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Chapter 1258: The first meeting went well, both good and fun

When they came, Zhou Chen and Wang Ying came in the Wang family's car, and when they left, they also left in the Wang family's car.

In the back seat of the car, Zhou Chen looked at Wang Ying and said softly: "I thought you wouldn't go back with me tonight."

Wang Ying smiled sweetly and said: "I originally thought that my mother would not let me go, but I just said that the book is still with you, and she didn't stop me and let me go with you."

Speaking of this, she stared at Zhou Chen with bright eyes.

"Zhou Chen, you are really awesome today. Once again, I am impressed by you."

To be honest, she saw Zhou Chen's operation with her own eyes yesterday, and she didn't think it would have much effect at the time. But judging from her parents' reaction today, Zhou Chen's approach was undoubtedly very much to their liking. No matter when she first went there,

During or after meals, his parents' attitude towards Zhou Chen was relatively kind.

This is why Wang Ying is so happy. Although she is a very independent person with her own ideas, her parents' meeting with Zhou Chen today still made her worried for two days.

Even though her mother and uncle both had a good impression of Zhou Chen, it was her father who ultimately made the final decision in their family.

Until now, when she left home, her parents did not stop her, and she felt completely at ease. After feeling at ease, she felt extremely happy and happy.

Zhou Chen said gently: "I said, I will not let you down."


Wang Ying responded softly, then she didn't care about the driver in the car, rested her head on Zhou Chen's shoulder, and slowly closed her eyes.

Zhou Chen smiled softly. He naturally knew that Wang Ying had been worried in the past two days. She was very restless when sleeping last night, but now she was completely relaxed.

He only drank two drinks today. After all, Wang Ying's father is different from her uncle. Unlike her uncle, who can drink freely, her father still has to be more cautious, because her father himself can also exercise restraint.

He also knew that even though Wang Ying's parents were satisfied with his gift today, this was only a small part of the reason. What was more important was that his own conditions were not bad, especially that he had a lot of capital abroad, which just made up for the Wang family's external exposure.


If his family background was ordinary, no matter how good the gifts he gave, Wang Ying's parents would probably not think highly of him.

This cannot simply be said to dislike the poor and love the rich. The main reason is that their family conditions are good, and Wang Ying is their only child. She was raised as a eldest lady since she was a child. Naturally, they do not want their daughter to marry and live a hard life with others.

If Zhou Chen were a parent, he would have the same idea. Don't talk about potential. It's hard to say, but it's very realistic. Even if an ordinary young man from an ordinary family has potential, it will be difficult to really overcome it.


What's more, when you are around twenty years old, what kind of potential can you tell?

The ancients often talked about "matching", but it has been proven for thousands of years and is suitable for the vast majority of people.

Wang Ying leaned on Zhou Chen, and after a while, she actually fell asleep. Zhou Chen didn't move, so he let her fall asleep on his body.

Half an hour later, they returned to the community. At this time, Wang Ying also woke up. Zhou Chen thanked the driver and went upstairs with Wang Ying.

I brought something with me when I went there, and I brought something with me when I came back.

Wang Ying's parents brought them a large bag of isatis roots and masks, as well as a lot of Wang Ying's favorite snacks.

As soon as she entered, Wang Ying hugged Zhou Chen and gave her a sweet kiss. Zhou Chen, not to be outdone, directly dropped the things in her hands and responded quickly.

After a long time, the two separated. Wang Ying's eyes were as gentle as water, and she whispered: "Zhou Chen..."

Without saying a word, Zhou Chen picked her up and walked into the bedroom...

He Xiaozhou was obviously very worried about his mother. After Zhou Chen told him last time, he quickly collected his mother's past medical records and film lists, without letting Zhou Chen get them.

It was sent to Zhou Chen's home.

Several days had passed since He Xiaozhou delivered it. In fact, Zhou Chen could judge by himself, but he still delayed for a few days. After all, he was not a doctor in this world, and what he said was obviously not as convincing as a doctor's words.

"Yingying, I'm going to see He Xiaozhou tonight. Is it okay for you to be home alone?"

"Did you find out the result of He Xiaozhou's mother's illness?"

When Wang Ying heard that Zhou Chen was going to find He Xiaozhou, she understood the reason.

Zhou Chen nodded and said, "Yeah."

Seeing Zhou Chen's expression, Wang Ying asked tentatively: "Is the situation bad?"

Zhou Chen sighed: "It can no longer be described as bad. The gastric cancer is in the advanced stage and has spread. There are other underlying diseases, and the kidney and liver function is not good. To be honest, surgery is useless. I can only survive now by relying on medicine."

Barely able to hold on."

Wang Ying was startled: "Is it so serious?"

"Yeah, I'm telling you, in fact, the best choice now is not in the hospital, because treatment in the hospital will only delay time, and it will also cost a lot of money. It is better to go home. You can live one day at a time. At least you can survive at home.

If you can have a good reunion with your family, you will even feel better than in the hospital, and you may live longer."

"But it is obvious that Xiaozhou and his family do not want to give up and want treatment. In fact, this is no problem. It is just a matter of choice. If it were me, if my relatives were like this, I would probably go bankrupt to get treatment."


A famous medicine sales expert once said that there is only one disease in this world, and that is the disease of poverty.

This is not entirely true, but it definitely applies to most people and most situations.

He Xiaozhou's family obviously cannot support their consumption indefinitely. As a result, the patient himself will not feel comfortable, and his family will feel even worse.

Wang Ying, who always sees things clearly, couldn't help but tremble in her heart.

"Cancer is really scary."


Zhou Chen also lamented that he lived thirty or forty years later in the previous film and television world, but even then, cancer still had not been conquered.

"But don't tell He Xiaozhou what you just said. If he finds out, I'm afraid he will be even more desperate."

"I understand, but I think he actually knows it very well. He just doesn't want to give up now. Who can be willing to give up his mother?"

In the evening, before Zhou Chen went to find He Xiaozhou, he sent Wang Ying home. She said she wanted to go home for a few days to spend time with her parents, so Zhou Chen would naturally not object.

When he went to find He Xiaozhou, Zhou Chen specially called Qin Chuan. When talking about this kind of thing, Qin Chuan can definitely act as a lubricant in the middle.

In fact, this was indeed the case. The three of them got together for dinner. When Zhou Chen told He Xiaozhou the result, He Xiaozhou didn't tense up on the spot. It was Qin Chuan who comforted him, which stabilized He Xiaozhou's mood.

"Zhou Chen, thank you, and I'm sorry to bother you."

He Xiaozhou sincerely thanked him. He actually expected this result, but even so, he was still very sad when he heard it.

"But precisely because of this, I can't leave my mother. I have to accompany my mother through the last journey. So, I really appreciate you about studying abroad, but I really can't go."

Zhou Chen had a drink with him: "It's too early to say this now. Even if it doesn't work this year, there will be next year. You should go back and discuss it with your uncle and aunt. I know what you think, but uncle and aunt also have the right to know.


He Xiaozhou said firmly: "Whether I want to study abroad or not is my own business. I can make the decision myself. At this time, nothing is more important than my mother."

At this point, Zhou Chen said no more. He knew that as long as He Xiaozhou's mother was still alive, He Xiaozhou would not be willing to leave. If He's mother passed away and He Xiaozhou's string was broken, he would be able to make a calm judgment.


Seeing that the atmosphere was very depressing, Qin Chuan took the initiative to lighten the atmosphere: "I think Xiaozhou's decision is fine. There is nothing good abroad. They are all black and white. They are not as good as our country. There are acquaintances and friends everywhere.

Instead of going abroad, Xiaozhou could just study for a Ph.D. in Beiqing, so there's nothing wrong with that."

He Xiaozhou smiled casually: "Yes, Kawako is right. Where you go is not important. What is important is your family and friends. Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's have a drink together."

"Yes, drink."

"Zhou Chen, our pancake shop will be renovated by the end of this month, and it will be ready for business by then."

Zhou Chen knew that the pancake shop was affected by the flu. Even if it was renovated, it would not be able to open for the time being. There would be no hope for at least a month or two.

However, he did not dampen Qin Chuan's enthusiasm and agreed.

"Then I wish your business will be prosperous and you will make money every day."

"It's not about me, it's about us. You and Wang Ying account for almost half of our shares."

He and Wang Ying both paid for the pancake stall at the beginning, but later when they were embarrassed, it was Wang Ying who also paid for it. At that time, Qin Chuan said that he and Wang Ying would pay half of the money, but later Wang Ying only wanted 40%.

Wang Ying also helped find the store for the pancake shop this time, and Wang Ying and Zhou Chen have never participated in the dividends. So combined, the final shares are Qin Chuan and Wang Ying each accounting for 40%, and Zhou Chen accounting for 5%.

Dragons account for 15%.

Because Dalong has to work in the store all the time and is responsible for spreading pancakes, he also gets an extra salary.

When he drank to his fullest, Qin Chuan began to speak indiscriminately.

"Zhou Chen, we are young, so let me tell you the truth. When you were able to catch up with Wang Ying, you really shocked me. Do you know what my initial impression of Wang Ying was?"

"What impression?"

"A really unruly young lady, with her eyes above her head. At that time, I thought she was just like Yang Cheng, but after getting along with her, I realized that although she has a bit of a young lady's temper, she is a real person."

Qin Chuan gave a thumbs up and praised: "Wang Ying doesn't look down on us ordinary people at all. She can also help me open a pancake stall, help me find a store, and will help me when I encounter problems. Really, she is better than that

Xiao Yang is a hundred times stronger; anyway, I just think that Wang Ying is kind-hearted and very loyal, so you should treat others well in the future."

Zhou Chen chuckled and said, "Don't you think she is your major shareholder and are trying to flatter her?"

"How is it possible? I'm telling the truth after drinking, okay."

"Okay, I heard everything."

"By the way, Zhou Chen, when this semester is over, your time as an exchange student is over. Are you going back to the United States after the vacation?"

Qin Chuan suddenly remembered this and asked, "If you leave, won't you and Wang Ying be in a long-distance relationship?"

Zhou Chen waved his hand: "It's not as complicated as you think. I will be a senior at the end of this semester. Internships in foreign universities require a long time. I basically don't have to take any classes next semester. I will go directly to the internship process. I want to go to university by then.

Just go wherever you want."

He Xiaozhou asked doubtfully: "Then you are not going to continue studying for a PhD?"

Zhou Chen said: "It is not necessary to be in school to study for a master's degree or a Ph.D. For me, as long as I want to study, there is still a lot of room for maneuver. If I achieve something in the future, even if I don't study, Stanford University will take the initiative to find someone."

Me, let alone academic qualifications, it’s really not that important to me.”

Studying for a postgraduate degree and a Ph.D. is also to improve his academic qualifications and achieve better development in the future, but Zhou Chen is now a big boss with several companies under his command, and academic qualifications such as a master's degree and doctorate really have no effect on improving him much.

He Xiaozhou couldn't help but smile bitterly. Zhou Chen didn't take it to heart to study for a Ph.D., which others coveted. It was really annoying to compare people to each other.

Zhou Chen and the other three drank until early in the morning, and then staggered home separately.

As time goes by, the influenza virus has not stopped, but has become more and more severe. It is obvious that there are fewer pedestrians on the streets now, and the number of patients in many hospitals has increased sharply.

Wang Ying stayed at home for a week before returning to Zhou Chen, and lived the same life as before, living a life of two people in the world of a man and a woman.

As late April approaches, many places have been sealed off, and major universities have also suspended classes one after another.

Wang Ying also received a call from Xu Lin, saying that the school was closed and the three of them were trapped in the dormitory. They could only enter and exit with a pass.

"It's really sealed."

"It's an expected thing, but Qiao Qiao really doesn't take it to heart. He told her to go home a long time ago, but she just didn't come back. Now she can't even go back even if she wants to."

Wang Ying sighed, closing the school is not necessarily a bad thing, at least it will make them safer, but the students who are locked in the school are really uncomfortable.

Zhou Chen wasn't too worried. Nothing unexpected happened in the plot, so there shouldn't be anything unexpected this time.

"I heard from Xie Qiao that He Xiaozhou is also trapped in the hospital, which is much more dangerous than school."

"Not necessarily. There are disadvantages and advantages. At least if something happens, people can be treated in time in the hospital, but it is most likely safe."

Zhou Chen knew that Wang Ying was worried about her friend, so he hugged her and whispered a few words of comfort.

"What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Well, I want to drink sweet soup."

"No problem, I'll do it for you."

After staying at home for more than a month, Zhou Chen's cooking skills have been greatly improved, and Wang Ying commented that he has reached a level that can open a restaurant.

Of course, it only refers to home-cooked dishes, such as some difficult-to-make dishes. Due to limitations of materials and experience, he cannot yet reach a high level.

During this period, Zhou Guoxing and Tao Li, who were far away in San Francisco, also called every two days to inquire about the situation. Their voices were also full of worry. They also suggested that Zhou Chen should go back first and wait until he was stable before coming back. However, Zhou Chen was

Chen refused.

Zhou Chen, who has experienced several infectious diseases, is now deeply aware of how powerful his immunity against infectious diseases is.

Having good physical fitness does not mean that you will not get sick, but this immunity skill can be immune to all infectious diseases, which is really too strong.

Plague is one of the biggest killers in human history, but this skill of his can ensure that he will not suffer such dangers. This is really a skill that countless people dream of in the non-supernormal world.

"Left, left, yes, shotgun, shotgun, oh, your reaction is too slow."

"No, you have to help me. I told you I can't jump over here."

Zhou Chen and Wang Ying each held a controller and complained to each other. They saw Contra playing on the TV in the living room.

Zhou Chen was bored, so he bought a game console, and the two of them played the game together. However, Wang Ying was really bad at it. She couldn't survive even thirty lives, let alone three lives.

Wang Ying shook the controller angrily and said loudly: "Don't play this anymore, it's boring. Go fight tanks. Tanks are fun."

"Okay, let's fight the tank."


"It's not fun, I want to play Super Mario."


"What a crappy game, ah, it makes me so angry."

"Playing Shadow Legend, this romance, I want to save the princess."


"No more playing."

In the end, Wang Ying threw away the game controller and lay down on the sofa angrily. She played for several hours, but no one could play anymore. She could only be described as a "cave".

Zhou Chen suppressed his laughter, but his expression was too exaggerated. When Wang Ying found out, Wang Ying was so angry that she jumped on him, hitting and biting him.

"Okay, okay, let's not play anymore. Let's go play online games and I'll take you."

Ever since, Zhou Chen took Wang Ying to play Westward Journey again.

It's a pity that Wang Ying doesn't have the talent to become an Internet addicted girl. She doesn't want to play anymore and has no perseverance at all.

Playing games was such a fun thing, but in the end, she commented that she might as well study.

There was no other way, so Zhou Chen could only take her to learn foreign languages ​​together.

Because they studied foreign languages ​​too hard, Zhou Chen and Wang Ying went to bed late at night. The next day, Wang Ying was still woken up by the ringing of her cell phone.

She opened her eyes drowsily and found that Zhou Chen beside her was gone. She didn't pay much attention to it, but picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table.


After listening to the voice on the phone for a few seconds, she suddenly felt refreshed.

"Xie Qiao didn't go back to the dormitory all night? What's going on? The school is closed and she can't get out. See if she has the key I put in the dormitory."

"The key is still there, so it seems she didn't go to Zhou Chen's dormitory and asked Yang Cheng. Okay, I'll call now."

As soon as Zhou Chen opened the door and walked into the house, he saw that Wang Ying was fully dressed and seemed to be going out.

"Get up, where are you going?"

Wang Ying straightened her clothes and said: "Xu Lin called me just now and said that Xie Qiao didn't come back to the dormitory all night and couldn't get through on the phone. They were very worried, so they called me and asked me to ask if Xie Qiao was okay.

I was with Yang Cheng, but Yang Cheng said he didn't have one, and said he had to go to school to look for it. He didn't have a pass, so I asked him to come to me and give him your pass."

When Zhou Chen heard this, he roughly understood what was going on. It seemed that what was supposed to happen happened.

He put the things he was carrying on the ground and said calmly: "Don't worry, Qiao Qiao can't get through on the phone. Then try calling Qin Chuan."


Wang Ying was startled, then said: "You mean, Xie Qiao might be with Qin Chuan? No, she is at school. Did Qin Chuan enter the school, or did she run out?"

"You can find out just by making a phone call."

"Okay, let me give it a try."

Wang Ying dialed Qin Chuan's number. After talking for a few words, she hung up after a while.

"It's better that you reacted quickly. Xie Qiao was actually with Qin Chuan in the school cafeteria. Qin Chuan was really crazy. He heard Xie Qiao said he had a fever, so he climbed over the wall and entered the school without caring about anything. The two of them

Afraid of causing harm to Xu Lin and Qian Xi, I hid in the cafeteria all night. Fortunately, Xie Qiao's body temperature is now normal."

"I have to say, Qin Chuan's feelings for Xie Qiao are really nothing to say. It's just that this person is too stubborn. If he were half as decisive as you, Xie Qiao would be his girlfriend now."

Zhou Chen turned around and asked, "Are you praising me? If I wasn't decisive, how could I catch you?"

"Yes, yes, yes, everything you said is right, that's why I said Qin Chuan was not decisive enough."

Wang Ying smiled gently at Zhou Chen, then frowned and said: "If Yang Cheng knows that Xie Qiao is with Qin Chuan, something will happen again. He has already come to us and will be here soon."

"Let's not worry so much about their love triangle."

Zhou Chen pointed to the big crab in the net bag and said, "Do you want to eat crabs? I'll cook a few for you later."

Wang Ying walked over, looked at the palm-sized crab, and asked in surprise: "Did you buy it at the market?"

"No, when I got up for a run in the morning, someone was selling vegetables in the community. I saw someone selling crabs. They looked pretty good, so I bought eight."

"Is there anyone selling vegetables in the community?"

"Yeah, many people don't dare to run out, so some people just sell them in the community. This saves them from running out. I'll cook some chicken for you."


As she said that, she touched it.

Zhou Chen raised his head and said, "How about I get a rope and tie one for you to play with?"

Wang Ying burst out laughing: "You really treat me like a three-year-old child, and you even tie me up and play with me."

While she was talking, her cell phone rang, and she looked down.

"It's Yang Cheng. He must have arrived. I'll go down and give him your pass."

"Okay, then I won't go down and put on a mask."

"I know, tell Yang Cheng to drive more carefully."

"It's amazing that you still care about Yang Cheng."

Wang Ying picked up her things, changed her shoes and took the elevator down.

As soon as she walked out of the unit building, she saw Yang Cheng standing in front of the car waving her hand.

"Wang Ying, you are really living with Zhou Chen. Don't your parents care about you?"

Wang Ying asked angrily: "Then if you take your girlfriend back to your place to spend the night, do your parents care about you?"

"Can that be the same? I am a man and you are a woman."

"You are being sexist. Okay, don't worry about it. I just called Qin Chuan. Xie Qiao is fine. I'm with him. Don't worry."

Unexpectedly, after Yang Cheng heard this, his voice became louder: "What, Qiao Qiao is with Qin Chuan? What's going on, how can Qiao Qiao be with Qin Chuan?"

Wang Ying had no choice but to tell him what she knew about the situation.

When Yang Cheng heard that Xie Qiao and Qin Chuan had been together all night, in the cafeteria, he felt even more anxious. He took the pass from Wang Ying and got in the car to leave.

"Hey, Yang Cheng, drive slower."

"I know, let's go."

This chapter has been completed!
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