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Chapter 2021, Pseudo Domain

 Lin Zheng thought at first that the Vulcan in front of him was just a simple illusion. However, when he touched the body, the cold touch told Lin Zheng that this Vulcan was definitely not an illusion! After all,

What's going on in his field!?

Lin Zheng was not surprised that no information about the domain could be found in all the player's information. Originally, the domain was not something prepared for the general public. In other words, when building the skeleton of this world,

There is no concept of domain at all. It is only with the improvement of the world that the power of domain is gradually mastered by the strong men in history. But it doesn't matter, the player's information is not included, but fortunately, Lin Zheng still has powerful

Analytical eye.

As a pioneer in the field, it is okay not to be familiar with your own field. Others may need to understand the field's capabilities through continuous use of the field. However, Lin Zheng has an analytical eye. Even if he cannot obtain all the information in the field, he can at least analyze it.

Eyesight can save Lin Zheng a lot of effort in understanding the field!

As the Analytical Eye opened, a large number of free avenue runes appeared in Lin Zheng's field of vision. This was the first time Lin Zheng noticed it. Could it be that the essence of the domain is these free runes? Just in Lin Zheng's sight

While he was in doubt, information about his field suddenly emerged. After seeing this information, Lin Zheng's attention was immediately attracted, and his brows gradually relaxed.

The field is a concrete manifestation of the potential possessed by the pioneer, and Lin Zheng's potential lies in his ability to calculate the laws of the world. Whether it is the power of technology or the power of gods and gods, in the final analysis

, are all manifestations of the laws of the world, and Lin Zheng has mastered both powers. If he is familiar with and uses the mastered laws, he can create anything he can, including entities and energy, and appear in the field.

The Vulcan is the embodiment of this ability.

To build a mobile suit, you need the materials needed to build a mobile suit. Judging from the information Lin Zheng has obtained so far, the role of his field is to provide primitive materials for Lin Zheng's creative ability. Of course, all of this is

It does not appear out of thin air, but by consuming Lin Zheng's divine power to violently transform other substances existing in the world into the materials Lin Zheng needs. This ability is undoubtedly the highest pursuit of the alchemist.

, the Philosopher’s Stone!

After understanding the potential of his field, Lin Zheng was quite excited, but unfortunately, his Philosopher's Stone is still only a semi-finished product! Therefore, the conversion efficiency of divine power is very low. From the data presented by the analytical eye

Look, the conversion rate is only 20! What a cheat! What’s even more cheating is that because the field is imperfect, the things created by Lin Zheng will deviate from the form he built. As for how much of the deviation,

This depends on luck

Depends on luck?! Lin Zheng couldn't help but look at the Vulcan next to him. If it was the real Vulcan, then in his driving state, attacking an undefended Rank 8 strongman with one punch could achieve an instant kill effect.

But this is a knock-off product. In short, pump your fist and take a look!

The things created by Lin Zheng will naturally be controlled by him. There is no need for Lin Zheng to get into the cockpit. This copycat Vulcan suddenly punched out! Very good, this punch is very powerful.

The wind roared during the swing, which was full of power! However, the Flame Punch turned into a rocket flying punch. This was really too much, and the quality of this copycat was so inferior!

Lin Zheng covered his forehead with his hand in sweat. This half-finished field is too unreliable. If you use this kind of junk to fight the enemy, you may kill yourself in minutes. It seems that you must find time to properly prepare it.

Let's think about this field. Even if we can't improve the conversion rate of divine power, we should at least solve the problem of deviation. However, although the matter in the field is very important, it is definitely not what we should do now.

After coming back to his senses, Lin Zheng immediately closed his own domain. As the domain was closed, the copycat version of the Vulcan also disappeared. Although it was expected, Lin Zheng was still a little disappointed. If he could close the domain,

Well, if the things of the past are preserved, it is impossible no matter how you think about it!

After sighing, Lin Zheng left the chaotic space and appeared on the small island of Tianzhi Lake. After spreading his spiritual consciousness to the extreme, Lin Zheng smiled lightly. Very good, there are still people nearby for the time being.

No one is approaching. In this case, he can arrogantly disguise himself as Kuran and return to Tabalon. Two million troops! Well, it will definitely not work if they are all taken away. Just keep 300,000. As for being transferred

The 1.7 million yuan left can only be considered unlucky for you!

When he was about to leave, Lin Zheng searched for his Sky Dragon. Soon, he found the Sky Dragon within the coverage of his spiritual consciousness. After Kulan's sneak attack and the previous series of attacks, he found the Sky Dragon.

Affected by the impact, the Yue Kong Dragon still survived tenaciously, but after the injuries, its breath became weaker and weaker. As if aware of Lin Zheng's observation, the Yue Kong Dragon slowly opened its eyes,

In those eyes that started to lose focus, Lin Zheng saw the attachment to life. After all, it is a magical beast of the dragon species. The Yuekong Dragon's intelligence is quite high. Although it tried hard to persist, it seemed to know that its injuries could not help it.

To save him, a look of despair quickly appeared in his eyes, and he quickly became distracted.

It has persisted for so long, but to give up at this time really makes Lin Zheng a little disappointed. If its survival desire is stronger, it may be able to transform into a powerful demon in the future. Now, it is not satisfactory.

Come on! The figure flashed, and Lin Zheng appeared in front of the Yuekonglong. "As the Yuekonglong of Istria, you should try your best!" After sighing, Lin Zheng raised his hand and said

Several pills popped into Yuekonglong's mouth.

Not long after the pills were thrown into the Yuekong Dragon's mouth, a surging blood energy emanated from the Yuekong Dragon's body. In an instant, its dragon claws that had been chopped off by Kulan regrown, and the wounds on its body

It also disappeared completely in an instant, and the eyes that had long been sluggish and almost lifeless quickly regained their bright look.

With a "crash", the ice covering the Yuekong Dragon's body slipped from its body. The reborn Yuekong Dragon suddenly stood up, opened its broad dragon wings, and raised its head to the sky with a loud roar.

roared with joy.

"Okay, okay, I know you're happy!" Lin Zheng said angrily. As he spoke, he had already landed on Yuekonglong's back and grabbed the reins, "Let's go! Go back to Tabaron!"

Hearing Lin Zheng's words, the Yuekong Dragon stopped roaring, and immediately kicked off, it soared into the sky, flapped its wings in mid-air, and flew gracefully. Feeling the joy of the Yuekong Dragon, Lin Zheng

The corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily, and in the sky, a clear snap of fingers suddenly sounded. In a moment, the flying dragon transformed into the magic dragon Durandal, and with Lin Zheng, who transformed into Brann, spread his wings towards

Tabalon flew over.

"Then what?!" Asna stared at Lin Zheng with wide eyes, "You just lead all of Tabalon's troops to die?!"

"That's not all, I didn't leave 300,000!"

Hearing Lin Zheng's answer, Asna leaned back on the sofa in a daze. Henumar only had a total of 8.5 million troops, but now added up, Istria and Lin Zheng, actually

6.7 million were wiped out! These were 6.7 million demons, not 6.7 million ants, and it only took a few days! Kill them all if you say you want to kill them all?! From the original Demon Palace to the present, there has never been such a cruel person in history.

A demon king!

Astalu was a little stunned. Although she had heard from Lin Zheng that Henumar would lose at least half of his troops, but now it was not just half, but almost all of Henumal's troops.

!Furthermore, in Astalu’s mind, this process would take some time anyway. As a result, it does take some time, but it’s only a few days!? Istria is really that scary place.


Even as a member of Istria, Eve and the others looked shocked. They were naturally confident about the mountain and river formation, but the result of annihilating an army of 6.7 million was indeed a bit scary.

"Andos, did we really destroy so many troops?" Dantalin asked in surprise.

Hearing this, Andos nodded, and then said with a somewhat sad expression: "Unfortunately, I did not help His Majesty, but instead dragged His Majesty down!" In Sibonal, it was because of his exposure.

, almost ruined His Majesty's plan, and when he arrived at Tabaron, His Majesty's identity was exposed. If His Majesty hadn't been extremely powerful and killed that Kuran, she might not even be able to come back in the end. Thinking of it,

At this point, Andos seemed even more disappointed.

Seeing this, Eve smiled and hugged Andos, "Although I still don't know what you are talking about, but you have come back safely, haven't you? It's the best if you can come back safely.

Nothing else matters! Right? Your Majesty!"

Catching Eve's gaze, Lin Zheng couldn't help but sigh, "Andos, you like to get into trouble, when can you change it!"

"But Your Majesty"

"Nothing is wrong!" Lin Zheng laughed, "You have been of great help this time. Your acting skills were quite good when you were in Sakia!"

"Have you gone to bed yet?!"

"Get out!!" Lin Zheng pushed Asna away with glowing eyes angrily, and then continued: "And Tabalon will reveal that it was because of my own negligence, how come it is your relationship?

?! To say the least, being exposed also has its benefits. Look, we just took Tabalon’s 1.7 million troops to their death, and also took away a whole warehouse of their belongings!”

"That's not how you settle the account, Your Majesty!" Andos said quietly.

At this time, Asna curiously put her head next to Lin Zheng, "Your disguise is perfect. No one should find out that you are a fake. How did you expose it?"

"Go away!" Lin Zheng pushed Asna's head away again, dumbfounded, "Why do you care about this? You should think about your affairs!"

"No! If I don't understand this matter, I won't be able to sleep at night!" Asna said with a smile, and then looked towards Andos, "Andos, tell me!"

"Me?!" Andos was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned red instantly. Others were also very curious! They all stretched their necks and stared at Andos, making her lower her head to her chest.


Are you going to force Andos to death?! Lin Zheng shook his head helplessly. Forget it, as a grown man, he should not get involved in the conversation between women. Lin Zheng stood up and said: "You guys, slow down.

Chat slowly, I have to go back to Istria!"

"Are you running away now?!" Asna stared at Lin Zheng with a smile on her face.

"Get away from me!" Lin Zheng said funnyly. Sometimes he really didn't know how this woman's brain circuit works. She can go astray while talking about serious things! "You don't have to wait for me for dinner, then go back."

See you!" After saying that, Lin Zheng's figure disappeared.

"See Your Majesty!"

"No need to be too polite, Simengli!" Lin Zheng stopped Simengli who was about to salute and asked: "Where is Spinak?"

"Over there at the fortress."

Lin Zheng nodded, and just as he was about to leave, his eyes suddenly fell on the dead bodies everywhere. Although Simeli was a warrior, he was very proficient in necromancy. Now there were scores of dead bodies on the battlefield. For the necromancer,

He said that it should be a very good training environment, so Lin Zheng took out the sword-edged bow, and then under Simengli's curious eyes, he took off the Pseudo Domain Stone on it.

"Simonli, bring your weapons!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" With that said, Ximengli handed his Undead Sword to Lin Zheng. Seeing Lin Zheng inlay the Pseudo Domain Stone on the sword, Ximengli became even more curious.

After looking at the curious Simengli, Lin Zheng smiled and said: "This is the Stone of Pseudo Domain. What is its effect? ​​Well, you will know when you pick it up!"

Although he didn't know what the Stone of the Pseudo-Realm was, judging from Lin Zheng's demeanor, Simengli also guessed that the Stone of the Pseudo-Realm should be a quite magical treasure, and he couldn't help but look forward to it at the moment. His eyes fell.

When he reached the magic sword in Lin Zheng's hand, Simengli stretched out his hand slightly nervously to hold the magic sword. The moment he held the magic sword, his nervous expression was stunned for a moment. Like Lin Zheng, at this moment

For a moment of daze, Ximengli couldn't help but shout: "Open!"

In an instant, a powerful force burst out from Simengli. As this force exploded, a gray color quickly enveloped the world. The sudden changes made the covered soldiers nervous.

When they woke up, they didn't know what happened, but they could feel that when the world was infected by the gray color, they felt a strong pressure that was difficult to resist, which affected their own strength.

Huge suppression!

Suddenly, the corpses of the invaders from Henumar suddenly climbed up from the ground. Seeing this scene, the soldiers of Istria were immediately frightened! But they were frightened.

After that, they calmed down, undead! This powerful aura should be unmistakable, it is Lord Ximenli! However, this kind of power is really surprising. Lord Ximonli's strength is also


At this time, feeling the existence of the field, Simengli's face showed an uncontrollably excited surprise, the field! It turned out to be a field! He actually mastered the legendary field!

"His Majesty!?"

Facing Ximengli's ecstatic expression, Lin Zheng smiled and said: "The ability of the Pseudo Domain Stone is to help the user open up his or her own domain. However, just like its name, the domain opened up by the Pseudo Domain Stone

, it’s just a pseudo-domain, an imperfect domain. If you want to truly master your domain and exert 100% of the power of your domain, you have to figure it out yourself in the future!”

"This is enough, Your Majesty!" Simengli still couldn't suppress the ecstasy in his heart, and said: "The opening up of this field has paved a smooth road in front of me. I believe that sooner or later, I can rely on my own

Power, open up my domain perfectly!" Starting from scratch is the most difficult process. It is like a towering wall that separates all cultivators, and now, Lin Zheng has helped him break it.

After passing this wall, only the last section of the road is left. If he can't even cross this section of the road, Simonli thinks that hitting the wall or wiping his neck is a good choice!

Lin Zheng was very satisfied with Simengli's confidence. After nodding, he said: "The Stone of Pseudo Domain will be placed with you for the time being. When you master the ability to open up a domain on your own, you will give it to

Someone else!”

Hearing this, Simengli suddenly came back to his senses and said quickly: "But where are you, Your Majesty?!" For a treasure like the Pseudo Domain Stone, Simengli didn't think there was a second one in this world, so he gave it to them.

, what should your majesty do?!

"Me?" Lin Zheng smiled, and then released his domain in a small area. The moment his domain was formed, Simonli was surprised to find that his domain in that area had been completely

After being repelled, it was impossible to invade Lin Zheng's small territory.

"That's about it! It's also a semi-finished product." Lin Zheng put away the field and said to the astonished Simengli: "In short, we all need to work hard. The half-baked field is in front of the real strong, but

It’s just a joke!”

"Yes! Simonli will definitely live up to His Majesty's hard work!"

"Don't be so serious. After all, things like fields are quite difficult. Come on! Let me tell you about your abilities in this field!"

After giving some pointers to Symonli, Lin Zheng flew towards the fortress. Improving personal strength was certainly very important, but for now, what was more important was improving Istria's overall combat effectiveness. He needed to improve it as soon as possible.

He must teach alchemy, otherwise the plan to replace the equipment of the troops will be nothing but empty talk. He alone cannot solve the equipment problem of more than one million people!

The defense line built by Henumar has basically been completely destroyed by him. Once the information is learned by the Great Light Dynasty, Lin Zheng does not think that they will stay in their own territory honestly. The so-called restraint of the God Emperor, now

It no longer has much use. As the times change, the overall strength of the devil is increasing, and the authority of the God-Emperor has become less valuable. There was no conflict before, just because the two sides were equal in strength, and it was not cost-effective to fight.

That's it, but it's different now! And by that time, they who have occupied Sibonar will become the new opponents of the Great Light Dynasty. Therefore, Lin Zheng and the others are very pressed for time, and it is urgent to replace the equipment of the troops.


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