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Chapter 2187, the sacrifice curse

As soon as Deken finished speaking, the people in the Duke's Palace immediately turned their attention to Lin Zheng. Looking for this young man? Judging from his thin skin and tender flesh, firstly, he was not as strong and reliable as Deken looked. Secondly, the doctor

Something like that, someone who is a little older and more experienced, this guy named Siegfried, um...

Under the suspicious eyes of the Duke and the others, Lin Zheng didn't say anything. He just had a faint smile on his face. He was not the one who was anxious anyway. Since the other person didn't speak, he naturally wasn't going to touch his cold buttocks with his warm face.


As soon as Deken saw the Duke's frown, he knew what he was thinking. He could believe this old man's absurd talk about finding medicine in a poisonous dragon's lair. Siegfried - okay! He does look young.

A little bit later, at least when they first met, Deken didn't take Siegfried seriously.

"Ahem -" Deken coughed dryly, which attracted the Duke's attention, and then he said seriously: "Your Excellency, Duke, don't look at Siegfried's youth. A person's ability is not determined by his age.

Those who can judge!”

When the Duke heard this, his expression immediately became serious. Yes, with his own son Bowser as a real-life example, it is indeed biased to judge a person's connotation based on appearance alone! Besides, with the virtue of a dragon-slaying hero,

With Ken's reputation, people who can be praised by him will at least have some skills. So the Duke looked at Lin Zheng and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Mr. Siegfried, I just judged people by their appearance.

, please forgive me, sir!"

Lin Zheng hadn't spoken yet, but Brünnhilde nodded proudly beside him and said: "It's okay! Siegfried is very generous and won't argue with you!"

This idiot! Lin Zheng bumped her head in a funny way, and then said to the somewhat astonished Duke: "Don't take it to heart, Duke. You are worried about Master Kuba, so it's normal for you to be cautious!"

I like to hear good words, and the words given to me by the steps are even more comfortable to listen to. After hearing this, the Duke also had a faint smile on his face, "Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Siegfried!" After the polite words were finished, the Duke got to the point, "Then

Sir, I wonder what your views are on the condition of little Bowser?" Bowser's condition has now become the concern of the entire Duke's Palace. Since Deken said that Siegfried should be found, let's try our luck! We can't

Worse than now!

Knowing that the Duke was now worried about Kuba's condition, Lin Zheng stopped talking nonsense with him and said: "Just from hearsay, my understanding of Master Kuba's condition is quite limited!"

"Oh yes! Yes!" The Duke nodded sheepishly, and then stood up immediately, "Then sir, please come over here!"

Under the leadership of the Duke, Lin Zheng and the others came to a room on the west side of the second floor of the Duke's Mansion. In front of the quaintly decorated door, stood two beautiful maids. When they saw the Duke coming, they bowed to the Duke in a polite manner.

After receiving a nod from the Duke, one of them said: "Your Majesty, Dr. Kallis came out just now and gave us instructions, saying that he was undergoing very critical treatment and could not be disturbed."

"That's it!" The Duke frowned slightly. It was related to Kuba's condition, and he didn't dare to mess around. He had to turn around and said to Lin Zheng and the others with an apologetic look: "Everyone has also heard about the situation. Please give me some advice.

Bear with me!"

"It's okay! We can wait until the doctor inside has finished his visit!" Deken said with a smile on his face. However, Lin Zheng's expression suddenly changed. He quickly rushed forward and kicked open the door, knocking the Duke and

The maids were all shocked!

However, before the Duke could question Lin Zheng's behavior, the situation in the house instantly made his eyes burst into flames! He saw Kuba lying haggardly on the bed in the house, looking as if he was alive or dead. The house had been turned upside down.

It was a mess, and all kinds of precious jewelry and gold ornaments were wrapped up and piled on the ground. What made the Duke even more angry was that his wife was lying unconscious on the edge of the bed.

Ahead, there was a middle-aged man trying to cheat on her!

Lin Zheng suddenly broke into the door, which was obviously beyond the man's expectation. He was so frightened that the man's legs softened and he fell to the ground. Knowing that something was wrong, the man quickly turned around on the ground and faced the window with all his strength.

He rushed over. Unexpectedly, when he rushed to the window, Lin Zheng stood in front of him. He raised his foot and kicked the guy hard in the face, knocking him to the Duke's feet.

He opened his eyes with a bared teeth, and saw the Duke's cruel eyes. He turned around and knelt on the ground, kowtowing desperately and begging for mercy: "Your Majesty, Duke, have mercy on me! Your Majesty, Duke, have mercy on me!" Originally, he didn't want to do this.

Damn it, but he overestimated his medical skills, and accidentally almost killed Bowser! In a panic, he had to knock out the Duchess who was also in the room, and went out and lied

Important treatment must not be disturbed! But this kind of thing can't be hidden for long. If the Duke finds out, his life will probably be in danger, so he wants to make a fortune and escape, but when he leaves, he sees that he is unconscious

The duchess suddenly became lustful. After this delay, the Duke brought Lin Zheng and the others over!

Lin Zheng didn't have time to pay attention to that kind of thing. He was more concerned about Kuba's life and death. He walked to the bedside and opened Kuba's eyelids to take a look. Well - his pupils were dilated. When he grabbed his hand again, his pulse almost stopped.

Seeing Lin Zheng shaking his head, the Duke suddenly went crazy. He grabbed the doctor at his feet and roared: "What on earth did you do to my son?!" However, this guy was frightened at this time and simply couldn't

Can't stop a complete sentence from coming out.

At this time, Lin Zheng picked up a medicine bottle on the bedside, looked at it, and then said: "I guess he plans to use poison to fight poison." After saying that, Lin Zheng sniffed the bottle and wrinkled his nose instantly, "Good guy,

Just one drop of this stuff is enough to poison an elephant to death, how dare you drug it!"

Originally, Bowser was not poisoned, so the premise of fighting poison with poison is wrong in itself. But under such circumstances, this unscrupulous doctor actually gave Bowser a bottle of mixed poison. Tsk tsk! Bowser didn't do any of this.

He was directly poisoned to death, and Lin Zheng was a little impressed!

"Damn you!" Hearing Lin Zheng's words, the Duke completely exploded. He suddenly raised his voice and threw him out of the house. With a "bang--", the guy hit the wall hard.

,,The guards who came in a hurry were shocked. This guy was so unlucky! There was no doctor who threw the Duke out of the house before, but he had never seen the Duke get so angry. Look at the walls.

It cracked!

"Drag him down and feed him to the dogs!!"

Hearing the murderous words of the Duke, the guard who came over was so frightened that he shuddered, "Yes!" After a loud response, he quickly dragged the unconscious doctor away.

The Duke was in no mood to pay attention to the doctor anymore. He rushed to Lin Zheng's side and asked anxiously: "Mr. Siegfried, how is my son, Kuba, doing now?!"

"Don't be so anxious, you won't die just yet!"

What does it mean that he can't die yet?! Does that mean he will die soon?!

Lin Zheng looked at the Duke, always feeling that he would grab his collar and lift him up in the next second. As a parent, it is understandable to be anxious at this time, "In short, let's detoxify him first."

Let’s talk later!”

When the Duke heard that Lin Zheng was preparing to detoxify, he was immediately overjoyed, but when he saw Lin Zheng taking out a bottle of wine, he felt a little bad. Before he could question, Lin Zheng explained: "This is called Manzhusha

Hua, is the medicinal wine I brewed, it has powerful detoxification function!"

Hearing what Lin Zheng said, the Duke felt more relieved. However, seeing Lin Zheng pry open his son's mouth and pour wine, he still felt a little distressed. It was too rough! Too rough! Can't he be gentler?!

He's still gentle! He's already half-dead. If he can be revived, just laugh. It doesn't matter whether you are gentle or not.

"Cough! Cough!——!" A violent cough suddenly sounded. As Lin Zheng took away the wine bottle, Kuba coughed and sat up. At this moment, the Duke felt that he was about to fly!

He rushed forward and squeezed Lin Zheng away, grabbed Kuba's hand and shouted: "Son! How are you doing, son?!"

Bowser coughed a few times and finally regained his composure. When he heard his father's voice, he replied weakly: "I'm okay, much better than before!"

"That's good! That's good!" The Duke smiled excitedly. Bowser's words gave him great confidence. Maybe this young man named Siegfried can really turn Bowser into a master.

The strange disease was cured!

At this time, Bowser was speechless, and then asked curiously: "What did you give me to drink just now? It tastes good, is there anything else?"

"It's not good to drink on an empty stomach!" Lin Zheng said with a smile while holding the wine bottle.

Hearing this, Kuba looked at him, showed a weak smile and said: "It doesn't matter, I just finished a roast chicken!"

"I've never seen a patient with such an appetite as you!" After saying that, Lin Zheng gave the wine bottle to Kuba, and the Duke did not stop him. This wine was good, but he hoped that Kuba would drink more.

Son, maybe the disease will be cured after drinking it?!

"I never wrong myself when it comes to eating and drinking!" After saying this, Kuba took a big sip of wine, savoring the changing taste of the wine in his mouth, and a look of intoxication appeared on his withered face.

However, when he was about to continue drinking, he noticed the maid who was arranging her mother's clothes. When she looked at the messy room, her face suddenly became even more ugly, "What happened just now?! What happened to my mother?"

As soon as he mentioned what happened just now, a burst of anger burst out in the Duke's eyes. However, his son was in poor health now, so he had no choice but to say: "Something unpleasant happened. Anyway, your father is here, so you can just rest and recuperate!"

While the Duke was speaking, the maid had already arranged the Duchess's clothes, and several people helped her out of Kuba's room. Seeing this, Kuba could only sigh. Although he was worried about his mother, he now

Due to my physical condition, it is very difficult to even stand up. Needless to say, there are other things.

"Mr. Siegfried, now that you have also seen Kuba, I wonder what you think of Kuba's situation?" After Lin Zheng showed his hand, the Duke no longer dared to look down on this young man Lin Zheng, even with his tone

They all wore honorifics, which made Bowser very surprised.

Meeting Bowser's eyes, Lin Zheng said meaningfully: "The rumors in the market are not wrong. Master Bowser's current situation is indeed caused by a curse. But what I am more curious about is that this curse is on him.

It should have been lurking in my body for quite a long time, probably about eight years!"

"Eight years?! How is this possible?!" The Duke exclaimed.

Seeing the change in Bowser's expression, Lin Zheng smiled and said: "Anyway, let's get rid of the curse on Master Bowser first!"

Upon hearing this, the Duke immediately stopped being surprised and said ecstatically: "Sir, is there a way to lift the curse?"

"It's not bad! That's the only thing I'm good at!"

Brünnhilde and Deken snickered. Just keep pretending! This is the only thing you are good at!

Hearing their laughter, Lin Zheng glared at them angrily, and then said to the Duke: "Take off the quilt first! I'll prepare it!" The curse on Kuba was not something extraordinary.

, Lin Zheng didn't even want to use the corrosive claws, and concentrated holy water alone was enough to lift the curse. However, the inventory in the bag happened to be used up, and it had to be made on site!

After making a dozen holy water in twos and twos, he turned around and saw that the Duke had lifted the quilt. Seeing this, Lin Zheng took out two bottles of holy water without saying a word and sprinkled it on Kuba. As the holy water fell, "

"Puff—" With a sound, wisps of black smoke came out of Bowser's body, followed by Bowser's screams of pain.

Lin Zheng actually did not deceive Kuba and his son. This curse had indeed been lurking on Kuba for a long time. As for the year, this was mentioned casually, but he felt that this curse should be related to the year when Kuba went to find Ye Meng.

Gad has a lot to do with it! Because of the long-term incubation, the power of the curse has penetrated deep into Bowser's limbs and bones. If the curse is suddenly removed from Bowser, Bowser will inevitably suffer.

Listening to Bowser's cry of pain, the Duke was anxious and anxious. If he hadn't seen that Bowser's face was getting better, he would have doubted whether the poison Lin Zheng poured on him was poison! There was no way to share Bowser's pain.

In pain, I had no choice but to cheer up and say loudly: "Son! Come on! The curse is disappearing from you little by little, and you will be fine soon. Come on! Don't lose to these damn curses!"

The words were said lightly, but Bowser, who was going through it, became more and more miserable as he screamed, which made Brynhildr even show a sympathetic expression. Deken quietly pulled Lin Zheng aside and asked in a low voice:

"I said Siegfried, that's alright, there's no need for you to make this kid scream so miserable!"

Lin Zheng rolled his eyes when he heard this, "Go away! Who has time to torment this silly boy!"

"The curse on him is very deep!" Brynhildr, on the other hand, winked and said with a frown: "Looks like this, he will have to suffer for a long time! How pitiful!"

"Eh?! You didn't do it on purpose!?"

"Nonsense!" Lin Zheng laughed angrily, "Who do you think I am?! Do I seem to be such a boring person!"

"Hehe! Sorry, sorry!" Deken showed a sneer on his face, and then asked curiously: "Then what kind of curse is on him? Is it really lurking in him eight years ago?"

"It's been a long time, that's for sure. As for whether it was eight years ago, I can't say for sure, but judging from Kuba's reaction just now, it might have a lot to do with it!" As he said that, Lin Zheng screamed towards him.

Bowser looked over and said, "If it is really related to Jormungandr, it would be great fun!"

"How to say?"

"This is a sacrificial curse. To put it simply, an individual infected with the curse becomes a living sacrifice to a certain object. As long as the infected person is alive, his life force will be continuously sacrificed by the curse.

The sacrifice is eventually absorbed by a specific object until all his life force is sucked away by the curse!"

That's why Lin Zheng said that it would be great fun if the curse was related to Jörmungandr. You must know that Jörmungandr in this world is also seriously injured, and it is very likely to be worse than the real world. After all, Lin Zheng originally

When he was arguing with Brünnhilde, he had already identified the seriously injured Jormungandr. But if the object of the curse is Jormungandr, then Jormungandr's injuries will be nourished by the vitality.

Gradually recover!

There is one thing that Lin Zheng hasn't said yet. In fact, this curse is contagious. However, under normal conditions, the life force sacrificed by the curse is not obvious, so the infected people do not notice it.

In Bowser's case, it was obvious that some special conditions were induced during the battle with the Goblin King, so that the power of the curse increased exponentially, which turned him into this state.

It has been eight years since Kuba returned from the north. In such a long time, God knows how many lives have been infected by the curse. Over time, it will be an extremely huge vitality. If this vitality finally

If the flow direction is Jörmungandr, it will be a very, very painful thing. If one mistake is not made, Lin Zheng may have to face a Jörmungandr in peak condition. When he thinks of Jörmungandr

Lin Zheng couldn't help but feel his teeth grinding after seeing that the fighting power was enough to rival that of the Origin Dragon King. He hoped that the situation was not as bad as he imagined!

Just as Lin Zheng and the others were talking, the power of the curse emanating from Kuba's body was getting less and less, but it was also getting darker and darker. These were the curses rooted deepest in Kuba's body.

Once these are removed, the curse will disappear completely. Before that, it is better to prepare an evil-proof thing for him. After all, Lin Zheng doesn't know how many people around him are infected with the curse. The curse of Bowser is growing explosively.

The cause is unknown. If he gets infected again, his work will be in vain. Lin Zheng doesn't like to do meaningless work.

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