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Chapter 692 The Unbreakable Shackles

What I have to admit is that the plan given by Zhu Futai is quite reasonable and complete.

As long as taxes are increased in the name of the Municipal Shipping Bureau, and the extra money is used to manage officials at all levels, there is no need to give too much money to people. As long as reasonable prefects and counties get the benefits, then these local officials will be transferred to And to support the shipping company.

Even in the later stages, after these officials had opened up the connections with the Municipal Shipping Department, they would use their own privileges to create shortcuts for their own merchant ships or merchant ships that had received benefits, charging less or no money.

At that time, it was true that the squire's money was returned in full, and the people's money was divided into three parts.

In this process, Shen Yi does not need to contribute or take risks. As long as the Guangdong governor's office completes this matter, at the end of the year, the Guangzhou Shipping Department will hand in a beautiful "report card." , and Mr. Shen’s contribution will be securely pocketed.

As for the fact that a few years later... the Guangzhou Shipping Department became a "bad government" of the imperial court, it had nothing to do with Shen Yi. At that time, Mr. Shen could just say that it was the people below who read the scriptures incorrectly.

It has nothing to do with him, Shen Yi.

All responsibilities can be pushed away completely.

Moreover, the governor of Guangdong was a disciple of Zhang Xiangguo. Shen Yi himself was on good terms with the Zhang family, and had no reason to conflict with Zhu Gui.

In Zhu Gui's words, they are "our own people."

Next, Mr. Shen only needs to rest in Guangzhou for a few months and return to Beijing to resume his duties at the end of the year. His errand in the southeast will be completely completed.

This is undoubtedly the optimal solution for the current situation.

It is also the most rational choice.

Mr. Shen sat in his seat, coughed twice, and then said weakly: "Zhongcheng, I came here to see the situation in Guangdong and contracted wind-heat. I am still very weak now, and there are some confusions in my mind... "

"It's really not appropriate to talk about official matters."

"Then let's talk another day."

Zhu Gui stood up with a smile and said, "I'll ask a doctor to come over later and give Brother Shen Xian a good pulse diagnosis."

"Brother Shen Xian, please rest in peace and recuperate, I won't disturb you."

Shen Yi stood up to see him off: "I'll see you off at Futai."

"No need to."

Zhu Gui waved his hand and said: "Brother Xian is infected with the disease, so I just need to rest. I will leave by myself."

Shen Yi coughed and said: "Zhongcheng, when the old prime minister handed me the letter, he told me to burn it after reading it. Since Zhongcheng has read the letter, please return it to the official, who will take care of it later." It burned."

Zhu Gui stopped. After hesitating for a moment, he reached out and took out the letter from his arms. He was a little surprised: "My teacher didn't say to burn it in the letter."

"It's not surprising for old people to forget things when they are old."

Shen Yi smiled and said: "If Zhong Cheng is not at ease, then he will burn this letter in front of you and me."


Zhu Gui didn't hesitate anymore, he took out the fire folder from his arms, and then very sensibly took out the letter paper from the letter. After letting Shen Yi confirm that it was Zhang Jing's letter, he burned it in front of Shen Yi.

After the letter turned into ashes, Zhu Futai said with emotion: "Speaking of which, I haven't seen my mentor for several years. I originally wanted to keep a copy of my mentor's handwriting. When I missed him, I took it out to read. I didn’t expect that this handwriting was not left behind.”

Shen Yi smiled and said: "Zhongcheng will return to Jiankang in the future, and then go look for the calligraphy treasures of the old prime minister. Considering the master-disciple relationship between Zhongcheng and the old prime minister, shouldn't he have as much as he wants?"

"I'm stuck in this place and I don't know when I can go back to Jiankang."

Zhu Gui sighed, bowed his hands to Shen Yi, and said goodbye.

Shen Yi took him all the way to the front yard and stopped when he was approaching the gate, then watched the Guangdong governor leave.

His expression became serious.

Zhang Jing did not ask him to destroy this letter.

But he did it anyway.

The purpose is to cut off the involvement between the Zhang family and Zhu Gui as much as possible within a limited scope. In this way, if there is any irreconcilable conflict between him and Zhu Gui in the future, it will not bring the Zhang family to the sword. Get involved.

However, Shen Yi still needs to seriously consider how to deal with the problem in Guangdong in the past two days.

Because now there is a problem before him.

Did he go all the way to this day to be an official or to work?

If it is for being an official, then there is no need to consider things in Guangdong. Just follow Zhu Gui's approach and live in Guangdong for two months and leave.

If he pays attention to the official reputation, Zhu Gui can get away with nothing for the benefits, so that there will be no risk for Shen Yi.

But if it's the latter...

What I have to admit is that when Shen Yi first took the exam and worked hard to make progress, his goal at that time was very simple and clear, which was to become an official, to make a class jump, and to overthrow the people who were hanging over him at that time. The Fan family above.

However, from Fan Shilang's downfall to Shen Yi following Li Mu south, he definitely still wanted to do something in his heart.

At the very least, we should do something for the world and leave something behind.

This is where Master Shen really hesitates.

After being silently dazed for a long time, he slowly turned around and returned to the main hall of the house.

Not long after he sat down, Jiang Sheng placed a night of white porridge, a stack of pickles, and a bowl of medicine in front of Shen Yi, and asked: "Sir, do you want to eat first or drink the medicine first?"

"Let's eat first."

Shen Yi glanced at the almost dark black soup and shook his head helplessly: "Once you drink this bowl of medicine, how can you still have the appetite to eat?"

After saying that, he picked up the porridge, drank a few mouthfuls and asked, "Where did Xue Wei go?"

Jiang Sheng quickly lowered his head: "Sir, General Xue went out at noon today. He said he wanted to see what the mayor of Guangzhou looked like. If you are looking for him, I will send someone to look for him right now."

"Go ahead."

Shen Yi lowered his head slightly and said, "I have something to tell him."


Jiang Sheng nodded quickly, then turned around and ran away, sending someone to find Xue Wei.

About half an hour later, Xue Wei panted heavily and appeared in front of Shen Yi. He respectfully clasped his fists at Shen Yi and said, "Mr. Shen, are you looking for me?"

Not long after Shen Yi finished drinking the decoction, his spirit became even more depressed. He sat on the chair, opened his eyes, glanced at Xue Wei, and nodded slowly.

"You should leave Guangzhou City in the next two days and send people to take a look at various docks along the Pearl River to see where it is suitable to establish the Guangzhou Wei Camp. After you find a suitable location, send people to report it to me as soon as possible. Build the Guangzhou Wei Camp."

Xue Wei bowed his head respectfully and clasped his fists: "Yes! My subordinates will leave the city tomorrow to find a suitable camp location."

Shen Yi nodded and continued: "Send fifty elite Guangzhou guards into the city to serve as my personal bodyguards."

Xue Wei was stunned when he heard this. He looked up at Shen Yi, then lowered his head and said, "Yes, my subordinates will personally select the best ones and they will be sent to Mr. Shen tomorrow."

"That's all for now."

Shen Yi took a deep breath and said: "I really don't have much energy, otherwise I wouldn't be so anxious to call you back. This is your first time in Guangzhou. You don't have to leave tomorrow. You can leave the day after tomorrow. These two days Take a look around the city."

Xue Wei lowered his head and said: "My subordinates have arranged the affairs of Guangzhou Guard first, and then we will visit Guangzhou City."

"It's up to you."

Shen Yi stood up from the chair, his steps a little frivolous. After leaving the main hall, he walked to the study alone.

He sat on the main seat, and after being silent for a while, he started to polish the ink.

Mr. Shen took a deep breath and muttered silently to himself.

"I can't collude with those officials."

"Even if all officials are like this, even if everyone thinks it's appropriate to do this, I don't think it's right, so I can't do it."

"Otherwise, we will just follow the crowd."

He finally polished the ink and whispered.

"As a human being, I am not here to follow the crowd."

"Guangzhou Shipping Department cannot do this."

"Several other shipping companies cannot do this."

He wrote slowly.

"It is necessary to put a shackles on the Municipal Shipping Department and local government offices that cannot be broken..."

This chapter has been completed!
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