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Chapter 879

Chapter 879 Go

To a mortal, a thousand years is like a lifetime, but to a cultivator, it is a blink of an eye.

Three hundred years later, Shanhe Town.

To this day, Shanhe Town is still as prosperous as before. However, few people enter the east side of Shanhe Town. It has even been isolated by a city wall. It is said that there are immortals living there. If you accidentally enter it and disturb the immortals,

, I am afraid that they will suffer disaster, but this has not caused mortals to dare not live in Shanhe Town. On the contrary, more and more mortals live in Shanhe Town, and Shanhe Town has more than doubled in size compared to more than a hundred years ago.


On the east side of Shanhe Town, the small courtyard where Zhang Yixuan, Lei Gang and Zhang Fan used to live has been isolated. The original small trees have grown into towering trees and become the symbol of Shanhe Town. Is Zhang Yixuan still alive after Lei Gang left?

He died soon after, and Zhang Yixuan refused to let anyone wake Zhang Fan before he died. Zhang Yixuan knew that this was Zhang Fan's opportunity and he should seize it. Zhang Fan never woke up, immersed in comprehending the mystery of opening the sky.

As a result, he did not even get to see Zhang Yixuan for the last time.

This is also the difference between cultivators and mortals. For mortals, a hundred years is already a lifetime, but for cultivators, three hundred years pass by in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Zhang Fan, who had been immersed in it for hundreds of years, finally woke up. The thick spiritual energy around him made the surroundings particularly clear. The trees around him grew very fast in the spiritual energy all year round. This is why this tree can grow into

The main reason for the towering trees.

Zhang Fan slowly opened his eyes. His clear black eyes were ordinary. He looked around, with a look of confusion on his face. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and he jumped up from the ground.

Looking behind him, he found that the small courtyard of his home was already dilapidated. Zhang Fan stood on the ground and was stagnant for a moment. A feeling of uneasiness surged in his heart, and his eyes quickly turned red. He screamed and ran into the small courtyard quickly.

, looking at the dilapidated appearance of the small courtyard where he had lived since childhood, Zhang Fan's face was filled with pain. He slowly raised his head and looked at the half-covered door. His whole body was like a thunderous thunder, and he and his hands were helpless.

Holding his face helplessly, he shouted heartbreakingly: "Dad!!"

I saw a spiritual tablet placed in the main room of the small courtyard, with three particularly conspicuous characters "Zhang Yixuan" in it.

The most painful thing in life is the departure of a loved one. This kind of pain is unforgettable. Zhang Fan knelt on the ground and howled in pain. Although he had entered the path of cultivation, his heart had not experienced many hardships.

He is still the simple citizen of Shanhe Town. It seems that everything around him feels Zhang Fan's pain. A cold breeze blows by, and the sound of the leaves on the ground rolling up seems to be mourning for Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan was in pain and forgot everything. Everything about his father, Zhang Yixuan, appeared in his mind. He couldn't believe that after he woke up, he had changed into a different person.

For three whole days, Zhang Fan was immersed in pain, silently shedding tears alone. But on the third day, he suddenly saw a stone slab on the ground with many words carved on it. When Zhang Fan saw what he said clearly,

His face gradually became distorted, and his eyes were red with blood. He gritted his teeth, and his face was extremely ferocious.

A month later, Zhang Fan left the small courtyard and left Shanhe Town. From then on, there was another Avenger in the ancient world, or a bright new star was about to rise.

Seven hundred years later, the Arbitration Hall.

Lei Gang sat cross-legged on the black chair. This black chair was cast from the soul-protecting stone. The soul-protecting stone was regarded as a treasure by Li Long and others. This shows the effect of the soul-protecting stone on the soul. Such a large soul-protecting stone sat cross-legged on it.

Lei Gang's soul was once again filled with endless vitality and healed rapidly. Originally, there was only a trace of Lei Gang's soul left, but after hundreds of years, it had almost recovered.

The soul of the calculation was restored, but Lei Gang's body was not restored, or the visceral space. Lei Gang tried a lot but could not restore the visceral space, and the Dantian in the body was empty. It was difficult for Lei Gang to restore his cultivation.

.When the soul was almost restored, Lei Gang started to do it. He knew that it would be useless no matter how hard he tried if he could not recover his cultivation. It was better to understand the opening of the sky and calculated that there were still more than three hundred years left before one thousand years.


With a secret sigh, Lei Gang left the Arbitration Hall. Looking at the dense buildings below and the sea of ​​clouds around him, Lei Gang couldn't help but sigh. After shaking his head, Lei Gang sat cross-legged in front of the hall and began to comprehend the sky.

I don't know where Huang Taixu has been in these years, and this place is unusual for disciples to come up. Even if Huang Xuan wants to come up, he has to ask for permission, which makes Lei Gang not afraid of being disturbed.

During the more than twenty years in Shanhe Town, Lei Gang's heart has been cleansed, making his state of mind stronger. Lei Gang has put down all the burdens of the ancient holy world, allowing Lei Gang to comprehend the opening of the sky faster.

At this time, Lei Gang adjusted his mentality and entered into understanding. At this time, Lei Gang had rehearsed the first process of the sixty-six postures of Kaitian that he had practiced countless times in his mind.

Everything has disadvantages but also advantages. Although Lei Gang lost his cultivation in this disaster, Lei Gang's gains were also considerable. At least, Kaitian's comprehension speed can explain everything.

Time flies, and the one-thousand-year promise is getting closer and closer in the blink of an eye.

In the 999th year, Huang Taixu also appeared next to Lei Gang, but did not wake him up. He felt the wonder around him and was amazed in his heart. His cultivation had reached such a level.

, also had some understanding of chaos. He understood that this strangeness originated from chaos, but he did not expect that Lei Gang's understanding of chaos had reached such an extent.

Huang Taixu stared at Lei Gang and pondered for a long time, then left again without knowing where he was going.

On this day, Lei Gang slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were full of plainness. He was neither happy nor angry, making it impossible to tell the slightest clue. He stood up slowly and looked at the main hall behind him. He was now

When he needed a sword, a very heavy sword, he didn't know if his uncle had collected it. Before recovering, Lei Gang asked Huang Taixu to pay attention to whether there was a heavy sword, but before he could think about it, Huang Taixu appeared.

In front of Lei Gang, he said calmly: "My nephew, I have recovered well over the years. I have made preparations and are about to join together. This sword was refined by me over the years. Although it is a bit rough, the weight is suitable."

With you."

After Huang Taixu finished speaking, a giant yellow-yellow sword that was ten feet long appeared in front of Lei Gang. This sword exuded a strong aura of the earth. It must have been refined from the mountains. If it was not controlled by divine consciousness, Huang Taixu might not be able to use it.

Taixu couldn't move it, Lei Gang nodded gratefully, without saying much, grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands, and shouted lowly, a moment later, Lei Gang's face showed a smile, this sword was stronger than the heavy sword sect's master

The sword must be twice as heavy, which is exactly what Lei Gang wants.

"Thank you, uncle!" Lei Gang said respectfully. So far, Huang Taixu has made Lei Gang very fond of him, just like an elder.

"Okay, let's go. The three of them must have been waiting there for a long time." Huang Taixu waved indifferently and said with a smile, and immediately left quickly with Lei Gang.

This chapter has been completed!
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