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Chapter 1,389 Emperor Wu is captured and the plot begins

Chapter 1391 Emperor Wu is captured and the plot begins

As he expected, Zhao Ji's work efficiency was not high. Ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and he still hadn't found all the people.

He actually went to the place where pigeons were sold and made a report, listing a lot of figures from buying pigeons to training, etc., and then gave it to Zhao Ji to allocate funds.

Zhao Ji felt dizzy when he saw Zhou Chen's report and the bunch of numbers on it.

It's okay to let him order people to kill, but it's really too difficult for him to see these things, but he can't stand it after a while.

He was confident that Zhou Chen would not dare to play tricks on him, so he allocated money to Zhou Chen, but he cut off half of the number reported by Zhou Chen.

"Our Six Paths Hall is short of silver. Although we only have these, I believe you will do a good job and get everything done in the Senluo Hall. I will promote you to be the captain."

Zhou Chen had a bitter look on his face and could only sigh: "Sir, okay, I will try my best."

Seeing Zhou Chen like this, Zhao Ji felt relieved. He had plenty of money, but he couldn't just give Zhou Chen as much as he wanted. This was not a good way to serve as a subordinate. Cutting half of it would let Zhou Chen know his majesty, and how could he do it?

Look at Zhou Chen's ability, he kills two birds with one stone.

It's just that he doesn't know that Zhou Chen's bitter look is all fake. You have your Zhang Liang plan, and I have my wall ladder.

He knew that Zhao Ji would not be able to obediently give him money, but this person maintained his own identity and did not have enough patience to inquire about every detail. In order to ensure confidentiality, he was not willing to let others know, so he did not fool anyone.

Zhao Ji cut it in half, but he didn't know that the number calculated by Zhou Chen was four times the real money. In other words, even if Zhao Ji cut it in half, there would still be twice as much.

Well, this is only the first time, so Zhou Chen didn't go too far. Anyway, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. While Zhao Ji is still alive, he can slowly dig in.

In the days that followed, Zhou Chen took his time to buy pigeons and find someone to train the pigeons. He spent more time practicing by himself, taking medicinal baths, and gradually and rapidly improving his internal strength.

Because he is usually very low-key and rarely comes into contact with other people even in the Six Paths Hall, so not many people know that he has started to rebuild the Senluo Hall.

Zhou Chen was happy to be quiet, but this quietness did not last long. Zhao Ji found him fifty young people under the age of eighteen, both men and women, and most of them were under the age of fifteen. Although he did not ask

Origin, but it can also be seen that they are basically from poor families.

After gathering the personnel, Zhou Chen started his own training mode. He had served as both an emperor and an important minister, so it was not difficult for him to train some intelligence personnel.

Zhao Ji said that he would leave everything to Zhou Chen, but every once in a while, he would come to check on the situation. Whether it was training pigeons or people, he was very concerned about it.

Although he is greedy for money, he is also somewhat capable. In the past, he didn't like Ning Yuanzhou and wanted to confront Ning Yuanzhou, so he attacked His Highness Sen Luo.

But if Senluo Temple becomes a sharp blade in his hand, he doesn't need to worry about it. It's too late for him to be happy, so how can he not take it to heart.

In his eyes, the Senluo Temple rebuilt by Zhou Chen is his own strength. He doesn't care how Zhou Chen trains and does it, he just wants to see the results as soon as possible.

Zhou Chen understood Zhao Ji's thoughts, so every time Zhao Ji came over, he would let him see a little hope, and then continue to cheat, and funds flowed out of Zhao Ji's pocket one after another.

Seeing the fruitful Zhao Ji, it seemed as if he saw his own beautiful life in the future, so he didn't feel that the money spent was unfair at all.

Zhou Chen was also very satisfied with Zhao Ji for being such a good deceiver. Such a boss was really rare, so he had to provide for him well for the time being.

Zhou Chen lived very comfortably in such days, and two months passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past two months, because the homing pigeons have been trained and formed, Zhou Chen has used Zhao Ji's relationship to re-activate some secret strongholds.

When Ning Yuanzhou was the deputy hall leader, he established a total of 108 secret strongholds in various countries and used carrier pigeons to deliver messages. However, most of these people were Ning Yuanzhou's people. Zhao Ji didn't like them at all.

When the Senluo Palace was established, most of the pigeon department in the Zhusheng Road was abandoned.

Although Zhou Chen worked in Senluodian before, the Pigeon Department belongs to the Animal Path, so his understanding of the Animal Path is not as good as Zhao Ji's. Only recently after Zhao Ji gave him power, he slowly mastered it and got Zhao Ji's permission.

, started to make contact using a new carrier pigeon.

But Zhao Ji was not Ning Yuanzhou, and his control over these secret strongholds was not complete. Many of them were even unwilling to follow his orders to contact them. This also led to Zhou Chen temporarily only contacting some of the strongholds within Wu Kingdom.

For Zhao Ji, this is enough. He has always been thinking about the business of confiscation of homes, but this kind of thing can only be done within the Wu Kingdom. The Six Paths Hall in other countries does not have this ability, so Zhou Chen can do this in the country.

The secret stronghold was reactivated, and he was already very satisfied.

When Zhou Chen rebuilt the Senluo Hall, he had to lament that Ning Yuanzhou was indeed a talent. He had been in the Six Paths Hall for many years and knew the Six Paths Hall very well, so he was able to build the Senluo Hall and integrate other paths. This was what he did as the deputy hall leader.


In contrast, Zhao Ji has been the leader of Liu Daotang for half a year and has made Liu Daotang a mess. That is to say, Zhou Chen has done some serious things for Liu Daotang recently, otherwise Liu Daotang will only get worse and worse.

But if you want to do well in the officialdom, ability is only a small part. Ning Yuanzhou obviously did not do very well in this aspect, otherwise the Prime Minister would not be able to report Zhao Ji and suppress him.

Two months later, more than half of the teenagers who had been trained before had been dispersed by Zhou Chen. Except for Zhou Chen and Zhao Ji, no one knew where they had gone to lurk. The rest were taken away by Zhao Ji.

There were several people from the Human Way, a few from the Senluo Palace, and a few with good martial arts qualifications who were sent to the Tiandao for training.

Zhou Chen is now nominally in charge of the Senluo Hall, but in fact, the news about the Beast Path is also through his hands, because Zhao Ji, as the hall leader, is more willing to enjoy it, and Lou Qingqiang is better at fighting and killing. Zhou Chen's recent performance has impressed Zhao Ji.

Satisfied, so the news delivered by the Pigeon Department will now go through Zhou Chen's hands as soon as possible.

In Liudaotang, the yamen of Hell Realm, a white homing pigeon suddenly flew from a distance.

Zhou Chen raised his left hand, and the carrier pigeon landed on his left wrist. He took the letterhead off the carrier pigeon's foot, and then released the pigeon.

There was very little writing on the note, but the content was horrifying enough.

After reading it, Zhou Chen's expression remained unchanged and he just sighed: "Is the plot going to start so soon?"

The content on the note was very simple. Specifically, it was that five days ago, Emperor Wu led an army to fight the Anguo army at Tianmen Pass. They were defeated at Tianmen Pass. The army suffered heavy casualties and was defeated. Emperor Wu's whereabouts were even unknown.

The plot was exactly the same as in the plot. He was not surprised at all. If Emperor Wu could win such a playful personal expedition, then how bad would An Guo be? But instead of being bad, An Guo's army was the most powerful among the Nine Kingdoms.

The strongest military force, in this case, Emperor Wu's defeat is inevitable.

More than two months have passed since he traveled to this world, and it has been more than three months since Emperor Wu set out for his personal expedition, and it has been more than half a year since Zhao Ji became the leader of the Liudao Hall, so the timing is relatively consistent.

When I thought about the plot of Guanshan, it started when Emperor Wu defeated Tianmen Pass. When he received this information, the palace or Zhang Xiang and others probably also received the information, which also meant that the plot was about to officially begin.

Zhou Chen asked someone where Zhao Ji had gone, and found out that Zhao Ji had brought people to Sun Shiyi's Mansion, saying that he had received news that Bai Que, an Anguo Zhuyi Guard, had sneaked into Sun Shiyi's Mansion.

"Zhao Ji, you are really..."

The emperor was captured, but the leader of the Liudao Hall, who was supposed to be the king of intelligence in the Wu Kingdom, was still blackmailing others on their birthdays. What a great cleverness.

Knowing that Sun Shiyi Mansion is the first appearance of the heroine Ren Ruyi in the plot, Liu Daotang is also the first victim.

Zhou Chen had no intention of reminding or stopping him. Whether it was Zhao Ji, Lou Qingqiang, or Xu Jun, they all treated him with more malice than kindness. Zhao Ji, who had the most contact with him, treated him as a pawn.

Of course, he also regarded Zhao Ji as a pawn, and even wished that Ren Ruyi would kill Zhao Ji as well.

As for his current identity as a Wuguo native, to be honest, he really doesn't have much sense of belonging, not even as big as the sense of belonging as a Central Plains native.

Zhou Chen was waiting quietly in the Six Paths Hall, the hell realm. He knew that Wudu was destined not to be peaceful today, and it wouldn't be long before it was time for him to leave the Six Paths Hall in Wudu.


Although I have been cultivating crazily for more than two months and spending a lot of resources to mobilize the internal energy in my body, after all, the time is still short, and even Yangzhou has not reached the slow success.

However, Yangzhou Slow is a peerless martial arts after all, and in this low-level martial arts world, it is even more extraordinary. Even if Yangzhou Slow has not yet reached Xiaocheng, he is confident that he can compete with the martial arts of this world by combining the whirling steps, Xiangyi Taijian and other martial arts.

Top players compete against each other.

If one can reach the realm of Xiaocheng, relying solely on internal strength, he will definitely be at the top of the world. As for Dacheng, he will definitely be invincible, invincible and invincible.

Zhou Chen doesn't know whether Lianhua Tower can be considered as a middle martial arts world, but he is certain that it is definitely much better than the low martial arts world of Yi Nian Guan Shan. There is no comparison between the top masters on both sides, let alone the top martial arts.

, the gap is absolutely huge.

It was evening, and Zhao Ji's men suddenly came to find Zhou Chen.

"Zhou Chen, Mr. Zhang and the hall master want to see you. Come with me quickly."

Zhou Chen did not hesitate. He knew that Zhao Ji must have been severely scolded by Zhang Xiang. It seemed that this guy's bones were really weak. He must have been frightened and told him about rebuilding the Senluo Palace. Otherwise, Zhang Xiang would have

How could you want to meet a nobody like him for no reason?

Although he had to meet the most important minister and assistant in the Wu Kingdom, who was less than one person and more than ten thousand people, Zhou Chen was not nervous at all. After so many years, others have always been afraid when they see him. He has never seen anyone else.

Sometimes I feel scared.

"Are you Zhou Chen?"

Zhang Xiang is not tall, but standing there, he exudes the aura of a superior, and his serious face is full of majesty.

Zhou Chen bowed and saluted: "Six Paths Hall, Hell Path, Zhou Chen, pay your respects to the Chief Assistant."

Zhang Song asked in a deep voice: "I heard from Zhao Ji that he is planning to rebuild the Senluo Palace. Are you the one in charge?"

"Sir, yes."

"Ning Yuanzhou spent many years to build Senluo Palace. What ability do you have to rebuild Senluo Palace?"

Zhang Song's tone was cold. Although he helped Zhao Ji become the leader of the Six Paths Hall, it did not mean that he did not agree with Ning Yuanzhou's abilities. The sudden appearance of Zhou Chen really made him have little confidence, even if Zhou Chen belonged to the Senluo Hall before.

One member.

Without waiting for Zhou Chen to answer, Zhao Ji hurriedly explained: "My lord, the official has made an agreement with him. If a better Senluo Palace cannot be rebuilt within a year, he will die to apologize."

"Apologise with death? Oh, in my eyes, your lives are worthless. Well, since you are talking about rebuilding the Senluo Palace, tell me, where are the people in the Senluo Palace? Where are the reports compiled?" Zhang Xiang looked ferocious.


Zhao Ji was so frightened that he was paralyzed: "Sir, we have just started. Those people who did not obey orders have all been dismissed. The new ones are still being trained, but they will take office soon."


Zhang Xiang roared again. He couldn't listen to a word of Zhao Ji's words. As for Zhou Chen, he didn't take it seriously. He just thought that Zhao Ji had come out to fool him, so he was even more angry.

Zhao Ji really had no choice. In fact, he and Zhou Chen had made some progress, that is, they planted nails in the residences of many important ministers in the capital, and even planted people in the residence of Prime Minister Zhang. However, his purpose was not pure.

I didn't dare to say it at this time.

Zhang Xiang ignored Zhou Chen, grabbed Zhao Ji's neck, and shouted: "As I said just now, bring Ning Yuanzhou to see me within seven days, otherwise I will ask your aunt to sacrifice you during the Qingming Festival next year.


Zhao Ji was trembling with fear, his face turned red, and he nodded with difficulty: "Yes, yes."

After Zhang Xiang left, Zhao Jicai slowly came back to his senses. He glanced at Zhou Chen, who had a low eyebrow and a murderous intent in his eyes.

When Zhou Chen saw this embarrassing side of himself, he really had the intention to kill, but in the end he restrained his murderous intention.

"Go away, half a year, I will give you another half year at most. If the Senluo Palace you rebuild is not as good as Ning Yuanzhou's Senluo Palace, I guarantee that you will die without a burial place."

Zhou Chen lowered his head and said nothing, but his eyes were full of murderous intent. Originally, he had no intention of doing anything to Zhao Ji. Anyway, Zhao Ji would soon die at the hands of Ning Yuanzhou.

But now, he has changed his mind. Zhao Ji must be solved by himself.

After returning home, Zhou Chen took out a long wooden box from under his bed and took out a sheathed long sword.

This is a sword he had someone make not long ago. The sword is not very good, but it is enough for killing people.

The sword hadn't drank blood yet, so he had decided to use Zhao Ji's blood to unseal it.

This chapter has been completed!
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