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Chapter 328: Backer of Teng Mo

"Old Zhao, let's go to the Shengxing Fairy Garden together. Teng Mo is my brother, so don't let anything happen." Lan Xiaobu said.

Teng Mo is not just his brother. If he wants to leave Shengxing Immortal Court, Teng Mo must not get into trouble. Once Teng Mo gets into trouble, his friends, the Forbidden Immortal Division, and even Liu Li will not end well.

Zhao Gongming knew Lan Xiaobu's thoughts and laughed, "Let's go. Didn't you say that your fortune will greatly increase with me? I have a feeling that I will get rich again this time."

As soon as Zhao Gongming finished speaking, a man rushed over in a hurry. As soon as the man reached the entrance of the Forbidden Immortal Division, he collapsed on the ground.

Lan Xiaobu looked at the man in front of him in surprise. He turned out to be just a Foundation Establishment monk. This man was dirty, listless, and as thin as a withered skeleton. The most terrifying thing was that his legs All the way up to the big crotch has disappeared.

Fortunately, Lan Xiaobu saw this person coming with his own eyes, otherwise he really doubted that a legless foundation-building monk could have walked here.

"I, Gu Feng Township, have been wronged. I ask the Forbidden Immortal Division to make the decision..." The man just said a few words and took out a crystal ball. However, there was no spiritual power fluctuation in his eyes at the moment, and the crystal ball could not be stimulated.

Lan Xiaobu raised his hand and rolled over the crystal ball. This crystal ball was extremely crudely made. It was probably made by someone with a little bit of vitality. The crystal ball was inspired by Lan Xiaobu, and then Lan Xiaobu sighed secretly and got angry as he looked at it. no.

Large tracts of land are so dry that they are almost smoking, with dead bodies everywhere. Some people who are still alive are moving on the ground like firewood, or kneeling down to beg for a drop of rain. As for crops, they don't exist.

A skinny girl with dull eyes leaned under a withered bamboo and looked at the clear sky. She slowly closed her eyes and finally fell to the ground. It was clear that the sky was clear, but it gave people the feeling of a vast sky. gray.

"Only half of the thousands of people in Gufeng Township are left. Please ask the Jinxian Si to save them..." the man said sadly.

Qi Yunshu on the side sighed, "The news about you is already more than half a year ago. Now not only Gufeng Township, but also a dozen surrounding towns and villages are locked up by Buyusi. Now tens of thousands of people are feared to have died." Already."

Upon hearing this, the man trembled sluggishly and completely fainted.

Lan Xiaobu grabbed a pill and put it into the man's mouth. After just a few breaths, the man woke up again, and his lost legs had completely grown back.

To an ordinary foundation-building monk, a fifth-grade elixir can bring the dead back to life.

While the man was still stunned, Lan Xiaobu said, "Qi Xiansi, take ten immortals with higher cultivation levels and go directly to Gu Feng and kill all the people there who participated in this matter. Now. Go, you lead the way."

The last words were said to the man. After hearing this, the man finally reacted and knelt on the ground and just kowtowed.

Lan Xiaobu didn't even ask for the specific reason, because he didn't need to know the reason at all. Every wrong has its own owner, and whoever offended you is the one who offended you. It's okay for you to retaliate against one person, and even one area of ​​you has gone through this kind of torture. If you kill them all in such a way, what else is there to say?

"Thank you, Lord Immortal. Qi He will never forget it. He will definitely tell the goddess about this..." The man knelt down and said repeatedly. He did not dare to ask Lan Xiaobu's name directly, but he remembered Lan Xiaobu's appearance. When you return to Gufeng with another officer later, you must ask Lan Xiaobu for his name and official position.

"Yes." Qi Yunshu responded very simply this time, and immediately left with Qi He, preparing to go to Gu Feng.

"How did you come to the Forbidden Immortal Division?" Lan Xiaobu asked finally. He could see that Qi He's legs were destroyed by running at high speed with the help of the walking talisman. A will supported him to come to the Forbidden Immortal Division. At the door, if it weren't for the talisman, his legs would have collapsed and disappeared long ago, and he wouldn't have waited until now to completely disappear.

Qi He quickly said, "The goddess gave me a teleportation talisman and an orientation crystal ball. I used the teleportation talisman to teleport to the Immortal of the Ascension Star Immortal Courtyard, and then used a divine walking talisman to travel quickly for half a year to get here."

Lan Xiaobu nodded and took out a ring and handed it to Qi He, "I'll give this ring to you. I wish you good luck."

Such a person deserves a chance.

"Thank you, thank you Lord Immortal Official." Qi He clenched the ring tightly in excitement. He didn't have any hope when he came, but he didn't expect to meet such an Immortal Official.

Rising Star Fairy Garden.

Ranked second among the four major immortal courts in the Moxuan Immortal Domain, second only to Luo Yun Immortal Court in terms of strength.

Hanxing Immortal City is the fairy capital of Shengxing Immortal Court, and it is also the largest fairy city in Shengxing Immortal Court. In the entire Moxuan Immortal Domain, Hanxing Immortal City can also be ranked among the top three.

As the Immortal King Tengjilou of the Ascension Star Immortal Courtyard, he has the supreme right to speak in the Ascension Star Immortal Courtyard, so even if Teng Mo has the fewest supporters, he is the weakest. But after Danbi, because of Lan Xiaobu, Teng Mo was the weakest. He was still appointed as his successor by Teng Jilou.

Just as Zhao Gongming guessed, Tengjilou has reached the realm of Immortal Emperor Consummation, even half-stepping into the realm of Demigod. Because of this, Tengjilou is ready to leave Moxuan Immortal Domain at any time. He must leave Moxuan. Now that they are in the Immortal Realm, Tengjilou naturally has to appoint a successor.

Originally, Tengjilou planned to slowly transfer some of the power he controlled to Tengmo. Unexpectedly, his plan had just begun and he disappeared in the ancient battlefield of Moxuan.

It was also because Teng Jilou started to train Teng Mo that Teng Mo persisted until now. Otherwise, Teng Mo would not have been able to persist for three days.

At this moment, Teng Mo was covered in blood, and he stood in the Jinpan Palace with some despair in his eyes. The only people around him were Prime Minister Fu and Xie Chuan, and the rest were either killed in the battle or imprisoned.

The moment he knew that his father Tengjilou was missing in the ancient battlefield of Moxuan, Tengmo quickly gathered the monk army. Even so, it was still too late. If this was not the Jinpan Palace, his brothers would have already fought in. Jin Pan Palace symbolizes the highest status in Shengxing Immortal Court. Unless the brothers of the Teng family do not want to succeed Teng Jilou, otherwise, they would not dare to enter Jin Pan Palace.

"Prince Mo..." Jie Chuan had just said three words, and Teng Mo waved his hand, "There is no need to go on, even if I, Teng Mo, die here, I will not hand over the Ascension Star Seal in my hand."

The Rising Star Seal is a top-quality immortal weapon, a top-level defensive and offensive magic weapon, and a symbol of the Rising Star Immortal Court. Since the last time he saw Lan Xiaobu, Teng Jilou passed on the Rising Star Seal to him. Teng Mo. Teng Mo knew very well that as long as he handed over the Ascension Star Seal, he would have nothing to do with the position of the Ascension Star Immortal King.

Immortal Master Fu Xiang on the side said calmly, "Even if Prince Mo hands over the Ascension Star Seal, he will definitely die."

The implication is that as long as Teng Jilou does not come back, Teng Mo has only one way to go, and continues to occupy the position of heir to the Xianting King, otherwise he will not be able to survive.

"You're right. If Brother Teng hands over this seal, I'm afraid he won't survive even a day." A sudden voice interrupted.

The three people in Tengmo looked at the sky above the hall in shock. How could anyone come here? The outside of Jinpan Palace was locked by several princes using a large formation, and inside they also activated the large formation. In other words, this

You can neither enter nor leave Jinpan Palace now.

Two figures slowly appeared in front of the three people. Teng Mo immediately shouted in surprise, "Brother Xiaobu, why are you here? Who is this?"

Lan Xiaobu stepped forward and patted Teng Mo on the shoulder and said, "This is my master, your father has seen it."

"Your master?" Teng Mo looked at Zhao Gongming even more excitedly, and at the same time bowed and saluted, "Teng Mo has met your senior."

Not only Teng Mo, but also Xie Chuan and Fu Xiang also hurriedly bowed and saluted. Lan Xiaobu's master was rumored to be a real god. He could easily arrange the nine-level immortal array to create a strong man. Even Teng Jilou had to call him a senior.

, don’t mention how many of them there are.

"Don't worry, open the door and go out, I will help you deal with this Xianting King." Lan Xiaobu said.

After helping Teng Mo take down the Queen of Immortal Court, he has to go to the ancient battlefield quickly.

Outside the Jinpan Palace, there were five people who participated in forcing Teng Mo to hand over the Star Seal, namely the eldest Teng Zhengfeng, the second eldest Teng Jingsui, the fourth eldest Teng Xiu, the eighth eldest Teng Man'er, and the old twelfth Teng.


Among these people, only Teng Man'er is a woman. Each of them wants to become the next king of the Immortal Court of Shengxing Immortal Court, but they also know that only by getting rid of the legitimate Teng Mo can they be able to fight with each other.


Teng Jingsui and Teng Mo have the deepest hatred. There are two immortals standing next to him. At this moment, he is standing at the front and shouts with righteous words, "Teng Mo, my father disappeared on the ancient battlefield, and you actually occupied it."

Ascension Star Seal, we are not allowed to send the monk army to rescue, do you really want to kill your father? Finally, I will give you half a day. If you don’t open the Golden Pan Palace in this half day, we will arrange a space to suppress the immortal array outside.


The space suppression fairy formation locks all life in the space. Even if the fairy king or even the fairy king is locked in this kind of space formation, it will be a dead end for a long time. What's more, even the fairy king in Tengjilou can't

Less than.

The space suppression immortal array must be arranged, but the eighth-level immortal array master Wu Jiong has not been invited yet. As soon as Wu Jiong comes here, the formation will start to be arranged immediately, not after half a day as Teng Jingsui said.

What surprised the rest of the Teng family was that the gate of Jinpan Palace, which had been closed for several months, actually opened. Not only did it open, but all the formations inside and outside seemed to have disappeared.

The Jinpan Palace was opened, and five people came out. No, the only people locked into the Jinpan Palace were Teng Mo, Fu Xiang, and Xie Chuan. Why did two more people come out?

"Lan Xiaobu?" Teng Man'er was the first to recognize Lan Xiaobu and screamed.

Lan Xiaobu is here? The number one person in Danbi in the Moxuan Immortal Realm? The rest of the brothers in the Teng family are all heartbroken. Teng Mo has no backer except the King of Immortal Court. Lan Xiaobu is different. The legend of Lan Xiaobu’s master

But a divine man is still a divine man who casually arranges a nine-level immortal formation.

No, just when a few people thought of this, their eyes fell on Zhao Gongming. Isn't this Lan Xiaobu's master? Also, isn't Lan Xiaobu Teng Mo's backer?

(The second update still requires monthly support!)

This chapter has been completed!
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