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Chapter 556: Curtain Roller

Chapter 557 Curtain Roller

Although I have repeatedly emphasized that this explanation should be as "easy to understand" as possible, I never expected it to be so "simple and crude"...

Clone 100,000 "Sister Xiaoyu" and use brainwave amplifiers to brainwash them uniformly, and you can get 100,000 super soldiers almost instantly.

The numbers of ordinary humans are meaningless on a civilized battlefield.

Their combat effectiveness is not even comparable to the cheap mass-produced "Guardian Series I" robots.

But what if there are 100,000 super new humans with superior intelligence, each with brain overclocking skills, and personal strength comparable to that of a master of physical strength?

Because the brain waves of all "sisters" can be connected to each other, using a principle similar to telepathy to form a "drizzle network", and the frequencies are almost the same.

They can even be used as "signal nodes" to amplify the brainwave resonance signals of the same frequency in a fission-type manner, enhance the "Mahirsi Field" hundreds or thousands of times, and greatly enhance the scope and effect of the "Spiritual Same Frequency" skill.

Then this is a chaotic super legion that kicks a kid when they are apart, and stares at anyone when they get together!

With Xiaoyu as the core and 100,000 Xiaoyu sister army as amplifiers, if combined with 100,000 brainwave amplifiers.

Then the little monsters controlled by the Night Demon Clan may not be as simple as falling into chaos.

Maybe it can even affect the starry sky beast underground...

The key is that the single cost of such a super weapon after large-scale mass production is only 8888 RMB, highlighting its high quality and low price...

This is the "Sister Xiaoyu Plan" in the appendix.

I have to say, it is quite tempting, and apart from the need to break through a little moral bottom line, there are almost no shortcomings.

Meng Lang's original "Ancient Martial Arts Legion Plan" had to be combined with the "Overclocking Potion", taking into account the talents and qualifications of each trainer.

But "Sister Xiaoyu Project" starts with top-notch talents and everyone is like a dragon, so how can we lose?

Moreover, combat is only a secondary function of the "Light Rain Legion". You must know that they are mainly intelligence-increasing, which means they are 100,000 top scientific researchers!

The development of science and technology is never a smooth upward curve, but accumulates to a certain moment and shows explosive growth.

Judging from the speed of Xiaoyu's development this time, I'm afraid it's already approaching the critical point of interstellar civilization.

Even the "Human Completion Plan" is on the agenda...

If the "Sister Xiaoyu Plan" had been implemented at this moment in 2018, their camp's strength would have skyrocketed.

By then, not to mention the Jueji crisis and the invasion of the Night Demons, I'm afraid even the big lizard will be able to overwhelm it...

All fear comes from the unknown, and the same goes for threats.

Although the giant beast in the sky looked terrifying, since it had been exposed and he had been thinking about it for decades, he didn't believe he couldn't find a way to deal with it.

The troops and horses have not moved, and in terms of intelligence, they can be said to be far ahead.

Of course, even if you really cross the moral boundary, this operation is not without difficulty.

If you want to create clone legions on a large scale in peacetime, you will probably be regarded as an extremist terrorist organization and be surrounded and suppressed by the whole world, right?

After all, if you clone a person these days, you will be criticized by the whole world.

Not to mention that despite being cloned 100,000 times, Xiaoyu’s sister is still so cute!

What? You said your purpose is to save the world?

Can it be proved by writing a letter of guarantee?

Not to mention that the "Light Rain Legion" also has terrifying mental skills such as "brainwashing".

No ruler in this world will allow the power that threatens him to expand infinitely, or allow himself to become a puppet controlled by others at will.

Not even this possibility is possible!

The NESTS organization in the "King of Fighters" series.

The Hydra organization in the Marvel Universe.

The "Clone Project Organization" of "Escape from Clone Island"...

None of the clone manufacturing groups in these fantasy works is set up to be an evil force.

It is enough to show that the current humanistic environment cannot keep up with such advanced technological development...

This is still the case now, let alone before.

Once Xiaoyu's secret is exposed, the consequences will be disastrous.

It's no wonder that his predecessor Lin Haitang chose to eliminate all clues. Even he, an intelligence expert, spent several lifetimes without finding any relevant clues.

In the end, we can only rely on the mental method of "from effect to cause" to imagine and speculate on the unknown and secret history that happened that year...

Time cannot go back, he is a "prophet", not an "omniscient".

If you want him to tell clearly whether Qin Shihuang is Lu Buwei's son, he is powerless.

However, according to simple calculations based on time, when Xiao Yu was born, Lin Haitang was already eighteen years old and had already lost all his memory.

Therefore, there must be tool people like "Gao Yuan" and "Mr. Black Cat" to execute the follow-up plan.

Tool people don't need to know too much, they just need to perform relevant tasks and keep it secret.

If the imagination were a little darker and even the hospital where Xiao Yu was born was burned to the ground, then maybe all the insiders involved would have been...

Thinking of this, Meng Lang looked at Lin Haitang across the dinner table with a strange look.

My predecessor...maybe he and the current Lin Haitang are two extremes...

Lawyer Lin, who was a little uncomfortable with Meng Lang's direct gaze, thought that the other party was still thinking about "wifely duties".

I could only pretend not to see it, coughed dryly with a slightly red face, and looked at Xiaoyu who was eating rice.

"Ahem! Xiaoyu, didn't you go to study today? How do you feel?"

"Oh~ it's great! Sister, you don't know, my uncle took me to see a very powerful robot, super advanced..."

Xiao Yu remembered Meng Lang's instructions and said nothing about the "helmet".

He was just talking happily about the prototype of the "Guardian Series" he saw in Bai Yeji.

Obviously, she was deeply impressed by the entire manufacturing process of the brainwave amplifier.

"I'm still studying. I'm just going to see those stupid robots that just drive a screw." Yan Weiwei curled her lips.

Recently, Xiaoyu's "education rights" fell into Meng Lang's hands, and Lin Haitang seemed to acquiesce. Naturally, her tone was a bit sour.

"No, I find it very shocking. I'm afraid it won't be long before robots can do things that we humans can't do.

Hmm... I think the uncle has good intentions.

He must want to make me understand through today's education that the world is changing too fast and I must keep pace with the times.

The world in the future will be very different from the present, and many of our traditional concepts are gradually no longer suitable for this era!"


The corners of his mouth twitched.

Hey hey! I just wanted to take you to see the future, I didn’t expect you to have so many insights into life!

Is it because you used too much force to have such an advanced concept of "cloning yourself"?

"Are you as well-intentioned as you say? Those who know think you are talking about an insurance salesman, and those who don't know think you are talking about some great educator!"

Yan Weiwei glanced at Meng Lang with an unconvinced look on her face.

"According to your auspicious words, I have decided to "give up my guarantee and join education" from today on. If nothing unexpected happens, I will stick to the education system."

"It sounds like it's true."

"You don't understand. Insurance can only save ourselves, but education can save our future..."

Meng Lang looked at the young Xiao Yu with a sigh on his face.

They say give me a fulcrum and I can lift the entire earth.

Obviously, Xiaoyu is the fulcrum...

If you work hard on your own, the impact may not be as far-reaching as giving Xiaoyu a lesson.

When the "Prophet" meets the "Child of the World", the butterfly's wings are like adding a turbocharger...

"Tch! Why save the future? I think you want to shoot the man first and the horse first. It's insidious!"

Yan Weiwei has already seen through your face.

Lin Haitang, who thought he had successfully changed the subject, saw that the fire had inexplicably burned him again, and put down his chopsticks helplessly.

"Well... I'm not against you being so concerned, but the teachers have already complained to us about this over-education issue..."

Meng Lang nodded.

"Well, I thought about it carefully later and found that the teacher's opinion is not unreasonable. We still need to respect educators appropriately."

He now somewhat understands the math teacher who was asked about autism by Xiao Yu and wanted to go back to continue his studies.

Let alone a math teacher.

Over-education has made him, a progressive young man who keeps pace with the times, almost unable to keep up with Xiaoyu's jumping thinking...

The soul torture of "Can I clone myself?" made him autistic...

"As long as you understand." Lin Haitang breathed a sigh of relief.

Little did she know that what Meng Lang was thinking about was completely different from hers.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Just... take a day off from school."


Lin Haitang has a black line on his forehead.

Take a break from school... for a day?

Is this how much respect you have for educators?

But Meng Lang continued.

"Xiaoyu, at the teacher's request, you are not allowed to study tonight. Do you hear that?"

"Uh...but if I don't study, what will I do?"

Xiaoyu, who was immersed in happy learning, was a little distressed.

Knowledge can sometimes be addictive.

In other words, people who have never been addicted to knowledge cannot truly make achievements in the professional field...

This is a common trait of genius.

"The Master said, I will examine myself three times a day!

Learning knowledge is to look forward to the future, and reviewing history is to allow us to explore our true selves.

So tonight, let's review our own history." Meng Lang raised his chopsticks seriously.

"Looking back at one's own history? What do you mean?" Xiao Yu was puzzled.

"This involves the three ultimate philosophical questions in life, such as...who are you!"

"Uh...I'm Xiaoyu?"

"Xiaoyu is just a name. You can call me Xiaoyu, and I can also call you Xiaoyu.

Here comes the key question, why do you call me Xiaoyu?"

"This..." Xiaoyu's brain was spinning at the speed of a turbocharger, and he was a little confused by this question.

"What are the three ultimate philosophical questions in life? Why is Xiaoyu called Xiaoyu? Of course it was Xiaoyu's parents who gave me the name!" Yan Weiwei rolled her eyes at Meng Lang.

Xiaoyu scratched her head. "That's not true. My sister gave me the name Xiaoyu, hehe!"

"Oh?" Meng Lang immediately pretended to be surprised, looked at Lin Haitang, and said calmly.

"Then how did Lawyer Lin come up with the idea of ​​giving Xiaoyu this name?"

Lin Haitang looked at Meng Lang strangely.

Aren't we discussing Xiaoyu's education? Why did the topic suddenly jump to naming?

But this problem...

She turned her head to look at Xiao Yu, and couldn't help but reveal a hint of reminiscence on her face.

"Hmm...it's nothing. I remember that I had just graduated from high school and my father was not very well-educated, so he came to ask my opinion.

I didn’t think much about it, and when I saw the little one was born thin and small, I named her Xiaoyu.”

"Yeah! And my sister's and my names both come from the same ancient poem. Uncle, can you guess which one it is?"

"Well...the rain hits the begonias...

Could it be that 'it was rainy and windy last night, and I couldn't get rid of the remaining wine after a deep sleep. I tried to ask the person behind the curtain, but the crabapples were still the same. Do you know that they should be green, fat, red, and thin'?"

Lin Haitang: "⊙⊙"

Xiaoyu: “⊙⊙”

Seeing the stunned faces of the Lin sisters, Yan Weiwei was also shocked.

"No, he really guessed it?"

"Ahem! After all, I am also a top student who graduated from the Chinese Department. I have only one stone in the world of poetry. How can I also hold an eighth of it?"

Everyone: "..."

"Narcissist, why didn't you tell me that you own all that stone!"

Yan Weiwei rolled her eyes, thinking that Meng Lang had just had bad luck again.

"Uncle, you are so awesome, this is the song!" Xiao Yu looked admiring.

Lin Haitang looked confused. There are so many poems in the world, can this really be guessed?

"By the way, Lawyer Lin, why did you name Xiaoyu after this poem? Is it a whim, or is there a story behind it?"

Meng Lang went around in a big circle and finally asked the key question.

Although it was strange that Meng Lang was particularly curious about this kind of thing and seemed to be asking for the truth, he still told the truth.

"It's nothing. Maybe I was very fond of Li Qingzhao when I was a child, and I even engraved her poem on my desk, so I was particularly impressed."

"It was carved on the desk...did it happen when I was six or seven years old?"

"Hmm...I forgot, maybe?"

Okay! Now it’s a match!

This is definitely a psychological hint left by my ex...

Is it possible that the name "Xiaoyu" really has some foreshadowing in it?

But what is it?

Meng Lang, who couldn't figure it out for the moment, continued to ask.

"So, when Xiaoyu was born, Lawyer Lin was also present?"

"Well! It was summer vacation at that time, and I was there on the day Xiaoyu was born... What exactly do you want to ask?" Lin Haitang looked at Meng Lang.

"Uh...haha!" He smiled awkwardly.

"Actually, I'm curious about Xiaoyu's life experience. She probably... didn't get pregnant naturally, right?"

Everyone was stunned.

Not a natural pregnancy? What does that mean?

"I mean, Xiaoyu is extremely talented and has an IQ far above ordinary people. Doesn't he have some special opportunities?" Meng Lang reminded.

Lin Haitang frowned and thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of something...

"Well... you are right to say that. In fact, Xiaoyu should be a test-tube baby in a strict sense."

"Oh!" Come on, come on, this is it!

"I only found out later that Xiaoyu's mother was diagnosed with infertility. In order to have a baby, she went to many famous doctors and endured a lot of hardships.

Fortunately, my family was in a good situation at the time, and I finally did in vitro fertilization, and finally I became pregnant with Xiao Yu.”

"Bah!" It's true!

Meng Lang slapped his thigh!

That makes sense!

Under the circumstances at that time, the birth of new human beings required the gestation of a mother's body.

If it were at the stage of in vitro fertilization, it would be possible to secretly use the "Adjuster Embryos" Li Dai Tao Jiang as a template to complete all this without anyone noticing.

He checked the information.

Relevant application technology has actually been implemented in China in 1988, during which the first test-tube baby was born.

Subsequently, the technology was widely used and the demand grew rapidly!

In 2011, the year Xiaoyu was born, the total number of IVF surgeries in China reached 18,000...

Therefore, this was already a very common medical technology at that time, and the technical level in the capital city was relatively the highest.

As for where the “Adjuster Embryos” come from?

If the predecessor around 2000 had used the "frozen egg" technology to preserve it, then the preservation time could basically reach more than 20 years...

But having said that, if we extrapolate this way, Xiao Yu basically has nothing to do with Father Lin...

I love being a father! This is it!

Sure enough, the predecessor Lin Haitang may have a moral bottom line, but it is definitely not much.

Father Lin's little cotton-padded jacket is seriously leaking...

Seeing Meng Lang's strange expression, the three of them were a little confused.

"In vitro fertilization is just in vitro fertilization. It's nothing unusual. Why are you so excited?" Yan Weiwei looked weird.

Meng Lang coughed dryly when he realized he was losing his composure.

"Ahem! It's nothing, I just think this makes sense.

Because according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the probability of giving birth to a genius through in vitro fertilization is much higher than that of natural pregnancy..."

Everyone: "..."

God, from the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, co-author, you want to use the theory of traditional Chinese medicine to explain the in vitro fertilization of Western medicine?

Are excuses such as "an ancestral secret recipe that specializes in treating infertility" any more reliable than this one...

However, Yan Weiwei lowered her head and looked thoughtful.

"So you talked for a long time and raised a bunch of ultimate philosophical questions about 'Who are you?' just to prove that Xiaoyu is a test-tube baby?" Lin Haitang looked weird.

"Of course not, I just think that to know yourself, you have to know yourself from the root!"

"So if we want to look back on history, we have to start from the tenth month of pregnancy?"


I wanted to start with "fertilized eggs", but you didn't give me a chance...

Seeing that I couldn't make up any more reasons, I could only talk about it.

"Haha! I'm just trying to liven up the atmosphere. Look, everyone has been practicing, handling cases, and studying during this period. Have you not had a good rest for a long time?

I think it’s better to take advantage of Xiaoyu’s break from school tonight and let everyone put down their work and relax?”

"How to relax? You're not going to play truth or dare again, are you?" Lin Haitang looked wary.

"Ah? I don't want to drink bitter melon juice anymore..." Xiao Yu also had a bitter face.

Only Yan Weiwei looked very moved.

It highlights that a person is very addicted to food...

"We won't play that today, hehe... Barrister Lin, it seems you haven't sang for a long time, right?"

Meng Lang smiled and pointed to an electric guitar placed in the corner of the living room...

[Just like one day, Lin Haitang picked up the electric guitar again with nostalgia in his eyes and started playing and singing familiar tunes.

In fact, each of us.

It is both the riddle of existence and the answer to this riddle...]

As the final summary of this chapter of life, this inexplicable sentence is still very concerning...

"What?" Lin Haitang was stunned.

"Hey! Xiaoyu, do you want to listen to your sister's live concert?"

"Think and think!"

"Hey! That's a good suggestion. Speaking of Haitang, you haven't sung for a long time since you resigned as resident singer, right?" Yan Weiwei also said.


Lin Haitang glanced at the guitar and wanted to refuse it, but he thought he had already "rejected" it once today.

Forget it, since that's what he wants to hear...

Walk over and pick up the guitar.

"Zheng~" He fiddled with it casually and tried the sound test.

Lin Haitang raised his head, glanced at Meng Lang who was looking forward to it, and suddenly recalled the encounter at the "Gravity" bar when the two first met.

At that time, she was holding the guitar like this.

She is on stage and he is off stage.

The two sides were separated by a sea of ​​people, but I recognized him at a glance. Later, there were all kinds of ridiculous misunderstandings. Everything seemed to be intertwined by fate...

【We knew no bounds(We have unlimited possibilities)

Fell at the speed of sound (just for a moment)...]

Meng Lang was stunned for a moment.

It is indeed a familiar melody...

He remembered that this was the first song he heard her sing when they met in a bar...

【Ridin' against all odds but soon(We are against life)

Against ourselves(against ourselves)

You haunted every memory (every lingering memory of you)...]


The song is still the same song, and the lyrics are still the same.

But time has passed, and when I listen to it now, I have a completely different understanding.

Is it possible...

Has the other party already been giving me hints in this way...

My life...

There are really foreshadowings everywhere.

It was as if she had never existed in this world, and no one remembered her existence.

But every time, she would appear inadvertently.

Sometimes appearing in his future...

Sometimes it appears in her singing...

Just like Li Qingzhao's words, euphemistic and subtle...

Just like the song "Like a Dream"... A good time is like a dream, I tried to ask the person behind the curtain, but I said that Begonia is still the same, Begonia is still the same...

So...I am the "curtain roller"?


This chapter has been completed!
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