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Chapter 1875, crushing?

 After almost emptying Orm City's weapons depot, Lin Zheng arrived at Sufeng Town. When Lin Zheng arrived at Sufeng Town, a large number of players had gathered in front of the city gate, including those from the alliance.

There are many people who have gained huge benefits in the previous defense battle of Andegrand. They have reason to believe that they can also gain enough benefits in this war. Besides, even if they participate in

This battle is very cost-effective. How many other players can have such an experience? This is the capital to brag!

Lin Zheng didn't think it was strange that the people from the alliance were here. Huang Ya from Wanjian Guizong came to join in the fun, which surprised Lin Zheng a little. As soon as they met, Wanjian Guizong complained: "I said God

Gun, you are so unjust. I don’t know what I like best is this kind of big scene! Even if we didn’t call for the battle in Undergrand last time, in short, I must go this time, the World Tree battle.

!When I hear it, I feel like I’m a thief!”

It’s good to be able to come to our door. We happen to need manpower. You can hire more people and prepare enough supplies. This time it’s not as good as Undergrand. I estimate it will take at least a month!”

"Oh! It's going to last a month!" Wanjian Guizong was inexplicably excited. This kind of large-scale battle is what he likes the most. "It's done! I'll notify the people in the gang, soon! You can be a thousand

You have to wait for us!"

"Don't worry! It will take some time for us to gather here!"

About half an hour passed, and there was already an overcrowded situation in front of Sufeng Town. At this time, Xie Mie and others came to Lin Zheng, and Luoshui said: "That's it, everyone's time is quite precious, we can't just because

A few people will sacrifice everyone’s time to wait!”

"Let's go!" Viper said impatiently, "If they haven't come yet, just assume they won't go. It's been more than an hour and they are moving so slowly!"

Seeing that there was already impatience in the crowd, Lin Zheng nodded and said: "Okay! I will open the passage right now. You gather the management and let the management go first!" There are too many people here.

, if there is no management at all, after going to the World Tree, you still don’t know what troubles are going to be made. To be cautious, it is better to let the respective management go there first.

Soon, the management of the respective gangs gathered around Lin Zheng, and then Lin Zheng opened the space channel to the fairyland. This time there were many more people than Anderglan's time, and the Demon World World Tree

Obviously, it is not convenient to build a portal. If you want to quickly transport large troops to the World Tree, you can rely on Lin Zheng's Wonderland for transit.

Lin Zheng opened the passage to the fairyland in front of Sufeng Town, and then in the fairyland, Feng Wu opened a passage to the world tree. After passing through the fairyland, everyone can quickly reach the battle line of the world tree. Space passage

The size was naturally decided by the Lin Zheng brothers and sisters. In order to make it easier for large troops to teleport there, Lin Zheng created a super-large space channel with a diameter of nearly fifty meters. With such a large space channel for teleportation, the efficiency is natural.

Needless to say, the gang members who were already a little impatient felt relieved when they saw such a large space passage. Wait! Even if it is a little slower, it won't be too long. I have been waiting for an hour, and I still care about so few.


It took more than an hour to gather, and it only took a few minutes to teleport there. The flying and running made full use of the huge teleportation gate, and the efficiency was incredibly fast. Some of the gangs who arrived late were

, after being scolded, he was still teleported over, and then Lin Zheng waited for more than ten minutes until no one came again, and then closed the space channel.

Of course, people from the Alliance and Huangya are not the only ones who want to go. A large number of onlookers can only stare at them enviously as they leave through the portal. It is difficult to keep information secret about this kind of thing. After all, the combined number of people in several gangs is so large.

If there are too many, there will always be someone who spills the beans and is overheard by others. The World Tree War! Such a war makes many warlike players yearn for it, and the players who have the most interests also smell the rewards from it, and it is still a sum of money.

The generous reward makes people drool just thinking about it. Unfortunately, this time it is not as good as Anderglang. Lin Zheng can bring some reinforcements. If there are more than 100,000 people, it is still within the psychological endurance of the dark elves. If it is like Andergren,

Like Lang, he ran past millions of players in one go. Darling, I'm afraid the high elves hadn't even fought yet, but the dark elves had already suffered first!

So, although it is a bit of a pity, Lin Zheng can only close the teleportation door to other players. As for those who sneak in through the chaos, forget it, the number of people is not very large, so it is not a big deal!

After closing the space channel, Lin Zheng himself passed through the fairyland and returned to the World Tree front. As soon as they arrived, Xiaomeng and Youruo rushed over excitedly, "Brother Shengun! This World Tree is really big! It's so big.

It’s amazing!”

Lin Zheng looked helplessly at these two stupid girls. Everyone else came to the tent, but these two girls came just to have fun. Is this battlefield a fun place?

"Magical stick! I just took the opportunity to catch a few wandering souls. These are the wandering souls of high elves! They are so rare. They can definitely be exchanged for a lot of ghost points!" You Ruo happily showed off the trophies to Lin Zheng, and then

After saying that, he knocked on Lin Zheng and said, "Don't run around. It's so dangerous here. If you get knocked down, I can't explain it to Xiruo!"

"I didn't run to the front line!" You Ruo muttered, rubbing her head, looking a little aggrieved. She originally wanted the magic stick to praise her, but she caught these wandering souls with her own hands.

Lin Zheng rubbed You Ruo's head in a funny way and said with a smile: "I know you are great! However, these are just miscellaneous fish. I will catch some big ones for you later!"

"Really?!" Youruo's eyes suddenly shone, and he shouted with surprise: "Then I want the Elf King!"

"No problem! I'll catch you for sure!" Lin Zheng promised, patting his chest. It seemed that the mighty Elf King had become a salted fish on the chopping board, and he could chop off their heads as soon as he raised the knife in his hand.

However, the dark elves were not as optimistic as Lin Zheng. The elf elders and other decision-making elves came to the side, and then the elf elders said: "Mr. Yiping, we are very happy that you can bring us so many reinforcements.

, I would also like to thank everyone in the reinforcements for their support to us. However, Mr. Yiping, it is difficult for our numbers to gain an advantage in front of the goblin weapons of the high elves. During the period after you left, the high elves

A new kind of weapon has appeared. These weapons are very lethal. What's more troublesome is that compared to the cannons on the defense towers, these weapons are more portable. High elves only need three people to operate them. For us,

The striker is very threatening!"

Having said so much, I actually want to express one meaning - Mr. Yiping, aren't you talking about goblin weapons that are only available to high elves? Our necks have grown long in anticipation!

After listening to the words of the elf elder, Lin Zheng smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Elder, the weapons used by the enemy are the ones that have been eliminated by the goblin empire. But on our side, I have obtained even the goblin empire."

Without high-tech, the number of solemn beings is a bit low, but the powerful power can definitely make up for the lack of numbers!"

With these confident words, the worries on the faces of the goblin elders and the others immediately eased a lot. However, not seeing the weapons Lin Zheng mentioned still made them a little worried! Lin Zheng also understood their feelings.

At the moment, the first step is to take out a portable siege cannon. This thing looks quite big. In fact, only one person is needed to operate this thing!

As soon as they saw the brand new siege cannon in Lin Zheng's hand, the eyes of the goblin elders and the others immediately lit up, and then they heard Lin Zheng explain: "This is a portable siege cannon. It is very powerful. It is definitely not the shabby cannon of the high elves."

More importantly, it is very easy to operate. Hey, do you see the trigger here? The method of use is very simple. Just point the muzzle at the enemy and then pull the trigger. The recoil of this thing is said to be quite small and it is accurate.

It's very good and has a very long range, but unfortunately, we don't have many of these siege guns, and we only got 350! Although they are still producing them, I'm afraid we won't be able to get more in a short time!"

"That's enough, Mr. Yiping. If its power is really as good as you described, and there are so many of them, it will be enough to deal with the high elves' weapons for the time being, as long as there are no more goblin weapons on the high elves' side!"

"We can't count on the other party's lack of support, so, in addition to these, I also borrowed some other things. Let's talk about it first. It's not a rich place. If you win the battle later, you have to remember

Return this favor!"

"Of course!" the elf elder said with great certainty. There is no such thing as friendship without reason. Through Lin Zheng's connection this time, they were lucky enough to borrow these sophisticated weapons. What if they didn't show any signs afterwards?

It makes no sense, but the dark elves still want to be shameless!

Lin Zheng actually just said procedurally that he believed that the dark elves would not be shameless. At that moment, he took out all the weapons that he had moved from the Orm City weapons depot from Wonderland.

The most intimidating weapon in Orm City is of course the mechanical dragon, or the mechanical dragon modified by Qiasili. However, the mechanical dragon is an alchemy puppet. Except for goblins, it is difficult for other races to perfectly control these big guys.

So Lin Zheng did not move the mechanical dragon over, but moved over a few goblin mechas. However, these were not prepared for the dark elves. At present, apart from the goblins, there are only those who can drive the goblin mechas well.

Some players in Longyuan.

Seeing the weapons that Lin Zheng brought out, the elf elders were surprised and delighted, especially the huge goblin mecha. This thing looked like a powerful war machine at first glance. Its huge size alone was already intimidating!

Unfortunately, there was no one to drive the Dark Elves, which made the Elf elders somewhat regretful. However, when they saw other weapons, they cheered up again. With the help of these weapons, the nobles of the High Elves, you should also start from the World Tree.

Get out of here, this World Tree is not your private property only!

Not long after the goblin weapons were distributed, a new round of fighting broke out! However, the first to launch the attack was not the dark elves and the human alliance, but the high elves!

On the middle defense line occupied by the high elves, a majestic fortress stands here. This is the important stronghold of the high elves on the middle defense line, the Rose Fortress. At this time, on the observation deck at the top of the fortress, several high elves

The senior generals were standing on it, overlooking the battlefield below the battle line. If Liuli saw these guys, he would definitely recognize one of them immediately. Yes, one of them was none other than Ino, the prince of the high elf royal family.

Ino is wearing a black armor with silver patterns. He has a tall and tall figure and a dignified appearance. The unique skin color of the dark elf also adds a sense of mystery to him. At least from this appearance, Ino is a quite decent and powerful man.

, no wonder he can become an idol in the Goblin Empire.

When a general saw his subordinates using powerful goblin artillery to crush the enemy, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "These weapons brought back by His Highness are indeed extraordinary in power. The important thing is that there is no requirement for the operator's strength at all. In this way,

Our disadvantage in military strength can also be recovered somewhat!"

"Disadvantage? In the face of these powerful weapons, do we still have a disadvantage?" Another general said contemptuously, "In front of these weapons, those damn low-level elves can only flee, even if they have no strength.

No matter how much you have, it will be exhausted sooner or later! Your Highness, you have really made a great contribution this time!"

Flattery, everyone likes to hear it, and the effect is better if it is well shot. Ino felt very comfortable listening to it. After listening to it, he smiled elegantly and said: "Actually, there is nothing praiseworthy about what I have done.

In the final analysis, it is just borrowing the power of a woman, and this kind of thing cannot be brought to the fore!"

"Your Highness, you are too humble! The most noble princess of the Holy Goblin Empire is not a noble person that anyone can marry. Only a leader like you, Your Highness, can win the heart of the goblin princess. This time, Your Highness will take the opportunity to marry you.

You tried your best, but it saved us a lot of casualties, I think His Majesty Seth will be very happy!"

These words scratched the itch of Ino, and thinking about it made Ino a little proud. Although he was forced to leave Karina because of the trouble caused by those damn inferior elves, but because he got the Elf King Sai

The special authorization gave him the qualification to talk to the Goblin Emperor. Through his direct influence on the Goblin Emperor, he was finally recognized by the Goblin Emperor as Karina's fiancé. He just waited for this inferior elf to cause

As soon as the farce is over, he will immediately go to the Goblin Empire to marry Karina and officially become the son-in-law of the Goblin Empire. In this way, the position of the next Elf King is already in his pocket!

Thinking of the prospect of dominating the demon world after acquiring goblin technology, Ino couldn't help but feel proud. He looked at the battlefield and said: "This is nothing, because the situation is more urgent. For the time being, I just brought some styles from the goblin empire to compare.

Old weapons, I will go back to the Goblin Empire later and bring back some more advanced weapons. The sooner this boring farce is solved, the better!" Ino believes that in the Goblin Empire, technologically advanced weapons

Facing the powerful force of the high elves, the low-level elves are nothing more than a group of pigs waiting to be slaughtered. This so-called war will become a one-sided massacre!

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Ino's face was immediately slapped! At first, due to the sudden attack by the high elves, the dark elf troops were caught off guard and lost a considerable number of manpower under the bombardment of the artillery teams. However,

When the dark elves organize a battle line, the end of the high elves army will come!

The artillery team needs intensive bombing to maximize the power of the weapons, so the artillery teams are all gathered together. Then, the white gun barrels of the dark elf troops stood up, accompanied by bursts of roaring sounds.

The incandescent rays blasted towards the high elves' artillery team. The cannons were fired one after another without any movement. This was a pity for the dark elves who controlled the siege cannon. If there was a shocking explosion,

, that would be perfect. The explosion that destroys the enemy can not only strengthen one's own momentum, but also intimidate the opponent. However, they are very satisfied with the power of the siege cannon, because after one cannon passes, a piece of diameter is about two hundred meters.

The place was directly disintegrated, and together with the artillery teams, they disappeared completely without a sound!

"What?!" the general standing on the observation deck shouted in surprise, "What kind of weapons are those?! This is too powerful! Where did these damn low-level elves get such weapons?!"

As a high-level dark elf, Ino's face was naturally very dark, but it looked even darker now. He just thought about using goblin weapons to crush those despicable slaves, but he didn't expect that they would immediately take out such a terrifying weapon, and

Compared with this kind of weapon, the weapons he got from the goblins are simply rubbish! This is not a slap in the face, it is just a slap in the face with his feet, how embarrassing!

"Quick! Quick! Mobilize the fortress artillery to support our troops!" The generals of the fortress were still somewhat capable. After recovering from the shock, they immediately began to instruct the troops to fight.

The huge and heavy fortress cannons rotated, and the muzzles were aimed at the dark elf troops, blasting out huge energy shells! It has to be said that the large-caliber fortress cannons are still somewhat intimidating, and the power of the shells

It is very large and has a considerable attack range. Intensive bombardment can effectively block the attack of the Dark Elf troops.

However, at this time, several tank-like armored monsters drove up from behind the Dark Elf troops. The reason why they looked like tanks was because they were much bigger than tanks! Under the surprised eyes of Ino and others,

, the barrels of these giant tanks slowly adjusted their control. For a moment, tongues of flame spurted out from the muzzles, and huge anti-matter shells left the barrel. Along with bursts of big explosions, several outposts of the Rose Fortress

The fortress turned into several big pits!


This chapter has been completed!
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