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Chapter 492 Who belongs to whom?

Text Volume Chapter 492: Who is Who? After leaving the Manlu Palace, Shen Yi left the palace all the way, but did not leave the imperial city.

Because he wanted to go to the Ministry of War to say hello.

He is now the head of the Ministry of War, and he is not a temporary official. He is the real head of the Ministry of War, a serious official who occupies one of the eight heads of the Ministry of War.

As an official of the Ministry of War, after returning from overseas assignment, you should go back to the Ministry of War to take a look and say hello to the superior officers of the Ministry of War. After all, Mr. Shen will most likely continue to develop in the Ministry of War for a long time in the future. He cannot It offended the leaders and colleagues in the unit.

The Ministry of War is in the imperial city, and it is not difficult to find. Shen Yi has also been to the Ministry of War a few times. He quickly found the entrance of the Ministry of War, then took out his badge and entered the Ministry of War smoothly, and was led to it. Arsenal Department of the Ministry of War.

As one of the four departments of the Ministry of War, although the Arsenal Department has relatively lower authority, the place is really not small. Shen Yi walked around in the Arsenal Department and did not find another head of the Arsenal Department with the same position as himself. I met a member of the Arsenal Department.

That is Shen Yi's immediate boss.

After the two people greeted each other, Shen Yi, under his leadership, went to see Lu Cong, the right minister of the Ministry of War in charge of the Arsenal Department.

This Lu Shilang can be said to be the highest-level superior Shen Yi can come into contact with in the Ministry of War. As for the higher-up Minister of the Ministry of War, he spends more time discussing state affairs and formulating some general directions. He rarely goes there again. Handle ministry matters.

After meeting Shen Yi, Minister Lu remained polite to a certain extent. He poured a cup of tea for Shen Yi himself and said with a smile: "A few days ago, when His Majesty Ren Ziheng was the head of the Ministry of War and sent you south, the Ministry also talked about this. I remember that Minister Han said that this matter was a bit of a joke at the time. If it was not done well, it would also affect the reputation of our Ministry of War. I didn’t expect that just a few months later..."

Lu Cong looked at Shen Yi with admiration in his eyes: "In just a few months, Zi Heng defeated Japanese pirates in Fujian and made great achievements again."

"In this way, our Ministry of War can gain some glory."

Although what the right minister of the Ministry of War said was just for the occasion, his words were somewhat provocative. He accidentally told Shen Yi that another minister of the Ministry of War had said bad things about you behind your back.

As soon as these words were spoken, it seemed like he was trying to win over Shen Yi and win over the Ministry of War Yamen.

This is not surprising, but is extremely normal.

The right minister of the Ministry of War is slightly lower than the left minister. The most obvious difference between the two ministers is that the left minister is in charge of the most important military selection department and the professional division of the Ministry of War, while the right minister is in charge of driving. Ministry and Arsenal Department.

In other words, Shen Yi was originally Lu Shilang's subordinate.

From this point of view, it was extremely normal for Shilang Lu to show a wooing attitude. He didn't even do it deliberately. He just said it casually because he was used to being an official.

Faced with this kind of official talk, Shen Yi didn't express too much, he just made a few casual remarks.

After chatting with Shen Yi for a few words, Shilang Lu's mood improved a lot. He pulled Shen Yi's sleeve and said with a smile: "It's a pity that Feng Shangshu is not here today, otherwise I would have to take you to see Feng Shangshu and introduce him to him. It is not allowed to introduce young people."

Shen Yi lowered his head slightly and smiled calmly: "After I get down, I will probably always be in the Ministry of War, and I will always see Lord Shangshu."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Lu Cong smiled and said: "Feng Shangshu is not in good health. He may retire next year. Ziheng will find time to visit the military department more. I will take you to get close to the old Shangshu."

Shen Yi also smiled back.

"I obey my orders..."


After staying at the Ministry of War for more than an hour, Shen Yi left the yamen of the Ministry of War. It was almost noon, so he simply had a meal of fried noodles at a noodle stall at the entrance of the imperial city.

After dealing with them briefly, Shen Yi went to Liquan Building, walked around the building, borrowed two or three books that he had never seen before, put them in his arms and took them home.

After visiting Liquan Tower, Shen Yi bought some wine and meat and took it to Dayifang to have a drink with Mr. Gu.

It happened that at this time, his brother Shen Heng was also asking Mr. Gu for advice. The two brothers stayed in Dayifang for more than an hour until it was getting close to evening, and the two brothers went home together.

After returning home, Shen Yi immediately went to visit his wife and children. The little one was already asleep. Shen Yi whispered a few words to his wife in a soft voice. After seeing that Lu Ruoxi's face was also full of exhaustion, he moved lightly. I left the bedroom and went to the study to work.

It was already evening now, and the Shen family quickly started to have dinner. After dinner, Shen Yi returned to the study and began to look through some documents obtained from the Di newspaper office.

Mainly information about Japanese pirate lairs.

This year is coming to the end of the year. Since Shen Yi is planning to go out to sea to suppress Japanese pirates in the spring of next year, he naturally needs to make more preparations. In addition to accurately finding Japanese pirate nests, some Japanese pirate nests occupy islands with dangerous terrain, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. , it is also necessary to make a detailed attack plan.

While Mr. Shen was working in the study, there was a gentle knock on the door, and a familiar voice came: "Sir, Brother Xu is here."

"I want to see you outside."

It was the voice of the eldest maid Qing'er.

Shen Yi put down the dry brush in his hand, stretched out his hand to rub his forehead, and said, "Let him come to the study to see me."

Qing'er responded sweetly and turned around.

Soon, Xu Fu, dressed in cotton clothes, appeared in Shen Yi's study. Xu Fu, who was born as a beggar in Jiangdu, bowed his hands to Shen Yi respectfully and said, "Sir."

Shen Yi looked at him and shook his head slightly: "How many times have I told you, there is no need to be so polite, sit down and talk."

Xu Fu nodded, moved a chair himself, and sat opposite Shen Yi.

Mr. Shen glanced at the clothes he was wearing and said with a smile: "I heard that you are a member of the ranks of Jiankang City. Why are you dressed so shabbily?"

A smile appeared on Xu Fu's face: "Back to the young master, I read the Chen Code a few days ago. The Chen Code states that merchants are not allowed to wear silk and satin."

"If you're afraid of getting into trouble, you'd better wear commoners and be practical."

Shen Yi was speechless: "Those are the rules set down by Taizu more than a hundred years ago. Now, the capital has been moved once. These old things are rarely mentioned by anyone anymore. Look at the shopkeepers on Dongshi Street. , which one is not dressed in silk and satin?"

Xu Fu lowered his head slightly and did not answer.

Shen Yi glanced at him and asked: "You came to me in such a hurry, maybe you have something to do?"

Xu Fu sat opposite Shen Yi and remained silent.

After a long time, he raised his head and looked at Shen Yi with firm eyes: "Sir, it was Eunuch Gao who asked me to come."


Shen Yi raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: "What did he ask you to do?"

"Let me make you believe that I am still your son."

Xu Fu lowered his head, told the matter honestly, and then lowered his head and said: "Sir, Eunuch Gao said that he won this trip south for me in front of His Majesty. Eunuch Gao also said...Sir, you , he will also say this to show me favor..."

Shen Yi thought for a while and smiled dumbly: "It seems that you have forgotten what your "uncle" said, and you dare to tell me the truth."

Xu Fu took a deep breath, knelt directly on the ground, and whispered in Jiangdu dialect: "No matter what time, I will always be Young Master's person, and I will always be the beggar on the streets of Jiangdu who was rescued from the sea of ​​misery by Young Master..."

Seeing Xu Fu kneeling on the ground, Shen Yi helped him up and said helplessly: "Just talk, why are you kneeling?"

After helping Xu Fu up, Shen Yi reached out and patted his shoulder: "But Xiao Xu, what you said today is very good. You have completed the errand assigned to you by Mr. Gao."

Shen Yi looked at Xu Fu and smiled.

"Now, I have come to believe that you are not Eunuch Gao's."

This chapter has been completed!
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