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Chapter 554: Several levels of VIP

Chapter 555 Several levels of VIP

The pressure coming from behind may be light or heavy, with experienced techniques and moderate strength, making people unable to help but relax their whole body.

Han Li, who was already very tired from work, felt a little dizzy.

Half asleep and half awake, scenes of what happened in the past few days flashed through my mind...

Finally, it was fixed on the face of a frightened man visiting a prison cell...

That face was once my biggest nightmare.

Now he is like a bereaved dog, waiting in panic all day long for his fate to judge him, with his eyes full of fawning and pleading.


Nature is joyful.

However, like many people, after the joy of revenge, there is endless emptiness and confusion in the heart.

For her, although justice has finally arrived, how much does it mean to her that justice has been delayed for more than ten years?

The rural girl who once longed for the world beyond the mountains is now covered in dirt, and things have changed.

Looking back on the journey along the way, she used power for personal gain, clung to the rich and powerful, and used sex to serve others...

In this way, he climbed up through all means, and finally became a prestigious legal elite in the eyes of others.

But in the eyes of outsiders, she appears to be bright and beautiful, but her body and mind are already riddled with holes, distorted and corrupted.

Is it her fault?

No! It’s this world that’s wrong!

It is a world that only laughs at the poor but not prostitutes. It is a world where the strong enslave the weak at will, and the powerful trample on the law wantonly...

Even if Bao Yumin was imprisoned, it was only because more powerful forces intervened.

Most of the evils in this world are not eliminated by justice, but are just buried in the competition with the worse things in this world...

The moment she saw Bao Yumin, she was indeed shaken.

He even handed incriminating evidence about the Xu Group into the hands of Lin Haitang, and made such a move that was harmful to others but not self-interested, even he was surprised...

Perhaps for a few moments, she recalled her original intention when she was young, and recalled the unequivocal oath she made on the day she became a lawyer.

However, she has long been complicit in this filthy world, and her hands are stained with filth.

Is it really possible to go back?

She has been exposed to countless cases and can see through the nature of the world better than ordinary people.

In her eyes, fairness and justice are just tools used to show off power.

The privileges held by the powerful are like a huge monster that can easily crush the small resistance of the people at the bottom.

They control this monster and wantonly trample, destroy, and destroy the order and civilization built by tiny humans...

In the face of this monster, the laws and rules that people can use to protect themselves, although they look like extremely strong tall buildings, are actually just gravel that breaks into pieces at the touch of a touch...

As a member of the lawyers, she is supposed to be the guardian of order.

Once upon a time, she also dreamed that one day she would be able to use the code in her hand to support a world of justice for weaklings like her.

However, facing this invincible behemoth, she was already scarred and full of despair and powerlessness, unable to produce any sense of resistance.

Of course, there are some people who are not willing to be trampled on.

Just like Lin Haitang, who made me envious and jealous, but helped him at a critical moment.

Why can she not bow down, compromise, give up, and be fearless even though she is facing such a monster?

Why is she still willing to give shelter to someone as dirty and despicable as she is?

Why is it on her body...

Will there always be some kind of dazzling divine light?

For a moment, she actually wanted to follow her and rush towards the seemingly unbeatable monster without hesitation...

The figure of the other party suddenly became inexplicably tall and majestic...

The next moment, the sky collapsed and the earth was filled with dust.

I'm so envious...I really want to be like her and push those monsters to the ground and beat them up...

Huh? Wait! Why do I hope I can fight little monsters?

My thoughts are a little confused.

However, as if to make up for the years of lost imagination, wild and unconstrained ideas kept popping into my mind...

“Lawyer Lin is so awesome!”

"Monsters are nothing to be afraid of. We are the messengers of justice. All enemies are paper tigers!"

"Go and defeat them! Follow my sister!"

Thoughts were coming to her mind, and Han Li's face became more and more rosy in reality.

But...I am obviously enjoying relaxing and killing chicken...

Why did it burst into flames for no apparent reason?

"Miss Han? Miss Han? Wake up."

I don't know how long it took, but a voice that seemed so close yet so far away sounded, and Han Li opened her eyes in a daze.

I looked at the clock on the wall and realized that almost an hour had passed and the clock I had set had ended.

"Hmm~ Did you accidentally fall asleep..."

Letting the technician take away the mask from her face, she sat up and rubbed her swollen eyebrows. Han Li only remembered that she had just had a strange and confusing dream.

What were you doing in the dream?

Hmm... Anyway, it looks like a landslide...

She didn't know whether it was because of the technician's superb skills or because the dream relieved her stress, but Han Li felt that her body and mind were very relaxed, her gloomy mood was swept away, and even her eyes became much brighter.

After getting up and changing clothes, the beautiful manager who had received Meng Lang and the two before walked in.

She said with a smile.

"Ms. Han, are you satisfied with today's service?"

"Yeah! I feel much better all over."

The beautiful manager smiled even more.

"That's good, that's it. Our store has specially launched a VVVIP package for high-end customers.

As long as 38888 is spent throughout the year, you can enjoy a full range of high-end customized services such as various beauty and skin care products, cosmetics, and skin care products for free.

These brands have decades of history. Most of them are packaged domestically, with imported raw materials, French assembly lines, and aseptic packaging. There are thousands of chain stores across the country. With the reputation of our store, you can definitely use it with confidence.

Now we have a promotional price, the price is not expensive, and..."

Han Li couldn't help but frown as she watched the beautiful manager introduce the members eloquently and flipped the brochure in her hand.

The marketing behavior that she usually turned a blind eye to was like having sand rubbed in her eyes, which made her feel very uncomfortable for no reason.

It’s all done to you by the relevant departments...

“Article 8 of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law stipulates: Operators shall not make false or misleading commercial publicity, deceive or mislead consumers about the performance, functions, quality, sales status, user reviews, honors, etc. of their products.


Article 4 of the Advertising Law stipulates: Advertisements must not contain false content, and must not deceive or mislead consumers.

I looked through it again and found that these so-called high-end products of yours are all niche OEM products. They are suspected of exaggerating product efficacy, substandard products, and false propaganda.

As a responsible lawyer, I would like to remind you that any behavior that deceives and misleads consumers into recharging consumption will be subject to administrative penalties by the market supervision and management department..."


"Huh~" Next door, Xiaoyu took off his helmet with relief.

"How does it feel?"

"There's nothing special about it except that it consumes a lot of mental energy. It's just that operating this thing requires a lot of concentration. Watching TV and trying to figure out the positive energy seems to affect your performance a little bit."

I watched Aotuman which was still playing on TV.

Meng Lang could only give a thumbs up.

Is multitasking just "somewhat affecting performance"? He is indeed an intellectually gifted person!

"It seems that you have mastered the use of this thing, right?" Meng Lang looked pleased.

"Yeah! It's probably just like listening to the radio. As long as I can find the other party's signal frequency, I can synchronize to the other party's channel through fine-tuning, and then affect the signal through resonance.

But I feel that the frequencies between me and that aunt are not very high.

So several times the other party's frequency was confused. As a result, I was kicked out of the channel and had to adjust the frequency again. My head was still buzzing..."


I can understand these words, but why do I feel like a Muggle when I put them together?

"Yeah!" On the surface, I nodded repeatedly as if I completely understood.

"Not bad, not bad! It's Xiaoyu who has mastered the essence so quickly!"

The poor self-esteem of an adult compels him to speak insincerely.

But this is not a big deal. Anyway, Meng Lang didn't intend to let Xiaoyu write tens of thousands of words of operation experience at this time.

We have already done the experiments. Isn’t it the brothers’ job to report the experiments?

Hmm... I just happen to go back to read the report tonight. After reading it, I can still pretend to Xiao Yu...

Oh no, I'm just explaining some precautions to Xiaoyu.

But I have to remind everyone, it must be easy to understand!


"Buzz~" At this time, I heard the sound of the car engine downstairs.

Meng Lang came to the window and opened the curtain slightly, watched Han Li get into his car, and then slowly started...

I don’t know how effective this psychological treatment will be?

If one treatment is not enough, the effect should be more significant if repeated treatments are given several times more?


Why is there a row of service staff following Han Li's car?

The beautiful manager just started, "Hey guys, the angle of this bow is almost 90°. Why is the farewell service so attentive?"

What level of VIP is this?


This chapter has been completed!
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