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Chapter 625 The Diligent Emperor

Compared with the frightened officials in these two places, Mr. Shen who returned to Jiankang was in a much more cheerful mood.

Firstly, he came because he was about to see his wife and children, so he was naturally in a good mood.

In the blink of an eye, his eldest son Shen Yuan is now close to two years old. The last time Shen Yi left Jiankang, this little baby could not speak. However, when he corresponded with his family some time ago, Shen Yi learned that this child could already speak. Called someone.

Shen Yi had never heard this child call him dad, so naturally he couldn't wait to go home and meet his wife and children.

Another happy thing is that the results were released in the autumn of this year. Shen Heng, the ninth eldest son of the Shen family and Mr. Shen’s younger brother, won the second place in the provincial examination and passed the high school examination.

When Shen Yi received this news, he was happy for several days.

You know, it is the master who lifts people.

He is a person with status and status in this society.

Winning the exam means that the little brother you brought up since childhood has his own place in this society. To say the least, even if he stops taking the exam from now on and no longer takes the exam path, This status of being a civil servant is enough for him to have no worries about food and drink for the rest of his life.

As the brother who depends on Shen Heng for life, Shen Yi is naturally very happy for his brother.

As for next spring...

For the current Shen family, it is actually just the icing on the cake, and it is not necessarily a must-win.

In addition to family affairs, Mr. Shen's errands in the southeast this year have all gone smoothly. Therefore, even if he returns to Jiankang to "report on his work," he will feel at ease and will not feel guilty like these two little old men.

After having a simple meal outside the city, everyone got on the carriage again and entered the city.

After entering Jiankang City, the three of them parted ways on the street. Shen Yi originally wanted to find a place for the two local officials to stay, but both of them said they were going to stay at the guild hall of the Ministry of Rites, so Shen Yi didn't force it and let them go. Already.

When officials of this level enter "Beijing", the Ministry of Rites will indeed have a hall to receive them and provide them with accommodation.

Of course, although the accommodation provided by the imperial court was good, it was far inferior to the high-end restaurants along the Qinhuai River. Therefore, when most local officials entered Jiankang, they would not necessarily stay at the guild hall of the Ministry of Rites.

Of course, both of them had to face the Holy Spirit tomorrow, so they obediently went to stay in the "guest house" of the imperial court.

Mr. Shen, on the other hand, asked Jiang Sheng to drive the carriage all the way back to the entrance of Shen's house.

In the carriage, there were many specialties purchased by Shen Yi from Fuzhou, as well as a pearl necklace he specially selected for his wife.

Shen Yi held the necklace in his arms and asked Jiang Sheng to carry things in the carriage, while he strode towards the door of his home.

Shen Residence is not particularly big, and due to Shen Yi's official position, not many people come to visit. Even if they have some social interactions with Shen Yi, they go out to meet a lot, so Shen Residence does not have a concierge. Mr. Shen knocked on the door. After a while, the maid Qing'er came over and opened the door.

After seeing Shen Yi, Qing'er was overjoyed. She stepped forward and grabbed Shen Yi's sleeve, almost jumping with joy.


"You're back!"

Shen Yi was also in a good mood and said with a smile: "I just came back. Is everyone at home at home?"

Qing'er nodded repeatedly: "Ninth Young Master has gone out to attend a poetry gathering, and the others are all at home."

After saying this, she put down Shen Yi's sleeves, ran into the yard, and shouted: "The young master is back, the young master is back!"

Shen Yi can be said to be the absolute backbone of this family.

Therefore, when Qing'er shouted, almost everyone in the family walked out of the house.

Dad Shen Zhang was also in Jiankang's Shen residence at this time. He also hurriedly walked out of the house. The father and son met in the front yard. Shen Yi stepped forward and knelt down respectfully, but he did not kneel down yet. , he was helped up by his father. Mr. Shen sighed and said, "You are working hard outside..."

Shen Yi straightened up, looked at his father, and said with a smile: "Dad, you haven't aged much. You are still the same as before. But I have become a lot darker. In Lin'an Mansion, some people called me the black boy."

Shen Zhang is a reserved person, especially in front of his son. He doesn't know how to express himself. Hearing this, he just smiled at Shen Yi: "My son is not black."

"Call daddy..."

A soft female voice sounded behind Shen Yi.

Immediately, a childish voice came.


At this time, Shen Yi has not looked back.

But after hearing this voice, he was so excited that he felt numb all over and stood there, his whole body froze.

He tried to turn around and saw that his wife was holding a child of about two years old in her hands. The child was wearing a thick cotton coat and standing on the ground. While looking up at Shen Yi curiously, he followed his mother's parrot and shouted, " Daddy".

This sentence "Daddy" made Mr. Shen very happy.

He stepped forward, originally planning to hug his wife first, but in this era, it was not easy to hug in public, so he could only take a deep look at his wife, then bend down and hold the child in his arms. Look at Lu Ruoxi.

"In the blink of an eye, this kid can call people."

He sighed slightly: "Thank you for your hard work, madam."

Lu Qingque also looked at Shen Yi, his eyes a little red.

But no tears fell in the end.

She wiped her eyes with her hands and said in a tearful tone: "Why didn't you say hello in advance when you came back?"

"I was on my way all the time. I was afraid that it would be raining or snowing and I would not be sure of my itinerary, so I didn't send the letter back in advance."

Shen Yi smiled: "Fortunately, I got back before the new year."

Mrs. Shen nodded lightly and said "Yes", then she pulled Shen Yi's sleeves and whispered softly: "Go to the back room and change some clothes. Look at your body, you are not in shape anymore."

"Change it and I'll wash it for you tomorrow."

Naturally, there is nothing clean about traveling all the way.

Shen Yi smiled and nodded, and went to the back room to change clothes with Lu Ruoxi.

That afternoon before evening, the Shen family had dinner early.

Mainly because Shen Yi had a hard time traveling, Lu Ruoxi wanted him to eat early and rest early.

Halfway through the family's meal, there was another knock on the door.

Ping'er was the first to stand up and ran all the way to the gate. Soon, the little girl ran back all the way and looked at Shen Yi.

"Gong...gongzi, the people in the palace..."

"I should be looking for you..."

Shen Yi stood up silently, glanced at his family, and then said, "I'll go out and take a look."

He left the dinner table, and everyone silently put down their chopsticks, waiting for Shen Yi to come back.

After Shen Yi came to his front yard, he quickly saw two eunuchs in blue. When the two eunuchs in blue saw Shen Yi, they immediately stepped forward to salute and called Mr. Shen.

Mr. Shen slightly raised his hand in return and said with a smile: "Two father-in-laws, are you coming to my house so late?"

One of the eunuchs stepped forward, smiled at Shen Yi and said, "Mr. Shen, Your Majesty has a decree to summon you to the palace."

Shen Yi pretended to kneel down to receive the imperial edict, but two eunuchs hurriedly stopped him and said with a smile: "Your Majesty just said something casually. Mr. Shen, you can just go to the palace in a while. There is no need to salute."

Shen Yi looked up at the sky and hesitated: "After a while, will the palace confinement be closed?"

"My servant is waiting for Mr. Shen here. In a moment, my servant will lead you into the palace."

Mr. Shen nodded helplessly.

The big bosses of this era are really inhumane. He just returned home from a thousand miles away and didn't know how to give himself a night's rest. Now he is in a hurry to summon him.

There is no way, and there is no reason to talk to this big boss.

He could only return to the dinner table, inform his family, and then, accompanied by Lu Ruoxi, go back to the house and change into the uniform of a fifth-grade official, and then followed the two eunuchs into the palace.

By the time Shen Yi arrived at the palace gate, it was already completely dark.

The palace gate has already been closed.

Fortunately, the two eunuchs had the badges that prohibited them from entering and exiting the palace, as well as the warrant from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so the palace door was reopened.

Then the two eunuchs took Shen Yi all the way to the entrance of the Manna Palace. One of the eunuchs accompanied Shen Yi, and the other went in to report. Not long after, the two of them brought Shen Yi into the Manna Palace and brought him before His Majesty the Emperor.

When Shen Yi saw the emperor, the emperor was approving the memorial.

There was a thick stack of memorials in front of him, but the emperor's approval was quite serious, and he frowned and thought from time to time.

Shen Yi stepped forward and paid homage to the emperor: "Shen Yi, a doctor in the Ministry of War, comes to pay homage to Your Majesty."

The emperor then put down the brush in his hand and looked at Shen Yi with a smile on his face.

"Get up, there is no need to be formal."

Shen Yi then stood up and stood with his hands down.

The emperor stretched and stood up from his seat.

Perhaps because the approval took a long time, or perhaps because of carelessness, His Majesty the Emperor's right hand has been stained with the unique red color of cinnabar.

"Gao Ming, bring me a basin of water."

Eunuch Gao nodded quickly and went down to fetch water.

The emperor then looked at Shen Yi and said with a smile: "I just returned home and I caught him in the palace. Isn't it a good feeling?"

Shen Yi lowered his head: "Your Majesty summoned me, I feel honored to do so."

The emperor smiled dumbly and ignored Shen Yi's insincere remarks.

"Those two guys were brought to Jiankang?"


Shen Yi smiled and replied: "I should be living in the guild hall of the Ministry of Rites now."


At this moment, the hot water has been brought, and His Majesty the Emperor smiled while washing his hands.

"Tomorrow, I will personally meet with these two Southeast officials."

While talking, a basin of hot water has been washed into a light red color.

"Especially this Cheng Tingzhi."

The emperor narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "I have been on the throne for ten years and have been in charge for four years. This is the first time I have seen such a bold person."

Shen Yi nodded in agreement: "This is the first time I have seen such a bold official."

"Being brave is not a problem."

The emperor wiped his hands and smiled at Shen Yi: "As long as you have the ability and can be useful to the court, no matter how courageous you are."

"I can use it too."

This chapter has been completed!
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