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Chapter 1126 Two Articles

Now Shen Yi no longer has to go to the front line in person.

In other words, it is not suitable to go to the front line in person.

His original status in the Huai'an army was slowly replaced by the three generals he trained.

This is a situation that will inevitably occur as the Huai'an Army develops and grows, and there is no way to change it.

Moreover, even in the past, he rarely participated in frontline command.

While Shen Yi was guarding Yanzhou, his three armies had divided their forces and moved northward bit by bit.

On the fifth day when the main force of the Huai'an army was exhausted, the Qi army in Jinan Prefecture finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to divide its troops and go south, occupying Ningyang County.

Ningyang County is only about a hundred miles away from Yanzhou.

Previously, Ningyang County was occupied by the Huai'an Army, but after the main force of the Huai'an Army moved north, Shen Yi abandoned the county and retreated to Yanzhou.

After learning the news, Mr. Shen did not make any response. He handled the military affairs of the Huai'an Army and provided logistical supplies to the front line as before.

However, the Qi people's forces stopped abruptly after reaching Ningyang and did not continue to move south.

After all, Qi Ren is not stupid.

They knew very well that attacking Yanzhou City was not something that could be done in a day or two. The reason why they sent troops south to occupy Ningyang was just to show their attitude, and they were not really stupid enough to take human lives to fill Yanzhou's moat.

Just like that, Wu Feitu left, and in the blink of an eye, more than half a month passed.

The Shandong battlefield has entered a new era.

This period was called the period of total war by Shen Yi.

As Shen Yi expected, the Qi people finally began to react. They began to fight with the Huai'an army city by city. In this process, they were the defenders, while the Huai'an army was the attacker. The strength of both sides was about the same. , so in the entire battlefield, only local battlefields have winners and losers.

The entire battlefield fell into a stalemate.

Although Su Ding and Ling Su entered Qingzhou and Dongchang respectively, it was difficult for them to take a step forward. In their respective local battlefields, the battlefield was once again subdivided, and it was no longer a mass of large corps colliding. , but is subdivided again after being subdivided.

In today's wars, the camps of thousands or even hundreds of households on both sides often encounter each other, ask for each other's help, and then meet together, with each other winning or losing.

The only good news is that because Su Ding's left army has restrained the troops of Jinan Prefecture and Qingzhou Prefecture, Xue Wei's troops have made relatively smooth progress. In more than half a month, they have captured several county towns.

As for Shen Yi himself, he was in Yanzhou, collecting and processing all aspects of battle reports.

As for the imperial court, there is also some good news.

Originally, both Xuzhou Prefecture and Yanzhou Prefecture were short of grassroots officials, leaving Zhang Jian alone, like a bare prefect. After the emperor returned, he seemed to have taken up the work in this area, and sent many new scholars and transferred some The old county magistrate came over.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs even dispatched some eighth- and ninth-grade officials from other places, which greatly reduced Zhang Jian's government pressure, and the yamen in Xuzhou and Yanzhou began to operate normally.

As the days pass, autumn enters, and the weather turns cooler.

On this day, Miss Ye Chan cooked some side dishes by herself. Shen Yi asked someone to invite Zhang Fuzun over, and the two senior brothers had a drink across the table.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Zhang Jian looked at Shen Yi and asked with a smile.

"Shen Zhongcheng asked me to come here today, what else do you want me to do?"

Shen Yi smiled hoarsely and said, "We have known each other for many years, senior fellow apprentices. Why can't we just invite senior fellow apprentices over for a drink?"

Zhang Fuzun said with a smile: "That's not what I meant. It's just that every time we met before, Zi Heng had to explain things, so he was used to it."

Having said this, he looked at Shen Yi and asked, "Is everything okay?"

Mr. Shen took a sip of wine and chuckled: "It's okay to have something to do, but it's not a big deal. It's mainly about drinking with my senior brother."

Zhang Fuzun put down his wine glass and said with a wry smile: "Zi Heng, let's talk about the matter first, so as not to drink too much in a while."

Shen Yi nodded.

"Then let's talk first."

After thinking for a while, Mr. Shen said: "During this period, the situation in Xuzhou and Yanzhou has gradually stabilized, and people's livelihood has slowly recovered. In the future, this will be Dachen's territory."

He looked at Zhang Jian and said, "I want my senior brother to write to the court to exempt Xuzhou and Yanzhou Prefecture from paying taxes for three years."

Zhang Jian took a sip of wine and said dumbly: "If you don't write a letter about this kind of thing, why do you want me to do it?"

Shen Yi shook his head slightly and said: "My current identity is still the chief military officer. Although I have a part-time job as a civilian official, my identity in the imperial court is that of a military leader. It is not easy for me to intervene in such local political affairs."

When the emperor left before, although he said that he would give Mr. Shen the status of governor of Shandong, it was still a piece of cake after all. It has been a month since the emperor left, and it is estimated that it has been half a month since he returned to Jiankang. Shen Yi's Shandong The governor hasn't come down yet.

If he is not the governor of Shandong, then he is the minister of the Ministry of War and the chief military officer of the Eastern Route of the Northern Expedition.

It is not related to local government affairs, so Zhang Jian needs to come forward in this matter.

Speaking of this, Mr. Shen said with a smile: "The Huai'an Army's war is going well. Senior brother, if you submit a letter now, the court will probably respond."

"At that time, not only Xuzhou and Yanzhou, but also other state capitals in Shandong can follow the same rules. Then senior brother will be Lord Qingtian who prays for the people of Shandong. In the future, senior brother, the chief envoy of Shandong, will not be able to escape."

Zhang Jian rolled his eyes at Shen Yi and said angrily: "When I work under you, Shen Ziheng, I have to hear the words "Shandong Chief Envoy" so many times a day that my ears feel numb. I can't even see the shadow of "Shandong Chief Envoy". Didn’t even see it.”

Mr. Shen laughed guiltily.

"If I am the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, let alone the governor of Shandong, the governor of Shandong will also make arrangements for my senior brother."

The two junior brothers joked around, and Zhang Jian coughed and talked about business.

"Zi Heng, to exempt the money and food from these two places, is it because our local government won't pay it to the court, or because the local government won't collect it from the people?"

Hearing this, Mr. Shen looked at Zhang Jian, who looked serious, and said helplessly: "Brother, how could you ask such a question?"

"Of course it's the latter. If it's the former, I'm afraid you and I will both be charged with treason!"

Zhang Jian touched his chin, a little confused: "How does the local government get the money and food for the Huai'an army?"

In this era, when marching and fighting, it was unrealistic to rely solely on the central court to transport grain because the distance was too long and the transportation cost was too high. Therefore, most of the grain and grass were supplied by local yamen, and then the local yamen reported accounts to the household department.

And if Xuzhou and Yanzhou lose their money and food for three years, they will have no way to supply food.

Shen Yi said softly: "I have considered this issue. The Ministry of Household Affairs will provide cash, and the local government will purchase food from the local people to supply military rations."

"Three years of money and food are not important."

"The stability of the place is the most important thing."

Mr. Shen lightly knocked on the table and said: "We will be exempted from taxes for three years. Then we will come forward to confiscate all Zhu Li Zhenren and the wealthy businessmen and rich farm properties related to Zhu Li Zhenren. We will re-register the households and all the people, and distribute them according to population." Han people."

"In this way, Xuzhou and Yanzhou can resume production soon, and their population will even exceed before."

"more importantly."

Mr. Shen said leisurely: "We can let the Han people further north know that our place is better."

Hearing this, Zhang Jian finally understood Shen Yi's intention. He asked thoughtfully: "Zi Heng, do you want to write something on the battlefield from outside the battlefield?"

"no way."

Shen Yi did not answer directly, but admitted this point of view. He said helplessly: "Brother, after one month, I have to admit that the war has entered a new stage."

"The Qi people we face now have become cautious and cautious, as if facing a powerful enemy. They are no longer the arrogant and arrogant Qi people before."

"As a result, the war has entered a new stage."

"It's likely to be a protracted battle."

Mr. Shen said softly: "As for the articles on the Shandong battlefield, we can only start from outside the battlefield. The articles on people's livelihood are one of them, and the other..."

Zhang Fuzun understood, raised his head and looked out the window.

"Landed in Henan."


Shen Yi nodded.

"The current stage is the most important stage of the entire Northern Expedition. If we can win the Shandong battlefield, no matter which aspect we win, the future situation will be much clearer."

Zhang Jian nodded.

"I see."

"As for Ziheng, I will do it as soon as possible, but..."

He looked at Shen Yi and wanted to speak.

Outside the door, there was a sudden knock on the door.


It's Jiang Sheng's voice.

Shen Yi put down his chopsticks and said, "Come in and talk."

Jiang Sheng pushed the door open and came in, saluted Master Zhang, called Master Zhang, and then bowed his head to Shen Yi.

"Sir, the people of Qi sent someone to deliver a message saying..."

He paused and continued.

"I want to make peace with the young master."

This chapter has been completed!
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