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【391】【Healing at the bottom of the river】on

The bright moonlight shines on the clear river water, and under the reflection of the river water, it ruthlessly disperses the surrounding darkness. The crisp and melodious chirping of night birds only adds to the beautiful scenery full of bright moonlight.

Somewhat sentimental.

Ye Han slowly came to the edge of the river bank, looked at the unconscious little raccoon in his arms, and after a little hesitation, he suddenly jumped into the river. Since the river was not deep, they quickly sank.

River bottom.

The river surface returned to calm once again, and the figures of Ye Han and Xiaoli also appeared faintly in the depths of the river. Although the water was clear, the two figures were still very blurry as far as the eye could see.

Going deep into the bottom of the river, Ye Han seemed to remember what happened at the bottom of the northern glacier and at the bottom of the lake outside Xingyuan City. He remembered that both times, he was with Leng Ling, and many things happened between them.

There are so many things, but now that he thinks about them, he has some real feelings.

Thinking about those unbearable past events, and looking at the current situation, Ye Han had a vague feeling that if he couldn't completely calm down next time, the old events might happen again. For this reason, after evaluating his mind several times, he finally

Start to untie Xiaoli's clothes.

The little fox was in a deep coma, so he could only let Ye Han do whatever he wanted. When he was taking off his thin coat, Ye Han felt a faint feeling in his heart, and his eyes fell on the little fox's scent inadvertently.

On the shoulder, I saw that the little raccoon's shoulders were smooth and tender. For a moment, I couldn't control myself, and my mind couldn't help but feel turbulent.

Although he had seen the little fox's skin before when she transformed, at this moment, he couldn't help but feel strange about the little fox's snow-white skin. Compared to Leng Ling, the little fox's skin was

You must know that this Leng Ling is a person who practices cold-type skills. She is born with a cold breath all over her body. Her skin is never affected by the hot breath of the outside world, so her skin can be said to be the best in the world.

Rare whiteness.

But now, the skin on Xiaoli's body is fairer than Leng Ling's. This makes Ye Han still unable to think clearly. This is also the main reason why he feels strange about Xiaoli's skin. This kind of

The feeling is not possession, but curiosity, or curiosity about new things.

Is there such fair skin in the world? Ye Han couldn't imagine it after all. Could it be that he had seen it wrong and it wasn't true? For this reason, Ye Hanha inadvertently touched the white skin of Xiao Li's shoulders gently.

Check it out to see if what you see is true.

However, everything disappointed him. How much he hoped that all of this was not true. Unfortunately, things went contrary to his wishes. When he touched the little fox's skin, the fleshy feeling from his palm was so real. The little fox's skin was not true.

But the snow is white and smooth beyond belief.

After calming down, Ye Han quietly abandoned the distracting thoughts in his heart. After a moment of confusion, he continued to take out the clothes and belt of Xiaoli. Soon, Xiaoli's body, which was exuding a lifeless breath, was completely naked.

Appeared in front of Ye Han.

Ye Han reluctantly calmed down, but helplessly his eyes could not completely move away from Xiaoli, because at this time Xiaoli had completely fallen into a coma. Even if he entered the river, he could not practice his skills.

For this reason, he now has another task, which is to help the little fox sort out the chaotic vitality in his body.

"Ye Han, Ye Han, in this situation, you can't think wildly. If you miss something important, you will be guilty!" Ye Han laughed and muttered in his mind, and at the same time, he thought about the feeling that just came out of his heart.

After getting rid of the strange feeling, he helped the little fox sit upright next to him on the clothes that were anchored to the ground by his vitality. He also sat upright behind the little fox.

After adjusting his posture, Ye Han dared to use the Xinghan Jue in his body. Before the distracting thoughts in his heart could arise again, he forcibly used the Xinghan Jue to clear them away. With the help of the extremely cold air of the Xinghan Jue, the strange feeling in his mind

My emotions were also suppressed, and I felt at peace for a while.

At the same time, Ye Han's palms slowly approached the little fox's back, and then pressed tightly against it. As the Xinghan Jue in his body slowly circulated, a faint cold element of energy quietly slipped into the little fox.

In the body of the fox.

Because of the nourishing star energy around him, Ye Han's operation achieved initial success. When he was on the shore, he wanted to heal the little fox's wounds, but found that his distant relatives could not be completely introduced into the little fox's body, so in the end

They were not able to give the little fox any help, but now, the situation has changed dramatically.

Ye Han's first attempt was to introduce his own energy into the little fox's body with the help of Xing Han Jue. He thought he would fail, but he was surprised to find that he succeeded. This was only his first attempt, and he had achieved many things on the river bank.

Something that has never been successful.

Surprised, Ye Han couldn't help but feel a touch of joy in his heart. At least, being able to introduce vitality into the little fox's body proved that there was a way to cure her. Otherwise, judging from Ye Han's inner struggle now, he wouldn't know.

How long does it take to regret? If the little fox he harmed dies, he may blame himself for the rest of his life and be unable to make up for it.

Indeed, you may be able to make amends with your heart for hurting someone, but if the place dies, all the amends will be fleeting. The deceased is gone, and you no longer know whether you feel remorse or guilt for him, so,

Once something unexpected happens to the little fox, it will be the biggest regret for Ye Han. Perhaps, it is a deep self-blame.

This is often the case during the journey of cultivation. If you are not careful, it will become the biggest regret in a person's heart. Just like Ye Han at this time, if he could not suppress the excitement of improving his cultivation, he would laugh out loud unintentionally.

, causing the little fox to make mistakes in his practice, none of this would have happened now, and the little fox would not have suffered such a crisis of destruction.

The more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt. For this reason, Ye Han decided to help the little fox no matter what and restore the vitality in his body to normal. Only in this way can he solve this crisis for the little fox. Only in this way can Ye Han truly

Minimize this guilt.

Naturally, this is just the lowest point, not complete annihilation. In Ye Han's view, this matter may be alleviated, or it may pass quietly, but that is only for Xiaoli, but in his own heart, it will always be

There is such a shadow.

In other words, this shadow can make Ye Han face cultivation carefully from now on and not make the same mistakes again. But other than that, are there really no other shadows? Perhaps only he himself knows this best.


Slowly injecting his own vitality into the little fox's body, and at the same time expanding his ability to perceive the original way. While carefully observing the recent situation of the vitality in the little fox's body, he used the best way to familiarize himself with the little fox's body.

Unblock the blocked vitality and unblock the vitality in various meridians.

However, the situation seemed to be far beyond Ye Handa's imagination. When he came into contact with some special meridians of the little fox, he hesitated. Although the little fox had a human-sized body, it also had meridians similar to humans.

, but some meridians are different from human beings. This kind of meridians is where the essence of their beast essence is stored. It is also those who show their strength that you can find out from them whether she is a human or a beast.

the only way.

Generally, Yuan beasts cannot transform into human beings. Only a very small number of people whose cultivation has surpassed the seventh-level cultivation level can only do it after being promoted to eighth-level Yuan beasts. However, even if they succeed in transforming, they cannot completely get rid of it.

The root of the Yuan Beast, these meridians that store the essence of the beast Yuan, are the only sign that they are Yuan Beasts. Whether they are Yuan Beasts or Yuan Beasts that have transformed into humans, they all have this similar characteristic.

After hesitating for a long time, Ye Han finally decided to help until the end. He must not leave any hidden dangers in this place. Therefore, he did not think too much.

, causing the little fox's figure to tremble suddenly, and then Ye Han pulled this vitality into the little fox's meridians that store the essence of beast essence.

As the vitality entered his veins, Ye Han could clearly feel the coolness on the little fox's body. At the same time, the little fox's figure was also trembling slightly. At the same time, Ye Han's forehead was definitely seeping out.

The drops of sweat were blended into the river water as soon as they formed, so they were not obvious.

Ye Han's extremely cold body actually sweats. This is an extremely rare phenomenon in Ye Han's memory. However, at this moment, he understands the reason, because he is helping the little fox to master the meridians.

At the same time, a strong backlash energy was constantly coming towards him. Looking at this situation, it was very similar to the protective energy automatically generated in the little fox's body. Because you have a strong intrusion of external energy, this will activate

Play its backlash.

Seeing this, Ye Han couldn't help but feel helpless. This energy belonged to the little fox himself. He wanted to refine it now, but he was worried that it would inadvertently harm the little fox's body. Therefore, he could only silently

endured this backlash.

Backlash is an extremely painful thing for everyone, and naturally Ye Han is no exception. When this backlash energy keeps coming back to him and preventing his vitality from entering the little fox's body, he

He couldn't follow the wish of this backlash energy and give up saving the little fox, so he could only bear it silently.

However, the little fox's cultivation is too strong. Perhaps it cannot be described as too strong. In Ye Han's opinion, it is already a super powerful existence. Therefore, even though it is a kind of ownerless backlash energy produced in the little fox's body,

It was also a great torture for Ye Han at this time, which was the main reason for the sweat on his forehead.

This chapter has been completed!
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