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Chapter 563 The Imperial Decree is coming

After being noticed by Qi Ren, it did bring a lot of trouble to Shen Yi.

Because he used to like to wander around the city, go to some busy markets or antique streets, and buy some gadgets, but now that Qi Ren is paying attention to him, he doesn't dare to go out by himself.

Even if he knew that there were internal guards following him, he would always feel guilty in his heart.

Therefore, in the few days after returning to Yueqing, he spent most of the time living in the anti-Japanese army camp and busy with official duties.

The main issue is the pension and subsequent reward money.

The pension for the anti-Japanese army was twenty taels of silver per person.

The reward for killing an enemy is five taels of silver.

It is worth mentioning that at the beginning, this silver reward was actually ten taels of silver, because at that time the anti-Japanese army was first established, and there was still some fear of Japanese pirates. It was difficult to kill many Japanese pirates when they were restrained.

Later, after the Yueqing War, the combat effectiveness of the anti-Japanese army gradually increased, and more Japanese pirates were killed. Later, after careful consideration, Mr. Shen lowered the silver reward standard.

But even so, the treatment of the anti-Japanese army was far better than that of the local guards, especially when the money was distributed, it was done very neatly.

Take pensions as an example. Some military pensions are issued by local governments. When distributing pensions, you have to go through the process over and over again. When it is distributed to relatives, you don’t know how many times it has been passed. If you can get 30%, it is enough.

It was the official who was soft-hearted.

The anti-Japanese army was different.

The list of fallen soldiers of the anti-Japanese army was compiled by Shen Yi personally. After the statistics were compiled, he took the list to Eunuch Du and asked for money. Then he would ask Xue Wei to lead people and ride fast horses to go from house to house to distribute the money. He would also send another

People focus on this money.

Deadly rules for resisting the Japanese army.

As long as someone else's hard work is used to make a huge contribution, it will be a dead end and no one can escape.

Because he could not go out, Shen Yi's work efficiency increased a lot. In only four or five days, he finished sorting out the pension rewards for the Anti-Japanese Army. Then each of the soldiers who participated in the battle received an additional five taels.

The reward of silver.

In addition to these expenses, plus the money to buy pigs, sheep and livestock, there was not much money left in the anti-Japanese army's "small treasury".

After handling these matters, Shen Yi immediately issued an order for all the anti-Japanese troops to take a month's leave. During this month, they could go home to visit relatives, or they could continue to stay in the camp.

After announcing the holiday, Shen Yi held a meeting with the anti-Japanese army. The general idea was that the money given out should be given to the family as much as possible to support the family, and not be spent on women's bellies.

Ten or twenty taels of silver may seem like a lot, but in a brothel, it's too much to spend.

After handling all the anti-Japanese affairs, Shen Yi called Lu Cheng and followed Lu Cheng back to Jiankang.

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The news that the emperor summoned him back to Beijing actually arrived in Yueqing two days ago, but Shen Yi was still busy with business these two days, so he did not go back.

Lu Cheng had been waiting for Shen Yi for two days. After Shen Yi said hello, he immediately drove a carriage to the gate of the Anti-Japanese Army Camp to pick him up. At this time, Mr. Shen had already packed his luggage and was at the Anti-Japanese Army Camp.

At the door, I said goodbye to the two thousand households who were bidding farewell and a few hundred households who were still in the camp.

These generals all rode on horseback and escorted Shen Yi for more than ten miles before stopping.

After these people stopped, Lu Cheng, who was riding in the same carriage with Shen Yi, smiled at Shen Yi and said, "Master Shen has a very good relationship with these generals who resisted the Japanese army."

Shen Yi smiled: "We have worked together for a while, so naturally we have some friendship. If we had different intentions, the suppression of the Japanese would not have been so smooth."

Lu Cheng nodded, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

This interior guard coach is a man of few words. It is not easy for him to occasionally show a few smiles to Shen Yi.

On the way back to Beijing, there were at least a hundred internal guards around the two of them, so safety was very guaranteed. Except for the slightly slower carriage ride, the rest of the journey could be said to be uneventful.

They walked like this for three days. On the afternoon of the fourth day, when Shen Yi was flipping through a "Geographical Map of Japan" in the carriage, a guard followed the carriage on horseback and walked side by side with a respectful voice:

"Commander Wei, I have news for you."

Lu Cheng, who had been closing his eyes to rest, opened his eyes after hearing this, opened the curtain, and took an envelope from this man's hand.

After opening the envelope and taking out the paper inside, Lu Cheng once again had a rare smile on his face.

He glanced at Shen Yi, who was flipping through a book, and said with a smile: "Master Shen, I have some news, do you want to hear it?"

Shen Yi's eyes immediately moved from the book in his hand to Lu Cheng's face. He asked curiously: "What news?"

"News about Northern Qi."

Lu Weishuai folded the white paper in his hand and put it in an envelope, then put it in his arms and smiled calmly: "I just received the bad news that last year's No. 1 scholar in the Northern Qi Dynasty passed away."

Hearing this nonsense news, Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously asked: "How did you die?"

"Falled off horse and died."

Lu Cheng looked calm: "This scholar, who is only twenty-four years old this year, is said to be a great talent who only appeared in the Northern Qi Dynasty in the fifty years. Unfortunately, he fell off his horse while riding a horse and died."

When he said this, he shook his head again: "What a pity."

He said "It's a pity", but there was no expression of regret on his face, and his tone didn't even fluctuate, and he acted very calmly.

Shen Yi didn't react for a while. After thinking for a while, he couldn't think of a clue. He still flipped through the geographical map in his hand. As soon as he turned two pages, a thunder exploded in his mind!

He remembers…

A few days ago, Lu Cheng once told him that the imperial court would give him an explanation regarding his assassination in Yueqing...

And Lu Cheng said that this explanation is coming soon!

Thinking of this, Mr. Shen swallowed hard and could no longer read the book in his hand.

He looked up at Lu Cheng blankly, and swallowed again.

Could it be...

Could it be that the champion of the Northern Qi Dynasty, who fell off his horse and died, was the explanation given to him by the imperial court?

Thinking of this, Shen Yi couldn't help but feel a chill on his spine.

If this is the case, the explanation given to me by the court is really simple and crude...

Moreover...the power of the inner guard once again exceeded Shen Yi's understanding.

However, Shen Yi also knew in his heart that there was no way to ask Lu Cheng directly about this. Even if he asked, Lu Cheng would most likely not admit it.

But after this little episode, Shen Yi's attitude towards Lu Cheng became a little more polite...

Time passed day by day, because the speed of the carriage was really not fast. Shen Yi only arrived at the foot of Jiankang City on the morning of the eighth day.

After entering Jiankang City, Lu Cheng drove Shen Yi to the vicinity of Shen's residence in a carriage. He got out of the carriage, bowed his hands to Shen Yi, parted with Shen Yi, and headed towards the palace.

He most likely went to the palace to deliver the order.

Mr. Shen, on the other hand, figured out the direction and then walked towards his home.

Before he reached the door of his house, Shen Yi saw two eunuchs waiting at his door.

As for his family members, his father Shen Zhang, his brother Shen Heng, and his wife Lu Ruoxi, they were all at the door with the two young eunuchs, and they would say a few words from time to time.

Even the fragrant eucalyptus has been placed.

As soon as Shen Yi approached, the Shen family immediately noticed his figure and pointed to the two eunuchs. The two eunuchs also stepped forward and asked, "Is this Mr. Shen Yi?"

Shen Yi nodded and raised his hands: "It's Shen."

The two young eunuchs looked at each other, and then smiled: "The director of the Ministry of War, Shen Yi, accepted the order."

Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, and then his brother Shen Heng smiled and pulled him to the gate of Shen's house, where he knelt down together with the Shen family.

"Brother, I heard it's an imperial edict for promotion,"

As soon as Shen Heng finished speaking, one of the young eunuchs coughed with a clear voice.

"Zhi said."

"The head of the Ministry of War, Shen Yi, has a good command of the troops and a skill in suppressing Japanese enemies..."

"Professed to be a senior official, leading the army with the title of Langzhong..."

Having said this, the eunuch paused, then looked at Shen Yi and continued to read.

"Concurrently... a bachelor's degree student at Hanlin Academy..."

This chapter has been completed!
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