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Chapter 1145 Trust each other

Due to the sudden emergency war on the front line, Shen Yi's importance was once again elevated.

Except for the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household Affairs, all other yamen officials related to the war had to accompany Shen Yi and work overtime for almost ten days.

The sixteenth day of the first lunar month is the first court meeting of the new year.

Master Shen put on a second-grade court uniform and stood in the queue of civil servants, just a few steps away from the prime ministers.

Because there were a lot of things going on on the first day of the new year, Shen Yi had been very patient. After the other yamen had almost finished talking, Shen Yi went out and said: "Your Majesty, I have something to report."

His Majesty the Emperor did not have much rest at this year's age and was a little listless. However, seeing Shen Yi stand up, he perked up and said, "Shen Qing just said so."

Mr. Shen lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, please send corresponding officials and craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry and Household Affairs to station in Yanzhou, Xuzhou, and later the five prefectures in Shandong to assist Shandong in restoring production."

"in addition…"

Shen Yi raised his head and glanced at the emperor, and continued: "Your Majesty, now that Xuzhou Prefecture and Yanzhou Prefecture have unified their households, it has basically ended. I would like to ask the imperial court to send academic officials to resume scientific examinations in the two places."

"Let the local people take normal exams and progress."

Upon hearing Shen Yi's words, the emperor almost immediately realized what he meant.

Shen Yi's meaning, in addition to restoring these lost lands for scientific research, also has a hidden meaning.

As soon as possible, create a few famous scholars in these places.

The best thing is to create one or two candidates or even Jinshi, or even officials as quickly as possible!

Even if we allow them to cheat and open back doors, we must set a few role models as soon as possible.

Just think of it as a thousand dollars to buy horse bones!

In this way, with Shen Yi dividing the land, the public sentiment of the people in Shandong will probably be restored soon!

After all, the vast majority of people in Shandong are Han people, and... the people of Shandong have an extremely strong obsession with pursuing organizational structure.

The emperor immediately heard the hidden meaning of Shen Yi, pretended to think about it seriously, and then nodded in agreement: "Don't worry, Qing Shen, I will send academic officers north as soon as possible to resume scientific research in the two governments and even the entire Shandong province."

Shen Yi first thanked him, and then lowered his head again and said: "Furthermore, I would like to ask your majesty to issue another proclamation against the traitors and announce it to the world. The army of the King of Chen will go north to sweep away the traitor court. All Han people and Han troops who take the initiative to surrender will be forgotten!" "

The emperor thought for a while and asked: "Shen Qing, if you don't do the screening, will the Qi people send a large number of Qi troops to surrender, and turn back at the critical moment..."

Shen Yi shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, the surrender must be reorganized. As long as you surrender, there will be no trouble."

The emperor looked at the civil and military officials, especially at Zhao Changping, who was also the Minister of Household Affairs. Seeing that Zhao Changping did not speak, the emperor nodded and said with a smile: "That's right."

In this way, Shen Yi made a series of five or six suggestions to the emperor, and His Majesty the Emperor approved them all without hesitation.

It was not until the afternoon that this great court meeting finally came to an end.

After leaving Deqing Palace, Zhao Xianggong, who had not spoken much, called Shen Yi to the Ministry of Household Affairs to discuss the matter.

In the public room of the Ministry of Household Affairs, the two men sat across the table across from each other. Mr. Zhao poured a cup of tea for Shen Yi and motioned for him to sit down. Then he looked at Shen Yi quietly and asked: "What was played in the meeting today was directly invited. Or do you want to get angry with His Majesty?"

Shen Yi took a sip of tea and smiled dumbly: "Uncle, I think my nephew is a little too naive. If I haven't said hello to His Majesty about what my nephew said today, then mentioning it to the court would be almost the same as intimidating the emperor. "

After hearing this, Mr. Zhao breathed a sigh of relief. After taking a sip of tea, he said, "I am afraid that you will be too anxious and fail to pass it by His Majesty, so I will mention it directly in the court meeting."

Mr. Shen stood up, gave Zhao Changping some tea, and said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, although I am not old, I understand all the rules in the court."

"The big court meeting only talks about things, the small court meeting only discusses things."

He chuckled and said, "Otherwise, I won't be able to survive."

Xianggong Zhao nodded slightly and asked: "Listening to what you said today, you should be heading north again soon?"


Shen Yi took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "If you don't go back, Your Majesty will find that it will be the same whether or not I am in the north."

He blinked at Xianggong Zhao: "In that case, my nephew will not be able to survive in the court."

Mr. Zhao was also amused by him and smiled dumbly: "Be more serious and stop talking nonsense."

Shen Yi looked around and said with a smile: "Uncle, I chose to speak in the household department instead of the Zhongshu meeting hall, isn't it just to say something that outsiders can't hear?"

Zhao Changping nodded slightly.

"It's best for Ziheng to win two or three more prefectures in Shandong this year."

"Then, you can consider a temporary truce and rest."

Mr. Zhao said in a low voice: "To put it more bluntly, it is to save some food."

Shen Yi shook his head slightly: "Uncle, we must completely defeat Shandong, and we must capture most of Henan Province. This kind of recuperation is meaningful, otherwise we will harvest food, and Qi people also hope to be able to harvest food."

"Besides, we can't be discouraged about things like the Northern Expedition."

"Once you switch from offense to defense..."

He looked at Zhao Changping and whispered: "Without the natural barrier of the Huaihe River, how should we defend it?"

"Several years of hard work are instantly ruined."

Zhao Changping drank tea silently and said no more.

Shen Yi continued: "My nephew understands in his heart that what my uncle said to me is probably the meaning of the meeting hall."

"We are our own people. I will also tell my uncle a few words that I would like to say to my own people."

While adding tea to Zhao Changping, he said softly: "This year's Northern Expedition will definitely be much smoother than last year. I can at least capture the entire territory of Shandong."

Hearing this, Zhao Changping took the refill of tea from Shen Yi with a smile on his face: "If this is true, my uncle can quarrel with them for a whole year because of Zi Heng."

Shen Yi also smiled.

After the two men talked a few words about the affairs in the court, Shen Yi suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, uncle."

"Jiankang's Ganquan Academy will accept students this year. There will definitely be many people struggling to get into the academy."

"Someone here has seen my uncle, the prime minister, and my nephew, the governor, and wants to join forces..."

"I guess there are still many people who want to have evil intentions."

"My father-in-law has been absent from the court for a long time. He may not be able to play with those people, nor may he be able to withstand the pressure from all sides."

"Master, please help me when you have time."

"It's natural."

Zhao Changping stroked his beard and said calmly: "If we really recruit some ghosts and monsters into the academy, Ziheng, you don't care, I have to take into account the reputation of the academy and Anshi."

"Don't worry, no one dares to bully our academy."

Having said this, he looked at Shen Yi and suddenly said: "I heard that the eldest son of the emperor is going to study at Ganquan Academy. Does Zi Heng know about this?"

Shen Yi took a deep breath and shook his head slightly: "I don't know."

"But there were rumors earlier."

The two foxes, one old and one young, looked at each other, and they both saw some worry in each other's eyes.

Shen Yi lowered his head and took a sip of tea and said softly: "It's a pity that the queen has no children. Otherwise, it would not be a big deal for the emperor's eldest son to study in our academy. As long as he finds a way to get the emperor's legitimate son to study in our academy, it will be a bowl of water." ."

Xianggong Zhao smiled hoarsely and looked at Shen Yi: "Zi Heng regarding the matter of establishing a crown prince..."

"Your Majesty is young, and my nephew will not think about such illusory things."


Mr. Zhao nodded appreciatively.

"If everyone in the court thought like Zi Heng, the world would be at peace."

Shen Yi stood up and said with a smile: "What they think has nothing to do with us."

He raised his hands to Zhao Changping.

"In a few days, my nephew will leave Jiankang, his family and his younger brother..."

"Please ask your uncle to take care of you."

Zhao Changping stood up, helped him up, and sighed: "My youngest son also has to be entrusted to Zi Heng to take care of him."

Shen Yi was quite surprised when he heard this.

Second brother this year...

Still want to go north...?

The compilation is just a joke, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously...

This chapter has been completed!
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