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Chapter 1,125, Angel Factory No. 1

 Guinevere's face popped up from the screen, staring at Lin Zheng suspiciously, "Why are you looking for me?"

"I'm going to let you help eliminate harm for the people, what do you think?" Lin Zheng looked at Guinevere with a smile on his face and asked.

Guinevere glared at Lin Zheng fiercely, "If you talk nonsense again, I will hang up!"

"Xiao Linzi is not talking nonsense, this is true!" Yang Qi looked at Lin Zheng after saying this, "But Xiao Linzi, Wei'er hasn't reached level six yet, so it would be too dangerous to pass by like this!"

Guinevere was stunned for a moment, and then glared at Lin Zheng. This bastard, once he said serious things, his taste completely changed! After glaring at him, she turned to Yang Qi on the screen and said: "I did the task before.

If I get a wishing bead, I can reach level 178. If you give me a ginseng fruit, I can go straight to level 6. But what exactly is it?" If it wasn't something serious, Guinevere wasn't going to make a wish right now.

If you use the pearls and save them for use in a month or two, that’s a good deal!

Lin Zheng briefly introduced the matter of Koret to Guinevere. After listening, Guinevere frowned. Now there are countless players in the Kingdom of Sky. What if Koret will

If that kind of ability spreads among other artificial angels, it will be a disaster for the Kingdom of Sky. No matter what, Guinevere is not willing to see that scene, not to mention that Lin Zheng, a bastard, wants to be alone.

Going to fight against Yi Ke Ruite made her very unhappy. She hated that Lin Zheng had stolen all the limelight! "Come and pick me up, I am also in the Kingdom of Sky now."

The transportation in the Kingdom of Sky is very troublesome. Although there are vehicles that can move quickly in the Kingdom of Sky, they are not as fast as Lin Zheng’s compass. If Lin Zheng doesn’t pick up people, Guinevere doesn’t know how long it will take.

Only then could they fly from the British base to Campas to assemble. They were collected in Campas City. After eating a ginseng fruit, Guinevere began the six-turn trial. In less than five minutes, the trial was completed.

Guinevere appeared in front of Lin Zheng and the others with a relaxed look on her face. Lin Zheng blinked, and then looked at Yang Qi. She immediately acted like she was watching the scenery, and even after whistling for a long time, she didn't even whistle.

Guinevere adjusted her state and after getting familiar with the new skills, she said: "Okay, get ready to go!"

"But having said that, our target is that Koret, right? Xiao Linzi?"

Lin Zheng nodded, "Of course! Everything else is just incidental!"

"But we still don't know where that guy Coret is!" Yang Qi opened the map of the Kingdom of Sky and pointed at the central area of ​​the Kingdom of Sky. This area is all black unexplored areas. Who knows?

Where is the imperial city of the country, and the danger in the central area can be imagined. If the three of them cannot find Koret and kill him as soon as possible, they may fall into the enemy's trap at any time.

Surrounded, judging from the strength of the Angel Guards, if they were surrounded by more than three teams of Angel Guards, the three of them would be in great danger.

"Wandering around in the central area of ​​Sky Country like a blind man is simply asking for death. Therefore, you must bring Ibis here and let her lead the way."

Lin Zheng frowned, "Do I have to bring her here?" If possible, Lin Zheng really didn't want to bring Ibis with her, because the artificial angels were all her kind, and it always felt like letting her fight with her kind who were being controlled.

It's a pretty cruel thing.

"Bring her here! This time is the end of her past. I think it's better to let her participate, both for her and for us!"

What Yang Qi said seemed to make sense. Lin Zheng thought for a while and finally nodded, "Then wait a moment. I'll bring Ibisi over." After saying that, Lin Zheng entered the Hongmeng Wonderland. In the fairyland, Yong Lin

While collecting mature medicinal materials, Ibisi followed her obediently, holding a medicine basket in her hand to help get the medicine. When she saw Lin Zheng coming over, Ibisi's eyes immediately showed a look of joy.


"Yes!" Lin Zheng touched Ibisi's head and met Yonglin's eyes, "I want to take Ibisi to do something!"

"Very important?"

"Yes, quite important!"

"Then go!" After saying that, Yonglin took the medicine basket from Ibisi's hand, "Be careful!" Yonglin frowned slightly, "I always feel that what you are going to do this time will be a bit troublesome.


"Don't worry!" Lin Zheng smiled, "No matter what, I will definitely bring Ibis back!"

"Yes! Let me believe you for the time being!" Yong Lin smiled faintly, and then handed out a jade bottle, "This is the elixir that has just been refined. The effect is good. There are 10 pills in it. You can take it first.

Use it! If you need it, just ask me for it!"

"Thank you Yong Lin!" Lin Zheng took the jade bottle unceremoniously, then poured out one and ate it without looking at it. After that, he took Ibisi's hand and said, "Then, let's go. Let's go back.

See you!" After saying that, he and Ibisi disappeared from the front of Eirin.

Ibisi was in a daze when she came to the Kingdom of Sky, "Master, is this the Kingdom of Sky?"

"That's right! Today, we are going to settle your past affairs!"

"You guys are here! It's so fast!" As he said that, Yang Qi noticed the jade bottle in Lin Zheng's hand, "Xiao Linzi, what is that in your hand? Is it a good thing Yong Lin gave you?"

"Yes! The latest refined elixir-shaped sword!" Lin Zheng smiled, "Stretch out your hands, one for each person!"

"Only one for each person? You are too stingy, Xiao Linzi!"

Guinevere also looked down upon Lin Zheng and said, "Stingy little bitch, keep it for yourself! I don't want it anymore!"

"It's not like eating more of this stuff will be beneficial!" Lin Zheng said angrily, and then forcibly took Yang Qi's hand and poured an elixir into her hand, "Get it!"

Yang Qi looked at the elixir in his hand with some suspicion. It was yellow and orange, looked good, and had a sticky fragrance and asked -

Type of elixir: After Bayi Yonglin further improved the formula, the new elixir was refined from the best quality medicines, which further improved the recovery effect of the elixir and greatly improved the physical quality of the user.

When the player uses it, he can gain 200 points of mortal resistance, 8000 points of divinity, and gain powerful self-recovery ability. It is only effective when used for the first time. Rare level, epic.

Incredible! It’s really an incredible miracle medicine! Yang Qi’s dissatisfaction was wiped away in one fell swoop, and he happily swallowed the elixir, and then said to Guinevere, who still looked unhappy: “Weier, this is really good.

It’s a good thing, just one is enough, eat it quickly, lest Xiao Linzi regret it!”

"Go! I have already prepared your share, who would want to come back?"

Guinevere also looked at the effect of the elixir, and then showed a satisfied look. She threw the elixir into her mouth and chewed it for a while, "It tastes pretty good!"

Yang Qi quickly took care of his divinity point, and then said to Ibis: "Ibis, we are going to find trouble with that guy Coret now. Can you find out where he is?"

"Please wait!" After saying that, Ibis opened her wings, her green eyes lost focus, and you could vaguely see a string of data flowing in her pupils. After a while, Ibis returned to normal and said:

"The Angel Network of Sky Country is encrypted and I can't connect to it."

"It doesn't matter, you connect first, and leave the rest to me!" With that, Lin Zheng opened the virtual keyboard, pulled out the data cable, and let Ibis bite it in her mouth. Her body had been transformed by Yong Lin, and she didn't need to

Like other artificial angels, the connection is through the data interface of the ear, just bite the inside of the mouth. Guinevere twitched the corner of her mouth when she saw it. If she didn't know better, she would have thought that Lin Zheng had some strange hobbies!

After connecting to Ibis, Lin Zheng's virtual screen popped up a lot of programming languages ​​​​written with characters unique to the Land of Sky. Although Lin Zheng could also get the meaning of the programming language and crack it like Yuki did,

However, that would take too much time, so after Lin Zheng obtained the information from Ibisi, he immediately forwarded it to Youxi. There was no need to explain to Youxi. She knew what she was doing now, so she would definitely understand what the information was for.


Less than three minutes after Lin Zheng's message was forwarded, Yuxi sent Lin Zheng back a program written in the programming language of Sky Country. Lin Zheng smiled and passed the program to Ibis. A few seconds later, Ibis

He opened his mouth and said: "Okay, Master, we have connected to the angel network. I will now start searching for the location of Archangel Coret!"

"Be careful, don't be discovered by him!"

"No problem, the program written by Yuxi contains a disguise code. Even the archangel cannot find out that I am searching!" Ibis said, stunned, "Found it!"

Yang Qi was surprised for a while: "Huh? So fast?!"

"Coret just happened to be using the Angel Network for calculations, so he found his location easily. What's strange is that he was able to call the other two Archangels' networks to work together. The information recorded in my database shows that,

This is a right that only the Lord of Space has!" As she said that, Ibis showed a confused look. Every artificial angel commanded by an archangel is independent. Under normal circumstances, no archangel can do it casually.

Using the angel network led by other archangels, Coret is now using the angel network of the entire Kingdom of Sky to solve a difficult problem for him. This situation is not recorded in Ibis's database.

Lin Zheng's face changed when he heard this. That guy had already begun to use the huge computing power formed by the artificial angels of the Kingdom of Sky. As long as he is given more time, he will definitely be able to calculate his own mutation and then destroy that kind of destruction.

If the ability of the personality stabilization system spreads, all players will suffer. It seems that he made the right decision to take action in advance! "Where is that guy now?!" Lin Zheng opened the map and asked.

"Here..." Ibis stretched out her hand and pointed. What surprised Lin Zheng and the other three was that the place was actually in an unexplored area not far from Campas. That place could never be the Kingdom of Sky.

How could the imperial city be in a place like this?!

"Here is the largest comprehensive angel factory in the Kingdom of Kong. The factory number is 0001. Currently, there are Archangel Koret, 4 angel captains, 400 artificial angels, and three brigades of Beast Angel Guards, totaling 3,000, stationed here. Steel Angel Road

Western mass production model, model β, 3,000 in total..."

Listening to Ibisi's detailed explanation of the enemy garrison, Lin Zheng's face turned livid. With such a huge force, how could they kill that guy Koret under the protection of such a huge force!


This chapter has been completed!
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