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Chapter 1,463: Refining the Heart in the Mortal World (10)

Chapter 1466: Refining the Heart in the Mortal World (10)

Qing'an County is located in the southwest of Nanli Kingdom. The county has a population of only tens of thousands, but far away from wars and natural disasters, the people's lives have been quite peaceful in recent years.

However, the tragedy that occurred in Wangchun Tower instantly broke the tranquility of the county and triggered a storm.

When Sun Huai'an, the chief catcher of Qing'an County, led several detectives to the scene of the crime, the scene in the private room made this experienced veteran stunned.

Fortunately, he was well-informed and did not lose his composure even if his mind was severely impacted.

On the one hand, the catcher sent people to the Yamen to report the news, and on the other hand, he sealed off Wangchun Tower and no longer allowed anyone to enter or exit.

But the news cannot be blocked, because before Sun Huaian rushed over, many people had already seen the crime scene.

Cao Jinan's identity cannot be hidden at all.

So the news quickly spread throughout the city as if it had wings. When Cao Xiong, the leader of the Cangshui Gang, rushed to Wangchun Tower with his people, the magistrate of Qing'an County, Yu Heqian, and the county magistrate, Ye Xiangming, were already here.

Despite the overwhelming anger and grief in his heart, Cao Xiong, who had always been unruly, did not dare to make a mistake when facing the two giants of Qing'an County. Xiong Mu saluted with tears in his eyes: "This child has suffered such misfortune, please ask these two adults to seek justice.


The leader of the Cangshui Gang had already seen Cao Jinan lying on the ground with his eyes open and his face distorted, making Cao Xiong clenched his fists involuntarily.

Cao Jinan was not Cao Xiong's only son, but he was the most favored by him and had high hopes for him.

He ended up dying here.

Qing'an County Magistrate Yu Heqian's face was as dark as water, and he nodded and replied: "Master Cao, please express my condolences. I have ordered the county government to quickly trace the clues. We must catch the murderer as soon as possible and give you justice!"

Yu Heqian has been the county magistrate of Qing'an County for seven years. His ability to maintain his position as county magistrate is inseparable from Cao Xiong's support, so this promise is not empty talk.

Cao Xiong shed tears: "Thank you so much, sir."

At this time, the man who was inspecting the scene had completed a preliminary inspection and reported: "Sir, based on the testimony of the eyewitnesses and the villain's inspection, the thirteen victims here did not have any external injuries on their bodies and were directly killed.


"Although they were all bleeding from their orifices and foaming at the mouth, the presence of poison could not be detected. It is suspected that they were harmed by extremely high martial arts skills, or..."

He hesitated for a moment and stopped talking.

Yu Heqian frowned and shouted: "Say!"

Wu Zuo was startled: "Or maybe it's the Immortal family's trick."

He said the last four words carefully, lowering his voice unconsciously.

Immortal methods!

County Magistrate Yu Heqian, County Prime Minister Ye Xiangming, and Cao Xiong all changed their expressions.

The world of mountains and seas is divided into the world of immortals and the secular world. To the hundreds of millions of mortals in the mortal world, the existence of immortals is not a secret at all, and there are countless people who seek immortality.

As the middle and upper class among mortals, they have a better understanding of the world of immortality and monks.

So it is clear what it means for a cultivator to appear in the mortal world.

But Qing'an County is a "poor and remote" place. How could a monk come here to kill people?

Yu Heqian and Ye Xiangming looked at each other. The former thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "If you continue to check, you must determine the cause of death. You must not make any mistakes."

The county magistrate somewhat regretted what he had just said to Cao Xiong.

If the culprit is really a cultivator, then there is no hope of seeking justice. He, the county magistrate, is nothing in front of the cultivators. He is also a character who can be easily crushed to death.



Wu Zuo also knew that the matter was of great importance, so he lowered his head and said: "Then the body must be returned to the Yamen, and it cannot be buried for the time being."

Yu Heqian understood what Wu Zuo meant and looked at Cao Xiong.

After all, the person who died was the other person's own son.

Cao Xiong's face was ashen: "But it's up to you, the master!"

Most of his anger had been reduced by now, and his reason completely overpowered his emotions.

The murderer mastered such bizarre killing methods, which no matter whether he was a martial arts master or an immortal cultivator, it was not something that a mere county gang leader in Caoxiong could deal with.

In case the other party is annoyed by the investigation, then the target will be Cao Xiong himself.

Can he bear it?

Cao Xiong didn't have the slightest certainty, and even had a hint of fear.

But the problem is that if he gives up the investigation and is unwilling to say anything, where will the face of the leader of the Cangshui Gang be put?

Cao Xiong was extremely conflicted in his heart, and even had some thoughts on his face.

Yu Heqian observed the words and expressions and knew the big gang leader's scruples, so he couldn't help but sigh and said: "Then let's do this for now."

Cao Xiong didn't dare to offend him, how dare he, a small county magistrate?

That’s all!

No matter how conflicted the parties involved were, after the news spread that Cao Jinan, the son of the leader of the Cangshui Gang, and more than a dozen gang members were killed in Wangyue Tower, many local people in Qing'an County secretly clapped their hands and applauded.

Because Cao Jinan existed like a street tiger in the county, relying on the power of the Cangshui Gang and the relationship with the government, he had always been unscrupulous, often bullying the common people, and making people dare not speak out.

Now that Cao Jinan died violently at Wangyue Tower, everyone said this was retribution.

I don't know which hero saw injustice on the road and took action to eradicate one of the three evils in Qing'an County. It was simply justice from heaven.

Some people even secretly enshrined the tablet of this unknown hero!

The aftermath of Cao Jinan's murder lasted for a month or two in Qing'an County.

Then gradually it was forgotten.

During this period of time, the gang members of the Cangshui Gang clamped their tails tightly, and the gang station was heavily guarded. Even the security in the county was much improved.

As for the real murderer, he has never been found, although the government issued a reward notice soliciting clues.

But this hero seemed to disappear from the world and never took action again.

Cao Xiong, who suffered a great loss after his son's death, stayed in seclusion and no longer mentioned anything about Cao Jin'an, as if he had acquiesced.

In the blink of an eye, the New Year is here again, and Qing'an County, which has been quiet for a while, becomes lively again.

People from all over the country came to the county town to buy New Year goods. Many traveling merchants came from land and water. The streets and alleys in the city were full of shouts with local accents.

And just before the arrival of the New Year, Wang Chen, who had been exchanging letters with Ye Dai for several months, officially invited a matchmaker to come to his house and ask to marry this young lady from the Ye family.

Speaking of the two people's life experience, they have some similarities. Wang Chen has no relatives, and although Ye Dai has a biological father, the identity of the county magistrate Ye Xiangming is too sensitive to come forward directly.

The process is greatly simplified.

The engagement and appointment were very low-key, and then they waited for the wedding day to arrive.

For Wang Chen, this is undoubtedly a new but necessary life experience.

He is going to be the groom!


The first update is sent.

This chapter has been completed!
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