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Chapter Ninety Nine

Abandoned Universe Main Text Volume Chapter 990 The teleportation array from Damo Xu Star to Jiu Shuo Void City is built on the Void Square outside Damo Xu Star just like the Holy Star.

Before he walked out of the teleportation array, Zhuo Xuantian said carefully, "Senior Lan, Damoxuxing Square is under the supervision of the four star sects. Once they see me coming back with a stranger, they will definitely immediately

Take action."

Lan Xiaobu smiled slightly, "I guess they won't take action immediately."

"How do you know?" Zhuo Xuantian asked subconsciously. Lan Xiaobu said, "I saw it with my eyes.

As soon as Lan Xiaobu stepped out of the teleportation array, he saw that although there were not many people in the entire Damoxu Star Void Square, the ones with the highest cultivation level were only in the realm of God Kings. Most of them were God Kings and even some

God Realm

The monk is here. If you have this kind of strength, you dare to attack him and

Zhuo Xuantian took action, but he really didn't believe it.

"How is this possible?" Zhuo Xuantian obviously also saw the monks guarding the Void Square. They were basically some divine kings and gods.

"It seems that you, Damo Xuanxu, are very confident about this Void Square. Are you too confident in your own strength? Do you think no one dares to bully Damo Xuanxu?" Lan Xiaobu said.

"No." Zhuo Xuantian quickly explained, "As far as I know, there are at least two strong men above rank five in the entire Damoxing Void Square, and there are more quasi-sages below rank five. How is this possible?

Only some gods and gods?"

Lan Xiaobu was thoughtful, and he quickly understood what was going on. It should be that the news that he had killed nine nine-turn saints at one time in Jiu Shuo Void City came back. The guess was yes or no, as long as he entered the big city

Moxu Xing will know just by looking at it.

Sure enough, when Lan Xiaobu and Zhuo Xuantian came to the entrance of the Damoxu Star Guard Array, the two Shenjun monks who were guarding them were extremely respectful. Not only were they respectful, they also took the initiative to open the guard array and let the two of them in. As for Zhuo Xuantian, he said

, someone will come to arrest him, it doesn’t exist at all. He didn’t even say a harsh word, and he still arrests people?

"Let's go to your sect." Lan Xiaobu patted Zhuo Xuantian, who was still stunned.

"Okay." Zhuo Xuantian got on Lan Xiaobu's flying magic weapon in a daze, and took Lan Xiaobu to Xuan Yuan Dao Sect.

Xuan Yuan Dao Sect is located in a huge basin. Although it is a basin, the vitality of heaven and earth is extremely rich. There are more than a hundred continuous peaks surrounding the basin, which is a natural defense formation.

On the way to the Xuan Yuan Dao Sect, Samsara Pot could see more than a dozen spaceships quickly rushing out of the Xuan Yuan Dao Sect and then disappearing.

"That's not our sect's spaceship." Zhuo Xuantian immediately noticed something was wrong. It wasn't their sect's spaceship, so why did it keep flying out?

"I know." Lan Xiaobu said, if it is the spaceship of Zhuo Xuantian sect, it would be unreasonable for him to come over and say hello after seeing the sect leader Zhuo Xuantian come back. Even if he doesn't know that Zhuo Xuantian is the sect leader,

Samsara Pot went directly to Xuan Yuan Dao Sect, and no one came to ask. It was not normal for so many people to leave. "There is a space rule interception formation at the outer gate of Xuan Yuan Dao Sect. This formation can intercept all communication beads.

There is also a message from the void and a flying sword." Lan Xiaobu's reincarnation pot stopped outside the Xuanyuan Dao Sect.

"They probably want to intercept my message, but I never sent a message back, so they couldn't find my existence at all." Zhuo Xuantian obviously also discovered this formation, with a hint of anger in his tone.

But just a moment later, he rushed out of the reincarnation pot and rushed towards Xuan Yuan Dao Sect.

Jian Xiaobu did not follow him. His mind had already detected that the situation in Xuan Yuan Dao Sect was not very good. Although there were still some people, most of them looked very depressed, as if they had been imprisoned for a long time and had just been released.

Comes out normally.

He felt that the Universe Mill seemed to be nearby. Lan Xiaobu quickly took out the small stone tablet with the words "Universe Mill" engraved on it that Zhuo Xuantian had given him. Sure enough, as soon as he took out the small stone tablet, Lan Xiaobu

Sensing the existence of the cosmic mill.

Lan Xiaobu was overjoyed. At this moment, he did not immediately refine the cosmic mill, but felt the mystery of this space. The cosmic mill clearly existed in front of him, but if he did not take out the small stone tablet of the cosmic mill, he would not be able to sense the universe.

The existence of grinding, this kind of space concealment rule, is probably the application of space rules to the extreme.

It's like the same place in different planes, but it's not quite the same, because he can find the cosmic mill in this plane. If it were a different plane, he shouldn't be able to find the cosmic mill.

Lan Xiaobu grabbed forty-nine irregular cocoon formation flags and arranged a defensive formation in the space where he was. He would refine the universe mill here later, and he didn't want to

Someone attacked him while he was refining the universe.

After arranging the defensive formation, Lan Xiaobu felt uneasy after thinking about it, so he took out all the other formation flags and set up a trapping and killing formation very far away from him on the periphery. Once something like the cosmic mill comes out,

There must be more than one or two people who are tempted. When he entered the Damoxu Star, the star sects of the Damoxu Star looked very well-behaved. Who knows if there is a murderous intention hidden behind this kind of well-being? Between these two formations,

Next, he should be able to refine the universe and grind it.


"Elder Xian, what's going on?" Zhuo Xuantian rushed into the sect's protective formation. The first thing he saw was the sect's supreme elder with dull eyes, and the second-level saint Jing Quey. Jing seemed to have reacted, he

He immediately shouted in shock, "Sect Master, why are you back? They didn't arrest you?" Zhuo Xuantian calmed down, he took out a pill and put it into Jing Jian's mouth, "Don't worry, I came back with a senior

, let alone the four star sects, even the Nine Shuttle Void City dare not do anything to me, please tell me the specific situation."

"Ah..." Jing Kun opened his mouth wide, but still didn't understand what the sect leader meant.

At this moment, some sect disciples, deacons, and palace masters broke free and came out. Soon they felt that something was going on in the sect square, and they gathered in the sect square one after another.

Dapan Dao Sect is the largest star sect in Damoxu Star. At this moment, there are four people sitting in Dapan Dao Sect's guest hall. Each of these four people has a Tao rhyme flowing around them, and the Tao around them is almost condensed into substance.

Astonishingly, all of them are rank-9 experts.

Sitting at the top is a short-haired man with a sinewy face. Looking at his rough and arrogant appearance, he definitely does not look like the leader of a top Taoist sect, but more like a butcher. In fact, he is Lu Yi, the leader of Dapan Taoist sect.

.Sitting next to Lu Yi is a man with fair skin. He is Guang Ning, the deputy sect leader of Dapan Daomen, and Lu Yi's biggest helper.

In addition to Lu Yi and Guang Ning, there are two other strong men here. One of them is handsome and young. The other one is hunched over, like an old man who will die at any time. In fact, these two people are

The same powerful figures who stomped their feet and made the entire Damoxu star tremble were Fang Sha, the master of the Qianxu Holy Path, and Ding Wushu, the sect leader.

A sneer escaped from the corner of Fang Sha's lips, and he said in a cold tone, "It seems that Ziyun Valley and Baidao Valley were frightened by the man named Lan and did not dare to come here."

Lu Yi, the leader of Dapan Taoist Sect, frowned slightly when he heard this, and then said, "That guy named Lan could kill nine rank-9 experts at once in Jiusuo Void City, but we only have four here..."

The unconfidence in his words was palpable. As the leader of Dapan Taoist Sect, Lu Yi didn't care about the ordinary Nine-Turn Saint. But Lan Xiaobu's actions in Jiusuo Void City still scared him, and he killed him alone.

How terrible must it be that nine ninth-level experts left the Nine Shuttle Void City safe and sound?

Guang Ning, who was sitting next to Lu Yi, smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Sect Master, that guy named Lan is indeed very strong. But the main reason should be that his formation is very strong. As soon as he arrived at Jiusuo Void City, he controlled the Jiusuo Void City.

Formation. Then kill a few of them by surprise, and it will be much easier to deal with the rest. Moreover, the people in Jiusuo Void City are different from us. What they stay in Jiusuo Void City is just to cultivate resources. So once the battle

Get up, it must be safe

Keep your selfishness aside and let the man named Lan defeat you one by one.

But we are different. This is our root, and we will definitely take action with all our strength. Besides, we can also invite seven or eight of the same nine-turn saints. As long as we contact Ji Yige, the city lord of Jiu Shuo Void City, we will win this battle. As for Zi

Yungu and Baidaogu, although they are also star-level sects of Damoxu Star, their two sects combined are just two ninth-level sects. Once the man surnamed Lan is eliminated, we will lift up these two sects.

You can erase it with your hands. There are four star sects in one star field, which is indeed a bit too much."

Lu Yi nodded, but there was still some worry in his tone, "If the guy surnamed Lan just goes to Xuan Yuan Dao Sect to sit there and doesn't cause any trouble to us, then there is no need to provoke him."

The Taoist Master of the Qianxu Holy Path, Fang Sha, said with a chuckle, "Sect Master Lu, I'm sure that Lan Xiaobu came to Damoxu Star just to take away the Universe Mill. If he didn't get the Universe Mill, we would be better off. If we wait

If he gets the Universal Mill and comes to us to plead for Xuan Yuan Dao Sect, it will be too late for us to take action.

This chapter has been completed!
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