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Chapter 159: The second team was defeated

 Update time:2014-03-22

As soon as Xiao Meow became invisible, the elementalist immediately switched the target of attack, preparing to help his teammates get rid of Tifa first! However, just as the elementalist threw a series of lightning, Xiao Meow suddenly appeared, and a holy light bomb was directed towards the element.

Throw it in the user's face, "Pop -" The attack of the holy light bullet is really insignificant for the elemental user with extremely high spell defense, but this skill has an additional effect, which has a certain chance of making the target blind for a long time.

10 seconds! And Xiao Meow's blow just hit the blind state! Suddenly, the blind elementalist ran around like a headless fly, because he knew that if he didn't run, he would definitely fall down.

Damn it!

However, running was useless! Tifa, who was attacked by him, turned around and saw him running around like a headless fly. When he saw the blindness mark on his head, he didn't know what was going on.

Ah! Immediately Tifa was overjoyed and shouted to Xiao Miao to heal her. She immediately opened her bow and aimed at the elementalist. With two arrows, she shot the guy to death! Now, the field turned into six.

Against five, the second team had a huge advantage in terms of numbers. Especially since the extra person was a powerful nanny, the situation was even more different! Overlord and the others were also well aware of their current advantages and worked hard to block the enemy and not let them

They launched an attack on Xiao Miao, and finally relied on Xiao Miao's treatment to kill all their opponents!

The results were announced. This was actually the third game. Longyuan Team 2 narrowly defeated their opponents and entered the quarterfinals! As soon as the results were announced, the gang channel was once again in full swing. It was already very impressive to reach the top 16, but now they have gone one step further, killing

Entering the top eight is really a surprise! There is no doubt that the biggest contributor this time is Xiaomiao. If it weren't for her Holy Light Bullet, it's hard to say what the outcome would be now. Considering the situation just now, if it weren't for Xiaomiao,

If Miao Teng spares time to treat as much as he wants, he will definitely be destroyed in the end! But no matter what, there are not so many ifs in reality, in short, it’s good to win!

After a short rest, the quarter-finals will begin soon! As Yang Qi said, this martial arts tournament is only a small-scale event. The official is not that particular about the arrangement of this tournament and will arrange it within one day.

The champions are decided! In the quarter-finals, the opponent of Longyuan Team 1 has a very powerful name! - Urban Management Team 1! What an amazing name!

However, the urban management team is indeed very good, but Lin Zheng and the others are not small vendors, so they are not afraid of them! What surprised Lin Zheng even more was that in this team, he actually recognized several familiar faces, and it was surprising that they were from Wanghai before.

One of the gang who attacked them during the town defense war!

"What!? Are you sure!?" As soon as Lin Zheng said that these guys had attacked them, Yang Qi immediately jumped up! Seeing Lin Zheng nodding in affirmation, Yang Qi's eyes could spit out fire!

"Damn it, I've been depressed and couldn't remember the virtues of those guys, but now they're here! If I don't torture them to death this time, my aunt will not be named Yang!" Yang Qi glared at the urban management team angrily.

One glance said.

The countdown started, and Lin Zheng was fully prepared to crush his opponent! As soon as the game started, Yang Qi immediately rode away with a sweet drink. However, his opponent was also prepared. A guardian named the urban management captain carried the

He stepped forward with his shield and used the guardian's defensive skill "Iron Wall". This skill can effectively defend against enemy impact, reduce most of the damage, and at the same time, it can be immune to all negative conditions caused by the impact! Yang Qi is a Lian Ying

Killing stepped forward and suddenly hit the opponent's shield with a "clang--". Although it caused some damage, he was unable to knock it away! On the contrary, the urban management captain rushed and knocked Yang Qi away.

He was knocked off his mount! But Yang Qi was not fooled for nothing. The moment he landed, he immediately kicked off his feet and slashed the neck of the urban management captain with a thunderous slash. "Pfft--" He sealed his throat with a sword.

, the terrible thing is that the "three-legged crow" appeared, and suddenly three astonishing injuries appeared on the head of the urban management captain, and he fell to the ground with his eyes wide open!

With one blow, he instantly killed the guardian with the highest blood defense among all professions! Yang Qi's blow scared everyone in the urban management team. This bitch was so cruel. Even the guardians could be killed instantly. If it were her, she would be even more blocked.

They couldn't stand it anymore! So the remaining five people subconsciously avoided Yang Qi as if they had seen a ghost. Something went wrong when they were hiding. A guy actually rushed in front of Xiao Mo. He turned around and was shocked, and was about to attack.

Xiao Mo's series of stabs had already landed, turning them into a hornet's nest in an instant! Two more were killed by Yu Xi's ice dragon roar before they could recover, and they were defeated like a mountain. In the blink of an eye,

The entire urban management team was already dead. They were defeated so quickly that they were even worse than the Zhanjian Jianghu team they encountered before!

In the second game, the first urban management team learned their lesson and made adjustments. As soon as the game started, the urban management captain immediately launched a preemptive attack on Yang Qi. Then the urban management captain restrained Yang Qi while the others launched an offensive! Lin Zheng's strength

, they had already seen it in Wanghai Town. Even though many powerful skills were sealed due to the competition, the first urban management team still did not dare to underestimate Lin Zheng, so they assigned two people to deal with him. As for Xiao Mo, he was

Being restrained by a ghost archer, Xiao Mo was not good at bows and arrows, so he couldn't get away for a while! As a result, the opponent lost four people, but the remaining two were a bit difficult to deal with. They were actually knights.

, one is a thunder sword rider like Yang Qi, and the other is a black armor heavy rider. The terrible thing is that both of them have mounts. Although they are very ridiculous wild boars, after riding on the wild boar, at least the movement speed is much faster!

In the blink of an eye, the two of them attacked Yuxi and Lilith in the rear with ferocious faces. Their equipment looked good. If they were approached, Yuxi and Lilith would be in serious danger!

"Hmph——!" Xiaomeng was dissatisfied. No one went to her. Isn't this a clear sign of looking down on her? The little girl was very angry, and the consequences were serious! "Humph——" A pair of light green wings appeared from Xiaomeng.

The moment she spread her wings, Xiaomeng's hair turned light green, and the breeze lingered all over her body, attracting attention like a fairy appearing in the storm! At this moment, I don't know how many people paid attention.

Players watching this game were instantly blown away by Xiaomeng’s gorgeous appearance!

Xiaomeng flapped his wings gently, and a strong airflow was immediately generated. The whole person flew up with the airflow. This airflow swept the entire arena, and everyone on the field immediately noticed Xiaomeng's change!

The awakened Wind Spirit player appeared in the player's sight for the first time. The people in the urban management team were shocked. Apparently they didn't expect that Xiaomeng, who had been ignored by them, actually had such energy! Miscalculation!

"Whoops -" The little cute creature in the air flapped its wings and swooped down towards the two Wild Boar Riders! The two were shocked, but they quickly calmed down. Apart from being able to fly, the Wind Spirit Tribe is nothing special.

Could it be that two people couldn't deal with a little girl!? Suddenly, the two people changed the direction of their advance and wanted to kill Xiaomeng who was swooping down first! Xiaomeng became even more dissatisfied when he saw it. Did he think that she was so so?

Are you easy to bully!? In mid-air, an angry Xiao Meng clenched the Shura Sword with both hands, "Shura Continuous Slash!" He swung the Shura Sword violently, and five black sword auras roared away along with the biting wind!

"What!" Xuanjia Heavy Cavalry exclaimed. Just after he finished shouting, all five sword energy fell on him, "Boom——" A burst of dust was set off in the arena, and the Thunder Sword Cavalry in the dust filled the sky "hurt——"

It flew out from the ground, but it was affected by the unique attack splash effect of the Wind Spirit Tribe, and the remaining power of Shura's consecutive slashes was blown away! Seeing this guy flying out, Xiaomeng flapped his wings without ceremony and dived in an instant.

Go, "Ice Sword Qi!" "Boom——" Affected by the racial characteristics, the attacking sword Qi turned into a strong storm. The storm swallowed up the flying Thunder Sword Rider and turned it into a stone statue.

The stone statue was torn into pieces in the storm! This is really... too cruel!

The city administrators were shocked. The awakened Wind Spirit Clan was so powerful that they killed two top knight players with blood defense in an instant! Under this shock, the city administrators' flaws immediately appeared, and Yang Qi seized the opportunity.

, a sword pierced the throat of the urban management captain. The moment he drew the sword, everything was struck with lightning, causing shocking damage! The urban management captain was shocked, and immediately took out cooking and medicine to eat, while stepping back, trying to hide.

Yang Qi launched a ferocious offensive, but if this guy ran away, Yang Qi would no longer be Yang Qi! "Pa--" Yang Qi charged into the urban management captain and stunned him instantly, "Really

·Flame Slash!" "Boom--" The bursting pillar of fire swallowed up the stiff body of the urban management captain. When the pillar of fire disappeared, the urban management captain finally fell to the ground helplessly! On the other side, Xiao Mo solved the problem very neatly.

Taking advantage of the moment when the opponent showed his flaw, the trap was thrown out. The trapped ghost shooter was frightened and received a series of stabs from Xiao Mo, 16 consecutive hits! He killed him in an instant!

Lin Zheng had two opponents, a swordsman and an elementalist. The moment they were distracted, Lin Zheng immediately jumped up on the moon steps, using gravity in the air to shoot towards the elementalist! The elementalist saw Lin Zheng

When he came to kill, he was immediately shocked, and immediately tried to avoid Lin Zheng's attack with flickering, "Dance in the sky!" "Boom--" All the Crescent Fighting Qi fell to the ground of the arena, and the ground was covered with it.

The crack was dodged! "Shua--" The elementalist appeared not far away. Looking at the crack made by Lin Zheng on the ground, his heart palpitated. If it had been slower, it would have been gone! "Huh? Yiping

Where is that fellow Taoist?" The Elementalist realized that Lin Zheng could not be seen in his field of vision! "Dance of Blades!" Lin Zheng's voice sounded above his head, and the Elementalist raised his head in horror, "Ouch!

——" A thigh with green light slashed down, "Ah——" The elementalist screamed, and his thin blood instantly returned to zero under the blow. With the gravity of the thigh, "Boom——"

"Fall to the ground!"

"Done!" Lin Zheng smiled, turned around, and saw that the swordsman who had been pestering him had turned into a dark corpse under Youxi's fire magic and fell to the ground. The entire urban management team was wiped out! Long Yuan

One team successfully stepped on their corpses and was the first to reach the semi-finals!

"Xiaomeng! Well done!" In the lounge, Lin Zheng did not hesitate to praise Xiaomeng. Xiaomeng really turned the tide just now, and his two moves to deal with the two knights were gorgeous and perfect!

Xiaomeng smiled proudly, and when Lin Zheng said that, she almost admired herself, and her nose was so high!

"I'll make you proud!" Xiao Mo stepped forward and pinched Xiao Meng's nose. Xiao Meng yelled "Woo!" twice, covering her nose and saying dissatisfiedly: "I only show off my power once in a while, but you can't let me

How proud you are!"

"If I make you proud again, you will go to heaven!" Xiao Mo said angrily. She really knows this girl Xiaomeng very well! She is a typical type of person who shines brightly when given a little sunshine! However, it hurts when she falls when she stands high.

Xiao Mo also cares about this girl so he always beats her back to her original form. Xiao Meng also understands this, so she has never really been angry with Xiao Mo for this!

"Okay, you two, stop making trouble!" Lilith stepped forward and said, "Let's continue to see the situation of the second team! I hope they can also reach the semi-finals!"

Hearing this, Yang Qi immediately searched the battle situation. As expected, the second team was still fighting, but it was their opponent - the Brilliant 1st team! Damn, this is not how enemies meet, right? They actually faced off against the Brilliant Guild's team twice, and this time

This time they actually encountered the main team of the Brilliant Guild. The situation was not good! Yang Qi immediately displayed the live game on the wall. Everyone took a look anxiously. Sure enough, the situation was very bad. The first team of the Brilliant Guild was almost crushing the dragon.

Park Team 2! Overlord's solid defense could not stop the fierce attack of the Brilliant Heavy Cavalry, and they were forced to retreat step by step. Brilliant Slayer God even carried the attacks of Dong Dao and Chunfeng to kill. After a few axes, Dong Dao's energy and blood

There were not many left, and when Lin Zheng and the others saw what was going on, Long Ya was killed by the ghost archer, the Brilliant Arrow God, with one arrow!

The more powerful one was Tifa. She fought with the Brilliant Crazy Blade, a shadow hunter, and successfully killed it! But that was all. While killing the Brilliant Crazy Blade, Tifa was also killed by the Brilliant Magic God’s Ice Dragon.

The roar hit, and he fell to the ground screaming! Not long after, the second team of Longyuan was wiped out under the powerful offensive of the Brilliant Guild! 2:0! The first team of the Brilliant Guild defeated the second team of Longyuan!

"Hahaha! Long Yuan's strength is nothing more than this!" The Brilliant Heavy Cavalry thrust his sword into the ground and laughed loudly! The others also had scornful smiles on their faces, looking very arrogant! It seemed that they had completely defeated Long Yuan Er.

The team is such a trivial thing! In their eyes, their current image must be so domineering and domineering! But in the eyes of Lin Zheng and others, it is so hateful and hateful!

This chapter has been completed!
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