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Chapter 530 Going to the sea!

To put it bluntly, this is the elimination system at the end.

But not entirely.

Because Shen Yi didn't really want to drive away the people who resisted the Japanese army. After all, these people had indeed established their merits in the past year. He just wanted to bring some sense of crisis to these soldiers.

Tell them clearly that if they don't train well, they may have to pack up and leave.

After hearing what Shen Yi said, everyone present froze in place and didn't speak for a long time. Ling Su frowned. He stood up and wanted to say something to Shen Yi, but Mr. Shen didn't wait for him. After opening his mouth, he continued: "The first three months of the competition will be treated as a drill. Only rewards will be given and no punishment will be given. After three months, we will strictly implement what I said."

After saying that, Shen Yi glanced at Ling Su and continued: "If anyone has any objections, they can come to me in private, or go directly to Guangzhou Mansion to ask the Imperial Envoy for feedback."

Mr. Shen looked at everyone, lowered his eyebrows and said: "Moreover, I will spend time writing a military discipline charter in the next few days. From today on, I will strictly enforce military discipline against the Japanese army. After the charter is posted, if anyone has any opinions, you can Come to me."

"If someone can't stay here any longer, don't worry, just tell me."

Mr. Shen looked calm: "The Anti-Japanese Army is different from the local guards in the past. There is no hereditary military household. If brothers don't want to stay anymore, I can help you contact the local government and ask the local government to register you as a citizen. ."

At this point, Shen Yi had almost finished what he wanted to say. He glanced at everyone and said calmly: "That's about all I have to say. If you have any objections, you can speak up on the spot."

Everyone present was silent.

Some hundreds of households looked at Ling Su, but Ling Qianhu just sighed and remained silent.

So, the meeting ended here.

Xue Wei was very excited about the content of this small meeting, because he now managed seven or eight hundred households. As soon as Shen Yigang announced the dissolution, Xue Wei took these hundreds of households and lectured them. .

Obviously, Xue Qianhu is full of fighting spirit.

After the meeting ended, Ling Su stayed next to Shen Yi and did not go away. After everyone left, Ling Su stood behind Shen Yi and sighed silently: "Master Shen, are you being too hasty in forcing yourself like this? …Most of the officers and soldiers in the anti-Japanese army were recruits recruited last year. In just half a year, they fought south and north and eliminated several groups of Japanese pirates, which was quite hard..."

"Once the martial arts competition method is implemented at this time, the training in each hundred-household camp will inevitably be more rigorous than the other..."

Ling Su sighed: "It's okay to suffer a little bit..."

"Mr. Shen, you haven't been in the army for two months. You don't know very well. In the two months since you left, most of the brothers in the anti-Japanese army felt that the Japanese pirates were vulnerable. If we strengthen their training..."

"I'm afraid they will inevitably have complaints."

Shen Yi raised his head and looked at the tall Anti-Japanese Army Qianhu in front of him, who was also the actual direct controller of the Anti-Japanese Army.

Shen Yi frowned deeply: "Ling Qianhu, you have stayed in Linhaiwei for too long."

Ling Su was startled: "Master Shen, what do you mean..."

"You have been accustomed to the laziness of Linhai Guards since you were a child, and you also grew up in that lazy environment. I'm afraid you no longer know what a real army is like."

Mr. Shen looked at Ling Su with an expressionless face: "Do you think the anti-Japanese army is only used to suppress the Japanese?"

"If the anti-Japanese army was only used to suppress Japanese pirates, the Japanese pirates on land would have been defeated last year. I would not come back here this year, and the imperial court would not send craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry and the War Bureau to come here. Yueqing shipbuilding and artillery building!”

"Ling Qianhu, are you ambitious?"


Ling Su didn't understand Shen Yi's question. He looked up at Shen Yi with some doubts: "Ambition?"

"Master Shen, please make it clear..."

"Where do you think you can sit in the future?"

Shen Yi asked slowly: "Are you the commander of the anti-Japanese army, or the commander-in-chief of the future anti-Japanese capital division?"

Ling Su lowered his head and gave a bitter smile: "There is no one in my court. If I can become a commander when I am forty or fifty years old, I will be satisfied in this life. As for all the commanders..."

He whispered: "That's unthinkable..."

Mr. Shen glanced at him and said calmly: "What if the anti-Japanese army is used for the Northern Expedition one day?"


Ling Su was stunned: "Northern Expedition?"

These two words had never appeared in his life, and they even appeared in his mind only a handful of times.

As a southerner who grew up in Taizhou Prefecture, only half of the Chen Kingdom was left when Ling Su was born. He did not have as much knowledge as Master Lu. Having grown up in Linhaiwei, it was natural for him to inherit After taking the position of Qianhu in the family, my life would have ended in Linhaiwei.

It wasn't until the appearance of the anti-Japanese army that it gave him some reasons to fight.

However, even so, he never had any thoughts about the Northern Expedition.

Shen Yi said slowly: "Has Ling Qianhu heard the story of Ding Guogong?"

"Dingguo Gong..."

Ling Su swallowed his saliva, nodded and said, "I have heard the story of Ding Guogong standing firm on the Huaihe River and repelling the Qi army. Everyone in Dachen knows it..."

"If one day, we will resist the Japanese army's Northern Expedition."

"Step into the land of Qi people."

Mr. Shen said in a faint tone: "Restore your homeland and return it to the old capital."

"The day has finally come."

Shen Yi lowered his eyebrows and said, "Our anti-Japanese army is much stronger than the Huaihe Navy that Duke Ding established back then."

Master Shen used a seductive tone to paint a picture of Ling Su.

"Does Ling Qianhu want this unparalleled feat?"

Ling Su was stunned on the spot, unable to say a word, and just nodded blankly.

"Then let's start from now."

Shen Yi said slowly: "Do everything right now and train every soldier well. One day in the future, maybe I can lead you..."

"Go to Yandu and have a look."


After training and painting cakes in the anti-Japanese army camp in the morning, Mr. Shen asked Jiang Sheng to bring a meal over at noon. After a hasty meal, Shen Yi found an empty room in the camp and took a nap.

In the afternoon, Mr. Shen, who was finally full of energy, accompanied by Ling Su, arrived at the dock next to the coastal port.

This was the warship factory for the anti-Japanese army.

This shipyard was built by Shen Yi with great effort last year. He not only contributed money and effort, but also risked being suspected by the emperor. He hired nearly a hundred craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry who specialized in building large ships. Basically, every day Keep building warships.

By now, the first boat has been basically completed and is being painted. After painting, let it dry for a few days before the main body can be launched into the water.

As for how to install artillery and other equipment after launching, it is a matter for the subsequent firearms workshop.

After arriving at the dock, Shen Yi was taken by the craftsmen to the place where the first ship was berthed. At this time, the main body of the ship had been launched into the water, and the exterior paint had already been painted. Some craftsmen were painting the interior of the ship.

Looking at the huge ship in front of him, Shen Yi's eyes were full of excitement. He turned to look at the craftsman leader beside him and asked, "Master Xie, how many people can this ship carry?"

"Return to Chief Shen."

Master Xie raised his head slightly, his face full of pride.

"This ship is eighteen feet long and eight feet wide. It can carry two hundred people without any problem!"

"Two hundred people..."

Mr. Shen lowered his head and thought for a while, then murmured.

"Three ships with six hundred people. After training, it seems that they can go to sea and give it a try..."

This chapter has been completed!
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