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Chapter 290: Creeping forward, Zhu Xian writes

 It’s another new day. Starting today, a new training item has been added to the military training.

Climb forward.

Actions such as standing at attention, taking a rest, and walking in unison are all very simple actions.

But crawling is different. Climbing requires the use of all the strength of the whole body and the use of all four limbs. It is several times more difficult than the previous training.

Of course, this kind of action was a little troublesome for Zhou Chen, but after a few times he had mastered the essence.

Crawling is definitely more strenuous than other training items. After a few rounds, everyone was exhausted and out of breath. Even Zhao Yingnan was sweating profusely. Only Zhou Chen was able to do it with ease.

Although tired, the instructor obviously did not want to let everyone go. After resting for ten minutes, he started a new round of crawling.

Even after doing it many times, many people still fail to do it well and are far from the standard.

I don't know what happened to Xiao Hong and Qiu Shui, but they started to get angry. Xiao Hong used instructor Dai to punish Qiu Shui and made Qiu Shui demonstrate crawling to everyone again and again.

After several times, Qiu Shui was really exhausted and started to stagger even while standing, so Xiao Hong finally let him go.

"Did you see that the most poisonous woman's heart is an eternal saying?"

Xin Yi looked at Qiu Shui's tragic situation and was filled with emotion.

Gu Ming retorted in a low voice: "Xinyi, don't talk nonsense. Xiaohong is not poisonous. She is the best and most beautiful girl."

After spending such a long time with everyone, Gu Ming also had a preliminary understanding of various Chinese languages. It was not like at the beginning that he couldn't understand many of what everyone said.

Zhou Chen sighed: "Qiu Shui and Xiao Hong are a pair of happy enemies. They can make trouble. Don't look at Qiu Shui's miserable state now. Maybe he is still happy in his heart."

Xin Yi looked horrified: "No way, is Qiu Shui so perverted?"

"Is it perverted? That's just what you think. If she were to demonstrate it to you with a demon knife, and you knew she did it on purpose, would you still do it?"

Xin Yi's expression froze for a moment. He substituted himself into the role of Qiu Shui, and then substituted the demon knife into the role of Xiao Hong. He sadly discovered that what Zhou Chen said was completely true.

"Zhou Chen, I think everything about you is good, but your mouth is so damaging. When I think about the next eight years of our relationship, I feel chills in my heart."

"It's okay to have chills. I'm helping you recognize the reality. When you enter society, you will suffer less setbacks. You should thank me."

Zhou Chen acted like he was thinking about you.

"Can you be more shameless?"

"Zhou Chen, Xin Yi, what are you two whispering to each other?"

Xin Yi looked bitter and said loudly: "Reporting to the instructor, we are saying that Qiu Shui's demonstration was particularly good."

Instructor Dai yelled: "But I don't think he did a good job. Since you two like to whisper so much, then it will be up to you two to demonstrate to the other students."

"Zhou Chen, Xin Yi, come out."

Zhou Chen had no choice but to get out of the queue and head to the starting point. Xin Yi stood side by side with Zhou Chen with a sad face.

"Get ready!"

"Lie down!"

Zhou Chen and Xin Yi both obeyed the order and began to crawl forward, once and then again.

Zhou Chen knew that Dai Bingzhong was deliberately trying to mess with the two of them, but it was true that they were the ones who whispered to each other first.

Qiu Shui tried his best to stay standing, looking at Zhou Chen and Xin Yi who were kneeling in the demonstration. While praying for them, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really tired and almost fainted just now. He had no strength left in his body. He felt that Zhou Chen and Xin Yi saved him.

Although Instructor Dai deliberately harassed Zhou Chen and the others, he was not really that cruel. After seeing that Xin Yi was too tired to crawl, he stopped the demonstration.

During dinner, Xin Yi was supported by Zhou Chen, while Qiu Shui was supported by Gu Ming. Both of them were tortured a lot today.

"Look at my hands, I can't even hold chopsticks steady."

Xin Yi was seen holding chopsticks in his right hand and shaking constantly. This was a sign of losing strength.

"It's too cruel, it's really too cruel. We came here to learn medicine, but we were already exhausted before we even started studying. What did Zhuge Liang say?"

Qiu Shui continued: "You will die before you are born!"

"Yes, he died before he was born. Zhou Chen, look at how exhausted Qiu Shui and I are. Why don't you react at all? How did you develop such a strong body?"

Xin Yi looked at Zhou Chen with envy. Zhou Chen was doing the same training as him, but he was so tired that he couldn't even hold the chopsticks. Why was Zhou Chen still acting like nothing happened?

Zhou Chen put the shredded potatoes into his mouth, and after eating it, he answered slowly and logically.

"If you go to the mountains every day to cut firewood, carry firewood, feed pigs, and do farm work..., you will have the same physique as me."

Xin Yi was about to nod, but suddenly realized something was wrong: "Damn, Zhou Chen, you're playing tricks on us again. Your family is obviously from the county town. You're just chopping firewood."

After having a noisy dinner, Zhou Chen took Xin Yi back to the dormitory.

"Qiu Shui, speaking of which, the reason why I'm so miserable today is all because of you."

Lying on the bed, feeling the pain all over his body, Xin Yi couldn't help but complain to Qiu Shui on the lower bunk.

Qiu Shui also felt uncomfortable and said depressedly: "What does it have to do with me?"

"Zhou Chen and I were punished just because we talked about you, and you were punished entirely because of Xiao Hong. I said Qiushui, are you sick?"

"I am a victim, why am I sick?"

"What's going on between you and Xiao Hong? We obviously like each other, but why is the relationship so tense?"

Qiu Shui pursed her lips and said, "What are you looking at? Xin Yi, don't talk nonsense. I have nothing to do with her."

Xin Yi laughed and said: "It doesn't matter, you can ask other people and see what they say?"

Qiu Shui turned around and saw everyone looking at him with half-smiling faces, which made him even more embarrassed.

"I have nothing to say to you, I'm reading a book."

Everyone rested and read. After a while, Houpu suddenly came in carrying two bundles of books.

"I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted. Everyone, come here quickly. I'll get the books back for everyone. One for each person. Come and get them."

When everyone saw that it was a book similar to political thought, they all frowned and complained.

"We are here to study medicine, but every day we are either doing military training or reading these books. The ideological direction of these books is fine, but we can't stand being like this every day, right?"

"That's right. If you don't ask for medical books to be read by us, why don't you send us some other books?"

Hou Pu said: "The instructor said that we college students should not only master the knowledge to serve the motherland, but also have strong ideological consciousness."

Having said that, what else can you say? Just watch and learn.

Zhou Chen took the book, put it down after looking at it twice, and then continued his path of 'creation'.

Today he was writing about Zhu Xian. In a few days, he wrote down all the main plot lines that he remembered. Then he thought about it carefully and created a preliminary outline. Today is the first day to start writing.

'Time: Unknown, it should be very early, very long ago.'

‘Location: The vast land of China.’

'Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs!'

'There is no magic in this world, but...'

It was naturally impossible for Zhou Chen to remember all the content, but the opening part left a deep impression on him, so he wrote the opening chapter very smoothly.

When other people in the dormitory saw that Zhou Chen was working hard to create, they all became quieter for fear of affecting Zhou Chen.

There is no way, in this boring military camp, what Zhou Chen created can be said to be an important treasure for everyone to quench their thirst. They hope that Zhou Chen can write better and give them something to do.

Girls dare not say it, but Zhou Chen can guarantee that adolescent boys will definitely fall in love with Zhu Xian, because Zhu Xian conforms to most boys' fantasies.

It’s a fairy spell, a naughty junior sister, a cold senior sister, an infatuated witch, these are all men’s fantasies...

It's just that before Zhou Chen finished writing a chapter, he was interrupted.

"Is Zhou Chen from Third Company and Second Platoon here?"

Zhou Chen raised his head blankly and saw the dormitory door opened, and a soldier in military uniform standing at the door.

He stood up and replied: "Here, I am Zhou Chen. What does this instructor want from me?"

"Classmate Zhou Chen, the leader is looking for you. Come with me quickly."

"Chief? Which chief?"

Zhou Chen was even more confused. He didn't know any of the leaders of the army, and he had only met the regiment leader a few times. As for Zhao Yingnan's father, Chief of Staff Zhao, he had only met him twice.

"Stop asking, hurry up, the chief is waiting for you."

Seeing that Zhou Chen made no move, Houpu urged: "Zhou Chen, what are you doing standing still? The chief is looking for you. If you don't hurry over, don't delay the chief's business."

Although Zhou Chen was puzzled, he still wore the clothes on the boat and walked out of the dormitory with the young soldier.

This chapter has been completed!
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