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Chapter 371: The Righteous Chapter Censor

The supervisory censor is a seventh-rank official, but he is actually of low position and power.

The most important thing is that this position can be heard and reported, which means that there is no responsibility for what you say. As long as he hears about something, he can directly write to you to intervene. And after participating, the yamen will investigate, and it will be natural if it is verified.

It should be dealt with, and it should be held accountable.

And if this is not found, the censor is not responsible.

However, the supervisory censor is still different from the censor in the imperial court. The supervisory censor is specifically responsible for a certain area. For example, Zhang Fuzhang is the supervisory censor in charge of the Gyeonggi area, including Jiangdu Prefecture.

within the jurisdiction of.

Therefore, although he was a seventh-rank official, Zheng Fuzun of Jiangdu, a fourth-rank official, also came to the city gate to greet him in person.

Zhang Yushi and Song Ying, the son-in-law of Zhao Shangshu, were good friends in the same year and had a close friendship. Zhang Jian was a student of Zhao Shangshu, so the two naturally knew each other.

But I'm not particularly familiar with him, I can only say I know him.

After the two people greeted each other, Zhang Jian first looked at the governor, then at Zhang Fu, and said with a smile: "Although we haven't seen him for a long time, I and other local officials don't really want to see Shaoling.


Zhang Censor was not very old. Hearing this, he smiled slightly and said, "I have been working hard waiting for these Censors. I had just rested at home for a few days when I was urged by the superior officer to inspect..."

He looked back at Zheng Fuzun and said with a smile: "No, I'm going to Jiangdu to catch the autumn wind. I'll hang out in Jiangdu for a while, so I can keep up with the officials when I go back."

Zheng Fuzun was all smiles.

"When it comes to fear, among all my colleagues, Mr. Zheng is the least afraid. Mr. Zheng has just arrived in Jiangdu for a short period of time, and nothing can be found on my head."

After the officials made a few jokes, they looked at each other and laughed.

Zheng Fuzun is a fat man in his forties. After finishing his speech, he turned slightly sideways and said with a smile: "Okay, standing here is not a problem. Mr. Zheng held a banquet in Mingyue Tower.

Give Zhang Yushi a chance to catch the wind."

Zhang Fu said with a smile on his face: "Then I will bother you all."

In this way, all the officials set off to Mingyue Tower together, accompanied by the Fu Zun, several other adjutants from the Fu Yamen and Zhang County Zun as assistants. The group of lords drank Zhang Yushi into a stupor, and the Fu Yamen

Tang Tongzhi also wanted to take Zhang Yushi to the Red Mansion by Yudai Lake to hang out, but Zhang Yushi drank so much that he fell unconscious and fell to the ground.

When a group of officials broke up the banquet, it was completely dark.

The county magistrate staggered out of Mingyue Tower, but did not go home. Instead, with the support of his family, he came to Shen Yi's residence and knocked on the Shen family's door.

Soon, Mr. Zhang was invited in. Seeing that he was drunk, Shen Yi asked the maid to brew ginger tea to sober him up.

Zhang Xianzun had a blush on his face and sat across from Shen Yi. After he burped several times, he slowly spoke: "Zi Heng, today... a censor arrived in Jiangdu today."

Shen Yi poured him a cup of hot tea and said with a smile, "What do you want to say, senior brother?"

Zhang Jian stood up drunkenly, patted his chest, and spoke a little vaguely: "If you need anything for brother, just ask."

Shen Yi was silent for a while and said with a smile: "In some time, there may be trouble for senior brother, but now..."

He stood up and helped Zhang Jian sit down, then said with a smile: "Now, senior brother, it's better to sober up first."

That night, Zhang Xianzun, who was sixty or seventy percent drunk, stayed at Shen Yi's house until very late before being sent home by Shen Yi himself.


Shen Yi's days in Jiangdu were very comfortable and leisurely. Firstly, he didn't have to worry about the affairs of the newspaper office, and secondly, he didn't even have to get up early. Apart from reading idle books at home every day, Shen Yi went to the academy to work as Master Lu or Qin. The husband played chess and chatted, and many days passed without realizing it. It was December of the seventh year of Hong De.

Shen Yi's wedding date is set for December 16th, which means that there is only a little over half a month until Shen Yi gets married.

Fortunately, Shen Yi is the Duke of Hanlin, and the Shen family naturally works together to arrange his marriage. Therefore, there is basically nothing that requires Shen Yi to intervene in this marriage. He can be his own boss without any worries. Just wait quietly for the wedding date.

While Mr. Shen was living a leisurely life, Zhang Yushi's work in Jiangdu was also proceeding in an orderly manner.

In the past few days, he inspected the political affairs, expenditures and various accounts and books of Jiangdu Prefectural Government and Jiangdu County Government respectively.

Zheng Fuzun from the government office has just arrived in Jiang, so there will naturally be no problems. And Zhang Jian, let alone Zhang Jian, is the prime minister, not to mention that he doesn't like the local situation. Tangtangshuishui, even if he liked him, Zhang Fu didn't dare to check him out.

However, Zhang Yushi was still very "responsible". After only staying in Jiangdu for a few days, he discovered that there was a problem with a case that the Jiangdu County Government had closed two years ago.

Because many of the confessions in this case were inconsistent, many students from Ganquan Academy came forward to testify that it was Fan Dongcheng and four other people who beat and killed the student Chen Qing. However, in the end, the then county magistrate Feng Lu was found guilty because of several "parties". "'s confession, the perpetrator was identified as Qian Tong, and the case was hastily closed.

The records of the original autopsy have also disappeared and been completely erased.

As a result, Zhang Fu asked the Jiangdu County Government to retry the case.

This matter was brought to the government office.

After Zheng Fuzun learned about this matter, his face was full of weirdness. He first read the case file, then smiled at Zhang Fu and said: "Zhang Yushi, it should be the responsibility of the Ministry of Punishment to audit local criminal names. It seems to be the same as Yushitai. …”

Zhang Yushi's face was serious now.

"I am the Supervisory Censor, responsible for inspecting officials. If there are any mistakes or omissions in this case, they are the mistakes of the previous county magistrate. I will write a letter to join in the case of Feng Lu, the former county magistrate of Jiangdu."

Zhang Fu glanced at Zheng Fuzun and said calmly: "If Magistrate Zheng is unwilling to retry the case, I will have no choice but to write to the Ministry of Punishment and ask the Ministry of Punishment to send someone to retry the case."

Magistrate Zheng had a smile on his face: "What Zhang Yushi said is serious. Our local government will definitely fully cooperate with the Yushitai. If Zhang Yushi feels that the case needs to be retried, and the county government has no objections, then the government will

Naturally, the government will not have any objections."

Seeing that Master Zheng was relieved, Zhang Yushi nodded with satisfaction, and returned to the Jiangdu County Government Office with the documents from the prefect's Yamen, and talked to the County Master Zhang Jian.

The two people were in the same camp, and Zhang Jian was from the academy, so he had no good impression of the Fan family, so he immediately asked the county government execution room to re-investigate the case.

After staying at the county government office for a long time, Zhang Yushi left the county government office and returned to the inn arranged by the prefectural government office to rest. Before he could reach the inn, he was stopped by the Fan family on the way.

The Fan family members are very polite and treat each other like a royal censor.

Even the fourth son of the Fan family personally presented a five thousand tael of silver notes, which Zhang Yushi scoffed at.

Compared with the Minister of Hubu, five thousand taels of silver is really insignificant.

Zhang Fu didn't even look at it.

The fourth son of the Fan family was named Fan Lian. Seeing that Zhang Fu refused to accept the money, the fourth son of the Fan family smiled at Zhang Fu and said: "Zhang Yushi, if you don't accept the money today, maybe in a few days

Then I regretted it."

Zhang Yushi's face was full of righteousness.

"As a supervisory censor, Zhang is not afraid of threats the most in his life!"

Just say it, Zhang Fu walked away with a sigh of relief.

The fourth master of the Fan family had a faint smile on his face.

The smile is light and breezy.

The clouds are calm and the wind is gentle, and I feel a little more confident.

It took me a long time to write this chapter. I tried to speed up the pace without affecting the quality. If you have any comments, you can give them...

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