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Chapter 643 Title Brother and Pancake Brother

This kind of comparison article that criticizes and criticizes is already a very common means of attracting traffic in various media and self-media in another world, and many self-media titles in that world are even more exaggerated than Mr. Shen’s title. Much more.

In Shen Yi's opinion, this kind of stepping on someone's back is a bad tactic.

However, since a method can be so successful in the era of big data, it means that this method...has been tried and tested.

At least it won’t work if you try to attract hundreds of clicks.

Mr. Shen’s article, although it has a bit of a headline-grabbing meaning, is not the kind of article with a title and no content at all.

This article can be said to be Shen Yi's current detailed comparison of the situations between the two countries.

Judging from the current situation alone, Shen Yi feels that the Chen State is generally improving, while the seemingly powerful and huge Northern Qi in the north is involuntarily declining.

This decline is not only reflected in the military.

But it is reflected in the human heart.

The reason why these Jurchen descendants were able to enter the Pass, occupy Yanjing, and cut off half of the world sixty years ago was not just because of the 100,000 invincible cavalry of the Northern Qi Dynasty.

"But I think differently than those old guys."

Moreover, the Emperor Taizu who founded the Northern Qi Dynasty collapsed four years after entering the Pass, so he was unable to leave any regulations to future generations and nobles to restrain them and maintain the fighting capacity of the ethnic group.

"The matter in the southeast is done..."

"Moreover, our monarch and his ministers are of the same age."

Life in Guan Nei is really comfortable.

"I have already talked to Uncle Jin Wang."

There is no way.

Emperor Renzong of the Northern Dynasties reigned for twenty years and used various methods, including forcibly recruiting nobles to join the army, starting from small soldiers, and going to battle in person, etc.

"If a civilian official is sent down, it can only be sent down as an imperial envoy to control military force with civil service. Then you will be even less able to suppress it."

The emperor took a deep breath and said, "I promise that he will not surrender for three generations to the Jin Dynasty."

"After much thought, my cousin is the most suitable. However, if I send him down, Shen Qing, you have to promise me something."

Therefore, there is no problem with Shen Yi's analysis.

In addition, the second emperor of the Qi people did not have much foresight. During his more than ten years in office, in addition to being extravagant and lustful, he also liked to lead troops to conquer all directions.

"I will soon be able to get rid of the depression in my heart."

Shen Yi hesitated for a moment and asked, "Is Your Majesty really relieved?"

The emperor subconsciously reached out and knocked on the table and said: "I have been thinking about this question over and over during this period. If I send someone from among the nobles or high-level generals to go south, at least they must be third-grade or even second-grade officials. I'm afraid you can't suppress him..."

The title of the Chen Kingdom is based on the descending system. For example, in the Jin Palace, Jin Prince Li Rui himself is the prince. In the future, when the throne is passed to the crown prince Li Mu, he will be the county prince.

The emperor looked at Shen Yi and said: "He cannot be allowed to touch the military power. The affairs of the Coastal Five Guards cannot be handled by him, otherwise..."

The emperor said slowly: "The things we have done in the Southeast in the past two years have been effective. The ten years of Hongde are the most important years in the Southeast. I want you to start from the beginning and end from the beginning."

In other words, after seven or eight generations, the title will basically be diluted to the point of non-existence.

More so, it was because the Jurchen tribe, which was not yet called "Qi" at the time, was indeed fierce and unafraid of death, regardless of whether they were men, women, old or young, and their individual combat capabilities and group combat capabilities were very powerful.

It was not until the third emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty, who was called Renzong in the Northern Qi Dynasty, that the Northern Qi Dynasty began to carry out all-round sinicization from top to bottom.


Sixty years have passed. It cannot be said that there are no nobles from the Northern Qi Dynasty who can actually mount a horse, ride a horse, or shoot, among the Zhu Lizhen clan who entered the Pass. They are now called nobles by the Northern Dynasties, but they are no longer ten.

The two chatted together for a long time. It was not until the emperor had finished talking that he lowered his head to take a sip of tea, looked up at Shen Yi, and asked: "Shen Qing, the New Year's Day is coming soon. After the Lantern Festival, , I am about to decide on the candidate for the commander-in-chief of the coastal capital..."

His Majesty the Emperor asked Shen Yi to sit down and talked about many topics about the Northern Qi Dynasty based on Shen Yi's article.

"Shen Qing, you..."

You are already a noble man, why do you still have to work like a mud-legged man to earn a future with your life?

It was not until the current emperor of the Qi people ascended the throne twenty years ago that the Northern Qi Dynasty completely lost the possibility of unifying the world and was no longer able to go south to eat up the Chen Kingdom.

Although the balance still tilts towards the north, the magnitude is no longer significant.

"If he agrees, then the five Southeast Guards and the five Ship Divisions will all fall on your shoulders, Shen Qing."

After a pause, he asked: "What do Shen Qing think of Jin Crown Prince Li Mu?"

It can be called one of the pinnacles of light cavalry.

Shen Yi smiled bitterly and then said: "Your Majesty, will the Jin Palace agree to this matter?"

Up to now, the comparison of strength between the two sides...

Further down are the Duke, Hou, Bo, Zi and Nan.

The emperor took a deep breath: "Let those old guys see that what they can do at that age, you and I can do it at our age, and do it better!"

"That's why I have to ask you."

By this time, twenty years had passed since the Qi people entered the customs. The earliest generation had gradually withered away, and the bones of the new generation were almost soft.

In the face of the emperor, it is definitely useless to just talk. Shen Yi still sat down with the emperor in a pragmatic manner and discussed many topics about Northern Qi.

Now if we let these Zhu Li people return to the outside of the pass to catch fish and hunt, at least nine and a half of the ten people will freeze to death in Liaodong.

"This is not something you are qualified to do at your age."

It is true that if this article is published in the Di newspaper, it will definitely be ridiculed by some "sophisticated" people, saying that the imperial court is overestimating its capabilities and is trying to put money on its own face, and even the common people may even make some light ridicule. .

"I'm really a little uneasy."

The emperor looked at Shen Yi and said, "I think you have done a good job in the past two years."

However, Shen Yi believes that this article can still inspire some Chinese people.

Failure to surrender for three generations means that from the first generation of Jin King Li Rui to his son and grandson, there will be three generations of Jin kings in the Jin palace.

The emperor looked at Shen Yi and continued: "Prince Jin's Mansion said he wanted to go back and think about it."

What I have to say is that clickbait headlines are very effective. Even His Majesty the Emperor was a little excited by this article. From time to time he would ask questions such as "We are really better than the north." "That kind of thing."

However, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. These Zhu Lizhen nobles already have the say in the army. The children of the nobles join the army. Except for those stupid young men, few other children of the nobles actually go into battle to fight.

The emperor seemed to be a little excited today and talked more: "The Prime Minister of Zhongshu has also recommended some qualified candidates to me many times."

The reason why the corruption was so rapid and serious was mainly because the first generation entrepreneurial group in Northern Qi had no culture.

Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head slightly and said: "I shouldn't comment on the Tian family's family affairs, but I still have some interactions with the Crown Prince of Jin. He excused himself and resigned at the beginning of last year in order not to worry the family. If you ask him to serve again, even if he agrees, Prince Jin will probably not agree."

Of course, the emperor was still reluctant to give a "hereditary replacement", otherwise a royal family that would live with the country would be born.

At this time, the little emperor was like a patriotic military fan from another world. His words contained excitement about the growth of his country's strength, but also confusion about the country's future, and a little fear about the country's fate in the future.

To be precise, they don't read Chinese books.

It can be regarded as a favor from the emperor.

The sullenness the emperor mentioned was not referring to the Northern Qi Dynasty, but to the Zhao clan.

Zhao Clan, who has mastered the Huaihe Navy!

Brother Pan patted Shen Yi's shoulder heavily.

"When the time comes, I promise you a great future!"

Thanks to "Yu Yao" for the big reward!!

This chapter has been completed!
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