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Chapter 713: Xiao Yu is completely defeated and visits the Xiao family

 Having lost four times in a row, Xiao Yu's face was really ashen at this time, and the cold and arrogant attitude he had before was no longer visible.

She is proud, but she is not stupid, nor does she have no emotional intelligence. Zhou Chen defeated her four times in a row, and it can even be said that he crushed her in all aspects.

The academic qualifications and intelligence she relied on were completely useless in front of Zhou Chen and were completely defeated.

But as a woman with a proud heart and a strong personality, how could she be willing to lose four times in a row like this? She wanted to continue to ask questions.

But for a while she didn't know what kind of questions to ask, because she couldn't figure out Zhou Chen's details, and she lost four times in a row, which made her cautious and unsure, so she didn't dare to ask questions easily.

Who knows what she is good at, whether Zhou Chen is better at it?

She was struck out of her shadow.

Xiao Haiyang saw his sister's dilemma and quickly interrupted: "Sister, Zhou Chen, the food has been served. Let's eat first."

Zhou Chen had no objection: "Okay."

Although Xiao Yu refused to admit defeat, he thought about it seriously and finally nodded in agreement.

However, the atmosphere of this meal was not that good. Xiao Yu almost didn't speak during the entire meal, only Xiao Haiyang and Zhou Chen kept chatting.

This meal was quite embarrassing. After it was over, Xiao Yu drove Zhou Chen to the door of the hotel.

Before leaving, Xiao Yu sat in the cab and said to Zhou Chen outside with great seriousness: "I lost today, but it won't necessarily happen next time. Do you dare to continue to compete with me?"

Zhou Chen looked calm and said calmly: "Why don't you dare? No matter how many times you come again, you will still bring shame on yourself."

Jin Yu's eyes narrowed, but this time, she didn't mock again.

Winner or loser, she still has some self-esteem. When she wins, she will laugh at Zhou Chen to her heart's content.

On the way back, Xiao Yu asked Xiao Haiyang very seriously: "Xiao Haiyang, I want to know all the information about your classmate, everything, do you understand?"

Xiao Haiyang swallowed and said, "Sister, why don't you forget it? Why do you have to be at odds with Zhou Chen?"

Xiao Yu looked at him coldly: "I have never been so embarrassed. A scumbag like you doesn't understand my current mood. You will do whatever I ask you to do."

Even though Zhou Chen is no match for him, he is also a complete loser compared to his brains. For her, who is proud and arrogant, this is a great shame and humiliation. If she cannot win back, she will not be able to sleep well for a long time.

Facing his powerful sister, what else could Xiao Haiyang say? He could only nod and say: "Okay, I understand."

Xiao Yu's eyes sparkled, and when she got back information from Xiao Haiyang, she might be able to make a targeted plan.

The hotel Zhou Chen stayed in was a five-star hotel. He didn't treat himself badly. He directly chose the best presidential suite and paid for two days.

Today's battle with Xiao Yu was just fun for him.

Today I met Xiao Yu for the first time. Xiao Yu gave him a very average feeling. Xiao Haiyang said that she was a top student, but that was only for Xiao Haiyang, and he had lived for so many years and had seen too many students.

Among the top geniuses he knows, Xiao Yu may not be ranked high.

Winning against Xiao Yu is not worth celebrating at all.

Early the next morning, Xiao Haiyang and Xiao Yu came to the door of the hotel where Zhou Chen lived and picked up Zhou Chen, because they had agreed yesterday to go to Xiao's house for lunch today.

As soon as Zhou Chen got in the car, Xiao Haiyang said with a smile: "Is your stay okay last night?"

“The presidential suite is more comfortable than at home.”

Zhou Chen truthfully said that the presidential suite may not be as cozy as home, but in terms of environment and services, it is definitely more comfortable than home. After all, staying there for one night is not cheap.

"Hey, I live in the presidential suite. It seems that your family is quite wealthy."

Xiao Yu was very surprised when he heard that Zhou Chen lived in the presidential suite, but what he said was a bit strange.

Last night, she had learned about Zhou Chen's family situation from Xiao Haiyang.

After knowing that Zhou Chen was alone, she originally wanted to be polite to Zhou Chen, but as soon as she saw Zhou Chen, she thought of what happened yesterday, and then she couldn't control her mouth, and she muttered whatever she thought of.

come out.

Zhou Chen said: "Okay, I still have enough money to live in a presidential suite."

Xiao Yu stopped being weird and said, "It takes more than ten minutes to get to our house. In order not to be boring on the way, why don't we continue the contest from yesterday?"

Hearing this, Xiao Haiyang immediately covered his forehead. He knew that Xiao Yu must have bad intentions when he got up so early today and took the initiative to pick up people with him.

No, Tu Qiong Dagger has seen it.

Zhou Chen asked in surprise: "Are you still not giving up?"

Xiao Yu said coldly: "Giving up? You are overthinking. I was just not prepared enough yesterday."

"It seems that you are well prepared today. Okay, then I will play with you. As usual, you can ask the questions first."

Seeing Zhou Chen agree, Xiao Yu felt happy, and the opportunity for revenge came.

"Okay, let me ask the question first."

She came well prepared today. Yesterday they competed three times on brain-related questions, which allowed her to see how powerful Zhou Chen was. She felt that Zhou Chen was either better or worse than her in terms of knowledge, so if they continued to compete some

For conventional questions, her chances of winning may be very small.

So she was going to take a different approach. Today's first question was not about brainstorming, but about luck.

"My question is, at the next red light, I will take the middle lane. What color will the car parked side by side on our left be?"


When he heard the question, Zhou Chen's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked surprised. This question was interesting, more interesting than the question he asked yesterday about guessing the name of the dish.

Yesterday I guessed the names of the dishes. After all, there were only a few dishes, so the chance of choosing the right one was very high.

But if you guess the color of the car today, the odds are different. How many colors are there in total?

Zhou Chen has really never thought about this question, but if you were to ask him what color cars are most popular in China, he would definitely choose white.

But what will this question be?

Xiao Haiyang looked confused. He thought Xiao Yu would choose a question that he was good at. He never expected that Xiao Yu would actually ask such a question. Is it so risky?

Xiao Yu said: "I came up with the question, so I let you choose first."

Zhou Chen didn't refuse, and thought about it for a while. In fact, the answer to this kind of question has no reference value even if he thinks about it seriously, so he took a gamble.


Xiao Yu glanced at Zhou Chen in surprise. She thought Zhou Chen would choose white. Since Zhou Chen didn't choose white, she wouldn't be polite.


Xiao Haiyang suddenly asked: "If it is neither white nor black later, how will we determine victory or defeat?"

Xiao Yu said: "If there is no winner at the next traffic light, then let's postpone it to the next traffic light. Do you have any objection?"

Zhou Chen shook his head: "I have no objection, I will do as you say."

Now that he's betting, he definitely hopes he can win. He doesn't want to call Xiao Yu sister, let alone admit his mistakes and praise her.

There was a traffic light ahead, and it happened to be a red light. At this moment, Zhou Chen and the others held their breaths, and Xiao Yu, who was driving, held the steering wheel tightly with both hands.

There is a three-lane road ahead. Xiao Yu just said that he should take the middle lane, so the car naturally stops in the middle lane. There is only one car in front, so their car is in the second position.

The left lane has a green light at this time, so no vehicles are stopping.

The three of them stared at the left turn signal and the left lane. The yellow light flashed and turned into a red light, and then another car stopped in the left lane.

However, because they were first in line, the three of them ignored them and stared behind them, waiting for the second car in the left lane to arrive.

A few seconds later, another car drove up from the left lane. Seeing the slowly approaching car, Zhou Chen and the other three looked disappointed.

It was a silver van, neither white nor black, so at this traffic light, they couldn't decide the winner.

Xiao Haiyang sighed: "It's a pity, it seems that the only way to determine the winner is at the traffic light."

The light turned green and Xiao Yu drove forward. A few hundred meters later, there was another traffic light, but this time it was a four-lane road.

Xiao Yu looked at the four lanes ahead, his eyes flickered, and he chose the second lane on the right. The left lane was also the straight lane.

A few seconds later, a bright red car stopped on the left. Zhou Chen and the other three looked helpless, and they couldn't tell the winner.

Continue to the next traffic light. Unfortunately this time, it is a green light. Go straight through. At the next traffic light, turn right and change to another avenue.

There was no winner for several minutes. Xiao Yu seemed a little anxious, and the co-pilot Xiao Haiyang was also extremely nervous.

Even Zhou Chen frowned. This uncontrollable situation was really unfriendly. Xiao Yu's questions today were really good.

Suddenly, there was a two-lane road ahead, and Xiao Yu naturally chose the right lane to go straight and turn right. Their car was at the front, and the left lane was shared between going straight and turning left.

The next moment, a bright white car drove up. Xiao Yu looked overjoyed when he saw this scene, and immediately turned around to speak.

"I win……"


Xiao Haiyang shouted, interrupting his sister's pride, and then in Xiao Yu's shocked eyes, the white car turned left and drove away.

Xiao Yu quickly looked up at the traffic lights ahead, and saw that the left turn signal above happened to be green.

"Holy shit, there are two lanes in total, why the hell do you still have to go straight and turn left? You must be sick."

The victory he had just slipped away, and Xiao Yu couldn't care about his own image. He was so angry that he cursed and vomited sweet things.

Zhou Chen also said in his heart, "I am Cao". He was really scared to death just now. It seems that God really doesn't want to see him lose.

What made Xiao Yu even more desperate was that at the next moment, another car drove over, a black sedan.

"Go quickly, drive quickly, the light is green, turn quickly, hurry up."

But no matter how much Xiao Yu prayed, the black car stopped steadily beside them without turning.


Xiao Yu slapped the steering wheel angrily and made a sharp whistle, which startled Xiao Haiyang.

Zhou Chen smiled slightly: "It seems that God is on my side."

Xiao Yu looked ugly, but he was willing to admit defeat: "Brother, I was wrong."

Xiao Haiyang was speechless. He really felt sad for his own sister. He took the trouble to come here this early in the morning, just to humiliate himself.

Before Zhou Chen could speak, Xiao Yu quickly said again: "It's your turn to give the question."

She asked a question about gambling on luck once, but Zhou Chen was not going to ask it a second time. You can't guarantee that luck will be on your side every time.

"Is it okay to play something everyone knows how to play, Idiom Solitaire?"

"Idiom Solitaire, is it that simple?" Xiao Yu asked in surprise.

Zhou Chen said: "Is it simple? It's not simple at all. Idiom Solitaire is also a test of literary background."

"Okay, just Idiom Solitaire, what are the rules."

"The rule is very simple, the same idiom can only be said once."

Xiao Yu thought for a moment and said, "I won't take advantage of you. To be fair, Xiao Haiyang, you come up with the questions."

After several competitions, Xiao Haiyang had become accustomed to his role as a tool. He thought about it carefully and then said an idiom.

"Then let's put up the lanterns and the colorful decorations."

Xiao Yu continued: "The colorful phoenix follows the crow."

Zhou Chen: "The crows are silent and the birds are quiet."


Xiao Yu was about to say the last two words, but suddenly stopped because she thought that once she said the last word, she would lose.

Thinking of this, she suddenly broke into a cold sweat, mainly because she had hardly played games like Idiom Solitaire. She only thought about picking up and forgot to answer back.

"Quiet and thoughtful."

"Move yet still."

Xiao Yu frowned, knowing that Zhou Chen would dig another hole for her: "Jing Yan Ling Se."

"The color is sharp and the heart is flowing." "Time flies."......

"Having evil intentions."

In the end, Xiao Yu was tricked by Zhou Chen. After Zhou Chen said the idiom of having ulterior motives, she could no longer say the next one.

As a result, Xiao Yu could only make a black face again: "Brother, I was wrong."



Xiao Yu still wanted to continue, but at this time, Xiao Haiyang said: "Sister, we will be home soon, forget it."

Xiao Yu looked ahead, although he was unwilling to do so, he could only agree.

"After dinner, you are not allowed to leave. Let's continue."

Zhou Chen frowned. This kind of competition is okay once or twice, but it cannot continue like this.

So he said: "You want to compete, but I don't have that much patience, but I will give you another chance for a fair showdown. This last time, Xiao Haiyang, you will come up with the question; what do you think of this proposal?"

"Ah? Me coming again?"

Xiao Haiyang pointed at himself and asked in disbelief. He was really nervous to entrust such an important matter to him.

Xiao Yu didn't want to agree, but thought that if she refused, Zhou Chen would not agree to compete with her, and she would not even have a chance to take revenge.

"Okay, I promise you, Xiao Haiyang, you will come up with the questions for the last time. Use your brain and don't come up with those messy questions."

After hearing this, Xiao Haiyang became even more stressed.

He doesn't want to interfere in the competition between Zhou Chen and Xiao Yu at all, because whoever wins will not benefit him. He must prefer his sister in his heart, but Zhou Chen also has a good relationship with him, and he doesn't want to cheat Zhou Chen, so this kind of

Things were too difficult for him.

"I'll think about it, I'll think about it carefully, don't rush me."

When Xiao Yu pulled up the car at the door of his house, Xiao Haiyang hadn't given his question yet.

Xiao Yu and Zhou Chen were not in a hurry, and did not get out of the car, just waiting for Xiao Haiyang to ask the question.

Xiao Haiyang was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. His simple brain really couldn't think of any clever questions.

"Forget it, I'll just say one thing, you two rock paper scissors, win two out of three games."

After saying this in one breath, Xiao Haiyang breathed a sigh of relief. He was really embarrassed. Rock, paper, scissors, this time is fair enough.

He lost so many brain cells to come up with such a fair answer.

When Xiao Yu heard Xiao Haiyang's choice, his eyes widened, and his eyes wanted to tear Xiao Haiyang to pieces.

Zhou Chen was also surprised. Damn it, you thought about it for so long and finally came up with such a choice. It really made his expectations and nervousness go to waste.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be against the rules for a simple-minded guy like Xiao Haiyang to ask such a question.

Zhou Chen asked Xiao Yu: "I have no problem, do you have any objections?"

Xiao Yu gritted his teeth and said, "I don't have any objection either."

Xiao Haiyang suddenly showed a proud smile and said: "Let's get started, I will be the referee, I say three two one, rock paper scissors, you all take action together."

The three of them just sat in the car and started the final round of competition.

"Three two one, rock, paper, scissors."

Zhou Chen pulled out scissors, and Xiao Yu also pulled out scissors.

After a draw, Xiao Haiyang continued to shout: "Three two one, rock, paper, scissors."

Zhou Chen still used scissors, but Xiao Yu came out with paper this time.

"Depend on."

Xiao Yu slapped Xiao Haiyang on the arm, making Xiao Haiyang howl.

"Sister, why did you hit me when you lost? I didn't ask you to do it."

Xiao Yu gave Xiao Haiyang a death stare, which scared Xiao Haiyang into silence.

"Continue." Xiao Yu's voice was a bit colder.

Xiao Haiyang cowered and shouted again: "Three two one, rock, paper, scissors."

Zhou Chen is still the scissors, and Xiao Yu is still the paper.

At this moment, Xiao Yu could no longer hold back and broke his guard: "Are you sick? You can only use scissors. Do you have any grudge against scissors? What's wrong with you? You have to use scissors."

Zhou Chen looked at the furious Xiao Yu and said calmly: "The scissors have nothing to do with me. The reason why I use scissors is because I will win if I use scissors."

Xiao Yu was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. His IQ was completely crushed.

"Brother, I was wrong."

Zhou Chen followed Xiao Yu and Xiao Haiyang to Xiao's house. The person who opened the door was Xiao's nanny Aunt Li.

Xiao Haiyang gave a brief introduction, then led Zhou Chen into the room and pointed at a middle-aged man and woman inside.

"Zhou Chen, this is my dad, this is my mom."

"Dad, Mom, this is my classmate in college, Zhou Chen, my good friend."

Zhou Chen immediately called out politely: "Uncle, aunt, hello. Nice to meet you. It's our first time meeting you. I didn't know what you like, so I brought two bottles of wine and a set of skin care products. Please don't mind."

He asked the hotel staff to prepare the wine and skin care products last night. They were all big brands, and he gently placed them on the coffee table.

Xiao's father and Xiao's mother were all smiles when they saw that Zhou Chen was well mannered, spoke politely, and brought something.

Father Xiao: "I'm here as soon as I come. Do you have anything else to bring?"

Xiao's mother said: "You kid, you are so polite and know etiquette, you are much better than our Xiao Haiyang, come and sit down."

Zhou Chen came to sit on the sofa next to Xiao's father and Xiao's mother, with a gentle smile on his face.

Mother Xiao said kindly: "I heard from Haiyang that this time he just stayed at your house for a few days, which really caused you trouble."

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "No, Auntie, Haiyang and I are very good friends. I'm so happy that he can come over to play with me. It's not troublesome at all."

Father Xiao has a leadership temperament and has been sizing up Zhou Chen. He has been in a high position for many years. He can clearly see that Zhou Chen is different from the college students he has seen in the past.

"It's an honor for Xiao Haiyang to have such a good friend like you."

"It is also an honor for me to be a classmate and friend of Xiao Haiyang."

Father Xiao shook his head and said: "As a father, I know best who Xiao Haiyang is. This kid doesn't learn well and doesn't make progress. I can see that you are different from him. You are a very outstanding child."

"Uncle, you are so complimentary. I am just an ordinary college student and I cannot stand your praise."

Zhou Chen said modestly that he was no stranger to mutual support in business.

(End of chapter)

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