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Chapter 237: Clean Di Di News Agency!

Sun Jin is a very serious person.

More importantly, it was his first "business trip" away from the palace, and it was an "emperor's mission", so he was particularly concerned.

He got Shen Yi's manuscript in the morning, paid for the hotel room in Yuebin House, and then rode back to Jiankang directly.

Eunuchs generally do not ride horses. After all, they are servants of the emperor, and they have to be somewhat arrogant when going out, so most of them go out in carriages.

After all, riding a horse is hard work.

However, Sun Jin did not find it too hard. He set out around noon and traveled day and night. Before dawn the next day, he had already arrived at the gate of Jiankang City and waited at the gate for more than an hour. When the gate opened at dawn,

He rode into Jiankang on horseback, and then all the way to the foot of the imperial city. He took Shen Yi's manuscript into the palace and asked to see Gao Ming.

Eunuch Gao is a senior eunuch. There are many things on weekdays, and you can't just see him when you want to. Even an eunuch like Sun Jin who has the emperor's official status has to wait for nearly two hours. When Eunuch Gao took a rest in the afternoon, he

I met the great eunuch in charge of the palace.

After seeing Gao Ming, Sun Jin knelt down on the ground and called him godfather.

In fact, the age difference between the two of them is only more than ten years, and the relationship between them could not be called father and son. However, if you want to get ahead in the palace, you have to rely on the dock and find a backer.

What eunuchs lack most is a son, so the most popular thing in the palace is to recognize a godfather.

It happened that Gao Ming was born as a charioteer in the East Palace. Although he directly reached the position of eunuch, his foundation was shallow and he had to cultivate his power in the palace. In the six or seven years after the little emperor came to the throne, Gao Ming was a young eunuch in the palace.

It is said that he has about seventy or eighty godsons.

At this age, Sun Jin was able to reach the middle level among the eunuchs. Gao Ming, his "adopted father", helped him a lot.

Eunuch Gao glanced at Sun Jin who was kneeling on the ground, with a calm expression on his face: "There are no outsiders, just get up and talk."

Sun Jin then stood up respectfully, first handed over the manuscript written by Shen Yi, then stood beside Gao Ming with his hands lowered, lowered his head and said: "Godfather, this is the manuscript written by Mr. Shen. My son only got it at noon yesterday. In order to

I made it easier for you, the old man, to run your errands and come back day and night."

Gao Ming said "hmm" and put the manuscript aside. He glanced at Sun Jin and showed a faint smile on his face: "There is no need to be in such a hurry. There is no rush to use this manuscript this year. It will be used after the New Year.


Sun Jin lowered his head and said: "My son dare not be impatient about the things my godfather told me."

At this point, Eunuch Sun paused and continued: "By the way, godfather, Mr. Shen asked his son to bring you a message, saying that he and his godfather have not seen each other for a long time, and he misses him very much..."

Gao Ming was startled, then frowned slightly, thinking to himself.

"My relationship with Shen Qi... is not that close, and he is not such a flattering person..."

After Gao Ming lowered his head and thought about it, he looked at Sun Jin thoughtfully and asked, "Did Shen Qi say anything else?"

"Five Dynasties Rivers, Mountains and Winds"

Sun Jin shook his head: "Go back to your godfather, that's all."

Gao Ming nodded and waved his hand: "Okay, our family understands that you have been working hard on the road day and night, so please go down and rest.


Sun Jin bowed his head respectfully and exited Gao Ming's room.

After Eunuch Sun left, Eunuch Gao looked at the manuscript in front of him and murmured: "Shen Qi has something to say to me, but he can't say it directly. He can't even write a letter..."

The eunuch narrowed his eyes and stood up silently.

"He wanted to tell me that my surroundings were unclean, or that the palace was unclean..."

Thinking of this, Eunuch Gao did not dare to neglect. He first opened the manuscript written by Shen Yi, read it carefully, then put the manuscript into his sleeve and went all the way to the palace of Deqing Hall.

The emperor was taking a nap at the moment.

Eunuch Gao did not dare to disturb the emperor, so he knelt down silently and waited for the emperor to wake up.

At the last moment, the little emperor finally slowly opened his eyes. Eunuch Gao had taken care of him since he was a child and knew the little emperor's habits very well. He immediately brought a cup of warm water and lowered his eyebrows and said: "Your Majesty."

The little emperor picked up the hot water, rinsed his mouth, and spit it into the jade basin prepared by Eunuch Gao. After stretching, he glanced at Gao Ming and said calmly: "Usually at noon, you

You have to be busy with some chores in the palace and are not waiting in Deqing Hall. Why are you here today? Is there anything?"

Gao Ming lowered his head and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is wise."

He handed Shen Yi's manuscript to the emperor and said: "Your Majesty, Jiangdu Shen Yi's manuscript has been sent. I have taken a rough look at it and found that it is very good, so I will bring it to you for review."

"That's all?"

The little emperor lazily picked up one of Shen Yi's manuscripts and looked at Gao Ming: "Doesn't it seem worth your while to come see me in such a hurry?"

"His Majesty…"

Gao Ming took a deep breath, kowtowed to the emperor and said: "Your Majesty, Shen Yi asked someone in the palace to bring a message to the servant. The underlying meaning of the words seems to be that the people in the Di Reporting Department are unclean, and the slave came to see Your Majesty.

I want your majesty’s prospective slaves to secretly check the Di’s Reporting Department…”

"The Di News Department is not clean..."

The little emperor snorted: "It's not surprising. Everyone in Jiankang City is staring at the palace. Those people in the palace are my servants on the surface, but in fact they are all pairs of eyes, one by one.


He looked at Gao Ming with a calm expression: "The question is, how did Shen Yi, who was in Jiangdu, know?"

Gao Ming shook his head.

"Your Majesty, Shen Yi didn't explain it clearly, but I guess... it should have been leaked that he wrote the newspaper to the newspaper department."


The little emperor nodded and said: "Don't do things in a hazy manner. I urge you to go check the residence and report to the department. As for Shen Yi, send a trustworthy person to Jiangdu to find out what he wants to say.


He looked at Gao Ming and said in a low voice, "Isn't it possible that there isn't even one trustworthy person around you?"


Gao Ming lowered his head and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will make arrangements later."


The little emperor said slowly: "I can tolerate the presence of outsiders' eyes and ears in the palace. Sometimes I need to rely on these informants to talk to those outside, but the Di Reporting Department..."

He looked at Gao Ming, lowered his eyebrows and said, "I need a clean newspaper office, at least in the past few years, do you understand?"

Now His Majesty the Emperor has deeply realized the purpose and power of Di Bao Si.uu Kanshu www.uukanshu.com

And now that he has just taken charge, this is the time when this kind of political tool is most needed to seize power. Therefore, the current little emperor attaches great importance to the Di News Department.

Eunuch Gao shuddered and lowered his head quickly: "I understand, I will definitely investigate the Di's Reporting Department thoroughly!"

"Well, you go ahead."

His Majesty the Emperor yawned greatly.

Eunuch Gao bowed and went back to do his errands.

After Gao Ming left, the little emperor began to carefully read the manuscript written by Shen Yi.

His Majesty the Emperor just glanced at the current affairs manuscripts written with materials and put them aside. He rummaged through them and finally found the "propositional composition" written by Shen Yi.

After carefully reading this article of less than 500 words, His Majesty the Emperor looked complicated.

He looked at it carefully again and then murmured to himself.

"The two rivers are filled with bones, and the coffin is hanging at the entrance of the Holy Palace..."

His Majesty, the young emperor, clenched his fist fiercely.

Emperor Sejong, who led Dachen to the south, was filled with grief because he lost half of his country. He only lived in Jiankang for four years and then passed away.

The coffin of Emperor Sejong is still hanging in the imperial mausoleum and has never been buried!

This chapter has been completed!
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