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Chapter 677 Double happiness!

What to say to whomever you meet is an essential skill in officialdom, and it is a basic skill.

Shen Yi has always mastered this skill very well and used it very well.

Sun Jin was beaming with joy at what he said.

Because these five shipping companies along the coast are really related to the future of the purple-clothed eunuch in the inner court, he is naturally very concerned about the progress of the shipping companies.

After taking Sun Jin to wander around Langqi Island for a long time, Mr. Shen took the eunuch in purple for lunch. In the afternoon, the two of them once again determined the location of the Shibosi Yamen.

It is an open space not far from Fuzhou Wei Camp, and also very close to the intersection of the Minjiang River estuary, which is very suitable for building a city ship office.

After confirming the plot of land, Shen Yi patted his chest and said, "Eunuch Sun will be able to find someone to lay the foundation tomorrow. I will go back to the Fuzhou prefect's office for this land and ask them to make a note for you, Eunuch Sun."

Eunuch Sun was very satisfied with the piece of land, and then smiled at Shen Yi and said: "Mr. Shen, you are still a little too disciplined. We are sent by the imperial court to run errands. Not only have we taken a fancy to an open space, but we have also taken a fancy to a house. We just took a fancy to it. After it was demolished, no one dared to say anything, and we just left it to the local government to deal with the aftermath."

"What kind of note do you want them to approve?"

I have to say that the people from this palace have a louder tone.

He was stunned by what Shen Yi said.

Mr. Shen thought that when he was doing things now, he would inevitably bring some bad bureaucratic habits. He did not expect that Eunuch Sun, who was respectful in front of him, would speak with a bureaucratic air. heavier!

But after thinking about it, it seems that this is indeed the case.

He is an imperial envoy, a senior official.

In fact, there is no need to be so cautious at the local level. For example, it was completely unnecessary to go to the Fuzhou prefecture's Yamen to approve land.

He can allocate a piece of land for himself and let the local government help deal with the aftermath.

You can even ask the local government to "demolish" it!

It's just that Mr. Shen is still too "honest". In addition, he is the only civil servant in the Fuzhou Guard. When he said that he needed the local government to approve land, Xue Wei and others really thought that they needed the local government to approve the land.

Speaking of which, Shen Yi went to see Cheng Tingzhi because of this incident. Cheng Futai might also be saying behind his back that Mr. Shen was pedantic...

Thinking of this, Shen Yi shook his head slightly and said with emotion: "Eunuch Sun has seen the world after all. Shen has been an official for too short a time, and he doesn't know much about many things."

Sun Jin bowed slightly to Shen Yi and said: "Mr. Shen is too humble. What you have done in the past two years has surpassed countless ministers in the DPRK."

The two chatted for a while, complimented each other, and then went back to their homes.

For the next ten days or so, Shen Yi lived on Langqi Island, taking care of the Fuzhou Guard and the Shifusi Yamen that was being built.

These two things are actually small things to Shen Yi.

However, in addition to these two small things, he also had to deal with letters from several subordinate generals in Songjiang, Yueqing, Guangdong, and Zhangzhou every day, so his life was quite fulfilling.

In a blink of an eye, time came to mid-April of the 10th year of Hong De.

The weather is getting a little warmer.

At this time, Shen Yi had been living on Langqi Island for more than half a month.

This morning, Shen Yi got up from his tent and was yawning when Jiang Sheng sent a letter.

A letter sent from Cheng Futai in Fuzhou City.

In fact, this is not the first letter from Cheng Tingzhi in more than half a month. Cheng Futai has sent three letters to Shen Yi, all asking him to return to Fuzhou to discuss matters. Only the first two letters Shen Yi found reasons to excuse himself and did not go back.

After opening the letter, Shen Yi shook his head helplessly: "Jiang Sheng, go prepare your horses. Let's rush back to Fuzhou today."

Seeing Shen Yi's reaction, Jiang Sheng was a little curious and asked with a smile: "Sir, what could make you rush back to Fuzhou in such a hurry?"

"Cheng Zhongcheng's fiftieth birthday."

Shen Yi glanced at Jiang Sheng and felt helpless: "It's only three or four days later. Please invite me back for a meal. I have to give him this face. I have to go no matter what."

Speaking of this, Mr. Shen looked a little weird: "Other officials in the border areas, when it comes to birthdays like this, wish they could have given notice three years in advance. But this one was so good that he only notified him three days in advance. He didn't even mention it in the previous letters. See you."

Jiang Sheng thought for a while and said cautiously: "Is the governor trying to trick you into going back?"

"That's not the case."

Shen Yi stretched out and said, "We will still have contact in the future, and he won't use this kind of thing to trick me."

Cheng Tingzhi, as a feudal lord of a province, did not have to show any special respect to Shen Yi, as long as he treated him with courtesy.

But his territory is time-limited, and he can only do it for six years at most.

After six years, he will retire, so Cheng Tingzhi respects Shen Yi's attitude very much, and even feels a little flattering, hoping that Shen Yi can protect his children after six years.

Since he has this motive, he will not lie to others about this kind of thing.

After packing some things, Shen Yi called over several hundred families who were left behind to guard Fuzhou.

These hundreds of households all followed from Yueqing, and they respected Shen Yi very much. After Shen Yi told them a few words and asked them to be optimistic about the Fuzhou Wei camp, he left Fuzhou on horseback with Jiang Sheng and four or five other followers. Wei camp.

It is worth mentioning that when going from Langqi Island to Fuzhou, you have to cross a river. The horses were rushed to the boat and carried across the river by the big boat. When everyone was taking the boat, Jiang Sheng asked: "Master, let's go, what are you going to do?" Don’t you want to say hello to Eunuch Sun and the others?”

Shen Yi rubbed his eyebrows and sounded helpless.

"If you didn't tell me, I almost forgot."

He glanced at a follower behind him and said, "Yuan Zhen, you will go back later and tell Eunuch Sun and the others that I have returned to Fuzhou."

Yuan Zhen, who was born in the anti-Japanese army, is one of Shen Yi's personal followers and is responsible for protecting Shen Yi's safety. In the past year or two, whenever Shen Yi is on the coast, he is basically inseparable.

This tall but not fat man lowered his head and said, "Yes, I obey!"


Mr. Shen yawned: "Listen carefully to what those father-in-laws replied, and then report it to me in Fuzhou. You are the only one who is more literate here. If you can't remember it, just write it down."

Several of Shen Yi's followers are basically...prenatal education level.

Even Jiang Sheng was illiterate when he first followed Shen Yi.

By now, Jiang Sheng is basically literate, but it is still difficult for him to write.

But Yuan Zhen was different. When he was a child, he studied with a private school teacher in the village for several years. He had no problem reading and writing. He was the academic ceiling of Shen Yi and other students in his class.

Yuan Zhen lowered his head again and said: "I will remember it."

While he was talking, the big boat had already docked. After Jiang Sheng went to pay the boat fare, everyone got off the boat with their horses. Only Yuan Zhen was left, and he took the boat back again.

After crossing the river, the rest of the way was easy to walk, but the weather was just right, neither hot nor cold. Shen Yi was enjoying the scenery while riding, and when he arrived in Fuzhou, it was already afternoon and evening.

Fortunately, a group of them entered the city before the city gate closed.

After entering the city, Shen Yi rode back to Xingyuan.

After arriving at Xingyuan, Mr. Shen felt extremely tired. After yawning loudly, he walked towards his bedroom: "I'm really tired after a long day's journey, so I'm going to sleep first. It's nothing serious, don't disturb me."

After that, he yawned and walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

Jiang Sheng was also a little tired, but he was responsible for receiving various letters sent here by the Di newspaper department, so he couldn't sleep at this hour, so he could only find a place and squint for a while.

When the sky was completely dark, a man hurriedly knocked on the door of Xingyuan.

Soon, a letter was delivered to Jiang Sheng. Jiang Sheng only glanced at the cover, gritted his teeth decisively, and came to the door of Shen Yi's room.

He knew that Shen Yi was a little "angry", but he still had the courage to knock on the door: "Sir, General Xue reports urgently!"

Soon, there was a noise in the room, which should be the sound of Mr. Shen getting up. However, Jiang Sheng waited for a while before the door slowly opened. Mr. Shen, whose eyes were bloodshot, took the hand from Jiang Sheng. The report was made with some resentment in the tone.

"If the beating is ugly, I can't spare him..."

Obviously, Mr. Shen transferred his anger to Xue Wei.

But soon, the expression on Shen Yi's face turned from cloudy to clear.

He put the letter into his sleeve and said with a smile: "Jiang Sheng, go outside and see if you can order a table of wine and food. I would like to have a drink."

Hearing this, Jiang Sheng also showed joy on his face. He smiled and cupped his hands at Shen Yi and said, "Congratulations, sir. Judging from your reaction, General Xue must have achieved a great victory."

"A great victory is out of the question."

Shen Yi smiled and said: "But we finally opened up the situation."

Jiang Sheng turned around and was about to go down to arrange food and drinks for Shen Yi. As soon as he reached the door, another letter was delivered to the door of Xingyuan.

Jiang Sheng glanced at the envelope, and the expression on his face became solemn. He trotted all the way, holding the letter in both hands, and handed it to Shen Yi: "Master, Master, a letter from Jiankang!"

"Letter from Ninth Young Master!"

Shen Yi's younger brother Shen Heng is the ninth among his peers.

When Mr. Shen heard this, he didn't pay much attention to it at first, but when he took the letter, he suddenly looked up at Jiang Sheng.

Jiang Sheng's sight sent chills down his spine and he took half a step back: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"What day is it today?"

Jiang Sheng did not hesitate.

"It's April 19th."

He looked up at the sky and said, "In one more hour, it will be twenty."

"April 19th..."

Mr. Shen lowered his head and looked at the letter in his hand, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He looked up at Jiang Sheng again, his tone unusually tense.

"Chun Wei...Did Chun Wei release the list?"

Jiang Sheng also reacted, and he said happily: "Yes! Master, the results of your Spring Examination were released on April 15th. It's time to release the results in the Spring Examination!"

He looked at the letter in Shen Yi's hand and said happily: "Young Master, the letter coming at this time was almost sent on April 15th. The Ninth Young Master must have won, otherwise he wouldn't be so anxious to write to you! "

"Please take it apart and take a look."

He was a little anxious.

Shen Yi looked at the letter in his hand and felt unusually nervous.

He and his younger brother, who share the same mother, have grown up together and dependent on each other since childhood, and one can imagine their affection for each other.

There is no problem in saying that they are one person and the same person.

Now, his mood was surprisingly the same as three years ago when he went to the gate of Gongyuan to see his results.

Mr. Shen took a deep breath and slowly opened the letter.

The content of the letter is not long, only one page. With Shen Yi's current ability to read documents, he can almost read it at a glance.

However, he read this letter for a long time.

After a long time, Shen Yi folded the letter and stuffed it into the envelope.

Jiang Sheng blinked: "Young Master, Ninth Young Master..."

"Jiang Sheng."

Shen Yi calmed down and showed a smile to Jiang Sheng: "Go get some wine and prepare food. There are no outsiders today. You can have a drink with me!"

Hearing this, Jiang Sheng knew that his Ninth Young Master must have won. He was overjoyed and asked: "Sir, Ninth Young Master, he..."

"I will try fifth."

Mr. Shen exhaled a sigh of relief, his face full of pride.

"I will try fifth!"


This chapter has been completed!
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