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Chapter 582: Group Meeting

Because of the hard work of traveling all the way, Shen Yi copied down the preliminary list, washed himself briefly, and then went to bed to rest.

Early the next morning, Mr. Shen still slept in. When it was daylight, he got up from the bed and started to get dressed lazily.

After arriving in Yueqing City, he became relatively more relaxed.

In Jiankang City, he, a fifth-rank official, would unknowingly keep one step lower than others when he saw them. Even in the yamen of the Ministry of War, he had to be polite to others, but it was different in Yueqing.

Although Shen Yi has no actual position in Jiankang, he is now a real imperial envoy, and even the word "dai" has been removed. Now Shen Yi is no longer acting on behalf of the imperial envoy, but a serious imperial envoy.

Let's put it this way, when the governor of Zhejiang, Fantai, and Zhetai came in front of Shen Yi, they all had to talk to Shen Yi as his peers, and even respected Shen Yi a little bit.

Therefore, in Yueqing, he has nothing to worry about, and all he cares about is doing whatever he wants.

After walking around Yueqing City and having breakfast, Shen Yi rode out of the city.

To be precise, it is the east of Yueqing City.

Mr. Shen spent money to buy a large piece of open space about 20 acres about ten miles east of Yueqing City. At this time, the open space was guarded by about 20 anti-Japanese army officers and soldiers. There are dozens of craftsmen working on this open space.

Here is the location of "Shenyuan".

After he was almost burned to death in Yueqing City last time, Shen Yi started thinking about building his own house. Before returning to Jiankang, he spent a lot of time drawing rough architectural drawings and handed them to the craftsman at the shipyard. People, let them build a garden according to the plans and help them build a garden.

The craftsmen in these shipyards are all skilled craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry. For them, building large ships is no problem, and building a garden is no problem. Although the construction has only been started for more than a month, the foundation of the garden has been laid. The main building is already under construction.

Of course, building a house is an extra job for these craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry, but Shen Yi pays them very well on weekdays. He comes here to build a house and also gives extra money, so these people work very hard.

After Shen Yi inspected the project, he was very satisfied with the progress of the project.

According to this progress, in two or three months, he will be able to live in this house he designed.

Looking at the garden that was slowly taking shape, Mr. Shen made a secret calculation in his mind.

In the future... a Shenyuan Garden will be built in my hometown in Jiangdu, um... one will also be built in Jiankang...

When Master Shen was lost in thought, a somewhat thick voice sounded in his ears: "Master Shen, I am talking to you..."

When Shen Yi came back to his senses, he saw a middle-aged man standing behind him.

The leader of the craftsmen in the Ministry of Industry, Master Xie.

Shen Yi smiled: "Master Xie, what do you want from me?"

Master Xie smiled awkwardly, lowered his head slightly and said, "I've called you several times, so I didn't bother you to think about the problem."

"No no."

Shen Yi coughed and said with a smile: "I'm just thinking about some insignificant things. Master Xie said that's all."

Master Xie held a blueprint in his hand, spread it out in front of Shen Yi, and said, "It's like this, Master Shen. I have discussed it with several other masters who are good at building houses, and we all agreed... um..."

He pointed at the rooms on this drawing and sighed: "We all agree that there are too many underground secret rooms."

"Sir, it is natural for you to build a few secret rooms, but there is really no need to build so many. Firstly, it will affect the completion time, and secondly, if time goes by in the future, it may make the house less stable."

"In order to keep the building stable, they asked the young ones to ask the adults if they could just leave a few secret rooms..."

Shen Yi shook his head and said, "Just do it this way. It doesn't matter if it's one or two months early or two months late."

He patted Master Xie on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I'm not in a hurry to move in anyway, just take your time."

The main purpose of building secret passages and secret chambers is to save lives.

After all, the Qi people in the north may jump out and stab Shen Yi at any time, and they may burn Shen Yi's house again, or use various other weird assassination methods...

Therefore, Shen Yi wanted to build a garden to live in. From the beginning of the design of this garden, the only and final purpose was two words.


At present, almost all the rooms in this Shen Garden are connected by secret passages underground, and secret rooms have been built in several secret places. Even if an emergency occurs, Shen Yi will have enough escape space and reaction time.

Master Xie responded, then went down to continue his work.

After Shen Yi visited his future residence all morning, in the afternoon, he wandered to the anti-Japanese army camp.

At this time, the soldiers in the anti-Japanese army camp were very excited when they saw Shen Yi coming back. They all came forward to salute Shen Yi with clasped fists and shouted one after another.

Faced with these brothers, Shen Yi almost always greeted them with a smile. Soon, more and more anti-Japanese army officers and soldiers gathered, and Shen Yi was surrounded by the anti-Japanese army commanders. Master Shen then took the throne. , promoted the big account discussion.

In half an hour, the generals from more than 100 households fighting against the Japanese army had basically gathered in the commander's account. They all clasped their fists at Shen Yi and called him Duke Shen.

Shen Yi coughed, waved his hands to everyone and said, "Okay, everyone, please sit down and talk."

Everyone responded and sat down on the ground one after another, looking up at Shen Yi with more or less excitement on their faces.

Because Ling Su and Xue Wei had returned to the camp yesterday, they certainly knew that Ling and Xue had been promoted to commanders.

When a leader is promoted to a higher level, his subordinates should also be promoted more or less.

After everyone sat down, Shen Yi said slowly: "Shuai Ling and Deputy Marshal Xue returned to the camp yesterday. You should be more or less aware of the court's arrangements."

He looked at the crowd and said calmly: "Our anti-Japanese army currently consists of only one guard, and the military duties of this guard must be completed."

"In other words, there are currently five thousand-household positions and about twenty hundred-household positions vacant."

"Most of these five thousand-household positions will be selected from among you. The two commanders have also submitted the specific list to my desk."

"However, I need to further evaluate the list submitted by the two commanders, so the five thousand households positions are temporary. After the evaluation is completed, I will report it to the Ministry of War."

"The content of the assessment..."

Mr. Shen looked around at everyone and said slowly: "First of all, it is a military competition on weekdays."

"Secondly, it is an expression of suppressing Japanese invaders."

"Before the end of this year, we will try our best to clear out all the Japanese pirates along the coast of Fujian on behalf of the imperial court. I have handed over the information about the Japanese pirates in Fujian to the two commanders. You can go to them to see it."

At this point, Shen Yi took out the list from his arms and coughed: "Now, I'm going to start reading the list of the five people who will test the thousand households."

"Chen Yong."

A man in his mid-twenties stood up suddenly, his eyes full of excitement: "My subordinate is here!"

"Xiao Tong."

Another young man stood up, his hands trembling slightly: "My subordinate is here!"

"Liu Mingyuan."

"My subordinate is here!"

"Du Yao..."

"Mr. Sun..."

After reading the names of these five people, Shen Yi looked at the five relatively young faces and smiled lightly.

"The five of you are promoted to test thousands of households for the fight against the Japanese army. You will obey the orders of my officer and the two commanders. Do you understand?"

The five people knelt down half-kneeling and said in a heavy voice: "I will obey you!"


Shen Yi waved his hand, motioning for several people to stand up, and then continued: "There are still fifty lists of hundreds of households below. Everyone here is already a hundred households, and most of them are on the list. I won't read out the names today. Already."

"Because there are five thousand households, the anti-Japanese army will have to reorganize the organization. Today, I will discuss the specific personnel division with the two commanders and the five thousand households. After the discussion, we will announce the candidates for the hundred households. ."

Having said this, Mr. Shen waved his hand to everyone: "Okay, the two commanders and the five thousand households will stay to discuss the matter, and everyone else will leave first."


These people were all promoted by Shen Yi, so they listened to the greetings. When they heard the words, they all stood up, saluted Shen Yi with clasped fists, and exited the camp.

However, there will naturally be a few unhappy looks on Ling Su and Xue Wei.

Because Mr. Shen just said that this list was given to him by two commanders!

Any dissatisfaction will naturally fall on the two commanders.

As everyone walked out, Shen Yi sat back down and smiled at the seven people in the big tent.

"Okay, let's start dividing the people."

I'm finally feeling better today. I haven't been able to eat for the past few days. The second chapter will be a little later. I'll write it after I have a late night snack. Thank you for your subscription and support!!! I love you all!!

This chapter has been completed!
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