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Chapter 1056 Mr. Shens melancholy

"General Su."

In the main hall of the handsome manor, a detailed map was hung.

Shandong has been a battleground since ancient times. It is also a major grain producer and has always been a place with a prosperous population. Therefore, the map is already very detailed and Shen Yi hardly needs to spend energy to redraw it.

He pointed at Yizhou on the map and said, "Xue Wei's troops will arrive at Yizhou City in a few days."

After a pause, Shen Yi continued: "According to Xue Wei's report, Qi Ren's current strategy is extremely conservative."

"However, we still have to be prepared for Qi Ren's sudden action."

Shen Yi pointed to the new location on the map and said, "You will lead the troops into Teng County within one day, and then go north to Zouxian County."

"After occupying Zouxian, you should stop moving. By occupying this place, you can cut off Yanzhou's possibility of supporting Yizhou. Once Yanzhou's defenders make moves, you will immediately send troops to stop them."

"In this way, the entire eastern part of Yanzhou becomes an isolated land, and the vanguard army can slowly work around it."

"Whether we fight or not depends on our thoughts."

Su Ding stared at the map, then roughly marked the distance, and whispered: "Mr. Shen, I'm afraid Zouxian County is less than a hundred miles away from Yanzhou City."

Shen Yi nodded and said, "I asked, it's about seventy or eighty miles away."

He looked at Su Ding and said with a smile: "Don't worry, General Su. According to the intelligence, almost all the Qi troops in Yanzhou Prefecture have been withdrawn to a few big cities. At this time, there should be no one in these two counties." ."

Su Ding raised his head and looked at the map again. After careful consideration, he lowered his head slightly and said: "Mr. Shen, this Zouxian County can almost be said to be the acropolis of Yanzhou. If the Yanzhou garrison has deployed heavy troops in Zouxian County, wouldn't it? Do we have to take down Zouxian County?"

Hearing this, Shen Yi thought about it seriously, then looked at another county on the map, pointed at it, and said: "At this time, we are the only ones on the Eastern Route Army's expedition to the north. If we fight an siege with the Qi people, it will be too difficult. Suffer a loss."

"If there are too many defenders in Zouxian County, there is no need for us to attack Zouxian County. We can take this place."

"It can also cut off Yanzhou's way of supporting Yizhou."

Su Ding looked in the direction of Shen Yi's finger and saw two words.

Fei County.

After taking a look at Feixian's position, Su Ding breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and clasped his fists, saying, "I will obey your orders."

After arranging the tasks of the left route army, Shen Yi looked at Ling Su, who was also meeting here, and said calmly: "General Ling, the right route army cannot be idle. You lead troops to capture Shanxian, Dingtao, Chengwu, and The four counties of Cao County.”

These four counties are located in the northwest of Xuzhou and also in the southwest of Shandong. From the intelligence point of view, there are no heavy military garrison. Taking them down is not a big problem.

After a pause, Shen Yi continued: "After taking these four counties, we will move our troops to the northeast and take Yutai and Jinxiang counties."

Shen Yi pointed to Jinxiang County and Yutai County and said, "Then, the Right Route Army will be stationed here, waiting for my next arrangement."

Shen Yi's purpose of sending the Eastern Route Army was very simple. On the one hand, it was to divert the attention of the Qi people, and on the other hand, it was to clean up the western part of Yanzhou.

If both Su Ding and Xue Wei can complete the tasks assigned by Shen Yi, in a month's time, Shen Yi's army will basically take shape to encircle Yanzhou Prefecture.

Ling Su was much more low-key than before. He just looked up at the map, then lowered his head and said: "Mr. Shen, if the war goes well, after taking these six counties, I want to We need to test Jining Prefecture."

"If we can capture Jining Prefecture and then Yanzhou City, it will be difficult for the troops on the west side of Yanzhou Prefecture to support Yanzhou."

After Shen Yi thought for a while, he nodded in agreement.

"You two are generals, so I won't restrict you too much when fighting on the battlefield. I will only give you a general framework."

"The purpose of our Huai'an Army remains unchanged, which is to achieve maximum destruction with the minimum casualties."

The two of them lowered their heads together, cupped their fists and saluted: "I will finally understand!"

Shen Yi looked up at the sky outside, then lowered his head to calculate the days.

"Give you a month."

Mr. Shen clasped his hands behind his back and said, "In a month, I will also go north to Shandong. By then..."

Shen Yi looked back at the map hanging high up, pointed at Zouxian County on the map and said, "If everything goes well, we will meet here."

"We can even meet in Jining Zhoucheng."

"If it doesn't go well."

Shen Yi thought for a while, but still couldn't choose a location, so he could only shake his head: "Then we can only talk about it when the time comes."

"At that time, I will send someone to inform you of the specific location."

The two of them bowed their heads again.

Ling Su hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head and said, "Mr. Shen, are you going to send someone to urge General Pei on the west road?"

He looked at Shen Yi and whispered: "The components of the West Route Army are all formed by the imperial court. They do not need to be trained anymore. They are just running in in Yingzhou now. There is no need for them to fight against the Qi people now. They only need to open Entering Henan."

"When our Huai'an army takes action, we can feel more at ease."

Ling Su said in a deep voice: "Now that one of our troops has entered Shandong, the Qi people may still block it ruthlessly, but if General Pei's Western Route Army moves at the same time, this possibility will no longer exist."

Master Shen touched his chin and felt that Ling Su's words made sense, so he nodded without hesitation: "What General Ling said is very reasonable. I will write to General Pei immediately with suggestions."

After a pause, he said: "However, the two armies are not under each other's control, so I can only advise him."

Ling Su smiled and said: "With Mr. Shen's current reputation among the government and the public, I believe General Pei will give you face."

Faced with this natural flattery, Shen Yi didn't notice anything wrong and just shook his head silently.

"I hope so."


The next day, the Huai'an Army's left and right armies set off almost at the same time, cutting all the way to the central part of Yanzhou Prefecture, and the other way went straight to the west of Yanzhou.

Mr. Shen himself stayed in Xuzhou Mansion with his own guard camp.

In the afternoon, after Shen Yi said goodbye to the two armies who were on the expedition, he returned to Xuzhou City, bought some food and wine on the way, and went all the way to the prefect's Yamen.

It was still afternoon and Zhang Fuzun was at work. After knowing that Shen Yi was coming, he did not stop what he was doing. Shen Yi waited for him in the back office for almost half an hour before Zhang Fuzun arrived at the back office.

Seeing a table full of food and wine, Zhang Jian smiled bitterly and sighed: "I have to prepare for spring plowing in various places. Now I am the only one in the government office. It is really too busy. Don't take offense to Zi Heng."

Mr. Shen said with a smile: "The dishes are cold."

"Just make people warm up."

Zhang Jian called the servants from the magistrate's office and asked them to bring the dishes down and heat them up again.

When the servants were heating the dishes, Zhang Jian raised his head and looked at Shen Yi. After looking at it for a while, he suddenly smiled and said, "Zi Heng, it seems like something is not right?"

Mr. Shen poured him a glass of wine, poured another glass for himself, clinked the glasses, and drank it all in one gulp.

"To be honest, senior brother, I feel a little nervous."

Zhang Jian smiled hoarsely: "I am a mere magistrate, and there are so many things I have to do, so I am not nervous. You, a border official with a hundred thousand troops under your command, why are you nervous?"

Shen Yi met Zhang Jian again and drank another glass of wine.

"Senior brother's subordinates will arrive soon, and there will be help immediately."

"But now, I feel a little different."

Mr. Shen narrowed his eyes and said softly: "Since the establishment of this army, from the Anti-Japanese Army to the Huai'an Army, the main body has never left my hands."

"Today, I sent out all three armies under my command, but I did not follow them."

He looked at Zhang Jian, frowned and said, "I feel inexplicably nervous, but I'm not worried that they will lose control. This kind of emotion is very strange."

Zhang Fuzun drank a glass of wine with a smile and said, "What's so strange about this?"

"You are very similar to Uncle Lu."

Zhang Jian put down his wine glass and said with a smile: "It took many years to bring out a group of students. Now these students are going to take the county examination, government examination and even the college examination. As a teacher, you will naturally feel a little nervous. ."

"I'm afraid that if they leave you, they will suddenly die."

Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, then clapped his hands and murmured: "That's exactly what it feels like!"

"Senior brother really hit the nail on the head."

Zhang Jian also offered Shen Yi a glass of wine and said with a smile: "Sooner or later there will be such a day."

"After all, you are no longer a general leading an army."

Zhang Jian said with a smile: "You are already the coach."

"The coach has always been in charge of the central army and strategizing."

"Let go and take a look."


Shen Yi raised his head and drank a glass of wine, then turned to look north.

"It's time to take a look at their respective abilities."

This chapter has been completed!
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