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【715】【Four elders shot】

"Yes, that should be Han'er, but why would he trigger the Heavenly Tribulation? With his cultivation level, he has no such ability!"

Just when Yan Xin was about to give up on the responsibility of Lan Er's wrong words, Leng Ling, who had been silent on the side, finally spoke. As soon as her words came out, Yan Xin and others immediately attracted surprised looks.

"How did you know it would be him!"

Yan Xin had been defending Ye Han with her heart, but she didn't expect that Leng Ling would actually say these words. She fell silent for a while. She had no doubts about Leng Ling's words, but she didn't dare I believe that all this is really related to Ye Han, so I have to slightly doubt her.

"I feel like, I can feel that the person in Binglin who has overcome the calamity is Han'er!"

Leng Ling couldn't believe it and didn't want to believe that all this had something to do with Ye Han, but she had to believe her own feelings. Although this feeling was a bit unbelievable, she didn't doubt it, so she could only tell the facts. came out.

"Fortunately, this is just a feeling. Before it is confirmed, it is not necessarily Brother Han, right?"

Hearing what Leng Ling said, Yan Xin couldn't help but patted her chest, breathed a long sigh of relief, and then said with a slight sense of relief.

"No, this is true. I can also feel that Han'er is going through a cruel catastrophe!"

Seeing Yan Xin like this, Ye Rou really couldn't bear to say what was in her heart. But now, she felt that it was necessary to speak out these words, so as not to delay any important events, because she felt that if it was confirmed that Ye Han was going through If he was killed, everyone would definitely decide to help him.

"Then let's go help him quickly!"

Sure enough, Yan Xin, who had always been impatient, finally couldn't help the anxiety in his heart after receiving the affirmation from the two women, and hurriedly said to everyone.


Seeing Yan Xin's anxious look, Ye Rou suddenly became speechless and quickly looked at Leng Ling, as if asking for her opinion. Although she also wanted to help Ye Han as soon as possible, she still wanted to hear Leng Ling's opinion.

"Forget it, since Han'er is in danger, then of course we have to help him. Let's do this. I, Rou'er, and Xin'er will go together, and the others will stay at the door for now. If we are delayed by something, It’s better for you to manage all the affairs of the house!”

Seeing that everyone turned their attention to him, Leng Ling immediately knew that the time had come for him to make a decision, so he was not polite and hurriedly arranged the matters for the trip to make sure nothing went wrong.

After all, Ye Han's affairs are important, but the Xingyuan Sect cannot be left alone for a day. Once everyone is delayed, the Xingyuan Sect will probably be in chaos. Although the four guardians each perform their duties, they will eventually None of them are really in charge.

You must know that in the Xingyuan Sect, the four guardians are only there to restrain the disciples and act as their masters. General sect affairs are in charge of the sect master and deputy sect master. They are the protectors and cannot be the masters. .

"Okay then, let's just follow Sister Ling's arrangements!"

Ye Rou heard that this arrangement was very reasonable, so she took the initiative to confirm it and let Leng Qing, Ye Ping and Lan'er stay. On the one hand, they could manage the affairs of the sect, and on the other hand, they could take care of Yu'er and Wan'er. If a sect encounters foreign enemies, it can also come forward to deal with them. With the cultivation of the three of them, it is not a problem to send away some minions.

"Then let's go!"

Yan Xin didn't care about so much. She was satisfied knowing that she could participate in it. As for Leng Ling's intention of arranging this, it had nothing to do with her at this moment. All he wanted to do was to go to Binglin as soon as possible to help Ye Han.

"Well, let's go!"

After making arrangements, Leng Ling also put her mind completely on Ye Han, so she didn't dare to neglect. She hurriedly nodded to Yan Xin and Ye Rou, then unfolded her body on her own and flew towards the north against the wind.

When Ye Rou and Yan Xin saw this, they did not dare to neglect. They suddenly launched the Wind Control Flying Technique, and their bodies immediately flew out of the Xingyuan Gate and suddenly flew towards the north.

Just after they left Xingyuan, on the top of another mountain not far from the Xingyuan Gate, four white-haired figures were anxious about the catastrophe in the north. These four people were Lin

Zong and other four elders of Yanyun Sect.

It's not that they are worried that they will be affected by the catastrophe, but they know that the catastrophe happened for Ye Han, so what they are worried about is Ye Han's safety. Although they don't know what happened to him, they are deeply concerned about it.

He knew that the danger Ye Han faced this time was greater than anything he had forgotten.

"Brother Lin, please tell me something. When things have reached this point, how can we still sit back and watch?"

Lin Zong was hesitating whether to go to the far north to have a look, when he heard Ye Tian on the side ask anxiously. It is conceivable that as Ye Han's grandfather Zeng, he was the most anxious among the four.

Naturally, in addition to this, Leng Yuan and Yan Huo are also anxious people. They also have reasons to be anxious. They cannot let Ye Han perish like this. Otherwise, their granddaughter will have to fight for them.

Lin Zong, seemingly not related to Ye Han, was extremely worried about his safety. Perhaps it was because of his relationship with Qingyun a hundred years ago, or perhaps it was for the sake of Jiuxing, the Xingyuan clan, and the sake of all people in the world.

After all, all of this is inseparable from Ye Han.

Although...even though Ye Han has now broken away from Jiuxing, all the existing signs are enough to show that Ye Han is a key figure related to the world. Without him, Jiuxing may have been very strong, but it is still

It is not enough to solve the coming hundred-year catastrophe.

Therefore, he is also extremely concerned about Ye Han's life and death, but until now, he is still hesitant about whether to take action, and if so, whether it will bring disadvantages to Ye Han's cultivation path.

"Well, the four of us haven't joined forces for a long time. Let's join forces again this time to see if we can help him!"

After pondering for a while, Lin Zong finally decided that he could not watch Ye Han suffer a critical life no matter what. Even if it would bring disadvantages to his future cultivation, at least it would be better than watching him die.

"I told you earlier. If that's the case, let's go!"

Ye Tian was still the one who was most worried about Ye Han. Now that he heard that Lin Zong had decided to take action, he naturally did not dare to neglect him any more. He did not care whether everyone could keep up, so he flashed his figure on his own and disappeared from the mountains in an instant.

not see.

"Then let's go and have a look too!"

Seeing Ye Tian leaving, Leng Yuan and Yan Huo finally couldn't hold it any longer. They quickly looked at each other and both disappeared in the air. Judging from the speed, they were no less fast than Ye Tian. Obviously, they didn't want anything to happen to Ye Han.

Let your granddaughter be a widow, and you don't want your granddaughter to complain about you in the future.


Seeing these three people leaving so anxiously, Lin Zong couldn't help but let out a sigh, and then stopped staying. His figure flashed in the air, turned into a white light, and disappeared in an instant.

The four elders left the mountains and came to the ice forest in a blink of an eye. Looking at this situation, it was obvious that they had borrowed the teleportation method. Otherwise, they would not have been so fast. No, when they came to the ice forest, Leng Ling No one has been seen yet.

Logically speaking, with the cultivation of Leng Ling and others, they set off early and should have arrived before the Fourth Elder, but now they are obviously much slower than the Fourth Elder. Moreover, seeing their beloved people in danger, they It was impossible to slow down, so we can see how fast these four elders were. How could they be so fast if they hadn't borrowed the teleportation method.

The four elders came to the ice forest and quickly found Ye Han's whereabouts. Seeing that Ye Han was already pale and lying on the ground bleeding from his seven orifices, they were all a little surprised. This calamity was really powerful, and he was even with his body. Anyone in the Nine Star Formation can be injured like that.

The four elders had all seen and heard about the nine-star formation. Now looking at the formation formed by the nine ice trees, it was obviously a nine-star formation. How could they not recognize this formation? However, it was precisely because of this that they were deeply surprised. , they have also seen the power of the nine-star formation. It is a powerful formation that can transcend levels and defeat the enemy. But now, even such a formation cannot completely block the attack of the heavenly tribulation.

Naturally, they also knew that this formation was not completely useless. Otherwise, with Ye Han's cultivation level, he might not have been able to wait for him to come to the rescue. However, they still didn't quite understand how Ye Han caused the catastrophe. of.

At this time, Ye Han was in the nine-star formation, and his body was seriously injured. The stars in his body had already fallen into chaos, so even powerful Yuanxin masters like Lin Zong and others could not detect him. Entering the devil's path.

Fortunately, the disaster has disappeared now, and Ye Han has not been killed by the disaster. In this way, his life is saved, but I don’t know whether his injury is serious or whether it will affect him. of cultivation.

Looking at the nine-star formation, Lin Zong and others were helpless. Now that Ye Han was in the formation, they could not solve the nine-star formation. Even though they saw Ye Han being seriously injured and unconscious, they had no way to take action. Heal his wounds.

"Look, I already said we couldn't help him, but now that we're here, we can't help him!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Zong began to complain. It would have been better if he didn't come. At least he didn't take action. Success or failure had nothing to do with him. But now, now that he has taken action, it can't have any effect at all. It failed completely. Failure.

There are many failures in life, but there is one kind of failure that is extremely complete, that is, having too much ambition but not enough strength. Seeing the person you want to save right in front of you, but you have no way to save him, so you can only stand here and worry.

Of course, this is not the most embarrassing thing. If there is really no way to save people, that would be fine. But the problem now is that they clearly have the ability to save people, but they are blocked by this damn nine-star formation and cannot take action at all. , beg to share

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