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【737】【Fortune and misfortune are dependent on each other】

Is this fate? Is this fate?

Occasionally, Yan Xin also began to think about this issue that only Ye Han had really thought about. Without the development of the previous relationship, there would be no real results. As the saying goes, there must be a cause, and maybe this is the case.

This is fate. Nine stars have the fate of nine stars. As the Lord of Nine Stars, the same is true. But let go of all this. What about life? Isn’t everyone’s life also a cycle of cause and effect? ​​Isn’t fate already destined?

"Okay, it's better for the three of us not to continue arguing like this. Let's settle Han'er's matter first,"

Seeing Yan Xin standing there blankly, Leng Ling was suddenly startled. Could this girl be really angry? Didn't she realize that everyone was just joking? Could it be that... the joke she made before went too far? ,

Looking at Ye Rou who was beside him, he saw that the joking look on his face had disappeared and she looked at him with the same embarrassed look. Leng Ling immediately understood that it seemed that his joke this time was a bit too much. It seriously hurt Xin'er's self-esteem,

You know, what a girl cares most about is her body and appearance. It is okay to be teased occasionally, but if she is teased blindly, it will be a big problem. For anyone, she will be teased repeatedly. You'll be unhappy if you make fun of me. Well, it seems like you should find some time to reflect on yourself.

Thinking of this, Leng Ling hurriedly changed the topic to avoid making everyone unhappy. After all, the goal this time was not for the sisters to make fun of each other, but to solve the problem of Ye Han being cold. Well, this is the most important thing.

As she spoke, Leng Ling tightened her arms around Ye Han, causing her delicate body to press closer to Ye Han's body. Her previous teasing had actually widened the distance between her and Ye Han's bodies. As she approached, she suddenly felt a chill coming from Ye Han again.

"Hey, Han'er's body seems to be less cold,"

Feeling the cold air hitting his body, Leng Ling instinctively circulated the vitality in his body in order to dilute the external cold air. However, he suddenly realized that the cold air was much lighter than before. Apart from being a little cold, it basically did not corrode Come from your own body,

"Ah, is it true?"

Ye Rou was a little surprised when she heard the words and hurriedly asked. After asking, she felt that she had asked too much, so she didn't hesitate and pressed her delicate body against Ye Han's body, using her body to find the answer she wanted.

When Leng Ling saw this, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at her. He wanted to remind her to try it himself, but now that she understood it, he didn't want to speak. He just sighed softly and looked at Yan Xin beside him.

"I'll take a look too,"

As if feeling Leng Ling's gaze, Yan Xin understood immediately, said something hurriedly, and followed Ye Rou's example, wrapping her hands around Ye Han's body, not to take Ye Han into her arms, but just to be able to Try to stick your body to his as much as possible so that you can really feel the changes in the cold air on Ye Han's body and see if what Leng Ling said is true.

"Hey, it's true, it's not so cold anymore,"

Just as Yan Xin leaned forward, Ye Rou, who was one step ahead of her, noticed something unusual and couldn't help being surprised. The coldness in Ye Han's body had indeed weakened a lot as Leng Ling said.

As a practitioner of the fire system, even though she is from the Xingyuan family, her sensitivity to cold air is much higher than Leng Ling's. The changes in cold air she feels now are naturally much clearer than Leng Ling's. ,

In her opinion, the coldness on Ye Han's body was not as simple as weakening a little, but weakening a lot. Before, she had to use her extremely flaming body to resist the coldness emanating from Ye Han's body, and in this situation I can still faintly feel the cold air constantly eroding my body, as if it is trying to penetrate my body.

But now, she doesn't feel this way at all. Under the protection of her body of fire system, she no longer feels any cold air eroding her body. Instead, she feels that the cold air all over her body is extremely adaptable.

Naturally, this is only under the protection of her extremely flaming body. If she puts away the vitality in her body and only relies on her own cultivation to resist this cold air, then she can still know that she will definitely feel a great deal of pain. pressure,

Therefore, even if the cold air on Ye Han's body has been reduced a lot, she does not dare to be too careless. She can only try not to normalize her extremely flaming body, otherwise she may not be able to bear the cold air emanating from Ye Han's body. chill,

Moreover, in the current situation, she seemed to be wearing nothing. She was in such an extremely cold place. If she didn't have an extremely flaming body, she would definitely not be able to endure it for long. What's more, the coldness on Ye Han's body has not dissipated yet. Go,

"Ah, it's so comfortable,"

At this moment, a very excited voice came. He quickly looked around and saw Yan Xin on the other side tightly hugging Ye Han's waist. Looking at this situation, he completely wanted to get into Ye Han's body. , this girl couldn’t help shouting excitedly,

However, with this shout, not only did Leng Ling and Ye Rou feel embarrassed, but even she herself felt her face heat up. Well, the extremely flaming body was indeed comfortable under the warmth of Ye Han's cold air. To, but... but it’s a bit inappropriate for me to shout out like this,

It is indeed inappropriate. This kind of shouting, not to mention the current situation, even in normal times, is enough to arouse people's reverie. If Ye Han is still awake at this moment, he might think of something he shouldn't think of. What's more, he might not be able to resist changing his position to make Yan Xin truly comfortable.

As if feeling the embarrassment, Yan Xin's little face turned red. Her beautiful eyes avoided Ye Rou's cold white eyes and looked directly at Ye Han's face, as if she was afraid that Ye Han would suddenly wake up.

Feeling that Ye Han showed no sign of wanting to come, Yan Xin finally calmed down. She didn't care about Leng Ling and Ye Rou's rolling eyes. The only thing she cared about was whether Ye Han would wake up, because she always felt that if Ye Han was really here at this time If you wake up and hear those embarrassing words from yourself, something will definitely happen that shouldn't happen.

Well, this Brother Han, even though he is usually honest, at certain times, he is worse than anyone else. You must not let him have any bad thoughts, otherwise you will suffer... ...well, it’s a big loss,

Thinking about a man and a woman lying on the snow in this ice and snow, doing something that could only be done in private, she couldn't help but feel her heart throb. This was too... too exciting.

But when she thought about it, her heart couldn't help but calm down again. Huh, isn't it just doing that in this ice and snow? What's so strange about it? Her first time was lost in this kind of environment. …

Thinking of this, Yan Xin's pretty face couldn't help but blush even more. The scenes that happened in the ice forest came to mind again. Thinking of those, her whole heart seemed to burst out, and her chest was filled with tears. A tremor,

"Little girl, what are you thinking about?"

At this moment, a strange voice came, immediately interrupting Yan Xin's contemplation. Just as she was about to react, she suddenly felt her chest trembling even more violently. However, this trembling was not caused by her heart, but by her heart. Caused by being controlled by some external force,

However, as a result, her heart trembled even more. Her chest was actually grabbed by someone, and it was a man's hand. Ah... Apart from Brother Han, there was no one else here. There is no one to touch here. Today... I was actually touched by a strange man today...

Hey, this hand doesn't seem so unfamiliar. Why does it always feel so familiar? Once upon a time, this hand seemed to have appeared in front of me in a similar way, but...who could it be?

"Brother Han..."

Soon, Yan Xin remembered that Ye Han was the only man who had ever touched her here, and this hand was so familiar, so who else could it be except him? Thinking of this, she no longer thought about it, and went directly shout out,

Looking up, a look of joy suddenly appeared in her beautiful eyes. Brother Han was actually awake. He was really awake... Isn't this a dream? Well... Judging from this feeling, I It's probably not a dream, this feeling is so real, so real that I almost can't bear it...

"Little girl, why are you not wearing any clothes? Do you want it?"

Ye Han stared closely at Yan Xin's mouth-watering plump figure, which was now being held in the palm of his hand, and asked with a joking face,

"Bah, Brother Han is also bullying others, who would want to do that?"

Yan Xin's breasts were held tightly by Ye Han, and her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment. However, she could not tolerate Ye Han misunderstanding her, so she couldn't help but spit lightly and denied Ye Han's words. However, even so, her mind I still couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement. Although I was separated by a layer of dirty clothes, I still felt like I was nothing. The feeling that had disappeared for more than a month seemed to be back again.

"I don't want it. If you don't want it, forget it."

It could be seen that Yan Xin meant what she said, but Ye Han didn't want to expose it, so he quickly took his hand back, turned around again, and turned his target to Ye Rou, who had just withdrawn his hand again. He reached out and aimed directly at Ye Rou's chest.

"Yeah...Han'er, don't do bad things,"

Ye Rou had noticed that Ye Han had woken up earlier, but when she saw Ye Han blinking at her, she knew that he had some bad idea, so she had to stay silent. As for Leng Ling, she naturally saw this scene. , also understood what Ye Han meant, but Yan Xin, who was suffering from the sidelines, had no idea, and ended up becoming Ye Han's target.

Seeing Ye Han being so frivolous towards Yan Xin, Ye Rou felt a burning sensation on her face, but she didn't expect that she would experience something like this now. She couldn't control herself for a moment, so she couldn't help but snorted softly, and then thought of it. Unable to resist, he hurriedly stretched out his hand, trying to push away Ye Han's evil hand...

This chapter has been completed!
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