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Chapter 52 The world is in trouble

In Shen Yi's previous life, he was an individual small business owner in retail. Although he made some money, had some interactions with officials, and had much more vision and knowledge than ordinary people, he had never been an official after all, and had never really been in the officialdom. .

In other words, Shen Yi's understanding of officialdom is still in books and rumors. He has not personally experienced officialdom. The current officialdom battle in Jiangdu Prefecture, although the scope of the battle is not very large, the scope of the battle is not very large. One of the two parties is still a group of grain merchants, but it can be said to be wonderful.

It was an eye-opener for Shen Qilang.

As Ma Yuanwai bowed his head, the questioning meeting hosted by the two imperial envoys came to an end. Mr. Lu stood up from his chair and said goodbye to the two imperial envoys. Shen Yi also followed Lu Anshi and left the prefect's Yamen.

After Shen Yi put Lu Anshi on the carriage, he did not get on. Instead, he bowed his hands towards the carriage and said: "Sir, the student has not been home for several days. I will not go to the academy today. I am in the city." If you see Mr. Qin in two days, ask for leave for the student."

Lu Anshi frowned slightly, looked at Shen Yi, and asked, "What are you doing in the city? Don't let anything happen again."

Shen Yi shook his head quickly and said, "Sir, don't worry, the students are just in the city to see how the situation will develop, and there is no chance of causing trouble."

"Let's see how the situation develops?"

Lu Anshi glanced at Shen Yi indifferently, lowered his eyebrows and said, "Could it be that he wants to see how the Ma family is ruined?"

Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, then smiled hoarsely and said: "Sir, I misunderstood. After the Ma family's disaster, the grievances between the students and their family have been cleared. From now on, what their family will look like will have nothing to do with the students." It’s related.”

"The students are just curious about where the situation in Jiangdu will go next, and those little guys don't have a livelihood yet. The students will help them find a viable livelihood in the past few days."

Hearing this, Lu Anshicai nodded and said, "In that case, I won't stop you anymore, you..."

He looked at Shen Yi and asked: "As a student, you must not have much money. If you are short of money to help those children, you can come to me and get some."

Shen Yi shook his head quickly and said, "Don't worry, sir. Since the students have decided to help them, the money in hand is enough, so you don't need to worry."


Lu Anshi nodded slightly and said calmly to his servant: "Let's go back to the academy."

The carriage slowly left.

Shen Yi looked at the back of Lu Anshi's carriage driving away and sighed secretly in his heart.

This Mr. Lu is indeed a rare good man, but it seems that it was precisely because of this temper that he could not survive in the officialdom. With the title of Jinshi, he returned to his hometown and became the dean of an academy.

After sighing, Shen Yi looked up at the sky.

It's almost noon now.

Shen Qilang walked around the city a few times with his hands behind his back, bought two roast ducks from a roadside stall on the street, then bought some pastries and carried them in his hands, heading towards the small yard he rented for the children. go.

He needs to teach these children a trade as soon as possible so that they can make money and settle down in Jiangdu City.

Of course, part of the money earned should be given to Shen Yi, so that even if Shen Yi is studying in the academy, he can accumulate some original capital to facilitate his future work.


While Shen Yi was teaching a few little guys how to do things, a little fat man in blue clothes stood anxiously at the side door of the Fan family's gate. He looked panicked and said to the Fan family's concierge: "Excuse me, thank you. Just say that I want to see Mr. Fan..."

The concierge looked at the little fat man, then shook his head slightly and said, "Mr. Ma, my young master has been grounded. He has not been able to go out for the past few days. I am afraid that he will not be able to come out to see you. Please come back."

The little fat man standing at the door of Fan's house is naturally Ma Jun, the young master of the Ma family.

Now, although the imperial envoy has asked questions and left to return to the capital, the "punishment" from the capital court has not yet come down, and the Ma family is still innocent for the time being.

Of course, the Jiangdu Prefecture Yamen is not a vegetarian. It is impossible to watch the Ma family activities everywhere. Therefore, as soon as the imperial envoy's questioning ended this morning, the Prefecture Yamen sent people to surround the house of the grain merchant. There was no Magistrate Yamen. With a warrant, no one is allowed in or out.

The prefect's Yamen's original words were to wait for the court's decision.

It happened that Ma Jun, Ma Yuan's son, was not at home, so he was not locked up at home. When he heard that something happened at home, he hurried to Fan's house to ask for help.

It's a pity that the Fan family, as the top noble family in Jiangdu, has already received the news early. Ma Jun was previously allowed to enter and exit the Fan family gate at will, but now he is no longer allowed to enter.

Mr. Ma felt a little desperate.

He stood blankly at the side door for a long time, then reached out and knocked on the door again, his face pale: "Excuse me, just say...just say I want to see Mr. Fan."

Mr. Fan is the current head of the Fan family in Jiangdu, and the brother of Fan Shilang in the capital.

Now, the two imperial envoys have not returned to the court. If Fan Shilang in the court is willing to speak for the Ma family, the Ma family may be fined this time. But if no one speaks for the Ma family, it is really possible that they will be fined. The house was ransacked!

The concierge of the Fan family looked at Ma Jun up and down in surprise, and then showed a slightly mocking smile on his face.

"Mr. Ma, I just said that my young master has no way to see you. As for my master..."

The concierge raised his head, revealing two big nostrils.

"I'm afraid even your father-in-law, Mr. Ma, can't just meet him if he wants to, right?"

After hearing these cold words, Mr. Ma's face became even uglier. He staggered, barely able to stand still, and after barely collecting himself, he took out a piece of silver cake from his sleeve and handed it to the concierge.

"I... I just want to see Mr. Fan. You go and inform me. Just say... Just say that the Ma family will be very grateful..."

"Okay, okay."

The porter was annoyed by the entanglement. He gave Ma Jun a blank look and reached out to grab the silver cake.

"I'm going to inform you, but it's not up to me to decide whether the master and the young master can see you."

After saying that, the concierge closed the side door heavily.

Mr. Ma Jun and Mr. Ma were waiting outside the door.

Half an hour...an hour,

There was no movement in Fan's mansion, the door was still closed, and even the concierge was nowhere to be seen.

Ma Jun stumbled to the door of Fan's house. He raised his head and looked at the tall and well-established Fan's house in front of him. His knees softened and he knelt on the ground, lowering his head, motionless.

Tears of humiliation flowed from his eyes to his cheeks.

As the son of the richest man in Jiangdu, Ma Jun was naturally well-known in Jiangdu city. The news that he was kneeling in front of the Fan Mansion quickly spread throughout Jiangdu Mansion, and soon reached the ears of the prefect.

At this moment, Chen Fuzun was in the study room of the magistrate's yamen, drinking tea and calculating how much money he would have to fill in this time. After hearing the report from his servant, Chen Fuzun first narrowed his eyes, and then said coldly.

: "Kneel down in front of Fan's house?"

"Let him kneel down."

"A minister from the Ministry of Justice... can't reach out to the Ministry of Finance. I want to see if this Minister Fan will intervene in this matter..."

The prefect's Yamen did not stop him, so Ma Jun kept kneeling at the door of Fan's house.

From noon to sunset, the door of Fan Mansion was closed tightly, and Ma Jun did not even open it.

Ma Jun was already a bit obese. After kneeling for a long time, he couldn't bear it anymore and might faint at any time.

At this moment, a voice sounded in his ear.

"There's no use kneeling here."

Mr. Ma looked up and saw a young man dressed in white, holding a folding fan, standing in front of him gracefully.

"Shen...Shen Qi..."

Ma Jun gritted his teeth: "You...are you here to make fun of me?"

Shen Yi glanced at Ma Jun up and down and responded lightly.


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