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Chapter 698: Broken

Seeing the emperor's appearance, Concubine Hui, a sensible woman, would naturally not stay in Deqing Palace for a long time. After all, if she could stay here with her children for a while today, her purpose would have been achieved.

She saluted the emperor, lowered her head and said, "Your Majesty, since you have official business, I will go back with Wang'er."

The emperor raised his head and glanced at the mother and son. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and said, "Then you go."

"Gao Ming, give me a gift."

The high eunuch nodded respectfully and sent Concubine Hui away from Deqing Palace. When the great eunuch returned to the emperor, His Majesty's face was still not very good. He took a deep breath and said: "The Zhang family has given to Shen Qi sent the letter, right?"

Gao Ming was startled, then lowered his head and said: "This slave really didn't pay attention..."

Although the inner guards are pervasive, their number is limited after all, and it is impossible to have everything under control. Moreover, Prime Minister Zhang Jing is not an ordinary person. He wants to avoid the sight of the inner guards and send a letter to Shen Yi, and It's not a difficult thing.

Moreover, Gao Ming was indeed careless and did not pay attention to this matter.

The emperor glanced at Gao Ming coldly and said in an angry voice: "Why didn't you pay attention? If the Zhang family sent a letter to Shen Yi, you should block the letter and prohibit communication between them!"

Seeing that the emperor was angry, the high eunuch was so frightened that he knelt down in front of the emperor with a plop, lowered his head and kowtowed: "I have neglected my duty, your majesty, please punish me severely..."

This time, the emperor did not ask Gao Ming to stand up. Instead, he sat in his seat, glanced at Gao Ming, and asked, "What do you think should be done now?"

Eunuch Gao knelt on the ground. After being silent for a while, he lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, Academician Shen has actually finished the matter in Guangdong, and what he wants to continue to do in Guangdong is to enable Shibosi to operate in Guangdong. In the long run, in this case..."

"Your Majesty will leave the rest of the work to the new governor. At most, it will be another Fujian. Cheng Tingzhi of Fujian can smash Fujian to pieces and start over..."

The emperor's authority is unquestionable.

Golden words and jade words, ninety-five supreme.

Therefore, since he said that he wanted to change the governor of Guangdong, this governor must be changed. Otherwise, if the order is changed day by day, the emperor will lose his prestige over time.

Shen Yi also realized that the change of governor of Guangdong was inevitable, so he simply left Guangdong, out of sight and out of mind.

Therefore, Gao Ming had no intention of asking the emperor to take back his life from the beginning to the end. He just helped the emperor think of some remedies.

The emperor glanced at Gao Ming sideways and said expressionlessly: "Where can I find another Cheng Tingzhi?"

"Will this new Cheng Tingzhi completely mess up Guangdong?"

People like Cheng Tingzhi are not common and very rare.

It's not that his upright temperament is rare, but that it's really rare for someone who is upright and has climbed to a provincial level position and has the ability to control a province.

In other words, it can be said that Cheng Tingzhi was almost the only person in the entire Hongde Dynasty.

Even with Cheng Tingzhi, the emperor was not at ease with him. He even prepared Sun Fu to replace Cheng Tingzhi as the "trainee governor" at any time if trouble arose.

It is very difficult to find someone with this kind of temper, who is willing to offend a provincial official on behalf of the emperor, and who does not consider his own future.

Eunuch Gao lowered his head and said slowly: "Your Majesty, we can only use Zhu Gui until the end of the year."

"The imperial court can transfer Zhu Gui to another position, and then send a new governor to take over. Until the political situation in Guangdong is stabilized, Zhu Gui can be released from Guangdong."

The emperor narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Guangdong is stable, but where is my shipping department?"

Eunuch Gao had sweat on his forehead.

He lowered his head and said: "If this is the case, it is probably impossible for the Guangzhou Shipping Department to continue to operate according to the ideas of Master Shen at the local level. The only way is to let some profits go..."


The emperor lost his temper again, rolled his sleeves and said, "Stop talking."

His Majesty the Emperor felt a little depressed.

Because he knew that everything Gao Ming said was true.

If you want to stabilize the political situation in Guangdong, you must make some compromises with the local government regarding the Municipal Shipping Department.

After all, over two thousand miles away, not only could His Majesty the Emperor's ink pen not reach this place, it was even difficult for his voice to reach this place.

Those civil servants looked the same in the court, but when they got to the local level, they had another face.

Thinking of this, the emperor felt even more depressed.

I can't do anything without you, Shen Qi?!

He opened his eyes, glanced at Gao Ming on the ground, and said slowly: "Send a letter to Sun Jin and ask him to go to Guangzhou as soon as possible and set up the Guangzhou Shipping Department for me."

"I will instruct the Guangdong Governor's Yamen to cooperate with him."

Eunuch Gao bowed his head deeply and said yes.

The emperor took a deep breath and continued: "Tell Sun Jin that the money of Shibo Division is my money."

"If anyone wants to intervene, please report it to me immediately and I will deal with it one by one."

Hearing this, Eunuch Gao sighed inwardly.

The emperor's behavior was too rough.

In this way, no one in the local area would dare to touch Shibosi's piece of cake. By the same token, absolutely no one would help.

Everyone will stay away from the Shipping Department.

Gao Ming himself is not optimistic about whether the Shipping Department can be completely separated from the local government and operate independently.

Because there are too many local things and too many twists and turns, it is impossible to handle so many things with just a few eunuchs sent out by the palace.

Local officials do not need to secretly restrict things. As long as they are non-violent and non-cooperative, or do nothing, it will be difficult for the municipal shipping department to really do anything after a long time.

And this situation, with the emperor's intelligence, was naturally conceivable.

The emperor did this because he was angry with Shen Yi.

Having said this, His Majesty the Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly and said coldly: "As for Shen Qi, if he is willing to stay in Fuzhou, let him stay in Fuzhou. If he doesn't want to come back, he doesn't have to come back even at the end of the year!"

He glanced at Gao Ming and said in a low voice: "What are you doing standing around? Why don't you go do something?"

Eunuch Gao stood up in a panic and stepped back respectfully.

After the high eunuch left Deqing Palace, the emperor sat alone on the soft couch, staring at the memorial books on the table, and was lost in silence for a long time.

After a long time, His Majesty the Emperor came back to his senses. He raised his head expressionlessly and glanced into the distance.

"I was not wrong."

His Majesty the Emperor thinks so.

He spoke slowly.

"The Emperor is never wrong."


In September, Shen Yi, who had been traveling slowly all the way, finally returned to Fuzhou City.

It can be said that he was walking and enjoying himself along the way. The journey of more than a thousand miles really took a lot of time.

I remember that when he left Fuzhou on horseback, the weather in Fuzhou Prefecture was still hot and hot. Now that it has entered autumn, there is some coolness in the morning and evening.

After returning to Fuzhou City, Mr. Shen did not stay in the city, but went straight back to the apricot garden. After briefly washing up, he found a bedroom and lay on the bed and had a good sleep.

This journey was really hard.

Shen Yi returned to Xingyuan in the afternoon and slept for two full hours. When he opened his eyes again, it was already evening. As soon as he stood up from the bed and opened the door, he saw Xue Wei waiting for him. At the door, when he saw Shen Yi coming out, he lowered his head to Shen Yi and said, "Sir, the prince is here. Have you been waiting for you in the living room for a while?"

Shen Yi stretched out, nodded and said, "I understand."

He washed his face, tidied his loose hair, and smoothed out his somewhat messy beard. Then he walked to the living room and saw Li Mu, the commander of the coastal capital, who was drinking tea in the living room.

Master Shen had a smile on his face and said, "I have met the Crown Prince."

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince looked at Shen Yi up and down, and a very playful smile appeared on his face: "I remember before Zi Heng left, he said that he could finish the errands in Guangdong in two or three months. At that time, I thought it was Zi Heng who was in Guangdong. Two or three months, I didn’t expect it to be two or three months including traveling.”

He put his palms together and smiled: "Shen Ziheng is really a god. He left and came back in just two months."

After hearing what he said, Shen Yi lost his temper. After finding a place to sit down, he shook his head slightly and sighed helplessly: "Whatever the prince says."

Seeing Shen Yi's appearance, Li Mu's smile faded, and he asked: "What? Is it more difficult than Fujian?"

"That's not the case."

Mr. Shen took a sip of tea and shook his head slightly: "I already had a clue, but something happened and I couldn't stay in Guangdong any longer."

"After thinking hard all night, I figured it out."

Shen Yi said calmly: "There are few things in the world that are perfect, so just do a 70% or 80% improvement in everything."

"After I figured it out, I simply returned to Fuzhou."

Mr. Shen put down his tea cup and said with a smile: "I will stay in Fuzhou for two months and then return to Jiankang to pay the order."

To put it bluntly, it is broken.

He will finish the errands along the coast, and whoever wants to do the rest can do it.

Li Mu said "tsk".

"I really don't know what happened to you in Guangdong, that such words can come out of your mouth, Shen Ziheng."

"This doesn't look like you."

Mr. Shen smiled, with some fatigue in his smile.

"People are going to change."

This chapter has been completed!
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