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Chapter 410 The Rotten Guardhouse

After daylight broke out, Linhaiwei's casualties were counted.

A total of thirty-nine people were killed, and they were killed on the spot by the Japanese pirates.

Adding together the others who were seriously injured and lightly injured, there were more than a hundred people.

This ratio of casualties is not surprising. In many cases, human vitality is so surprisingly tenacious. Of course, although some seriously injured people did not die on the spot, it would be difficult to save them and they would die one after another in the following days.

Shen Yi inspected Linhai Guard's wounded soldiers camp. The smell of blood was very strong along the way. Seeing these wounded soldiers lying on the ground, Shen Yi felt a little emotional.

No matter what, these people really shed blood.

While Shen Yi was walking around the wounded barracks, Linhai Guard Qianhu Lingsu, who was already in his thirties, came over with some embarrassment, stayed with Shen Yi, and said cautiously: "Shen Sizheng..."

Shen Yi turned to look at him, and then smiled politely: "Ling Qianhu is not with the Crown Prince, why did he come to follow me?"

Ling Su lowered his head with a look of shame on his face: "Ling knows that Linhaiwei's defeat was a complete mess this time, and it is natural for the prince to be angry. Ling is already prepared to be sent to Jiankang, but this time The battle is only due to my poor command of Qianhu, and my brothers in Linhaiwei are all blameless..."

"I hope Shen Sizheng can put in a few nice words in front of the imperial envoy and not let the court blame Linhaiwei. Ling is willing to bear all the blame..."

Qianhu is a fifth-rank official, and a genuine fifth-rank official.

If he were a fifth-grade civil servant in the capital, he could already be regarded as a junior boss in the imperial court. However, the Chen Dynasty valued literature over military affairs. Except for the alternative Zhao clan, the status of other military attachés was generally not high.

For example, Ling Su, a fifth-grade Qianhu, was polite when talking to Shen Yi, even though there was a whole third-grade and twelve-level gap between them.

Of course, the reason why Ling Su respects Shen Yi is not mainly because of Shen Yi's current rank, but because of Shen Yi's background as a second-ranked Jinshi and his status as a Hanlin scholar.

Shen Yi looked at this Qianhu, thought for a moment, and then asked slowly: "The Linhai Guard's combat effectiveness is so low, and the dignified officers and soldiers even ran away looking at the thieves. How can they be innocent?"

Ling Su lowered his head and let out a long sigh: "Shen Hanlin should know that there are two levels of local guard posts. Each guard has a commander, commanding five thousand households. Logically speaking, one guard should have five thousand households. That’s right.”

"Since I, Linhaiwei, have the word "Wei", I naturally have five thousand-household offices."

Ling Su lowered his head and said with a somewhat ashamed look on his face: "Originally, Linhaiwei had land, farmed it in peacetime, and went into battle during wars. However, after more than a hundred years since the founding of the Chen Dynasty, the commanders and thousands of households in the past dynasties began to embezzle the land belonging to Linhaiwei. By Ling's generation, Linhaiwei's land had become a problem even to support a thousand households..."

"Due to lack of land, a large number of Linhai Guard's sergeants fled. So far, Linhai Guard only has one thousand-household station left, and several other thousand-household stations are no longer even established."

"Although there is still a commander, he has been ill all year round and lives in Lin'an Mansion. It has been eight years since I took office in Qianhu, and I have never even seen him..."

Ling Su lowered his head and looked ashamed: "Today, the remaining land of Linhai Guard has become a problem to even feed a thousand people. Therefore, most of Ling's soldiers do not live in the guard station. Most of them are in the guard station." Their respective families were working on the fields, and Ling just called them back two days ago..."

"It's already difficult for these people to face the Japanese pirates."

After hearing this, Shen Yi was silent for a long time.

Then he sighed silently and said: "Shen will send someone to verify what Ling Qianhu said. If what Ling Qianhu said is true, I will truthfully report the matter to the imperial envoy. If Linhaiwei is really in such embarrassment, the imperial envoy I won’t sit back and ignore it.”


Shen Yi looked at Ling Su and said calmly: "I heard that in local guard posts, most of the loss of sergeants is not due to spontaneous flight, but because the officers above want to eat empty pay. Four out of five sergeants in Linhai Guard have lost their jobs. , I'm afraid it's not just the sergeants who have fled..."

Ling Su lowered his head and let out a long sigh: "Shen Sizheng, Ling just said that Linhaiwei used to have five thousand-household stations, but now only one is left. The other four thousand-households are all due to the food shortage." The imperial government paid the salary, and in the entire Qianhu Institute, my father was the only one who did not join in their evil deeds..."

Shen Yi was startled, then shook his head and sighed: "That's all, Ling Qianhu, we can talk about the Linhai Guards later. I heard that when we resisted the Japanese pirates last night, although they were beaten badly, there were still some people killed by the formation. If you have killed the Japanese pirates, please take me to see the warriors who killed the Japanese pirates..."

Hearing this, Ling Su breathed a sigh of relief. As he led the way, he said: "Ling has already counted and killed and injured Japanese pirates last night... more than twenty people, seven or eight of whom were killed by Japanese pirates." Thirteen of them were taken away and left on the battlefield. Of these thirteen, five were still alive and have been killed by us."

"Among these thirteen people, three were killed in close combat."

Shen Yi nodded silently, with a complicated look on his face, and said: "Anyone who killed the Japanese pirates yesterday, whether they used firearms or bows and crossbows, will be upgraded to a level on the spot and will be rewarded with ten taels of silver."

Having said this, Shen Yi glanced at Ling Su and said, "There are three other warriors who killed the Japanese pirates in close combat, and there will be heavy rewards."

Ling Su breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'll take Shen Sizheng there."

Soon, under the leadership of Ling Qianhu, Shen Yi saw two people in Linhaiwei's temporary camp. One of them was a wounded soldier. A long gash was cut on his back by a Japanese sword. He was lying on the bed because He lost blood and his lips turned pale.

The other was a young man who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old. He was about the same age as Shen Yi. He was strong, bronzed and looked very powerful.

"The injured man's surname is Wan and his name is Wan Zhong. He is a good player of our Linhai Guard. He killed a Japanese pirate head-on, but was attacked from behind by another Japanese pirate and was cut open."

Ling Qianhu pointed at the uninjured young man and added: "His name is Xue Wei. He killed a Japanese pirate head-on. Then the artillery and crossbows on the city wall rained down, and he withdrew."

After Ling Su said this, he stopped talking.

Shen Yi looked at him, thoughtfully: "The third person to kill the Japanese pirates is Ling Qianhu, right?"

Ling Qianhu lowered his head, his face a little red: "These two brothers are both ordinary leather armors. Ling is wearing iron armor and can do countless things."

Shen Yi lowered his head and thought for a moment, then looked at the two teenagers, smiled slightly and said: "You two fought bravely, and each of you will be rewarded with twenty taels of silver."

"The imperial envoy was ordered by the emperor to form an anti-Japanese army. Both of you have the opportunity to join the anti-Japanese army and will be of great use in the future!"

Wanzhong, who was lying on the bed, looked pale and said nothing.

Xue Wei, on the other hand, knelt down in front of Shen Yi with a plop, his face flushed with excitement.

"Thank you very much, Master Imperial Envoy, for the reward!"

Shen Yi looked at his excited face and secretly guessed.

This man...is short of money right now.

However, this thought just passed by for a moment. Shen Yi turned to look at Ling Su and said in a deep voice: "Ling Qianhu, the soldiers of Linhai Guard who died in battle, I will personally distribute the pension, and it will be distributed to every household. , just go and count the list."

Ling Qianhu perked up after hearing this and immediately clasped his fists at Shen Yi.

"Ling, go right now!"

This chapter has been completed!
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