot of money!

Of course, the greatest confidence in not being afraid of your opponent flipping the table comes from someone above you.

The Qilin Club has an extraordinary background, but don't forget that Mr. Hu is also standing behind them...

"The ammunition is more abundant. If this happens, the commotion next will probably be a bit loud."

Gao Yuan looked at the stock market of Xu Group and showed a meaningful smile...

He had no idea that Gao Yuan and Ling were having sex with Piao Da outside behind his back.

At this time, Meng Lang was shutting himself in the study, studying the "Instruction Manual" of the "Brain Wave Amplifier"...

"Hmm... the so-called mental same frequency, it turns out that this is what it is. If you put it this way, this brain wave amplifier must have been made by plagiarizing the technology of the Night Demon Clan...

That’s not right. How can technical matters be called plagiarism? It should be called borrowing..."

He couldn't put the book down. He found a somewhat boring book called "108 Ways of Mental Pollution", which Meng Lang regarded as a fantasy popular science book and read it over and over again.

Until the lanterns come on and the willow trees rise above the moon...

He just felt that every time he read it, he would understand a little more about the principles of mind control of the Night Demons.

This will undoubtedly help him use the "brain wave amplifier" to execute the "Pandora Project".

As a post-apocalyptic black technology in 2063, the technical content of the "brainwave amplifier" is completely beyond the comprehension of a nine-year compulsory liberal arts student.

Even the operation is not as simple as "turning on" and "turning off"...

As we all know, human thoughts will spread outward in the form of electromagnetic waves, which are so-called brain waves.

The brain waves generated by each thought have its own specific vibration frequency.

The closer the frequency is, the more resonant pulses can be generated, and the intensity of the pulses generated after resonance is much greater than the sum of the individual ones.

When the number of people reaches a certain critical value, the resonance force of the resonance pulse will increase exponentially.

This is the so-called "Maharishi Effect"!

According to measurements, the Human wave that resonates between the space ionosphere and the earth is about 8 to 14 Hz, and this frequency is very similar to the brain waves of the human body when meditating.

Therefore, some people say that when meditating in an ethereal state where things and myself are forgotten, a mysterious resonance between people and the planet will occur, which is what the ancients called the unity of heaven and man.

Historically, humans have conducted a large-scale experiment in meditation.

In the experiment, a meditation group consisting of 7,000 people meditated for three weeks. The results showed that during the meditation, they changed a certain "collective energy" of the city.

The city's overall crime rate, violence, and casualties were reduced by an average of 16%. Even those who did not meditate or even knew that this experiment was being conducted were affected to a certain extent, and their behavior changed statistically.

Experiments have shown that when a large number of people gather together for spiritual resonance, it will produce some kind of chain reaction phenomenon on the consciousness of the people around them.

Although there is currently no science that can explain this phenomenon similar to the "field energy effect" or "resonance effect".

But it has been proven from the side that human thoughts can be influenced by others in some way.

As it is written at the end of the technical appendix in the book...

[This may seem like a miracle, but when we understand the science, this is a powerful technology that exists within our bodies.]

And a similar principle is the technical secret of "spiritual synchronization"!

As a neurological parasitic race, the Gods have a developed nervous system, and the application and development of their own brain waves have obviously reached a level beyond the reach of humans.

Use your own brain waves to influence other living things, and even be able to completely control them and become your own alternative "doppelgänger".

It has to be said that this kind of racial talent is simply a killer for all carbon-based life forms.

Just the old director of the welfare home at the "Yituan" level can already brainwash humans.

So that "nest" that has been hidden in the dark and is suspected to be a "tough" level, can it control a person with just a glance?

It makes me shudder just thinking about it.

But the good news is that now I also have "pirated skills" with similar effects...

I just don’t know how far this "Mental Pollution 108 Style" can be achieved when combined with the "Brain Wave Amplifier".

Meng Lang said that he was not greedy, and as long as he could achieve the skill effect of "One Tuan" level, he would be quite satisfied.

As for the subsequent improvements, optimization and upgrades of the technology, there are naturally other brothers who provide after-sales one-stop services...


Just as Meng Lang was studying technology seriously, the cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

Pick it up and take a look.

Haitang: [Gao Yuan asked me for legal advice today about disrupting the securities market. I feel a little strange. Do you know about this? 】

Disrupt the securities market?

Meng Lang was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that she was probably secretly acquiring shares of the Xu Group.

This kind of mentality is almost like searching online before committing a crime. How many years will he be sentenced?

Meng said: [Do you think if someone wants to disrupt the securities market, they will notify me in advance?]


Haitang:【You really don’t know?】

Meng said: [I really don’t know. You are someone’s legal advisor. Isn’t it normal for someone to do some legal advice? 】

Haitang: [Then you are still her special adviser, why didn’t she discuss it with you in advance? 】

Meng said: [What is a ‘special adviser’? A special adviser is just that. Don’t ask about things that are not special. If you ask, it would be unprofessional.]


Meng said: [Why are you silent? Are you asleep?]

Haitang: [No...]

Meng said: "That's just right. I'm not there yet, but I'm ready to go to sleep. Two are short of one."

This time there was no reply from the other end of the phone, even the ellipses were omitted.

Meng Lang put down the phone and shook his head with a smile. It was so funny.

Immediately he picked up the information in his hand again...

Isn't that what life is like? Try to survive during the day and soothe your soul at night...


This chapter has been completed!
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