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Chapter 1488: We are familiar with each other, Rose acts like a baby and asks for a cell phone

Chapter 1490: We are familiar with each other, Rose acts like a baby and asks for a mobile phone

Although it is summer, there are still many students on campus.

Walking on the road, looking at these college students full of vigor and smiles, Zhou Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart. They still haven't experienced the beatings of society. Once they step into society and experience the whippings of society, it will be difficult for them to show such brilliant smiles.


Zhou Chen walked around with a purpose, and the path he took was in the direction of the Tsinghua Family Courtyard.

Having watched the plot, he naturally knew that Huang Yimei and his family lived in the Family Courtyard of Tsinghua University. As long as they were nearby, they would definitely meet Huang Yimei.

Not to mention, the area around the Family Courtyard is really lively, with many children playing.

After walking around for almost an hour, Zhou Chen finally arrived at his target. He saw a beautiful figure wearing roller skates, as agile as a butterfly flying back and forth on the road. She looked particularly young, beautiful and full of vigor.

As usual, Huang Yimei got off work from her internship and returned to the familiar campus. She put on her favorite roller skates and skated around the familiar campus.

Suddenly, while gliding, she suddenly stopped, then turned around and took a few steps back.

"Hey, it's really you."

Huang Yimei looked at Zhou Chen in front of her with a smile. Zhou Chen left a deep impression on her in the evening a few days ago, and she would still think of it occasionally in the past two days.

Suddenly she met Zhou Chen again, and he was also on the Tsinghua campus. This surprised her. It was a coincidence.

Zhou Chen smiled and said, "Yes, it's me. What a coincidence. Rose, right? Last time I heard your brother call you for so long."

Huang Yimei said: "Rose is my nickname. Everyone in my family calls me that. My real name is Huang Yimei."

"Zhou Chen, hello, Huang Yimei."

Zhou Chen stretched out his hand, but Huang Yimei did not refuse. She smiled and shook Zhou Chen's hand gently.

"Zhou Chen, do you work in school?"

"Why do you ask that? Is it because I don't look like a student?"

Huang Yimei pursed her lips and said with a smile: "It's true, your temperament is not like a student at all, but more like a teacher."

Zhou Chen shook his head and said: "Then you guessed wrong. I'm not a student here, but I'm not a teacher here either. Our company held a job fair in Tsinghua these two days. I came over to take a look. From the look of you, you look good.

Like a student."

Huang Yimei blinked her big eyes and said proudly: "You guessed it wrong too. I have graduated now, but I am not from this school. I graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. I just live in the family home here."

"Central Academy of Fine Arts?"

Zhou Chen pretended to be surprised, looked at the yellow clothes up and down, and then smiled and said: "Then I guess you study painting, you look a bit artistic."

"Really? Do I look very artistic?"

Huang Yimei heard Zhou Chen's words and happily controlled her roller skates to spin twice. Although she studied painting, she came from a scholarly family and gave people the impression that she has more scholarly temperament than artistic temperament.

Zhou Chen nodded and said: "At least you are wearing roller skates, and you already have some artistic temperament in pursuit of freedom."

Huang Yimei burst into laughter, showing her teeth, but she quickly controlled it.

"Zhou Chen, what you say is quite interesting."

She is handsome, mature and upright, has an extraordinary temperament, and her words are interesting. Anyway, she has a very good impression of Zhou Chen, so she is quite willing to chat with Zhou Chen.

"I'm in a hurry to go home now and we'll talk to you next time we have a chance."

Zhou Chentu saw this and said softly: "Then, leave me your contact information?"

Huang Yimei paused for a moment, then showed hesitation.

"Sorry, I don't have a mobile phone."

"It's okay, then I'll leave you a contact information."

Zhou Chen took out the business card he had prepared and handed it to Huang Yimei.

Huang Yimei took it and took a look. There were not many words on the business card, only Zhou Chen's name and mobile phone number.

"Isn't your business card too simple?"

"Personal business cards are different from business cards. They should be simpler. I originally wanted to print some patterns, but I never thought about what to choose."

Huang Yimei carefully put the business card into her bag, and then said with a smile: "Nice to meet you, Zhou Chen."

Zhou Chen replied: "I'm glad to meet you too, Huang Yimei. In the next two days, our company's job fair will be held here. Maybe we can meet again."

"Then let's talk next time we meet."

"OK, bye."

Until the point was clicked, Zhou Chen didn't show too much urgency.

During this period, Huang Yimei's family was very strict and her true nature had not yet been released.

It can be seen from Huang Yimei's reaction that she does not hate herself. This is a good signal. As long as she gets familiar with it gradually, things will be much easier to handle later.

After returning home, Huang Yimei hurriedly changed into slippers under the greetings of her parents, ran back to her room and changed into fresh and comfortable home clothes.

After packing up my things, I saw the business card in my bag.

She held the business card in her hand and played with it. Looking at the name and mobile phone number on it, she couldn't help but think of the two encounters with Zhou Chen.

"Is this fate?"

Huang Yimei, who has been the center of attention since she was a child, has never lacked boys to pursue her, and there are many outstanding ones, but perhaps it is because the family members around her are all outstanding, which has led to her high standards.

She basically doesn't like those men. She thinks some of them are too naive, some are too exaggerated, and some are too ostentatious...

It was always not in line with her vision of love, so she had just graduated from college and had never been in love once.

But as a girl, still a girl at the age of twenty-two, she naturally yearns for that kind of romantic love, but she has never found the right one.

Zhou Chen, who had a double relationship, left a deep impression on her. He was probably a few years older than her, but he was different from her previous suitors. He had a special temperament, especially those eyes that seemed to be able to speak.

She has always been the kind of girl who is bold, careful and fearless. No matter who she faces, she has strong self-confidence and is a proud rose.

But when talking to Zhou Chen, she actually didn't dare to look directly into Zhou Chen's eyes. If she looked at him for a long time, her heart would beat wildly.

"It would be nice if I had my own mobile phone."

Holding the business card, Huang Yimei desperately wanted a mobile phone. In fact, she had always wanted a mobile phone since she was an intern at her brother's company, and she had told her parents many times.

But it is a pity that in this era, although mobile phones are not a rare thing, they are not cheap either. Because she was still a student, her parents never bought her a mobile phone.

She was thinking about whether to contact Zhou Chen?

Just as she was thinking wildly, the door to the room was suddenly pushed open.

"Rose, I've asked you to eat, why are you lingering in the room?"

Huang Yimei's mother, Wu Yuejiang, walked into the house and saw her daughter hurriedly hiding something.

"What are you hiding?"

"What can I hide? Mom, eat. I'm hungry. Eat."

Huang Yimei quickly changed the topic, hugged her mother's arm, and walked out of her room.

There are four members of the Huang family. Although Huang Yimei is the daughter, she is the most favored one. Both her parents and her brothers pamper and pamper her. It is precisely because she was born in such a family that she was raised

This gave her such a glow of confidence.

On Saturday, Zhou Chen came to the Tsinghua campus again, but this time, he came in the afternoon.

Today happened to be Huang Yimei's day to rest. She was finally able to sleep early. She slept until almost noon before getting up and washing up under the whipping of her mother.

After having lunch and chatting with her parents for a while, she changed her clothes and went out to wander around the campus.

In fact, she was vaguely looking forward to it. After asking someone where there was a job fair, she couldn't help but go to that place.

She thought it was just a small job fair, but after she went there, she discovered that the job fair was quite large, with many people and very lively.

Huang Yimei walked over curiously and heard a lot of things after a while, holding a company profile in her hand.

"Chenxing Capital, a financial company."

After reading the company profile for a while, her eyes suddenly lit up and she saw a person not far away coming into her eyes and walking towards her.

"What a coincidence, Huang Yimei, we meet again."

"Unfortunately, I heard from you last time that your company is holding a job fair here. It happens to be a day off, so I came over to take a look. It's quite lively here."

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "This afternoon is the last half of the day, so it will be more lively. There are too many people. Let's go out for a walk?"

"Okay." Huang Yimei agreed with a smile.

So the two of them left together and walked aimlessly around the campus.

"I just read your company profile. The company is very large. What do you do in your company?"

"Major shareholder."


Huang Yimei paused and looked at Zhou Chen with surprise.

"Are you the boss of Chenxing Capital?"

"Why, don't I look the same? But I don't ask much about things now, and I'm semi-retired."

"Semi-retired? How old are you that you are already semi-retired?"

Huang Yimei couldn't understand Zhou Chen's thoughts. Zhou Chen looked more mature, but he shouldn't be more than thirty years old. Shouldn't this age be the age of struggle? Why is he about to retire?

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "It's boring to sit in the office every day and have various social activities. To be honest, I would rather be a free artist than a boss."

"By the way, I just turned twenty-six this year."

Zhou Chen and Huang Yimei walked out of the campus unknowingly. The weather was relatively hot. At Zhou Chen's invitation, they came to sit down at a coffee shop not far from the school.

The two of them sat together for two hours. Huang Yimei is a talkative person, and Zhou Chen is also the same. They both have a good impression of each other, so chatting is very natural. There are many topics and they can talk about all aspects.

They didn't leave the coffee shop until after five o'clock.

Watching Huang Yimei leave, Zhou Chen looked at the note in his hand. It contained Huang Yimei's home phone number. Although he didn't plan to call their home, Huang Yimei was willing to give him this phone number if it could show that she had a good impression of him.


Although the biggest purpose of the job fair was to get close to Huang Yimei, the three-day job fair still recruited eight people from Tsinghua University, including three fresh graduates, three graduate students, and two current graduate students.

Two more days passed in the blink of an eye, and Huang Yimei had been acting coquettishly with her parents these two days.

"Dad, just buy me a mobile phone. I don't want a good one, just a few hundred. I've already done an internship now. It's too inconvenient not to have a mobile phone."

Huang Yimei hugged her father's arm, with a delicate voice and a pleading look on her face.

Huang Jianzhi was also a daughter slave. After being spoiled by Huang Yimei for a few words, he couldn't bear it anymore and raised his hands to surrender.

"Rose, it's useless for you to tell me. You need your mother's consent. You go find your mother."

Huang Yimei whispered: "Dad, please lend me some of the money you have hidden."

Huang Jianzhi suddenly became excited and quickly moved back. He glanced nervously at his wife who was cooking in the kitchen not far away. When he saw that she didn't hear him, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't hide any money. Don't talk nonsense in front of your mother."

"Dad, just buy me a mobile phone, Dad~Dad~..."

Huang Jianzhi was so shaken that he felt dizzy: "Rose, it's not that dad won't buy it for you, you need your mom's consent."


"What mobile phone should I buy?"

Wu Yuejiang came over with the food, put the plate on the table, and said with a serious expression: "You are interning at your brother's company. If you need anything, you can call your brother. There is also a phone at home. When will you earn it?"

Now that I have enough money, I want to buy a mobile phone again.”

Huang Yimei pouted: "Mom, I have already graduated and am now interning. It is really inconvenient not to have a mobile phone."

This is not the first time she has asked for a mobile phone, but she has been asking for it more frequently recently because she cannot contact Zhou Chen without a mobile phone. She cannot use her home phone.

"I just graduated from my undergraduate degree and haven't started graduate school yet."

Wu Yuejiang said with a straight face. They are from a scholarly family, both of them are intellectuals, and her son Huang Zhenhua also has a master's degree, so she hopes that her daughter can take the postgraduate entrance examination.

"After all, I graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts. Even if I'm not a graduate student, it's not difficult to find a job. Why do I have to take the master's degree exam?"

But it's a pity that her coquettishness was of no use to Wu Yuejiang. Her cell phone plan was ruined again, and she pursed her lips while eating.

In the evening, Zhou Chen was about to have dinner when suddenly Peng Fei came over, so they had dinner together and drank some wine.

Before leaving, Peng Fei said to Zhou Chen: "Are you okay tomorrow afternoon? I'll introduce you to a friend. You go to the cafe downstairs in our company and I'll call you then."

Zhou Chen asked in confusion: "What kind of friends? They are all downstairs of the company. Instead of going to the company, they go to the cafe?"

Peng Fei didn't explain that much, he just said: "You will know tomorrow."

Zhou Chen always felt that this kid didn't hold it in well, but he didn't refuse. He was just curious about what kind of friends Peng Fei introduced to him. It was probably a blind date for him in disguise.

In the past two years, Peng Fei and his fiancée had introduced him several times, and he could not refuse. He could only consider it for the sake of his friends, and politely refused after meeting him once.

It may be the same this time.

The next afternoon, Zhou Chen went to the cafe downstairs of the company to sit down according to the information given by Peng Fei. Because he was half an hour early, he even brought a book with him.

It's only 2001, and mobile phones are still push-button phones. There's no need to play with them at all. It's better to bring a book and read it.

This chapter has been completed!
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