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Chapter 1256 Wang Ying’s warning, King Zhou living together

When Wang Ying returned to the dormitory, Xie Qiao and the other three, except Xiao Qianxi, had already packed up and were ready to go. Xie Qiao and Xu Lin were busy washing their faces and putting on makeup.

Seeing Wang Ying come back, the three of them were very surprised.

"Hey, Wang Ying, why are you so early today? I thought you would continue to live with Zhou Chen today and not come back to class."

Wang Ying was wearing tight jeans, showing off her straight and slender legs perfectly. She came to her desk with light steps and started to put away her books.

"It's important to live a life of two, and it's equally important to go to class. I'm not the kind of person who gives up studying for love."

"Yo, yo, listen, Qiao Qiao, Qian Xi, listen, do you believe what she says? I don't know who could not think about tea or food all day long, and couldn't sleep at night in those days when Zhou Chen didn't come back.

, that is, when you don’t have a choice, if you really do have a choice, I can guarantee that you will give up your studies for Zhou Chen.”

Xu Lin ridiculed Wang Ying. Who in their dormitory didn't know that Wang Ying had changed from the cold and aloof young lady to a person full of Zhou Chen's love brain.

Of course, this is limited to Zhou Chen alone. In front of others, Wang Ying is still a cold lady.

Wang Ying said calmly: "That's such a pity. Zhou Chen and I will never have such a choice."

Xu Lin suddenly felt a toothache. Yes, Wang Ying and Zhou Chen both had power and money. To be honest, their studies were really not that important to them.

"By the way, I won't be coming back at night recently. I would like to remind you that the flu has been very serious recently and is also very contagious. You must take precautions and remember to close the doors and windows at night to avoid catching a cold."

Wang Ying thought of Zhou Chen's serious expression when he told her about this matter, so she also vaccinated her three roommates.

Maybe it's because of her personality that she doesn't have many good friends. Xie Qiao and the other two are her best friends in recent years, so she doesn't say anything about them, but she still cares about them in her heart.


Xie Qiao and the other three didn't realize the seriousness, and Xu Lin looked indifferent: "Isn't it just a cold? What are you afraid of?"

"I told you, you should pay attention to yourselves."

Although Wang Ying learned about the flu problem from Zhou Chen, she didn't know how serious it was. She just thought it was not simple in her heart, but Xu Lin and the others didn't believe it, and she didn't know how to explain it.

She decided that if she was free today, she would call her uncle and ask. Her uncle would definitely know the situation.

Xiao Qianxi looked at Wang Ying nervously. Wang Ying saw her expression and nodded slightly. This made Xiao Qianxi relax and a smile appeared on her face.

Zhou Chen found the leader of the hospital and reported it to him. Then he did not go to class, but returned to his dormitory at school.

Wang Ying was really attentive. Not only did she help him tidy up his house, but he also found someone to clean his dormitory, replace it with new ones, and ventilate it.

Today is already March 12th, which is the time point for the influenza outbreak. The reason why he is so anxious to return to China is that the affairs of the foreign company have been temporarily settled, and on the other hand, because of this wave of influenza, he is

I'm really worried about Wang Ying.

He has skills and is not afraid of infectious diseases, but Wang Ying is a normal person. Although in the TV plot, she is very good and not in danger, but no one can guarantee whether there will be any accidents, so he rushed back to China at this time and could only stay in

Only when Wang Ying is by his side can he feel at ease.

Time flies, and another two days have passed. In the past few days since Zhou Chen came back, he has picked up Wang Ying in the morning and evening every day, and Wang Ying has taken a rest in the dormitory at noon.

"Both my uncle and my mother told me to keep warm recently. They also said that the flu in the south is indeed getting worse. They also told me to go back as much as possible. I told them that I don't live in the school now.

Because you picked me up and dropped me off in the morning and evening, they felt a little more at ease."

Wang Ying has been with Zhou Chen for a year. Her parents and uncles all know that she often spends the night at Zhou Chen's place. Apart from some warnings at the beginning, after that, they didn't have too many questions.

Regarding the affairs between the two of them, they also have a laissez-faire attitude toward their interactions.

The only request from her family is to pay attention to safety.

Wang Ying said solemnly: "Ever since I heard what you said, I have been paying attention to the news these days. The problem is indeed serious this time. You were right to let me pay attention. In fact, I really regret that you came back.

Well, if you were in San Francisco, there would be no risk."

Zhou Chen smiled casually, feeling warm in his heart.

"It's unnecessary to worry about me. Don't you know my physical condition? We have known each other for such a long time. Have you ever seen me catch a cold or have a fever? Let me tell you, any infectious disease will not have any effect on me.


"There's nothing absolute about this. You still have to be careful not to run out recently."

Wang Ying was still worried, because when Zhou Chen came back this time, he told her that he planned to open a branch in China. It didn't need to be big, it just needed to be able to work, so she was worried about Zhou Chen running around looking for a place.

"Okay, I won't run away. I just have this plan, but I'm not ready to implement it yet. Maybe it won't be implemented in the next year or two."

At present, Zhou Chen's business core is still abroad. He is thinking of setting up an office space in China. He is just leaving a stronghold to prepare for entering the country in the future, but he is not in a hurry.

He pondered for a while and then said: "Today is already the 15th, Yingying, I think to be on the safe side, why don't we pack up and go back first, and not go to class for the time being. According to my estimation, it won't be long before all major universities

Colleges and universities will suspend classes one after another, so there is no need for you to take risks and continue taking classes. I can also help you with tutoring at home."

“Is it possible that classes will be suspended?”

Wang Ying also looked thoughtful. She was a person with safety awareness and foresight, so she just thought about it for a short while and nodded firmly in agreement.

"Okay, I listen to you. I'll go to the dormitory to clean up later. You wait for me downstairs in the dormitory."

"Well, after dinner, I will go to the dormitory to get some things. After I get them, I will wait downstairs in your dormitory."

Originally, she planned to go back to the dormitory to rest for a while before going to class, but now Wang Ying was not in the mood to go to class. After eating, she immediately prepared to go back to the dormitory to clean up.

When they returned to the dormitory, Xie Qiao and the other three were also in the dormitory. When they saw Wang Ying coming back, they didn't care. But when they saw Wang Ying actually taking out her suitcase and starting to pack her things, they were stunned.


"Wang Ying, what are you doing? Why are you packing your things so that you won't live in the dormitory anymore and will live with Zhou Chen?"

Xu Lin was confused at first, but then felt that he had guessed it right, and teased him happily.

Wang Ying did not stop cleaning up her hands, and said: "Do you still remember what I asked you to pay attention to two days ago? Now the situation has become more serious, and it has even reached our place, so I discussed it with Zhou Chen.

I won’t come to school for a while.”

When the three of them heard this, they were all shocked.

"You won't come to school? How will you teach if you don't come to school?"

"Why should I take classes? Safety comes first. It's not a big deal if I miss ten days and a half."

Xie Qiao and the three of them looked at each other, and Xu Lin couldn't help but mutter: "What's the flu? Isn't it just a cold caused by weak immunity? As for what makes you so nervous? Are you rich people so afraid of death?


"I'm afraid of your size."

Wang Ying picked up the pillow on the side and threw it at Xu Lin.

"We are called to be prepared for danger in times of peace, to take precautions and to take precautions before they happen. Do you understand?"

Seeing that the three roommates didn't take it seriously, Wang Ying felt it was necessary to educate them, so she stopped what she was doing.

"Do you know what is the number one killer of humans in the world?"

"Nuclear weapons?" Xu Lin replied tentatively.

"Wrong, it's the plague."

Wang Ying obviously had done enough homework and talked eloquently: "In the sixth century AD, the first plague in the Middle East killed 100 million people. Before the invention of specific drugs, more than 200 million people died of tuberculosis infection in the world. And these, just now

At the beginning, it was just a flu."

After saying that, she started packing again, putting all the things she needed into the suitcase, and some small things into her backpack.

Xie Qiao, Xu Lin and Xiao Qianxi all looked at each other in shock after hearing Wang Ying's words and then seeing Wang Ying seriously packing up and leaving.

Xiao Qianxi asked nervously: "Wang Ying, is it really that serious?"

"Of course, Qianxi, I would like to advise you not to go to the library or crowded places to study. If you want to study, stay in the dormitory. The same goes for you two. Don't run around. Again, keep the doors and windows closed.

, pay attention to keep warm and don’t catch cold.”

When things were almost packed, she covered the bed and took out the unused cold medicine and antipyretic medicine that Zhou Chen had bought from the cabinet.

"It's hard to buy these medicines now. They are still far away from expiration. I leave them to you just in case. There are also these masks. They are all medical masks Zhou Chen bought for me. I usually wear them when I go out. Everything is as follows.

Safety comes first, did you hear me?”

After saying that, she carried her bag and suitcase and prepared to leave. When she walked to the door, she remembered something again.

He took out a key from his bag and handed it to Xiao Qianxi.

"This is the key to Zhou Chen's school dormitory. You all know where it is. I said, just in case, if anything happens, there are too many people in the dormitory building, just go and stay there. The environment over there is much better than here, and

You Qiaoqiao, think about it carefully. If it doesn’t work, just go home and don’t show off. If anything happens to you two, just call me, you know?"

Seeing Wang Ying's serious instructions, the three people who were already a little nervous became even more nervous now.

"Okay, I'm leaving, please take care of yourself."

Seeing Wang Ying leaving the dormitory, the three of them still didn't fully recover. However, Xiao Qianxi suddenly remembered her own affairs and quickly chased after her. Xie Qiao and Xu Lin were left looking at each other in shock.

"It's not that exaggerated, is it?"

"I also think she is a bit alarmist."

Even though they said this, their expressions were still very solemn. Even if they didn't completely believe it, Wang Ying's family was not an ordinary family. It was impossible for Wang Ying to do this without purpose.

Xiao Qianxi caught up with Wang Ying.

"Wang Ying, that..."

Wang Ying knew what she wanted to say at a glance: "Oh, you are talking about He Xiaozhou. Don't worry, Zhou Chen told him to leave this matter to him, and he will convince He Xiaozhou."

"Thank you, Wang Ying, but if you really want to leave, is it really okay not to go to class?"

"Studying and safety, of course, safety is more important. I'm not at school, Zhou Chen can still tutor me. He has a better mind than the teachers in our school, and his studies will not be delayed."

At first, she thought Zhou Chen was bragging, but after Zhou Chen tutored her once, she realized that it was because she was short-sighted. Zhou Chen's explanations were no worse than their teacher's. He could teach several major subjects, and he was able to teach them all at once.

Teaching her one-on-one is more effective than teaching by a teacher.

With such an excellent tutor, she doesn't worry about studying at all.

"Okay, then if something happens at school, we will call you and tell you. Does the teacher need us to help you ask for leave?"

"No, I'll let my uncle say hello. Qianxi, Xie Qiao and Xu Lin are not stable, you still have to watch them, don't let them run around, and pay attention to hygiene."

"Well, well, I'll keep an eye on them."

"Then I'll leave first. Zhou Chen is waiting below."


In the afternoon, Yang Cheng came to Xie Qiao and handed a large bag of isatis root to Xie Qiao.

"There has been an outbreak of influenza recently. I heard that this medicine is effective, so I got some for you. I haven't come to school recently. You should also pay attention, go out less and wash your hands frequently."

"Even you said that, and it seems to be true. Did you know that Wang Ying has packed her things and left the dormitory today, and said she will not come to school for a while."

"It's normal. Wang Ying also has information channels. She did the right thing."

After saying goodbye to Yang Cheng, Xie Qiao returned to the dormitory with the medicine in a heavy heart. Wang Ying attached so much importance to it, and Yang Cheng also attached so much importance to it, that she couldn't help but become more nervous.

Zhou Chen took Wang Ying home. As soon as Wang Ying entered the house, she saw disinfectant and other things on Zhou Chen's table.

"Are you so well prepared?"

"Your parents can trust you to leave you to me and live here with me. Of course I will take it very seriously. I have disinfected your home."

Wang Ying put her hands around Zhou Chen's neck, stood up on tiptoes and kissed him on the mouth, and said with a smile: "It's so good, full of security."

Zhou Chen lowered his head and touched her nose: "As long as I can keep you safe, I'm not afraid of bothering you at all."

After putting away her luggage and belongings, Wang Ying also hung up her own clothes. Everything she needed was available here, so there was no need to prepare anything else.

"For the next period of time, you will live with me. For safety reasons, we will not go out to eat. I will go out to buy groceries and cook every day. Even if you can't help it and want to go out, we have to wear masks. You can't

Go to places where people gather..."

Listening to Zhou Chen's words, Wang Ying didn't feel that Zhou Chen was nagging at all. Instead, she sat on the sofa, holding her chin, and looked at the busy Zhou Chen with a happy face.

This kind of life gave her a sense of happiness as a married couple.

In the evening, Zhou Chen looked at the time and said to Wang Ying: "There is a vegetable market not far from the community. You stay at home while I go buy vegetables."

Wang Ying, who was reading a book, stood up immediately when she heard this: "I'll go with you."

Just when Zhou Chen was about to refuse, Wang Ying grabbed his hand and said softly: "Take me with you. It's boring for me to be alone. I know you don't trust me. I'm wearing a mask."

"Okay, then you go get dressed and we'll walk together."


Wang Ying happily changed her clothes, put on a mask, and then walked out the door hand in hand with Zhou Chen.

It was not the first time that Wang Ying went shopping with Zhou Chen, but it was really the first time that they went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables together. Just like the last time they went to buy couplets together, they seemed very excited.

When she arrived at the vegetable market, she became even more lively. She couldn't even recognize half of the various vegetables. From time to time, she asked Zhou Chen curiously, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

When passing by the fish tank, he looked at the fish inside curiously. Zhou Chen felt like he was bringing his little daughter to buy groceries, and he was curious about everything.

I simply bought some vegetables, because Wang Ying, a curious baby, had to wander for more than an hour before walking out of the vegetable market. This was also the first time in Zhou Chen's history that he had stayed in the vegetable market for such a long time.

This can’t be blamed on Wang Ying. Even though she is usually very mature in front of others and seems to know everything, in fact, she is really not complicated on the inside. She was raised like a eldest lady. It’s not that she has never bought groceries, it’s just that she hasn’t done anything.

I have been to this large, lively and chaotic vegetable market to buy food.

Of course, if she wasn't with Zhou Chen, she probably wouldn't be happy to come here to buy groceries.

"Shopping for groceries is so fun. It's much more fun than shopping in the supermarket. Did you see my ability to bargain with others just now? Haha, it's so fun."

Zhou Chen had a black eye. He really didn't expect Wang Ying to have such a hobby. She didn't look down on her when paying for groceries. As long as Zhou Chen asked the price and was told, she would start bargaining.

Without him having to use his bargaining skills, Wang Ying was already able to successfully counter-offer. With examples of success, she would be even more motivated to get what she bought.

"If your parents saw your behavior just now, they would definitely blame me for leading you astray. The dignified young lady Yingying was actually led by me to become a market woman."

"You are a woman. You can buy groceries like women. Why can't I bargain with others?"

Wang Ying, on the other hand, didn't care at all and didn't try to hide herself in front of Zhou Chen. She really found pleasure in bargaining for groceries just now.

Zhou Chen looked at her dotingly: "Yes, whatever you say is right, no matter what, as long as you like it."

This time they bought two or three days' worth of food at once, and they didn't need to go out unless necessary in the next few days.

In the evening, Zhou Chen was the chef and Wang Ying was watching.

Wang Ying was very surprised to see Zhou Chen skillfully using kitchen utensils, chopping and cooking vegetables. Before here, Zhou Chen only cooked some porridge and mostly ate outside.

"Are you really good at cooking?"

"When I was a kid, the adults in my family were working and I was alone at home, so I had to be self-reliant. When I came to the United States, I would cook it occasionally. It was fine, but the taste was just average, so you just made do with it later."

After being busy for a while, Zhou Chen cooked three dishes for two people. Wang Ying didn't eat much at night, so he didn't cook more.

"Try it and see how my craftsmanship goes."

Wang Ying picked up her chopsticks and started eating, tasting all three dishes.

"Well, it's pretty good. At least it's much better than the food in the cafeteria."

Although she comes from a good background, she is not picky about food. She usually eats in the cafeteria at school and eats pancakes and so on. She has no dietary restrictions.

Zhou Chen smiled: "It's okay if you don't dislike it. I just started doing it today, and I will definitely do better and better in the future."

Cooking is really not difficult for him. Practice makes perfect and he can operate it carefully. In the past, there was no need for him to do it. Now that there are only two people in the family, it is better to count on Wang Ying than on herself.

"Well, I'll help you wash the dishes later."

"Washing dishes is useless, don't be afraid."

"It's not like I don't touch the spring water with my fingers. I just wash the dishes. You cook for me and I wash the dishes for you. This is what it should be."

Wang Ying has never done this at home, but if she and Zhou Chen were alone, she would be willing to do this.

Zhou Chen can go into the kitchen to cook for her and take care of her in everything. She can also do whatever she can for Zhou Chen. Even if she doesn't know how to do it, she can still learn it.

Zhou Chen smiled and said softly: "Eat, I'm teaching you ancient Chinese tonight, and you're a little bad at it."

Wang Ying and Xie Qiao are both literature majors and must learn Chinese language and the like. In this regard, Zhou Chen is definitely a major among majors.

The time in the world of two people passed very quickly, and a few days passed by in a flash.

They sleep until they wake up naturally every day, cook and buy their own groceries, Zhou Chen studies with Wang Ying, and at night they can sit together on the sofa and watch movies and horror movies...

Although she rarely goes out these days and lives a simple life, Wang Ying does not feel bored at all. Instead, she feels very happy. No matter when, there is always someone by her side who can hug and rely on. This kind of

It feels really reassuring.

"Let's go out for a walk today. We've been at home for a few days."

Although it is good to stay at home, after a long time, Wang Ying still wants to go out for a walk.

Zhou Chen didn't refuse and nodded in agreement: "Okay, then let's go to the pancake store in Qinchuan. He has called me several times in the past few days, urging me to find him. After that, we will go to the mall.

, buy some necessities and come back."

"Okay, let's go out and do some activities."

As soon as she heard that she could go out, Wang Ying happily ran to change clothes and put on makeup.

When he arrived at Qin Chuan's store, Qin Chuan happened to be decorating inside. When he saw Zhou Chen, he was so excited that he almost shed tears.

"Fuck, Zhou Chen, you're finally here. I've been back for so many days. I haven't seen you even once. You didn't come even when I called you. You even kidnapped our major shareholder, Ms. Wang Ying, away. Don't forget

You also have a stake in this pancake shop, can you serve some snacks?"

Qin Chuan was dealing with Zhou Chen, and the resentful look in his eyes made Zhou Chen tremble in his heart.

"Don't look at me with that look and expression. It's so scary. You are enough in this store. Why are you always urging me to come here? Do you still expect me to help you decorate it?"

"I don't need your help, but you have to come and take a look. You are still a small shareholder after all. You can't even come to the store. If you come, you can also make some comments and see where we are falling short and need improvement."

Zhou Chen went in and took a look around, but not even half of it was decorated yet.

"You've almost finished it. I can't give you any advice. I'd better wait until you finish it and I'll come over and take a look."

"Okay, I don't really expect you to give me any advice. What you do as a hands-off shopkeeper is worse than Wang Ying."

Qin Chuan complained unhappily, and then said: "Now that you're here, don't leave. Let's have dinner together later, and I'll call Qiao Qiao."

Zhou Chen thought for a while and said, "Okay, but I'll make the arrangements. I've been back for two weeks and I haven't had time to get together yet. I'll call Xiaozhou and the others by the way."

"Okay, then I won't be polite to you, the big boss, and I'll make a call."

Qin Chuan was very positive and immediately ran to the side to make a phone call.

This chapter has been completed!
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