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Chapter 1010 Beidi is critically ill

"Mr. Shen."

Xue Wei stood in front of Shen Yi, lowered his head slightly and said: "You are the last general, what are your orders?"

Master Shen stretched out his hand to signal Xue Wei to sit down and talk. After Xue Wei sat down, he paused and said, "You heard what they said just now. Now our Huai'an army lacks the supplies to defend the city."

Xue Wei thought for a while and replied: "Mr. Shen, it is actually not as exaggerated as General Ling said. You have already asked people to demolish the house, so there will be no shortage of rolling stones and the like, plus we have enough manpower to defend the city. , it is unlikely that the Qi people can attack Xuzhou City."

Shen Yi nodded slightly and smiled at Xue Wei: "You have made a lot of progress now, and you can speak these things clearly and truthfully."

Xue Wei was rarely praised once, so he stretched out his hand and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Mr. Shen looked calm and said, "I know that the city can be defended without arrows, but more people will inevitably die."

In the absence of arrows, the difficulty of defending the city will suddenly increase, and you may even have to fight the enemy in close combat.

Xue Wei sat next to Shen Yi and whispered: "Mr. Shen, you are so compassionate."

"In the past few years, I have often read the book on war written by General Zhao, which you gave to me. General Zhao mentioned more than once in the book on war that a general must be ruthless at many times. "

"I think you don't have to worry about some casualties in the army."

Xue Wei lowered his head and said: "From the time when we resisted the Japanese army to now, Mr. Shen, you have helped our brothers too much."

Mr. Shen smiled hoarsely: "First, I am not a general leading troops."

"Secondly, most of the time, I'm already very cruel."

Shen Yi squinted his eyes and said softly: "In the past twenty years, apart from me, there has been no other general in Dachen who dared to lead troops into the Qi people's territory, and who could capture such an important city as Xuzhou from the Qi people. I am the only one."

"The third point is..."

Mr. Shen said quietly: "I believe that all unnecessary casualties must be avoided as much as possible. Just because you have enough soldiers under your command and you have climbed high enough, you cannot not regard human life as human life."

He looked at Xue Wei and said slowly: "I hope you can keep this in mind."

In the future, Xue Wei will definitely be a general on his own. This fact is basically a certainty so far.

Xue Wei lowered his head and clasped his fists: "Subordinate... remember."

Shen Yi didn't keep him here to teach him anything. At this point, he paused for a moment and then said, "I'm keeping you here today because I have something to discuss with you."

He looked at Xue Wei and said, "Listen to me. If you have any different opinions, remember to speak out."

Mr. Shen lowered his head and took a sip of tea, and continued: "Xuzhou has been defending here for about two months. Now the Qi people's reinforcements have arrived, and the attack on Xuzhou is becoming more and more fierce day by day."

Shen Yi counted on his fingers and said: "Before attacking Xuzhou, my estimate was that it would be best to use Xuzhou to wear down more than 50,000 Qi people's troops. Now, the Qi people's strength in Xuzhou is close to Twenty thousand."

"Therefore, I feel that there is no need to continue to be beaten passively."

Xue Wei was startled and asked: "Mr. Shen, do you want to break out of the encirclement?"

"Of course not."

Mr. Shen shook his head and said: "I said that I will not give up Xuzhou unless it is absolutely necessary. One day in the future, officials from Dachen will station in Xuzhou City, recover Xuzhou Prefecture, integrate households in Xuzhou, and return Xuzhou to Dachen Within the Chen territory.”

He looked at Xue Wei and said with a smile: "But if you don't break out, it doesn't mean you can't attack."

Mr. Shen took out a map from his drawer, pointed at Xuzhou City on the map, then looked to the south and said, "I still have some troops to use in the south."

Shen Yi lowered his eyebrows and said, "Now, I think it's time to use them."

"After all, we are going to make the Northern Expedition in the future. If we want to make the Northern Expedition, we must conquer cities and seize territory. We cannot stay in the city forever."

At this point, he said to Xue Wei: "What I mean is that you will lead five thousand people to break out of the city and go south to Suqian."

"At that time, I will issue a transfer order to the Huaihe Navy and ask them to transfer 10,000 people to the north, also to Suqian."

Having said this, Shen Yi paused and whispered: "At that time, these fifteen thousand people will be under your control."

Xue Wei blinked and said, "Mr. Shen, will the Huaihe Navy cooperate obediently?"

"Will do."

Shen Yi looked calm and said: "Their major general is in Xuzhou, so they naturally want to cooperate with me. Besides, ten thousand people is not much for the Huaihe Navy, so they have no reason to refuse."

"But no matter how much you ask for, they may not give it to you."

Shen Yi squinted his eyes, knocked on the table with his hand, and said: "It is easy for fifteen thousand people to capture Suqian."

"But after capturing Suqian, there is no need to defend Suqian."

"You, fifteen thousand people, are wandering on the south side of the Xuzhou battlefield."

"If you encounter a small group of enemies, surround them and attack them. If you encounter the main force of the Qi army, retreat south."

"Let the ships of the Huaihe River Navy meet you as much as possible."

Having said this, Shen Yi stood up, patted Xue Wei on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Don't you like fighting? If you can bring this army together in this trip, then the battle you want to fight will be The most among all generals in the Huai'an Army."

Xue Wei stood up quickly, grinning from ear to ear with joy: "It's still Mr. Shen who will take care of the last general!"

Seeing his appearance, Shen Yi shook his head helplessly and warned.

"When you go out this time, you have to be on your own. When something happens, remember to stay calm first."

"If the main force of the Qi people surrounding Xuzhou goes south, you will retreat. If the main force of the Qi people ignores you, you can stay closer to Xuzhou."

"When necessary, we can cooperate with the army in the city."

Xue Wei lowered his head and clasped his fists: "The general will understand!"

Mr. Shen clasped his hands behind his back and continued: "Now there are 20,000 imperial troops in Huai'an Prefecture and several thousand Huaihe naval forces. I will order more than 20,000 people to choose the opportunity to go north and attack Haizhou."

"With them in the east, whether it's Xuzhou City or your place, the pressure will be less."

Having said this, Mr. Shen closed his eyes and said slowly: "In this way, the consumption rate of Qi's army will suddenly increase."

"The initiative on the battlefield will not always fall into the hands of the Qi people."

At this point, Shen Yi patted Xue Wei on the shoulder again and said: "Okay, I'll stop here. You go back and prepare yourself. While the Qi people haven't completely surrounded Xuzhou, wait for the time to come in the past few days. , then he led his troops to break out."

All the generals of the Huai'an Army can basically be called Shen Yi's "direct descendants", but among these direct descendants, the one with the highest loyalty is naturally Xue Wei.

Therefore, the first thing that comes to Shen Yi's mind when it comes to something that involves a lot of risk but greater rewards is Xue Wei.

Xue Wei lowered his head and clasped his fists.

"I will obey my orders!"

Mr. Shen sat back in his seat, waved his hand, and motioned for Xue Wei to leave.

Xue Wei hugged his fists and turned to leave.

After Xue Wei left, Mr. Shen sat alone in his chair and was stunned for a while.

After being lost in thought for a moment, he took out a message from the inner guard from the drawer.

This information was sent from Yandu to Xuzhou Mansion yesterday, and then to Mr. Shen.

The content in the information is not complicated, it can even be said to be very simple.

Emperor Yongping of the Northern Qi Dynasty coughed up blood and fainted four days ago. Dozens of imperial doctors entered the palace and worked hard for a day or two before they came out!

There are rumors that Emperor Yongping has become unconscious and has lost the ability to control the situation.

The information sent by the internal guards is very accurate.

Usually some supporting evidence will be attached.

For example, Emperor Yongping had indeed not left his chamber for four or five days.

If this news is true, it means that the old guy is not far away from kicking.

This is also the reason why Shen Yi wants to speed up the war process.

Because if the process here is too slow and he cannot take the initiative on the battlefield, it is very likely that the new emperor of Northern Qi will ascend the throne, and Shen Yi will still be trapped in Xuzhou unable to move.

The most ideal situation is that when the Northern Qi chaos begins, Shen Yi can control the situation near Xuzhou, and when Emperor Yongping kicks in, he can launch the Northern Expedition!

Thinking of this, Mr. Shen once again opened the information and read it carefully.

"You need to know something, Zhao Zhen..."

"Don't die too slowly..."

Shen Yi looked to the north and whispered softly.

"But don't die too quickly..."

I was in my hometown two days ago, and my state was up and down, but now I'm back~ There is a big plot behind it, so I wrote it a little slowly, sorry!

Well, I also recommend a fine historical novel~

This chapter has been completed!
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