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Chapter 409 This is impossible

Zhang Yang stared at the skinny man. Although the man was missing one hand and could no longer use the other hand and two legs, the man still looked fierce and fierce in his eyes.

It was as if the injury in front of him was not worth mentioning.

His eyes had completely adapted to the darkness in the room, and his vision was pretty good, but Zhang Yang was still surprised that this guy could recognize him at once. At any rate, he thought Tang Qiqi's makeup skills were pretty good.

"Do you know me?" Zhang Yang walked towards him unhurriedly.

Although Tang Qiqi said that the three hostages had explosives tied to them, and the skinny man in front of him also revealed his identity, Zhang Yang did not panic. He believed that the explosives would not explode so quickly. After all, he still had one more time.

The life-threatening source reminder has not been used yet, and the system has not issued a warning, which means that I may still have time.

"Of course I know you. Don't think that I don't recognize you just because you put on makeup. Each of us remembers your walking posture, height, facial contours, and speaking voice clearly."

"Really?" Zhang Yang glanced at him and walked around him, "If that's the case, why didn't your accomplice not notice it after staring at us with binoculars for a long time?"

"Did you come here in that black Mercedes-Benz?" Chu Huaiwen's heart sank, with a look of regret on his face, "Old Geng, this bastard..."

Zhang Yang ignored him and turned to look at the three Zhou family father and daughter who were tied to the chairs. He found that the younger one had fainted from fright, and Zhou Yi and Zhou Fang's father Zhou Teng was also frightened by what he saw.

His face was pale, and his body was still trembling. If it hadn't been for the large piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth, he would have screamed out long ago.

To Zhang Yang's expectation, it was Zhou Yi, the most beautiful one, who saw the drastic changes that had taken place in the room in less than a minute. Although her face turned pale, she was obviously much calmer than her father. Moreover, her face turned pale.

After Zhang Yang finished cleaning up the skinny man, he was still staring at Zhang Yang, calmly trying to shake his head behind him, as if to remind Zhang Yang of something.

Zhang Yang thought for a moment and whispered to her: "I'm here to save you. Now help you take down the cloth. Can you promise not to shout loudly?"

It's not that Zhang Yang wants to talk nonsense like this, he first needs to confirm whether Zhou Yi can remain so calm because she was frightened by the bloody scene in front of her.

What reassured Zhang Yang was that Zhou Yi nodded clearly.

Zhang Yang gently took the cloth out of her mouth, and at the same time stretched out his hand to prevent her from yelling. Although all five kidnappers here have been eliminated, if there are other kidnappers,

Come here. He can judge the direction of the opponent's attack based on the sound of footsteps, and the hostage's shouting will undoubtedly affect his judgment.

After the cloth strip on Zhou Yi's mouth was untied, she took a deep breath and immediately reminded Zhang Yang in a low voice: "I... there is something tied behind me, it seems to be a bomb."

"Bomb?" Zhang Yang walked around behind her and took a look. Sure enough, there was an explosive the size of a lunch box tied to Zhou Yi's back, and it was also a time bomb. It seemed that Tang Qiqi was right.

Zhang Yang didn't dare to be negligent. He took out the prepared flashlight and shined a light on it. It was a simple electronic explosive device. But looking at the time countdown above, Zhang Yang was speechless for a while. There was one minute and seven seconds left, which was more critical.

What's interesting is that when I look at the explosive, it seems to be a powerful C4 explosive. Can these people even get such a thing? Sure enough, the background is not that deep.

This timing device should have been activated by this skinny man. The power of this C4 is enough to blow a big hole in this house. If the quality of the unfinished building is not up to standard, the whole building may collapse.

And in one minute, even if Zhang Yang wanted to run, he might not be able to escape. No wonder this skinny-looking guy was so arrogant.

Of course, if Zhang Yang really wanted to run away, he would still have a chance, but in this case, besides running to Xiangbei in vain, he would also feel sorry for Zhou Biyao.

"Haha...Zhang Yang, I had anticipated that you might come, so I had prepared this gift for you. There is only less than a minute left, so just enjoy the last moments of your life. Oh, I forgot.

, with your skills, maybe there is still 10% hope of escaping now, but you have to watch the three of them being blown to pieces, aren't you here to save them? "

Chu Huaiwen tried his best to press his body as close to the wall as possible, so that he could calm down, and continued with a proud smile, "Of course, there is still a chance to jump out from the window, but I can remind you that we have already

A trap pit is dug, filled with sharpened wooden branches and a landmine. Do you want to jump in, be stabbed to death and then explode to death, or do you want to stay here and be blown to pieces with the whole family?


Zhang Yang just frowned, walked behind Zhou Yi, looked down at the explosive device, stretched out his hand to touch the complicated display on the bomb, and asked: "How did you know I would come?"

After hearing what Chu Huaiwen said, Zhou Yi's face turned pale again. After hesitating for a moment, he calmly shouted to Zhang Yang: "Uncle... please leave me alone, and run away quickly, if you can."

, please take my sister out too."

Suddenly being called uncle by Zhou Yi, Zhang Yang was slightly startled, but after touching his face, he felt calm again, and said to her with a smile: "Don't worry, little sister, this bomb is a copycat version, or bought from T-Bao.

It’s useless, don’t listen to his nonsense.”

"Really?" Zhou Yi's expression softened upon hearing this.

"Really." Zhang Yang reached out and turned over the plastic bomb in his hand... The design of the explosive device was really professional, and it was definitely not something that ordinary gangsters could make.

"Haha, you are still talking and joking when you are about to die." Chu Huaiwen, who was sitting on the ground, was speechless to Zhang Yang. He stared at Zhang Yang, trying to find the panic look on his face.

But I'm sorry, no, not at all. It's as if the time bomb he was playing with in his hand now that he spent three days designing was really just a knockoff bought from T-Bao...

If this thing is not dazzled, it is just a dream. It took me three days to make something, and it is definitely not a toy bought on T-Bao. Ciao, this guy is so arrogant.

"Shabi, do you think you can defuse this bomb?" Chu Huaiwen found that Zhang Yang had begun to use the dagger he brought to defuse the bomb. He was confused again. In such a short time, even the most awesome defuse in the world

Even the bomb experts dare not say that he has this ability. This is a bad thing.

"Haha, this is simply the funniest joke I have seen in this century." Chu Huaiwen couldn't help laughing again. The time had begun to count down. He simply closed his eyes and prepared to accept death silently.

The arrival of two kilograms of C4 explosives is enough to blow the entire room to pieces. No one in this room, living or dead, can escape this horrific fate.

"Zhang Yang...Zhang Yang. What are you doing? I heard that person's voice. Are you crazy...Get out quickly..." Tang Qiqi's voice came through the headset. It sounded very anxious, not like her at all.

His usual cold and indifferent attitude.

"Qiqi. It's too late." Zhang Yang grabbed the dagger and gestured among a pile of red and blue wires that were twisted like twists. As if he was making some kind of determination, he said slowly, "Qiqi, I have someone here.

There are more than thirty lines, and cutting one of them may prevent the bomb from exploding... If I succeed, I want you to promise me one thing..."

"Okay, okay. You idiot, if you run out now, I will promise you ten things."

"No, I only need one piece. Do you agree?"

"Well. You should come out quickly. How much time is left?" Tang Qiqi's voice sounded anxious as if she was thinking about something. The screen of the electronic timer was not within her sniper sight, so she didn't know at all that she still had time left.

How much time is left.

"Let me take a look...there are five seconds left..."

"Five seconds? Then you should cut it quickly." Tang Qiqi was anxious. She knew the power of C4 plastic bombs, "As long as you can come out alive, I promise you, hurry up, do you hear me, you weak-minded bastard?"


Her voice had a choked ending, which made Zhang Yang feel suddenly moved.

Chu Huaiwen, who had his eyes closed all the time, was immediately confused when he heard Zhang Yang flirting with someone on the phone casually. Did he set the time wrong? No, there was no problem when he checked the time just now.

Yeah, why is it that it's supposed to explode, but when the time comes, there's no movement at all?

Five seconds, five seconds of peat, you two have been chatting for a minute, right? He couldn't help but open his eyes, and then found that the numbers on the electronic screen of his explosive device had stopped beating, and then Zhang Yang

Still pretending to be cutting on one of the wires.

Ci'ao, what the hell is going on? Where's the promised explosion?

This is impossible. I have spent three days of hard work to build an anti-dismantling device. Even if I am the inventor, it will take at least five or six minutes to dismantle this explosive device. This soul is dull,

How did you do it in one minute? Or are the parts you bought yourself really knock-offs from T-Bao?

Unscrupulous profiteers, as expected, those who are not certified by T-cat are unreliable, inferior.

"Qiqi, I was right." Zhang Yang gently put down the dagger and turned his head to stare at Chu Huaiwen who was lying beside him. The latter kept banging his head against the wall. Zhang Yang felt unhappy for a while and hit the peat.

Ah, what a surprise, do you know that I spent ten system points to get this life-saving bomb disposal method, and it only works once?

"I told you to buy a copycat, I told you to buy a copycat!" Chu Huaiwen obviously didn't know that Zhang Yang was being naughty. There was still a burst of regret on his face, and he kept guessing at which part of the problem he had gone wrong?

Zhang Yang was too lazy to care about him, and stretched out his hand to cut off the ropes on Zhou Yi, and then removed Zhou Teng and Zhou Fang's ropes, and then explained to Zhou Teng: "You are safe now, but this is not a place where you can stay for a long time. I will send you away."

Go downstairs, the police will be here in a moment."

Zhang Yang had notified the nearby police before taking action. If nothing unexpected happens, the police should arrive in about ten minutes.

"Thank you! You special police officers are so efficient in their work." Zhou Teng's face was still pale, but he finally understood that he had been rescued. Then he stared at his little daughter, and his expression changed again.

"She just fainted." Zhang Yang saw that he mistakenly thought he was a special agent, and did not deny it. Seeing that he had no ability to move, he thought for a while and quickly helped him carry Zhou Fang downstairs.

After going downstairs, Tang Qiqi also started to evacuate the sniper point and rushed to the black Mercedes-Benz ahead. They made an appointment. After success, they would evacuate before the police arrived. They didn't want to get into too much trouble, but the one just now

The skinny man called out his name, and after thinking for a moment, he told Zhou Teng and Zhou Yi: "Our actions need to be kept secret, so even if the police ask you later who will rescue you, just say you don't know, understand.


"I know, I know." Zhou Teng left the terrifying place and finally regained some courage. Although he felt that Zhang Yang's words were a bit illogical, since they saved them, there was nothing more to say.

"Bang!" Before the group of people could walk out of the unfinished building, a crisp gunshot pierced the silent night sky again.

Zhang Yang was stunned and quickly asked into the headset: "Qiqi, what's going on? Did you fire the gun?"

"No... I was shot." Tang Qiqi's weak voice came from the headset, "Be careful, they have snipers, about to the left of your building."

This chapter has been completed!
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