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Chapter 2 Chapter 321, Flying Insects

 Look at Qinglan's current appearance. The original elegant commoner has now become the standard clothing of a Beggar Clan disciple. Her bun has been broken up, and her hair is disheveled, which is more characteristic of the Beggar Clan! Plus that outfit

The bright blood stains made this Beggar Clan disciple even more miserable! If he walked out on the street with this look, it wouldn't be a problem to ask for a lot of money! What kind of monster did he provoke?!

After coming back to his senses, Lin Zheng finally noticed what was chasing behind Qinglan. This sight really shocked Lin Zheng! What is it? Black whirlwind?!

"It's not a whirlwind, it's bugs! There are so many bugs!" Xun said in surprise.


"Yeah! It's a palm-sized insect. How do you describe its appearance? It has a black carapace and two knife-like horns on its head. It's very sharp!"

Listening to Xun's description, Lin Zheng had already sketched out the image of the insect in his mind. Isn't that a stag beetle?! But the horn on the head is as sharp as a knife? This is too cruel. No wonder Qinglan looks like this.

So embarrassed!

Qingxue, who was running wildly, suddenly heard a roar, and the sound was getting closer and closer to her! Qingxue was somewhat impressed by this sound! I remember when I traveled to the Goblin Empire again, I saw a goblin made

There's something called a goblin airplane. It's so loud when it's flying! But it's strange, how can there be an airplane in a place like this?!

However, Qingxue soon realized that she had guessed wrong! The roar was not from the plane at all, but from insects, swarms of insects!

The black insects were like a black whirlwind. They quickly shuttled through the forest. Wherever they passed, the towering old trees with dense branches and leaves suddenly turned out to be only a bare trunk! See

In this scene, the running Qingxue had chills all over her body!

Steel-toothed stag beetles! One of the most notorious killer groups in the Misty Swamp. How could such a terrible guy come here?! No! No! Now is not the time to think about such things. What she needs most now

What we need to do is to avoid the frontal attack of the insect swarm as soon as possible!

However, just when Qingxue was about to turn around again, she suddenly discovered that this damn insect swarm was actually attracted by someone! As soon as she saw the embarrassed figure, Qingxue was furious.

Ah?! How dare you provoke those deadly insects?! It doesn’t matter if you die, sister, I don’t want to suffer!

Wait! Qingxue decided to take back what she just said, because when the unlucky guy's hair was raised, she finally saw clearly that the unlucky guy turned out to be Qinglan!!

For a moment, Qingxue was surprised and happy! This was really a fate arranged by God! I didn’t expect that they both would bump into each other when they were being chased. It seemed that even God was on my side.


This girl is really tolerant! How could she still fall into delusions? After looking at Qingxue dumbfounded for a while, Lin Zheng instantly lifted the restrictions on the movement of the big lizard. Suddenly, the sound of the big lizard crawling at high speed,

Then it reached Qingxue’s ears, causing Qingxue to suddenly come back to her senses!

No, you have to quickly find a way to get rid of the big guy behind you. Otherwise, if you take this guy to join Qinglan, you will just cause more trouble for Qinglan! And those two deadly Peng... Huh?!

After turning her face sideways and looking around for a while, Qingxue's face showed a look of surprise. The two bastard birds were gone!

Although I don’t know when those two bastard birds ran away, all in all, this is very good news for Qingxue! Now the only trouble behind her is left!

Ah yes! Swarm!

Staring at the swarm of insects chasing Qinglan, Qingxue's eyes suddenly lit up. Maybe it would be a good idea to divert the trouble to the east! Although the guy behind him didn't know what it was, in short, he was very powerful and cruel! They came in groups.

The steel-toothed stag beetles are not fuel-efficient lamps. If the two sides collide head-on, it will definitely be quite fierce. At that time, she can take the opportunity to escape with Qinglan!

Yes! Yes! Qingxue nodded confidently. This is really a good idea. After everything is over, she will have a reason to continue to follow Qinglan openly!

After laughing, Qingxue's expression became serious! At that moment, Qingxue immediately activated her secret technique. Immediately, cyan light appeared on her feet, and the flowing light was like a breeze, swaying in outline.

A series of green runes appeared, and for a moment, Qingxue's speed greatly increased!

While flying, Qingxue quickly summoned talismans. The talismans with red characters on yellow paper kept appearing around her, spinning around her! After summoning 0 talismans in a row, the secret technique on Qingxue's feet also urged her.

Moving to the extreme, Qingxue, who was already very fast, went one step further!

The big lizard saw that its tongue was about to reach the big beetle. Who knew, the big beetle could actually accelerate! Seeing the big beetle flying farther and farther in its field of vision, the big lizard immediately felt a raging war in its eyes.

I mean! No prey can escape from my presence, no!

While running, the invisibility effect on the big lizard suddenly disappeared. At this moment, Lin Zheng and the others clearly saw the appearance of the big lizard! In appearance, there was nothing too different from what Lin Zheng and the others saw using magnetic field feedback.

There is a big difference, but the scales on the body are a bit beyond Lin Zheng's expectations. He thought that this chameleon-like guy must be colorful! It turns out that it looks surprisingly ordinary!

But calling it a big lizard feels a little forced! After all, whose lizard has scales all over its body! The big lizard with its green scales shines with radiant light under the moonlight. How does that compare to the dragon clan?

There is a glistening golden horn on the somewhat similar head, coupled with the majestic limbs, it looks really majestic!

Just when Lin Zheng was lamenting that the big lizard that was always invisible lost its majestic appearance, the big lizard that was released from the invisible state ran and stood upright on its feet!!

Although Lin Zheng had never seen a lizard walking on its hind legs, the situation in front of him was too sudden, and the upright lizard, which was more than ten meters tall, was really shocking to look at! Right there

Lin Zheng exclaimed, and the big lizard stood upright and suddenly burst out even faster! However, the hind legs that rotated at a high speed like a wheel were unexpectedly joyful, which always made Lin Zheng feel very much like the exaggeration in animation.

way of running.

Biting its tongue, the big lizard ran quickly with its eyes shining, and its front paws kept moving, simulating the actions it should make when it was about to attack! The big lizard burst out at full speed, and its speed was obviously much faster than Qingxue.

The distance between it and Qingxue was quickly shortened.

Close! Close! We will soon be within hunting distance!

Looking at the big beetle getting closer and closer, the light in the big lizard's eyes became stronger and stronger! Finally, the big lizard couldn't hold it back any longer, and the temptation of delicious food made it want to stop! At that moment, the big lizard hissed excitedly, and the two

One hind leg kicked hard!


The violent shock wave rushed around quickly, knocking down patches of ancient trees! In the huge pit, the big lizard rushed towards Qingxue like a huge cannonball!

At this time, Qingxue and Qinglan had clearly appeared in the field of vision of both parties. When they saw the big lizard suddenly appearing behind Qingxue, Qinglan, who did not change his color despite being chased by the swarm of insects, immediately let out a cry.

Exclaimed: “Watch what’s behind you!!”

Fool! You should worry about yourself first!

After Qingxue cursed happily, she instantly activated all the talismans around her! As all the talismans were activated, a red light instantly enveloped Qingxue. At first glance, it looked like a huge red

The sphere is rolling on the ground.

At this moment, the big lizard swooped in! Its huge claws suddenly grabbed the big red ball. Although it caught the ball, the huge inertia caused its body to fall violently.

It flew towards the insect swarm that was chasing Qinglan! Just as the big lizard passed by Qinglan, Qingxue in the red ball stretched out her hand and pulled Qinglan into the red ball. The next moment



The big lizard's body fell violently to the ground. As soon as the huge body pressed down, the insect swarm that was chasing Qinglan was immediately crushed away. For a while, no one knew how many unlucky insects were directly crushed into flesh.


The swarm of insects scattered around stared at the big lizard lying on the ground. For a moment, the swarm of insects flashed with red dots as dense as a galaxy. These insects were completely angered by the sudden big lizard!

The eyes flashed with violent red light, and countless stag beetles gathered together, converging into a black torrent, roaring and sweeping towards the big lizard!

The big lizard just shook its head and climbed up, raised its paws and took a look! Damn it, ran away! When it looked around angrily, it saw the huge swarm of insects, and the ones that flew towards the swarm of insects.

Big beetle!

"Pfft--" In the eyes of the big lizard, the big beetle flew towards the insect swarm in a panic, and in the blink of an eye, it was torn into pieces by the black torrent of the insect swarm!

After a brief moment of daze, a furious roar immediately erupted from the mouth of the big lizard! Damn it! Damn it! It had such a hard time encountering the best delicacies! That wonderful taste and texture can't satisfy those of you who are so skinny.

Can anything be compared?!

While roaring, the big lizard opened its huge mouth and bit into the group of insects. As it bit down, pieces of insects fell into its mouth. As its teeth chewed, a large amount of beetle tissue fluid was released.

Then it flowed out from the corner of its mouth, and it was colorful and looked very disgusting! Damn it! Could you please stop eating so disgustingly?!

Just when Lin Zheng was secretly cursing the big lizard for having such a rough and wild way of dining, Qinglan and Qingxue had already climbed out of the deep mud pit! This was thanks to the red balls formed by Qingxue's talismans, otherwise

If so, the two of them will be doomed this time!

Holding Qingxue's hand tightly, Qinglan said in a reproachful tone: "You are too reckless!"

Qingxue looked at the large lizards and the swarm of insects that had attracted each other's attention, then turned back and said to Qinglan: "Now is not the time to talk about this. Let's go! They don't have time to pay attention to us now!" After that,

Pulling up Qinglan, she jumped out of the mud pit and was about to start running. However, the light on her legs and feet disappeared at this moment. Immediately, Qingxue's feet became weak and she was about to collapse.

on the ground.

Before Qingxue fell down, a strong arm helped her up. Holding her sluggish body, Qinglan said helplessly: "Don't you think about the consequences when you use Kamikaze Step?"

"The situation was urgent at the time, so I couldn't care about so much!" After saying that, Qingxue's body was given to Qinglan as a princess, and Qingxue's mind suddenly went blank, not even what Qinglan was saying in her ears.

I couldn’t hear it clearly, but the general meaning is that it’s not suitable to stay here for a long time, so get out of here quickly! In short, just nod!

"Then, hurry up, let's go!" After that, Qinglan hugged Qingxue and ran out. Fortunately, no one, whether it was the big lizard or the insect swarm, noticed them slipping away, letting them

Ran away very smoothly!

"Huh——!" Lin Zheng let out a long breath. Those two guys can be considered as running away! It is a very laborious task to continuously teleport away the insects that are about to attack them! Well, now


"Qiqi, you idiot, get out of here quickly!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Qi's voice sounded faintly: "You won't come out! Unless you promise not to cause trouble for me!"

Hearing this, Lin Zheng was very angry. This damn girl had the nerve to ask for forgiveness when she got into trouble. It was simply unreasonable!

His consciousness was opened to the maximum extent, and the next moment, Lin Zheng led the three of them behind a towering ancient tree. He stretched out his hand and pinched Yang Qi's face, "You think I can't find you if you hide."


Yang Qi's face was rounded by Lin Zheng, and he said vaguely: "Isn't the result very good?"

"You're so good!" Lin Zheng let go of Yang Qi's face and knocked her on the head angrily, "If Qinglan hadn't been so capable, you would have been kicked out of the game, how dare you?

show off!"

Looking at the sarcastic Yang Qi, Xiao Mo suppressed a smile and said: "Okay, God, stop talking about Qiqi. In fact, this time, we all have a responsibility! It's just that we are all too stupid.

I was so careless that I didn’t find any trace of the insect swarm, and I almost got into big trouble!”

"I'm sorry, sir!" Fitt bent down with a look of remorse, "Fitt neglected his duty!"

"It's okay, Feit!" Lin Zheng said to Feit with a smile on his face, "Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, I did too!"

"That's right, Xiao Linzi, sister, I was just careless this time!"

"shut up!"

He turned around and bumped Yang Qi's head. As soon as he saw her smiling face, Lin Zheng's serious expression immediately collapsed. Facing this dead girl who was not afraid of boiling water, Lin Zheng really had nothing to do with her!

After scraping Yang Qi's nose angrily, Lin Zheng said: "Let's go! We have to catch up with Qinglan and the others quickly, and we will lose them later!"

"What about this big guy?" Liuli pointed at the big lizard that was struggling with the swarm of insects, "Are you done with it?"

Hearing this, Lin Zheng looked at the big lizard. Even though the big lizard was big and fed on insects, however, in front of the huge swarm of insects, the big lizard couldn't take much advantage! The big lizard

All we can rely on is its powerful power. However, this power seems a little feeble when faced with a massive number of insects!

Although these stag beetles are not small, they are actually insignificant compared to the huge body of the large lizard! And the reaction speed of these bugs is very fast, and they can quickly adjust their flight trajectories to avoid attacks!

And because each bug is an independent individual, it makes it difficult for the power of the big lizard to be transmitted! Its attack is as if it has landed on running water, although every time it attacks, there will be

A large number of bugs were crushed to pieces, but to the huge number of bugs, that little loss was nothing at all!

Compared with the lizard's somewhat feeble attack, the insect swarm's offensive was much more fierce. They gathered in groups and flew past the lizard quickly. The overlapping horns of the insects were like high-speed rotating chainsaws.

Fiercely cutting the body of the big lizard! Even though the scales on the big lizard are very thick, under the continuous cutting of the insect swarm, its scales are still unable to protect its safety. For a moment, the big lizard

There was blood splattering all over his body, and although he still looked energetic, he looked quite embarrassed!

"These bugs are so scary!!" Ye Lan stared at the swarm of bugs and exclaimed, "Even such a big monster can't do anything to them!"

"It's just one thing that brings down another!" Guinevere said very calmly, "The strength of the insect swarm depends more on their number, but this advantage cannot be achieved in a large-scale group attack.

In front of magic, it's just a facade! For example, if you let Yuki cast Meteor and Fire Shower, then no matter how many there are, all the bugs will be dead before they even get close to Yuki!"

"It's not as simple as you said!" Lin Zheng said seriously, "You have to know that there is something called elemental resistance. Only our family, Youxi, can do this kind of thing. If you use another elemental user,

See if they will tear it into pieces!"

Hearing this, Guinevere's eyes widened. This bastard was clearly looking for trouble. It was so hateful! He was about to get angry, but Xiao Mo ran out to make peace with him. Anyway, let's stay at home first.

The man knocked on the head to calm down Guinevere, and then he said: "Let's go find Qinglan and the others first!"

"No!" Lin Zheng touched the knocked forehead and said, "Wait a minute, I'll trick that big guy into the fairyland first!"

Yang Qi was immediately overjoyed when he heard this, "Will you find time to get rid of it later?" This big guy looks like a great boss. If you kill it, it might drop something!

But Lin Zheng smiled after hearing this, "No! I'm going to keep it in a fairyland. How can I put it, that guy is surprisingly interesting!"

This chapter has been completed!
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