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Chapter 70 Entering the first level

After all, Ganquan Academy is a famous school in Jiangdu, so the students of Ganquan Academy quickly filled out the personal confession, mutual agreement and recognizance.

The so-called personal confession refers to the resume of yourself and your immediate family members.

Mutual knot means five candidates make mutual knots together and sign a mutual knot insurance policy. One person cheats and five others sit together.

The guarantee is that the two scholars mentioned earlier will serve as guarantees.

None of this is a problem for Shen Yi. Although his family is not a wealthy family, it is a serious noble family, a poor family, and their ancestors have been scholars for generations.

It was in his father's generation that his family began to decline. His father, Shen Zhang, gave up his studies and went to work in the capital, but even so, his wealth was clean.

As for the five boys joining each other, this is a bit troublesome.

If it is an ordinary school and there are not five people in one county examination, you will have to find someone else to join together, which is a bit dangerous.

If one of them has a wrong idea, the other four will suffer an unreasonable disaster together.

Fortunately, such a "reputable and upright school" as Ganquan Academy generally does not have this kind of problem. Those who refer to Shen Yi are all Mr. Qin's students, that is, his fellow disciples. These people have a bright future and will not take it. If you are joking about your own future, you will not cheat in the exam room.

If Shen Yi really cheats in the examination room, if Shen Yi doesn't go to find trouble for him, the mountain leader Lu Anshi will not be able to forgive him. Then he will offend the entire "Ganquan Sect", not to mention the future of the examination, he may be in trouble for the rest of his life.

Shen Yi had only filled out a personal confession before. After all the personal confessions at Ganquan Academy were completed, he signed a mutual agreement with his four senior brothers. The five of them swore in front of Mr. Qin that they would never cheat in the scientific examination.

The rest was left to the affairs of the gentlemen of the academy. When noon was approaching, several gentlemen of the academy walked out of the teaching office.

To be precise, it should be the "ceremony room" of the county government.

The imperial court had six departments, and the county government also had six rooms, which corresponded to the six departments of ritual officials, workers, punishments, and soldiers.

Gentlemen, you have a plate of wooden cards in your hands. The names of the candidates are written on the wooden cards. This is their "admittance ticket". When the time comes to enter the examination room, you will not be able to enter without these cards. .

Mr. Qin is the most senior gentleman in the academy. He glanced at the candidates in the academy and said, "I am afraid that you will lose them, so I will not issue the exam cards to you for the time being. I will issue them one by one before the exam. The county exam will be held in seven days." September 28th…”

Having said this, Mr. Qin glanced at everyone and said, "I will give you half a day off today. You can go home and rest for half a day, but you must return to the academy tomorrow. In seven days, we will set off from the academy together to the examination room."

This time, there were twenty-five students from Ganquan Academy, just enough for five groups to form relationships with each other. These students bowed their heads and saluted the gentlemen one after another.

"Yes, sir…"

After saying this, more than twenty people quickly dispersed, with more or less smiles on their faces.

After they confirmed the reference, they basically stayed in the academy studying for half a year and were rarely allowed to go out. It was really frustrating.

After Shen Yi saluted, he was about to go to Tian Boping to find out if anything had happened in the city recently. He had just taken two or three steps when he was stopped by Mr. Qin.

Shen Qi stopped, turned around and walked to Mr. Qin strangely, with a smile on his face: "Teacher, did you call me?"

Mr. Qin glanced at Shen Yi and nodded lightly.

"If you don't have a holiday, come back to the academy with me."

Shen Qilang was a little confused. He was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "Teacher, this..."

"The mountain chief told me."

Mr. Qin took a deep look at Shen Yi: "The chief said, don't leave the academy before the exam, so as not to cause any trouble when you go out again. You can prepare for the county exam in the academy with peace of mind. After the county exam, you will be let to rest." ."

Having said this, Mr. Qin looked at Shen Yi again and said, "Don't blame the mountain chief. After what happened to Chen Qing, the mountain chief was afraid that something would happen to you, so you just went back to the academy with your teacher."

Mr. Qin didn't know that his disciple was responsible for the nursery rhyme incident, so he naturally didn't think that Shen Yi would cause any trouble. In his opinion, Master Lu asked Shen Yi to return to the academy to "protect" Shen Yi.

With the teacher in front of him, Shen Yi had no reason. He could only nod helplessly and said, "The students will just go back with the teacher."


In the blink of an eye, it was September 28th, the fifth year of Hongde's reign, which was also the day of Jiangdu County's county examination.

It is worth mentioning that the date of the county examination is different in each county. It only needs to be one or two months before the provincial examination. The specific time is determined by the county.

In other words, today is only the Jiangdu County examination. Other counties in Jiangdu Prefecture may not hold county examinations today, and the county examinations in some counties have already ended at this time.

In the early morning of September 28th, when it was still dark, twenty-five candidates from Ganquan Academy had already gathered at the entrance of the academy. However, Mr. Lu still did not show up. Under the leadership of several gentlemen, more than twenty people gathered in a mighty manner. I arrived at the door of the county government examination room in a daze.

People from the academy arrived quite early, but when Shen Yi and others arrived at the entrance of the examination room, it was already bustling with people. Under the light of torches, braziers and lanterns, it looked like it was crowded with people.

Not all students come to take exams.

Most of them are family members who come to take exams.

Shen Yi and his party followed Mr. Qin, and it took a stick of incense to squeeze in to the door of the examination room. Just when Shen Yi raised his head to look at the examination room, a familiar voice came.

"Shichiro, Shichiro!"

Shen Yi turned around and looked around. Among the crowd, Shen Ling and Shen Laosan were trying their best to wave to him.

Shen Yi turned back and glanced at Mr. Qin. After saying hello to Mr. Qin, he also tried his best to get past the crowd and came to Shen Ling.

As he got closer, Shen Yi saw that not only the third brother Shen Ling had arrived, but also the third sister-in-law Mrs. Shen also followed to the door of the examination room.

Shen Yi smiled at the two people: "Third brother and three sister-in-law, why are you here?"

"I know you are taking the county exam today, and your sister-in-law has prepared the test blue for you!"

Shen Ling handed a red basket to Shen Yi's hand, then reached out and patted Shen Yi's shoulder, saying loudly: "Old Qi, take the test well, our generation in the Shen family all depends on you!"

Shen Yi took the basket, opened it and looked at it, and found some food inside, as well as prepared pens, inks, paper and inkstones.

He took the basket, thanked his sister-in-law, and then said with a smile: "It's too troublesome, sister-in-law. The first county examination is only one day. I brought two cakes, so I won't be hungry."

There are a total of five county examinations, each lasting one day, and the fourth and fifth sessions are taken together, which means a total of four days of testing.

However, these four days are not consecutive. After the first test, the county teacher and others need to mark the papers. Those who pass the test will enter the next test, and those who fail will be eliminated directly.

Usually there is an interval of one or two days or two or three in between, which means you don’t have to stay in the examination room all the time and you can come out.

Mrs. Shen glanced at Shen Yi and said softly: "Auntie has been gone for a long time, and uncle is not in Jiangdu. Naturally, I, the sister-in-law, will take care of you."

Shen Yi was deeply moved and bowed deeply to the couple.

"Brother and sister-in-law are so kind, I will remember them in my heart."

"No need for you to remember."

Shen Laosan smiled heartily: "Just take the exam well and try to become a Jinshi and become a high official in the future. Our Shen family in Jiangdu will prosper accordingly."

Shen Yi was about to speak when Mr. Qin's voice came from afar.

"Shen Yi, Shen Yi, the county magistrate has called for names, come quickly!"

This chapter has been completed!
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