Liu'er, go and study. Liu Mingzhi: I, the eldest son of the richest man in Jiangnan, is it a joke? If you don't go, you won't go to death. Liu Mingzhi: Butler, come and take the coaching stick. Liu Mingzhi: Come and take the horse. Qi Yun: Husband, if a man has no ambition to ride the wind, he will be born with an eight-foot body. Go and take the top scorer. Liu Mingzhi: My wife is in her arms, and life is happy. I'm crazy to go and take the top scorer. New Emperor: Liu Aiqing, the north has been decided, is it time to transfer the 300,000 new army to the Ministry of War? Liu Mingzhi: Liu Mingzhi is ordered by the late emperor to guard the 27 prefectures and 152 states in the border areas, and I hope to serve Your Majesty for generations. Emperor:....... Liu Mingzhi killed his last opponent and looked at the Westerner who came to the east to look for gold. He grinned: Come here, brother!
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