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Chapter 535: Entering the Bureau, Interrogation Room

 After listening to Li Shiqing's description, Zhou Chen confirmed one thing, that is, Li Shiqing's first two cycles, from waking up to the explosion, were so close that she had no time to react before she was affected by the explosion.

However, Zhou Chen still felt disappointed because he did not get more useful information.

"Teacher Zhou, what should we do now?"

Li Shiqing asked Zhou Chen. Because Zhou Chen is a teacher, she seems to have regarded Zhou Chen as her backbone. "Wait."

"What are you waiting for?"

Zhou Chen said: "Wait for the announcements and news from the law enforcement agencies. If such a big thing happens, the news media will definitely explode. We may be able to get some useful information from them."

Because the system wants him to find the real murderer, he must find out the basic information about the passengers on the bus. He feels that if there is a murderer, there is a high probability that he is among these people.

"Don't call me teacher, just call me by my name.

Li Shiqing asked cautiously: "Isn't this bad?'

"What's wrong? I'm not much older than you. Well, what's your look like?"

Facing Zhou Chen's question, Li Shiqing smiled brightly and said: "No, it's nothing.

As a student, when facing a teacher, even a teacher who is not many years older, she feels a little nervous and unable to let go. But seeing that Zhou Chen really didn't seem to care, she was relieved.

"Zhou, Zhou Chen, are you still doubting that it was not an accident? Didn't we already go to the scene to see it? They all said that the accident was caused by a takeaway truck. It's just like what we saw in the last cycle. Who has such great ability?

, can such an accident happen?"

Zhou Chen hummed, "Nothing is impossible. It is not impossible for someone to trigger a crime and deliberately cause a traffic accident with the help of an accident caused by a pen."

If you want to deal with things like traffic accidents, there are still many ways.

"How can a pen commit a crime?" Li Shiqing was as curious as a baby.

"We'll talk about this later. Think about it a few times and see what else is worth noting. Think about the passengers in the bus. Who are worthy of suspicion?'


Li Shiqing looked embarrassed. She didn't react in the first two cycles and was blown away. The next few times, she just wanted to get out of the car as soon as possible, so she didn't have time to see other people.

Seeing Li Shiqing's expression, Zhou Chen knew that he couldn't count on her, but this was normal. Anyone who had nothing to do would take the initiative to observe the passengers on the bus.

He saw the quality and intelligence that this girl had shown before. She was better than most girls. "Forget it if you don't expect it. There is another thing you need to be mentally prepared for. We are not getting off at a bus stop."

We got off the bus in the middle of the bus. Shortly after getting off the bus, a serious accident occurred on the bus. Even if it was defined as a traffic accident, our abnormal behavior would definitely attract the attention of the police.'

When Li Shiqing heard this, she immediately became nervous: "You mean, there will be police officers looking for us?"


Zhou Chen nodded. Although he rarely greeted law enforcement agencies in the past, such a serious accident occurred. Looking at the desolation of the scene, I am afraid that at least a dozen cars were involved in the accident, and the death toll would be even more shocking.

Such an accident is absolutely rare, and no matter what the reasons are, the city will fully investigate it.

And if they get out of the car abnormally, they will definitely be investigated and the investigators will come to the door sooner or later.

"But you don't need to be nervous. If you really can't bear it, just tell the truth. We are going to enter the cycle anyway. We just need to get through this time."

Li Shiqing: "As I grew up, I went to the police station once when I was applying for an ID card. I was a little scared."

Zhou Chen comforted: "What are you afraid of? You have experienced five explosions, and you are still afraid of going to the police station? Just relax." While Zhou Chen and Li Shiqing were drinking coffee together, inside the Municipal Public Security Bureau,

The deputy director, deputy captain of the criminal police, and others are discussing the case about the bus explosion.

"Bureau Du, Master, we have checked the surveillance along the station. As far as the last station from the accident site, Yanjiang East Road, there are a total of ten passengers on the bus. Including the driver, there are a total of eleven people. But now the bus

Only eight bodies were found in the car." Jiang Feng, a plainclothes police officer with short hair and about thirty years old, reported to the two leaders beside him.

Du Ju is a middle-aged woman with short hair. The man called Master is Zhang Cheng, a middle-aged man and the deputy captain of the criminal investigation detachment.

When the two of them heard these words, they both frowned.

"What do you mean, three people are missing out of thin air?"

Jiang Feng replied: "I have asked them to investigate, and I believe there will be results soon."

Zhang Cheng was an old criminal policeman and had extremely rich experience in handling cases. He instinctively felt that there was something wrong and ordered with a serious face: "Check carefully.

Retrieving surveillance cameras is not a difficult task for the current Public Security Bureau, and the surveillance cameras were quickly found.

The surveillance was near Qingshui Lane. Before the time was 1:41, you could see that the bus suddenly stopped and then three people got off the bus.

Du Bureau, Zhang Cheng and others quickly received the surveillance video and watched it carefully.

After watching the video, Jiang Feng was the first to shout: "Bureau Du, Master, this is not a station. These three people suddenly got off the bus here. I feel very suspicious."

Director Du did not speak, but looked at Zhang Cheng. Although she was the deputy director, she was definitely not as professional as Zhang Cheng in handling cases.

Zhang Cheng did not agree with what his apprentice Jiang Feng said, but said: "You said it was suspicious, do you have any evidence? Evidence is required in handling cases, not just because you said it was suspicious. Have you found the person?'


"Go find the person first."

After Jiang Feng received the order, he immediately went out to take action.

Li Shiqing was originally sitting opposite Zhou Chen, but now she was sitting in the same row as Zhou Chen. Both of them were staring at the mobile phones on the table, which contained news about the bus bombing.

"These reporters and media are so powerful. In less than an hour, news and videos have already been published." Although it was Zhou Chen's cell phone, Li Shiqing kept stroking it with her little hand and looked at it very carefully.

Zhou Chen didn't care. He had already finished watching it. Although the report was quick, the content was very limited. Even the video was taken long after the accident. It was blurry and had no reference value at all.

Suddenly, Zhou Chen saw several people walking toward them "Come.

"Zhou Chen, Li Shiqing, right? I am Jiang Feng from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau. These three are my colleagues. We want to find out about the situation from you. Can you come with us to the bureau?"

Zhou Chen looked at Jiang Feng. This man was not tall and thin, but his eyes were cold and stern, and he looked at them warily. When Li Shiqing heard that the other party was a police officer, she immediately grabbed Zhou Chen's clothes nervously, with a very serious look on her face.

for nervousness.

"Is it about the bus explosion? Can't I ask here? Why do I have to go to your place?"

Jiang Feng's eyes flashed. He was already suspicious of Zhou Chen and the others who suddenly got out of the car. Now that he heard Zhou Chen tell them their purpose, he became even more suspicious.

"This is our procedure, I hope you won't embarrass us.'

Sensing Jiang Feng's attitude, Zhou Chen knew that Jiang Feng was suspicious of them. Although he was dissatisfied, he did not want to resist.

"It's okay to go to your station, but is this how your police officers handle cases now? Do you treat us as criminal suspects?

Jiang Feng was very impatient and raised his voice: "Zhou Chen, how to handle the case is our procedure. I'm afraid you don't know how serious this incident is. If you

Before he could finish speaking, Zhou Chen stood up and said, "Okay."


Jiang Feng was interrupted before he could finish his words, and he felt choked and uncomfortable.

"Why, no?"

Jiang Feng gritted his teeth and said: ""."

Zhou Chen took the lead, and Li Shiqing quickly followed. "When we arrived outside the coffee shop, we found three police cars parked at the door and a middle-aged man standing there.

Jiang Feng greeted him: "Master, Zhou Chen and Li Shiqing have already been brought."

Zhang Cheng nodded and said: "Let them get in the car.'

When she was about to get in the car, Li Shiqing suddenly asked cautiously: "Can we take the same car?"

Jiang Feng refused without hesitation: "No.'

In the end, Zhou Chen got into the first police car and Li Shiqing got into the second police car.

After the car started, Zhang Cheng, who was sitting next to Zhou Chen, took the initiative to introduce: "Hello, I am Zhang Cheng from the Municipal Criminal Investigation Team." Zhou Chen replied: "Hello, my name is Zhou Chen, I think you should already know it.

My identity.”

A strange look flashed in Zhang Cheng's eyes. Zhou Chen's calmness was beyond his expectation. In any case, most people would be more or less nervous or panicked after getting into a police car.

But instead of seeing any trace of nervousness, Zhou Chen was able to talk to him in this tone.

"Today is a working day, don't you have classes?'

"University is different from middle school. Sometimes there are only one or two classes a day. It is normal to have no class for half a day."

"Someone should have called you just now, why didn't you answer?'

"I am a special person. I rarely answer calls from strangers."

"Really? Then what are you doing in the city today?'

Although Zhang Cheng's tone was much better than that of Jiang Feng just now, Zhou Chen was more vigilant. This Zhang Cheng was much smarter than Jiang Feng.

"You may not believe it, but I came to the city today on a blind date."

“Blind date?’

Zhang Cheng was really surprised. According to their investigation results, he knew how good Zhou Chen was, but such a person actually wanted to go on a blind date? Is it so complicated?

Zhou Chen shrugged. It was indeed true. In his memory, he went to the city today for a blind date, and the time was three o'clock. However, he had already sent a message to the blind date, saying that he would not go because he had something to do.

The two of them asked and answered questions. Although they seemed to be unimportant questions, Zhou Chen was an experienced person and could naturally distinguish Zhang Cheng's temptation.

Although he has never been a police officer and has little experience in handling cases, he has lived for so many years and has a strong ability to observe words and colors and identify faces.

After a while, the police car arrived at its destination. Zhou Chen and Li Shiqing entered the Public Security Bureau. All their electronic products were collected and entered into the interrogation room respectively.

Looking at the closed interrogation room, Zhou Chen knew that he was really being treated as a suspect.

After a long while, no one came in for interrogation. Zhou Chen knew that this was a routine method of interrogation, so he was not in a hurry and just sat on the chair, closing his eyes and concentrating.

In the monitoring room, Bureau Du, Zhang Cheng and others gathered together and looked at Zhou Chen and Li Shiqing in the monitoring room.

"The situation at the accident scene has been initially grasped. The bus was completely destroyed. At present, it seems that it is difficult to adjust the monitoring inside the bus, so these two people should be our final breakthrough."

Zhang Cheng asked curiously: "Isn't there another person?'

Director Du shook his head and sighed: "I just received a notification from the hospital that the other person who got off the car failed to be rescued and passed away."

Zhang Cheng, Jiang Feng and others immediately frowned.

Director Du continued: "Neither of these two people have any criminal records before. I have already asked people to investigate. When you found these two people, what happened to them?"

Jiang Feng said: "When we found them, Zhou Chen seemed to have known that we were going to find him for a long time. He was very calm, but Li Shiqing seemed very nervous. When we were in the car, Li Shiqing always answered questions incorrectly. I think

has a problem."

Zhang Cheng also said: "Zhou Chen has been very calm since he got in the car, and he was also very organized when answering questions. I'm not sure if he has any problems, but his reaction is indeed completely different from that of ordinary people."

Du Ju nodded and said: "Well, I just watched it. The two people behaved completely differently in the interrogation room. Li Shiqing looked around and seemed very nervous, but this Zhou Chen, ever since he entered the interrogation room, he just leaned on his chair. I closed my eyes and rested my mind, and there was no sign of any nervousness at all.'

Zhang Cheng added: "I asked about their relationship, and Zhou Chen said that although they were from the same school, they had just met. But judging from the video, after they got off the car and when we found them, they We've been together all this time, it doesn't look like we just met.'

Jiang Feng interjected: "We just met them. When I first found them, they were right next to each other in the coffee shop, looking at their phones with their heads leaning against each other. They even wanted to sit together while riding in the police car. We just met them. How can a person be so close?"

Du Ju was thoughtful. According to what Zhang Cheng and Jiang Feng said, Zhou Chen and Li Shiqing were indeed suspicious, especially Zhou Chen. "Wait a while, you two go ask them if they have any questions. Ask We won’t know until later.”

"Yes, Duju."

Jiang Feng "entered the interrogation room and looked at Zhou Chen who was sitting opposite with his eyes closed and concentrating, and felt very angry.

Originally, he was going to ask Li Shiqing, but he changed with his master midway. He just wanted to come and interrogate Zhou Chen. He always felt that Zhou Chen had serious suspicions.

After Jiang Feng entered the interrogation room with the recorder, he did not interrogate him immediately. Instead, he held a book and pretended to look at it, but he kept staring at Zhou Chen from the corner of his eye, observing Zhou Chen's every move.

But his observation was destined to be fruitless, because Zhou Chen remained motionless and didn't even open his eyes.

Gradually, Jiang Feng couldn't hold it any longer and prepared to start interrogation.

This chapter has been completed!
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