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【931】【Create Vision】

Seeing Ye Han's confident look, everyone didn't know what to say, so they had no choice but to nod their heads, and then turned to look at the mountains and rivers in the distance. They felt a little emotional for a while, and everyone looked melancholy.

Obviously, no one is very optimistic about the prospects of this operation. After all, they are facing the Yan Qing Sect this time. No one is sure of winning. You must know that the Yan Qing Sect can gain a foothold in Yuanqi Continent and become a Being the overlord of one party is no joke. How can such a powerful sect be defeated so easily?

Naturally, among them, Ye Han is an exception. In his opinion, this time must be successful no matter what. Even if the Yan Qing Sect cannot be eliminated in one fell swoop, it will at least create a lot of trouble for them that is difficult to solve.

As for the Yan Qing Sect, it is not immortal. After all, it is not only related to his enemy, but also a stumbling block on his life path, so he must eliminate it, but this kind of thing is not urgent, at least not Now five people can do it.

What he has to do now is to try his best to keep Yan Qing Sect in trouble and lay a solid foundation for him to use the power of Xing Yuan Sect to eradicate this sect in the future. It is best to divide this sect so that he can more smoothly eliminate it in the future. It was eradicated.

In Ye Han's mind, he must succeed this time, not just this time, but also in eradicating the Xingyuan Sect, and even in destroying the Sun and Moon Yuan Demon. He must succeed, because there are nine women waiting behind him. For him, he must complete these tasks, and he must protect them at all costs.

Having made a decision, Ye Han did not hesitate. He quickly closed his eyes and used the power of Yuan Dao to understand the surrounding situation. Since he wanted everyone to know, he must find the highest place so that the vision could be revealed. Exposure points are greatly increased.

The power of Yuandao perception is actually the same as the power of Yanhan perception he used before, but this power of Yanhan perception is more accurate than the power of Yuandao perception.

Before, he wanted to know more accurately where the people he called the mob were, because those things were relatively small and difficult to find. The power of Yuandao perception may not be able to perceive them so carefully, so he had to He had used the power of Yanhan's perception, but now, what he was looking for was a huge thing, the tallest place in the surrounding area. He only needed to use the power of Yuandao's perception.

Naturally, if not, he can fly to a high place to see which place is most likely to be seen by everyone, but since the power of Yuandao's perception is useful, he can save the energy of flying and can directly Use this to find the target, and the location you are looking for will definitely be more accurate than visual inspection.

This is the most direct way to list the locations of those mobs, and then based on their locations, find a place that is higher and more visible to everyone.

It is precisely because of this that he did not use visual inspection. After all, it is difficult to find an accurate visual inspection in this situation, so he must use the power of Yuandao perception. This is not something that can be found accurately by visual inspection, and it is also difficult to find accurately by visual inspection. To budget, this can only be done with the power of Yuandao enlightenment.

Under the influence of the power of Yuandao perception, Ye Han searched for a long time and finally found a higher mountain. Although this mountain was not the highest mountain nearby, it was also the most suitable place where everyone could see it.

After finding the location, everyone came to the top of the mountain together and looked around briefly. The general scene they could see was a few dwarf pine trees, a few boulders, and the rest was bare grass. This place It's not the top of the mountain, but the meadow on the top of the mountain close to the top, where you can overlook everything in front of you.

Looking ahead, you can see the mountains in the far west. The mountains here are not too high. The only visible mountain is the one where Ye Han is located, and the four surrounding ones. The others are all bumpy. The uneven hills, even the Yanyun Mountains where the Yan Qing Sect is located, cannot be considered a high mountain, but they still stand on those small hills, and their height is second only to the five big mountains.

Because the Yan Qing Sect is located not far behind the mountain where Ye Han is, Ye Han chose this mountain. The purpose of this place is not only to allow the mob to see it, but also to prevent the inflammation as much as possible. The people of Qingzong found out.

Naturally, the Yan Qing Sect has been established in the far west for so many years and is so powerful. Naturally, its group of spies is also very large. Even if it escapes the Yan Qing Sect's main altar, it will definitely not be able to escape this group. The eyes of a group of spies.

But these are not what Ye Han cares about. It is difficult to be comprehensive in everything, and it is impossible to completely hide this kind of thing from the Yan Qing Sect's eyes. Now it is enough to just try not to let the masters in the general circle know. As for Since the spy couldn't hide, Ye Han didn't force anything.

As for not wanting the masters of the Yan Qing Sect to know, it is because he does not want his strength to be shown in front of the masters, lest they cause them to be overly alert and see through something. However, in the eyes of spies, this situation will definitely not happen too much. discovery.

After all, although spies have strong snooping abilities, they cannot have very high cultivation levels. It is difficult for them to see through the illusions cast by Ye Han's Yuan Ti realm.

Therefore, Ye Han spent a lot of thought in order to perform the illusion this time. Although he did not need to expend too much effort when performing the illusion, the cover was extremely tricky.

After preparing all this, Ye Han no longer has any worries. He has taken care of everything he can and cannot take care of what he can't. Even if he is worried, it is just superfluous.

Lin Feng and the other four young masters of Xingyuan naturally took all precautions to avoid disturbing Ye Han at this time. Moreover, once this vision appears, it will definitely attract the attention of all cultivators in the Far West. Someone among them will definitely come to investigate, and these can only be put down by the four of them. Once someone is found, even if they are not killed, they must be captured and used if possible. I'm sorry if it can't be used, I can only let them enjoy the taste of death.

After all, the ultimate target of this spellcasting is the mob. If others find out about it and then spread it, then all the previous efforts will be wasted. You can't let people know that this illusion is just a human act.

And their goal is naturally to use illusions to lure all the mobs to a certain place, so that they can take the opportunity to subdue them all and use them to deal with the Yan Qing Sect.

But if this happens, Ye Han and others will definitely be troubled. If this illusion can really attract the attention of those mobs, it will definitely lead to the Yan Qing Sect. When the time comes, they will definitely send people to check the reality. If they encounter those mobs, they will of course have to fight. In order to protect everyone, they must take action. Although the final battle is between them and the Yan Qing Sect, in order not to let them go before the big battle. If they are injured, they can only solve their difficulties first.

Well, the people he has worked so hard to find cannot be allowed to suffer losses before they enter a formal war. That is a harbinger of defeat before the battle. Otherwise, although Ye Han is not superstitious, he still You can't lower your morale.

You must know that the most important thing in a war is morale, followed by strength. If morale is high, no matter how low the strength is, you will definitely be able to fight with the enemy and hurt both sides. Even if you lose completely, you will definitely inflict damage on the enemy. Greater damage than usual is similar to a cultivator borrowing external objects to stimulate his own potential. Morale is the stimulant. As long as it is used to stimulate everyone's potential, even an ant can overthrow an elephant.

And if the morale is low, even if the strength is strong, when the opponent's morale is high, it is very likely to be completely defeated. This is a big deal, and it is completely opposite to the former. This is a taboo for military strategists.

Although Ye Han is not good at using soldiers, he still knows these simple principles. After all, this is not very different from the meaning of cultivation. The two can be connected together. If you know one, you can know the other.

In this way, even those who do not know how to use soldiers will not waste the benefits they have and become a laughing stock as long as they can understand some personnel principles.

Therefore, he felt that no matter what, he could not lose morale before the real battle, otherwise the chance of success would be lost, and the battle that still had hope of victory would be completely ruined.

Before that, all they need to do is to make every effort to make this illusion a success, otherwise everything else will be empty talk.

Ye Han was using the Yanhan Jade Flute to release his own cold energy. In an instant, he could see the rapid flow of Yanhan Qi in the air. This was the result of him controlling the Yanhan Qi with the help of the power of the Yanhan Beasts.

Although it is said that his strength cannot be exposed, in order to make the illusion more real and easier for people to believe, he still has to display this power. Otherwise, if the illusion loses its appeal, everything will be in vain.

Seeing the flow of hot and cold air in the sky gradually forming a whirlpool, Lin Feng and the other four were all surprised. They were able to see such a strange scene in their lifetime. It was truly a life worth living.

Naturally, despite being surprised, they did not dare to be careless in the slightest. In order to prevent anyone from coming to cause trouble, they raised their spirits to the highest state. Even if there was a happy disturbance around them, they would be aware of it.

Although this can only be achieved by the power of Yuan Dao perception that can only be achieved in the Yuanxin realm, people can also imitate it under the most vigilant circumstances, but this kind of imitation is much inferior to the real power of Yuan Dao perception. .

This is also the main reason why masters of the Yuanxin realm are hard to find in the world and exist like phoenix feathers and water chestnuts. This is because the power of people who have cultivated in this realm is so abnormal, it is many times that of the Yuanti realm.

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