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Chapter 1281, Xu Fu Palace

 When you walk into the door, your field of vision is dark, but this darkness disappears very quickly and abruptly, and suddenly your field of vision becomes brighter. The bright environment is unbearable for your eyes, and everyone can't help but close their eyes.

After getting used to the light in front of him, Lin Zheng slowly squinted his eyes and looked around. He saw a ghost before he passed through a door. Why did another one appear?!

The place where Lin Zheng and the others arrived was an underground portal. There were huge orbs inlaid on the top of their heads for illumination. A jade-like door was not far away from them. There were many exquisite patterns on the door, and the most conspicuous one was

, the Big Dipper is inlaid on the door with seven-color gems. The seven gems are shining brightly under the light of the orbs, which is full of great temptation. It is a treasure at this glance!

Yang Qi resisted the urge to rush towards the door, turned to Lin Zheng and said: "It seems that this path is indeed the right one. Contact the others and ask them to come over!"

As soon as Yang Qi finished speaking, a loud "Boom--" sounded behind everyone, startling them. They hurriedly looked back and saw that a rock formation that had been trimmed very flat was popping up.

A large dark hole, and a large number of black shadows seemed to rush out of the dust in the sky.∈♀Dingma Novel,

"Cough - cough -!" A cough sounded. Hearing this cough, Lin Zheng, who was still nervous at first, raised his eyebrows. Why did this voice sound so familiar?!

"Ahem - Youruo, can you use a different move next time? This move is too bad, there's a lot of dust, ahem!"

"Who knew this place was so dry! Cough-cough! Wait, there's something going on!"

"What? Are there any enemies? Look at me!" As soon as the voice fell, a black shadow rushed out from the dust. Lin Zheng teleported forward, stretched out his hand and flicked the stupid girl on the forehead.

"Ouch! How dare you sneak attack me!" Xiaomeng rubbed her forehead angrily, swung the sword suddenly, and then saw Lin Zheng staring at her with a dumbfounded expression.

"Stupid girl!" Lin Zheng pinched Xiaomeng's nose angrily. The stupid girl came back to her senses and stared at Lin Zheng in surprise: "Brother Shengun, why are you here? Are you on your way?

Is it right?"

"Finally not that stupid!" Lilith covered her mouth and walked out of the cave, "Go away quickly, are you stupid standing here eating dust!?"

After Lilith finished speaking, the members of their group walked out one by one, including You Ruo and Alicia, and a large group of undead. Originally, their road had hit a dead end, but just after

When they were about to turn around and dodge, Youruo said that he had sensed a strong resentment, and that there might be some evil spirit in front of him. He immediately waved his sickle to open a way, and forcibly opened a passage through the rock formations dozens of meters thick.

After Lin Zheng heard this, he stretched out his hand and knocked on You Ruo, an idiot. You can dig holes in this rock formation at will. If you are not careful, they will all be crushed to death in the hole. This stupid girl is really unreliable.

Lilith reluctantly threw her hands at Lin Zheng, "I tried to stop it, but it was useless!"

"Next time you dare to act recklessly, I will confiscate all the wandering souls given to you!" Lin Zheng stretched You Ruo's face and said.

"This is nothing!" Youruo said vaguely.

"It will be too late if something happens!" Lin Zheng let go of her face angrily, and after speaking, he took out the bottle containing the resentful soul, "Anyway, I will help you catch the powerful ones, so why are you anxious?!"

"Hee hee! I knew you were the best, the magic stick!" Youruo happily grabbed the bottle from Lin Zheng's hand. Now that she was a good learner, she could even flatter Lin Zheng, which made everyone laugh.

Lin Zheng scraped the stupid girl's nose, turned around and said to Yang Qi: "Have you contacted Bawang and the others?"

Yang Qi nodded, "Contacted. They are coming this way. Before they come, let's study this door first..."

"This door is so beautiful!" Lemi stared at the door with starry eyes and said, "It would be great if I could take it back to be the door of the Scarlet Devil Mansion!"

Everyone couldn't laugh or cry for a while. I guess the guys who designed this place never thought that someone would take a fancy to the door and want to take away the whole door. It was a bit too cruel.

Leimi didn't think there was anything wrong with this. After speaking, she pulled Lin Zheng expectantly and said, "Servant, can you help me take this door back?"

"This door looks very heavy. Even if it can be moved back, wouldn't it be very convenient to use it as the main door of the Scarlet Devil Mansion?" Lin Zheng said with a wry smile.

Seeing Lemi's frowning look of distress, Xiao Mo couldn't help but smile, "We'll talk about whether we can take this back with us later! What we have to consider now is how to open this door."

"Why don't you just push it away!" Xiaomeng said and was about to walk towards the door. However, after just a few steps, he was pulled back by Lin Zheng.

"Wait! There's a stone tablet over there. Let's take a look at what's written on it first!" The stone tablet appearing in a place like this must have a very important meaning. It's definitely not very good to act haphazardly before browsing the content of the stone tablet.


The stone tablet is on the ground to the left of the gate, and what's special is that it's in the shadows. If Lin Zheng hadn't used his spiritual sense to explore the surrounding area, he wouldn't have been able to find it.

Everyone curiously followed Lin Zheng's instructions and came to the stone tablet. Yang Qi was very violent and thought he could not read clearly in the shadow. He inserted the hooked snake sword into it and actually knocked out the stone tablet.

Yang Qi glanced at the stone tablet and was immediately surprised, "Huh? That's interesting. They are all Chinese characters or seal script!"

The Chinese characters in seal script actually appeared in the underground palace on the Fuso side. Thinking about it, Lin Zheng and other Chinese players were amazed. Then they all stretched their necks and looked at the stone tablet, wanting to see what was written on it.

However, not everyone can understand seal script. At least Xiaomeng's eyes were filled with circles after reading it, and she couldn't understand many characters! However, she could still see clearly the four characters at the beginning of the monument.

, "Xu Fu Underground Palace"!

The underground palace was built by Xu Fu. This Xu Fu is naturally not the guy in real history. In this world, Xu Fu is amazing. According to the records on the stone tablet, Xu Fu in his heyday was said to be invincible under the ninth rank, even the masters of the ninth rank.

I killed many of them, but unfortunately because the Taoist practices I practiced were harmful to Tianhe, I knew I could not survive the Nine Heavenly Tribulations, so I built this underground palace before the tribulation, and then stored all my life collection in the underground palace, leaving it for the so-called

the destined person,

It’s good to be a destined person! Lin Zheng thinks that all of them are destined to be here. Otherwise, how could they find this place? They are definitely destined to be. It must be! But as mentioned above, if you want to enter the underground palace, you must first accept Xu Fu’s test. This is true

Lin Zheng frowned a little, what exactly was that guy's test?

Judging from the traces of this stone tablet, this thing has existed much longer than the corridors they passed before. Obviously, the underground palace has existed for a long time, but the previous corridors were built by those who later discovered the underground palace.

.If the underground palace had been opened long ago, then the previous discoverers would not have bothered to build corridors and set up obstacles. It must be that the discoverers failed Xu Fu's test and were unwilling to give up such a great treasure, so they built the previous one.

The building prevents other people from approaching the underground palace and leaves a memory for future generations.

The traces of time left by the corridor last for at least eighteen hundred years. If the underground palace had been opened during such a long time, it would be over. Ninety-nine percent of the good things inside would have been wiped out. But if

The underground palace has never been opened, which is still a pain in the ass. No one has been able to open the underground palace for such a long time. How difficult is Xu Fu's test?!

"It seems that it doesn't say how to start the test!" Yang Qi frowned. As for whether they can pass the test, she has never doubted it. They are already the elite among the elite players, regardless of the content of the test.

She was confident that she could accomplish anything. If even they couldn't complete the test, who else in the world could open the underground palace?! It had to be them.

"You should be able to open the test if you get close to that door, right?" Lin Zheng turned and looked towards the door. There was only one door in this place, where else could it be?

"Let me go and have a look!" Benniu was very curious. As soon as Lin Zheng finished speaking, Xiaomeng jumped towards the door. Before Lin Zheng had time to stop her, she had already stood in front of the door with curious eyes.

Staring at the door.

Everyone stared at Xiaomeng nervously, worried that something dangerous would happen next. However, a minute passed and Xiaomeng blinked. Why was there no reaction at all?! Lin Zheng and the others also looked puzzled.

, couldn’t it be that it’s been too long and the mechanism of this gate has failed?!

"Huh?" Xiaomeng was suddenly surprised to find that the Big Dipper on the door seemed to be able to be taken out. Then she stretched out her little hand and took a purple gem in her hand. Who knew something would happen with this!

After Xiaomeng took away one gem, the remaining six gems immediately began to tremble. Seeing this, Xiaomeng immediately felt something bad. Just as he was about to put the gem back, "Whoosh whoosh-" on the door

All the gems flew out and shot colorful beams of light towards Xiaomeng.

"Bang -" Those beams of light fell on the bone shield and shattered it into pieces. Naturally, Xiaomeng did not react so quickly. It was Alicia who took action. If she hadn't reacted quickly, Xiaomeng would have been in big trouble.

Got it!

"Xiaomeng!" Lin Zheng and others were startled, and rushed towards Xiaomeng to help her block the attacks of those gems. However, what shocked Lin Zheng and the others was that these gems only chased after Xiaomeng.

Hit, no matter where Xiaomeng ran, they would immediately bypass Lin Zheng and fly towards Xiaomeng. For a while, Xiaomeng kept screaming and running around under the protection of Alicia. The scene was like a chicken.

It was like a flying dog jumping into chaos. Lin Zheng's eyes turned red with fear. He reached out and grabbed a ruby, and he caught the ruby ​​in his hand very accurately.

I thought that the gem would struggle violently in his hand, but who knew that as soon as the gem came into his hand, it stopped moving at all. Seeing this, Lin Zheng was surprised, came back to his senses and shouted: "Quick! Grab the gem,

As long as you catch them, they won't run away."

After Lin Zheng's reminder, the others immediately followed suit and grabbed the gems. In the end, Yang Qi, Youxi, Xiaomo, and Liuli were the first to grab the gems. Chongchong originally grabbed the last one with great interest.

The gem grabbed it, but who knew that when it was chasing Xiaomeng, it threw itself into a trap and actually flew to Lilith. Lilith grabbed it casually, and the gem was caught in her hand. Just as Lilith grabbed the gem,

, the seven gems suddenly shot a ray of light into the air at the same time. The colorful rays of light met in the air and formed a colorful vortex. As soon as the vortex appeared, Lin Zheng and the seven people felt a huge attraction. Xiaomeng let out a startled sound.

Yelling, the first one was sucked into the whirlpool. Lin Zheng chased after him anxiously and became the second one to be sucked in. In the end, all seven people were sucked into the whirlpool. When the last Liuli was sucked in

After that, the vortex collapsed and disappeared.


This chapter has been completed!
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