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Chapter 717 Come as you say

Dr. Zhongshun is a fourth-rank literary official, also known as a third-rank official.

There is no official position.

To put it simply, they enjoy the treatment of a fourth-grade official, but do not have an actual position.

But you should be able to get an extra salary.

But that doesn't really matter.

What is more important is the last sentence.

Martial Arts Division Doctor!

What is military selection? As the name suggests, it is the selection of military officers.

It is the most powerful unit among the four divisions of the Ministry of War.

This Military Selection Department has been called the "Ministry of War Department" for a long time, and its importance is evident.

As for Shen Yi, although he was originally a doctor in the Ministry of War, he only had a name and no actual job. To put it simply, he sounded nicer on the surface. As for Li Zi...

Basically there is no lining at all.

And now, he has become the doctor of the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War!

This huge promotion in position is far better than all Shen Yi's previous promotions.

What I have to say is that the emperor kept his word and was quite generous. Even though Shen Yi had some "disputes" with him before, he was not stingy with what should be given to Shen Yi. He actually got it for Shen Yi.

He took up a powerful position as a doctor.

The only fly in the ointment is that the Hanlin Academy position that Shen Yi had always held was finally gone.

From today on, Shen Yi is no longer a member of the Hanlin Academy.

But this had little impact on Shen Yi.

Although it is not a saying that Hanlin does not worship prime ministers, this saying generally means that you have stayed in Hanlin Academy, and it does not mean that you have to stay in Hanlin Academy all the time.

Even if Shen Yi left the Imperial Academy and went to the Ministry of War, he was still an Imperial officer. This is something that no one can deny.

The imperial edict was quickly read, and Mr. Shen led his family to kowtow and thank him. The young eunuch who announced the edict bent slightly, held the edict in front of Shen Yi with both hands, and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Mr. Shen, congratulations to Mr. Shen."

Another eunuch also lowered his head and said with a smile: "From today on, Dr. Shen will be the fourth master of the Ministry of War."

The Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War is the first department of the Ministry of War. Therefore, in terms of ranking, only the Minister of the Ministry of War and the two ministers can be ranked in front of Shen Yi. Therefore, his status as the "Four Masters" is of real value.

However, the "four masters" are not equal to the fourth in command of the Ministry of War. After all, there are at least three other doctors in the Ministry of War, who are theoretically equal to him. Shen Yi has no right to command them, let alone the affairs of the other three departments.

However, judging from the title of "Four Masters" of eunuch, it fully shows the importance of Wu Xuan Division in the Ministry of War.

This yamen is also the fattest yamen in the Ministry of War.

After all, this yamen, in a sense, controls the personnel power of military attaches.

Although when you reach a certain level of military attache appointments and promotions, you need to ask for instructions from the minister, minister, and even the prime minister and the emperor. However, for military attache personnel below a certain level, as long as there is no permission from the superiors, Shen Yi, the military commander, can make the final decision on his own!

In the selection and appointment of almost fifth-grade or even fourth-grade military attachés, Shen Yi, the military commander, can have the decision-making power. Even if he does not have the power to make decisions, he can still have a very large influence in it!

Therefore, almost every doctor in the martial arts department is extremely fat.

For example, when Ling Su and Xue Weisheng were promoted to commander and deputy commander, Shen Yi needed to take them to see Wei Kang, the doctor of the Martial Arts Department, to get the documents from Wei Kang. If the emperor hadn't spoken at that time, even Shen Yi

, I’m afraid we also need to give Dr. Wei some benefits.

In the family of every martial arts master, there is always someone who can give gifts.

There is even an endless stream of gift givers.

Hearing what the young eunuch said, Shen Yi smiled slightly, looked back at the maid Qing'er behind him, and said, "Qing'er, give some tea money to the two father-in-laws."

Qing'er said "Hey" and was about to go down to get ready. Lu Ruoxi stopped her softly and whispered instructions in her ear. Qing'er nodded repeatedly and trotted off to get ready.

After a while, Qing'er held two gold cakes and handed them to the two eunuchs.

The two gold cakes are not very big, but when converted into silver, they should be exchanged for about fifty taels of silver.

This is already a lot of money.

The two young eunuchs thanked Shen Yi repeatedly and left happily.

Shen Yi put away the imperial edict, looked back at Lu Ruoxi, and said with a smile: "It's enough for a dozen or twenty taels of silver. There is no need to please these eunuchs."

The two young eunuchs who announced the decree were both middle- and lower-level eunuchs, and there was no need to make friends.

With a smile on her face, Lu Ruoxi said, "My husband has been promoted so high that we cannot let others say that our family is stingy behind our backs."

Shen Heng was also nearby at this moment. He walked over, smiled at Shen Yi and said, "Congratulations, brother. Congratulations, brother. He took charge of the Department of War just three years after passing the test. He has seen all the history of our country!"

"It can be said to be unheard of!"

"Keep your voice down."

Shen Yi shook his head, feeling helpless: "What a fuss."

To be honest, although the reward Shen Yi received was generous enough, most of it was what he deserved, including his current official position as a doctor in the martial arts department.

In fact, if Shen Yi had not had some minor conflicts with the emperor, he might have received some other rewards.

Of course, it is unlikely that he will be promoted again.

However, his son Shen Yuan might be punished by Yin Guan.

After Shen Yi said a few words to his wife and brothers, he came to his father with the imperial edict, bowed his head slightly and said, "Dad, my son will be able to stay in Jiankang next year!"


Shen Zhang couldn't suppress the joy on his face. He patted Shen Yi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "My son is far better than your great-grandfather!"

Shen Yi's great-grandfather, who was the founder of the Shen family in Jiangdu, was admitted to Jinshi at a relatively late age and had no talent for being an official. He was a member of the Ministry of Industry until he retired and returned to his hometown.

However, as a foreigner from the Ministry of Industry, he probably made a lot of money... well... and saved a lot of money, which was consumed by the Shen family for three generations. It was not until his uncle Shen Hui, an official fan, that he almost completely consumed it.

Master Shen was promoted to an official position, and the whole family was naturally overjoyed. Master Shen Zhang waved his hand and planned to hold a banquet to celebrate.

After Mr. Shen spoke, the entire Shen family naturally mobilized. However, no outsiders were invited to the banquet. The family members and servants sat together and had a good meal.

At night, when the whole family was sitting together, he stood up directly while his family and servants were there, and glanced at his family. He first bowed his head to Shen Zhang, called daddy, and then looked at

Addressing the servants at home, he said: "Everyone who comes to Shen's house may come early or late, but whether you come early or late, Shen must have treated everyone well."

"Today I was promoted to a doctor in the martial arts department. In the future, there will definitely be many guests visiting my home, as well as some people who want to gain a foothold."

Shen Yi coughed and said in a deep voice: "From now on, no matter who comes to send gifts, as long as I don't nod in agreement, they will not be accepted."

"No matter who comes to see me, they must first hand over the name tag. If I don't see it, they will not be allowed in."

Mr. Shen said in a deep voice: "Furthermore, if I were to know that some of you have secretly accepted gifts from outsiders..."

"I'm afraid the Shen family won't be able to tolerate him."

If you take care of personnel affairs, there will definitely be people who come to deliver gifts, so you don’t even have to think about it.

Therefore, you must explain it clearly to your family.

Otherwise, if there is trouble at home, it will be difficult for Shen Yi to do his job in the future.

The Shen family has always been generous to their servants. As soon as Shen Yi said these words, the servants in the family bowed their heads in agreement.

Shen Yi then waved his hand and told everyone to sit down and eat.

After sitting down, Shen Yi glanced at his wife Lu Ruoxi next to him, and said with a smile: "Madam, starting from today, I'm afraid someone will try every means to send gifts to our family."

Lu Ruoxi smiled and said softly: "I am not a greedy person. No matter who gives it to me, I just don't want it."

"Some people are so tricky in their gift-giving methods that you won't even get it if you don't want it."

Shen Yi wanted to continue talking, but Jiang Sheng suddenly ran all the way to Shen Yi, lowered his head slightly and said: "Sir, someone outside handed over a post saying it was from Qianhu of Mingzhou Wei... He put the box, turned around and left...


At this time, Jiang Sheng was still holding a wooden box in his arms.

Mr. Shen glanced at the box, feeling a little helpless and a little funny.

these people…

Dog noses are really smart.

You know, I haven’t officially taken office yet!

This chapter has been completed!
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