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Chapter 577: The most beloved concubine of the Hongde Dynasty

The big boss has arranged some errands. Although Shen Yi is on vacation, he still has to work overtime.

First, Ling Su and Xue Wei were summoned to Beijing.

There is no problem with this. The emperor probably did not send out the edict explicitly in order not to make too much publicity. It was just a matter of Shen Yi writing a letter. It was sent through the express delivery of the Di News Agency and it could arrive in two or three days.


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As military commanders, these two Qianhu must be able to ride horses. Riding a thousand miles is faster, changing horses at inns along the way, and it only takes three days to arrive.

As for finding a way to come up with a military expenditure for a capital, that's...not easy.

If, as the emperor said, Xu Fu was given a special ticket and asked to sell salt, relying on the high profits of the salt industry monopoly, it would not be difficult to raise a coastal capital. But as Shen Yi said, if it really

If you do this, it will be easy to say no and be gone.

It has been more than a hundred years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The interests of all walks of life have long been divided, especially those industries with high profits, such as salt, iron and copper, and which are monopolized by the imperial court. The entanglements of interests are even more complicated.

It's so complex that it's hard to explain clearly.

In this case, it is impossible for your emperor to issue an imperial edict, and those who have vested interests will spit out their shares.

Blocking someone's way of making money is like killing your parents.

In this era when communication and transportation are extremely inconvenient, it is difficult for the imperial power to reach the county, not to mention the whole country.

If you really want to force yourself to dig out the food from the salt merchant's bowl, it's not completely impossible, but Xu Fuxu, a high-ranking official, will probably have to have ten or twenty guards by his side to ensure his safety.

And this thing is not easy to do in a short time. If you want to make money quickly...

At present, there are only two ways.

The first way is to go to sea and do business.

Now, leaving aside the maritime trade routes along the coast of Fujian and Guangdong, the docks along the east coast of Zhejiang are basically ready for use. As long as Shen Yi can open up the trade routes along the coast of Fujian, Xu Fu can transport some silk, porcelain, and tea.

Such things were sent to sea and brought back in exchange for large amounts of silver from overseas.

As long as the scale of the operation reaches a certain level, raising a capital company should not be a particularly big problem.

The second way is to let the anti-Japanese army make money on their own.

The fastest way to make money is of course to go to Japan Island and open the silver mine.

However, the second way is currently unrealistic. Only after the anti-Japanese fleet develops into a "fleet" can we go out to fight the autumn wind.

Therefore, if the anti-Japanese army now wants to make money, the most direct way is to suppress bandits and seize the stolen property of those bandits.

And if you want the water to flow slowly...

Then you have to go through customs.

More than 30 years ago, Chen Guo still had a coastal shipping department. However, in the past 20 years, Japanese pirates have been rampant and the sea routes have been abandoned. The shipping department has gradually disappeared. The best way now is to reopen the shipping department.


In the future, maritime trade will gradually take off. With the income of the Shipping Department, there will be no problem, let alone raising a coastal capital, or even covering the salary of the Forbidden Army.

In this way, following this idea, Shen Yi spent about three days thinking about it at home before making a detailed plan.

On the morning of the fourth day, Mr. Shen yawned and entered the palace with his memorial.

It happened that this day was the day of the Xiaochao meeting. As a fifth-rank official, Mr. Shen was already qualified to go to court, so he joined in the fun and went to Deqing Hall to go to court.

This is not the first time he has gone to court.

During the last court meeting, he was forced to go to court by the emperor. In front of all the civil and military officials, the emperor boasted about his heroic deeds in resisting the Japanese army and suppressing the Japanese, which really embarrassed Mr. Shen.

The reason for the embarrassment is that both sides are unhappy.

The civil servants will not admire Shen Yi because of his military achievements. They may even feel that Shen Yi, a second-ranked Jinshi, despises his status and does the good things of these rough guys. They will feel that Shen Yi, a second-ranked Jinshi, has betrayed their civilian class and became a military general.


As for the military attaches, they would not think that Shen Yi, the Jinshi master, was one of their own. Instead, they would think that Shen Yi, the big-headed scholar, must have taken the credit from his generals.

Both sides are angry.

Fortunately, Shen Yi didn't rely on these military generals and civil servants for anything. He just bowed his head and pretended to be dead and survived the last court meeting.

At this court meeting, Mr. Shen stood obediently in the last row of the military officials' queue, lowered his head and pretended to be dead, without saying a word. He was able to survive this court meeting.

This small court meeting held once every five days did not last long. After the emperor simply explained a few routine matters, he announced that the court was dismissed.

It was easy to survive until the dynasty was over and all the officials were leaving one after another. Shen Yi was about to ask for an audience with the emperor when a young man next to him grabbed his sleeve and said with a smile: "What are Ziheng doing these days? I'm going

I went to Liquan Tower several times, but I didn't see you. I went to your house to look for you. My siblings said you were sitting in the study writing and drawing all day long, so I didn't dare to disturb you."

Shen Yi also smiled: "If senior brother comes to see me for something, just go to the study door and knock on the door. Why are you so polite?"

Having said this, Shen Yi rubbed his temples and said, "I have been doing some errands assigned by His Majesty these past few days, and I am preparing to go to the Holy See. What do you want from me, senior brother?"

Saying that, Shen Yi suddenly patted his forehead.

"I remembered that yesterday afternoon, my wife did tell me that my senior brother had been here. I was busy at that time, and I forgot about it in the blink of an eye."

"What can I do if I look for you?"

Zhang Jian watched Shen Yi walking in the palace and said with a smile: "I'm just looking for you to drink."

With that said, he approached Shen Yi's ear and whispered: "Zi Heng, have you heard about what happened in the palace?"

Shen Yi blinked: "What did you hear?"

"Ziheng doesn't know?"

Zhang Jian's eyes became even more excited.

A gossipy soul was burning in his eyes.

"Didn't His Majesty take a concubine a few days ago?"

Zhang Jian looked around and whispered: "I heard that the Queen Mother was very unhappy. She took the Queen Mother to the residence of this concubine two days ago. It was said that she wanted to cause trouble."

"When His Majesty found out, he was very angry."

Zhang Jian whispered furtively: "I heard that I had a big quarrel with the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother was so angry that she went back to Kunde Palace. It is said that the Queen Mother was so angry that she even had fetal contractions..."

Mr. Shen was stunned and speechless: "Is it true or false?"

"The rumor spread all over the city."

Zhang Jian smiled and said: "It's probably true, and..."

Zhang Yian said half a sentence, then smiled and stopped talking.

Shen Yi felt a little itchy when he heard this, and said helplessly: "Brother, why don't you finish what you said?"

"Moreover, this Concubine De was promoted by His Majesty yesterday and is now Concubine Hui."

Zhang Jian said softly: "Now, in the taverns and teahouses in Jiankang City, they all say that she is Concubine Lu."

Zhang Yi'an smiled pointedly: "This is the first beloved concubine of our Hongde Dynasty."

When Shen Yi heard this, he also felt a little magical.

Although he gave some provocation, he just wanted the emperor to be tougher in front of the Queen Mother. Who would have thought...

The emperor actually had sex with the queen mother directly?

Thinking of this, Shen Yi shook his head slightly and said, "Senior brother, it's probably not that he favors the concubine or not, but that His Majesty wants to truly control both the inside and outside."

Zhang Jian nodded, still with a smile on his face.

"That's the truth, but this Concubine Lu is probably in line with His Majesty's wishes. Otherwise, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened."

The prime minister's son said softly: "That's true. There may be a war over the country in the future..."

Mr. Shen rolled his eyes at him and was speechless: "Your Majesty is not even a prince yet, how can he be involved in the national foundation? Senior brother, you think too much."

Having said this, Shen Yi touched the memorial book in his sleeve and felt a little hesitant.

He was thinking about whether to discuss projects with his boss when he was emotionally unstable.

But after hesitating for a while, he decided to go there.

"Brother, I still have something to see Your Majesty."

"After I finish meeting with Your Majesty, today... um, in the afternoon, I will invite senior brother to have a drink at Cuiyun Tower."


Zhang Jian smiled.

"Taichang Temple is very leisurely. After noon, I went to Cuiyun Tower to look for you."

This chapter has been completed!
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