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Chapter 757 How terrifying!

In the officialdom, it is a rare thing to have a noble person willing to support you.

And even if someone is willing to give you a hand, they will usually do it in a relatively obscure way. Whether you can seize the opportunity depends on whether you can realize it yourself.

It is very rare for someone like Shen Yi to raise it directly in person.

Because everyone who is an official has a habit.

I won't say anything to death.

After all, people are not as good as God. Even if you have control over some things, things may go wrong.

Therefore, everyone is accustomed to vaguely saying that if it can be done, it will be their own fault, and if it cannot be done, it will be treated as if they have not said anything.

But Shen Yi has no need to remain in the clouds.

Because the big boss has already nodded in agreement, there is no possibility of anything going wrong in this matter.

Let's put it this way, if the people in the official department are not willing to stamp Zheng Ling tomorrow morning, then they can pack up and leave in the afternoon.

Mr. Shen stood up, stretched out his hand to help Zheng Ling up, and said with a smile: "Master Zheng doesn't have to be like this."

"You have been the chief of the Martial Arts Department for two or three years. You have sufficient qualifications and abilities. Otherwise, you would not be able to grasp this future."

Zheng Ling suppressed his excitement, lowered his head slightly and said, "Thank you for your appreciation, sir."

Master Shen took a sip of water and looked at Zheng Ling.

Manager Zheng stood up very sensibly and gave Shen Yi some tea. Mr. Shen paused and continued: "If nothing unexpected happens, there will be documents from the Ministry of Personnel tomorrow."

"Mr. Zheng keeps it in mind, but never say it out loud."

Mr. Shen said slowly: "It won't work if you say it."

Zheng Ling's eyes widened.


Originally, one of the two people working in the Ministry of War was a fifth-rank official and the other a sixth-rank official. Shen Yi, a doctor who was a fifth-rank doctor, was definitely not qualified to be promoted to a chief.

However, if there is a vacancy for Yuanwailang, the chief officer Shen Yi can recommend his subordinates to the Ministry of War.

In Zheng Ling's view, the "future" mentioned by Shen Yi should be this recommendation.

But if the procedures are followed, even if Shen Yi recommends him, if the official department goes through the procedures now, it will probably be several months later.

Where are the good things that can be implemented tomorrow?

Shen Yi smiled and nodded: "It doesn't matter if Mr. Zheng doesn't believe it, just go back and wait."

"Tomorrow we will find out."

Zheng Ling suppressed his excitement, took a deep breath, lowered his head and said, "If I can do as you said tomorrow, I will never forget your kindness."

Master Shen shook his head slightly.

"Master Zheng's words are serious."

After sending Zheng Ling away, Mr. Shen finished handling official business in his office and had nothing to do, so he found an empty book from his locked drawer.

This book without a cover has been somewhat worn out by Mr. Shen. He carries it with him everywhere and takes a look at it when he has nothing to do.

It was the "Navy General Essentials" that Shen Heng copied by himself, and it was written by Zhao Chong, the general who almost single-handedly saved Da Chen.

After spending most of an hour flipping through more than 20 pages, Mr. Shen closed the book and locked it in the drawer again, feeling slightly emotional.

"I have read it more than ten times, but I still don't understand some parts."

Mr. Shen mumbled in a low voice: "Am I worse than Zhao Kuo?"

Thinking of this, Mr. Shen sighed softly.

"You have to find a successor for it."


The next day, Mr. Shen went to work at the Ministry of War as usual.

In the office of the Wu Xuan Company, Zheng Ling, the usually very smart and capable supervisor, seemed to be in a daze at this time. Sometimes he would be called several times by his subordinates but would not respond. It would take a long time before he could come back to his senses.

It's like losing your soul.

After Master Shen saw his state, he felt a little funny in his heart. However, he did not try to expose the soon-to-be-promoted head of the Ministry of War, but went about his own errands.

At noon, Master Shen had just finished his meal and was about to go back to his office to take a nap. An official from the Ministry of War knocked on Shen Yi's door and said, "Sir, there is a young man named Xu Fu outside who wants to see you."

Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, then quickly said: "Let him come in."

Soon, Xu Fu was brought into the Ministry of War. He entered Shen Yi's apartment with a reserved expression, lowered his head slightly and said, "Young Master!"

At this time, Xu Fu was almost as tall as Shen Yi. Even if he was shorter, it was not much different.

Shen Yi first asked him to sit down, and then asked with a smile: "This imperial city is not easy to enter, how did you get in?"

The Ministry of War is in the imperial city.

Although the Imperial City is not an imperial palace, it is also where the major government offices in Jiankang are located, so it is not easy for people to come in.

Xu Fu lowered his head slightly and said, "Young Master, you have forgotten that I am an imperial merchant."

"Eunuch Gao gave me a sign that I can enter and exit the imperial city freely. Sometimes..."

Xu Fu paused and continued: "I can still deliver the goods to the palace."

Shen Yi slapped his forehead and said with a smile: "I almost forgot, you are an imperial merchant."

He personally poured a cup of tea for Xu Fu and said, "What's the urgent matter that makes you come to the Ministry of War to find me?"

Xu Fu has a stable character, so he won't be so anxious if it's not a big deal.

Xu Daguan took a deep breath, and then took out a wooden tube from his sleeve.

The two sections of the wooden tube are two polished glass lenses, forming a certain arc.

However, the glass is still not completely transparent, it is a little green.

It is normal for the glass to turn green, and the formula needs to be adjusted to slowly make it transparent.

Mr. Xu took a deep breath and said, "Sir, I personally went to look at the things you ordered the glass shop to make. I found the two most suitable pieces of glass and asked the jade craftsmen to polish them. Take a look..."

His voice was a little excited.

“You can really see further!”

Shen Yi took the very simple wooden tube from Xu Fu's hand in a daze.

He closed one eye and looked out the window!

The scene in the distance was successfully reflected in his eyes!

Although the picture is a little green, although the focus is not adjusted properly and there is some blur, although there are still some sporadic bubbles visible in the glass!


You can really see farther away!

Shen Yi silently put down the wooden tube and took a deep breath.

At this moment, even his hands were trembling slightly.


Shen Yi whispered: "The Liuli Workshop has done a good job in this matter. After I got off work this afternoon, I went outside the city myself to help you adjust this mirror."

After saying this, Mr. Shen stood up and said, "Now, I want to go to the palace and show this thing to Your Majesty."

He looked at Xu Fu with a smile on his face: "Zixing, you have done a great job this time!"

Xu Fu lowered his head slightly and said slowly: "Sir, this is your credit and has nothing to do with us."

"Whoever belongs to him belongs to him."

Shen Yi smiled slightly and said, "But I do have a share of credit for this thing. Without me teaching those two Westerners, they would have to slowly figure out how to use it."

After saying this, Shen Yi patted Xu Fu on the shoulder and said, "I'm going into the palace now. Zixing, you leave the imperial city first. In the afternoon we go to the glaze workshop together. I'll have a drink with you in the evening!"

Xu Fu nodded quickly.

He hesitated for a moment, lowered his head and said: "Sir, would you like to keep this thing for yourself first..."

Shen Yi shook his head.

"I can't hide it."

He said calmly: "When you come from outside to the Ministry of War, there are countless people watching you along the way. There is no need to be secretive about this kind of thing."

"We can't make a fortune by making money from this thing."

After that, Shen Yi took Xu Fu and left the Ministry of War. They separated from Xu Fu at the entrance of the Ministry of War. He took this extremely simple telescope and went into the palace to meet the saint.

Not long after Mr. Shen left the Ministry of War, two imperial edicts came to the Ministry of War.

One is the order.

The doctor of the Host and Guest Department of the Ministry of Rites was demoted because of his poor performance. Therefore, Wu Ping, a member of the Wu Xuan Department of the Ministry of War, was transferred to the Ministry of Rites as the doctor of the Host and Guest Department.

Another imperial edict was to promote Zheng Ling, the head of the Ministry of War, as the new military officer Wai Lang!

After Zheng Ling received this imperial edict, he was still a little confused.

After thanking him, he stood up in a daze and murmured to the little eunuch who was announcing the decree: "Angel, may I ask if this edict was reported by the officials or issued by the palace?"

The little eunuch glanced at Zheng Ling and laughed dumbly.

"I just got the book from the Central Committee, and it hasn't been copied to the Ministry of Personnel yet. Sir, please go to the Ministry of Personnel to exchange the documents yourself."

Zheng Ling was stunned immediately.

Because before this, he had always had some doubts about Shen Yi.

Especially yesterday, when Shen Yi said the word "tomorrow".

At that time, he suspected that Shen Yi had met someone in the official department, knew some information in advance, and used this information obtained in advance to sell it to him.

And now it seems...

Thinking of this, Director Zheng suddenly took a breath of cold air.

That young doctor of my family!

How terrifying!

This chapter has been completed!
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