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Chapter 2512, Saqir

 Overthrowing the emperor of the Meilan Empire is not a very difficult task. Although this country is now a dictatorial empire, in the end the emperor is only the most powerful noble in the empire. Without the support of other great nobles, his

The throne cannot be stabilized. The emperor married Chunxiang to Rick with the intention of winning over Duke Starr, but it is of no use now.

Under normal circumstances, the nobles would naturally not oppose the emperor's rule, if the emperor could maintain the nobles' own interests. However, the emperor's secret actions now have seriously threatened the interests of the nobles, not only in terms of power and status, but also in terms of power and status.

Once the emperor's actions are exposed, it will even threaten the personal safety of the nobles! In the face of such huge life-threatening stakes, no one will choose to continue to support the emperor except the emperor's diehards!

Of course, to overthrow the emperor, someone needs to take the lead. No matter how much you jump up and down, it will be useless for a nobleman who does not have enough weight. Not only will it be difficult to make waves, it will even be very easy to attract the emperor's attention, which could lead to death!

But Duke Starr is different. As a duke, he holds a huge power position in the empire and has huge influence among the aristocracy! Once he can provide evidence, even if it is not conclusive,

Arouse the nobles' resistance to the emperor.

In addition, in addition to Duke Starr, don't forget that Chiron is also a noble queen of the Melan Empire. Although Tabas only has the hereditary title of marquis, he controls the largest financial group in the Melan Empire and ranks among the aristocracy.

The influence is even greater than that of Duke Starr! As the most shining star of Tabas and the future head of the family, Chiron's opinions can already influence the decisions of his father, Marquis Tabas. In addition

The news was conveyed from inside the Crescent. Marquis Tabas did not need to think about it and directly agreed to Chiron's request. At this time, how could he not stand on the same front as his son!

So just after finishing the call with Chiron, the Marquis of Tabas received an invitation from the Duke. The invitation was very formal - the Duke's family was about to marry the princess, and the emperor said that it should be a lively event.

We can only discuss it with the business tycoon Marquis Tabas. After all, the resources at their disposal are sufficient.

After learning that Lin Zheng was planning to steal the bride at the wedding, Marquis Tabas was happy. Since the emperor said that it would be more lively, then as he wished, this time, the Tabas Group will hold a party.

The grandest wedding in the universe, let the emperor see what excitement means!

Although the Meilan Empire is an autocratic empire, it still attaches great importance to human rights. Everyone knows about the political marriage of the royal family, but it cannot be put on the table. If you don't expose it, no one will say that you are wrong, but if Lin Zheng makes trouble

The drama of coming out to steal a bride would be very lively. Once this kind of thing hits the news, the emperor's reputation will immediately take a serious blow. It is definitely a heavy blow to challenge the emperor's authority! This will make the royal family more and more popular.

It's so high that if you fall down, it will be even more painful!

Lin Zheng and the others did not know what the Duke and the Marquis were discussing. After all, they had other things to do, so the group had already left the Duke's Mansion before the Marquis arrived.

For now, Lin Zheng and the others have two things that need to be resolved as soon as possible. One is to destroy the "Valkyrie Project", and the other is to destroy the soul poison factories scattered throughout the universe to avoid more people.

Being poisoned.

In order for the true identity of the factory and the poison to be exposed, there must be strong evidence. However, the drug itself has a very high health-building effect on the mortal body. Just based on the drug testing technology of the Mofa Universe, there is no way.

There is no way to expose the harm! Because the soul is involved, religious personnel must be involved in this kind of thing.

The hell priests trained by Satan in order to spread the belief in hell come in handy at this time! As the home of Lin Zheng, the god of war, the social status of the hell priests in the Meilan Empire is quite high, and believers treat the priests very much.

Respect, the advice of priests is often more convincing than the reprimands of elders. Only the words of priests can make people alert to the dangers of drugs!

The priest's words were enough to be an excuse for the Duke and the others to take action. They only needed to do a little more investigation later, because during this period of time, many people must have died mysteriously. Once or twice, they could use coincidence to fool them, but the dead people

If there is more, it is absolutely abnormal! When the two are combined, it will become the most powerful evidence. Even if this evidence is not enough to directly prove the harm of drugs, it can arouse enough vigilance from governments around the world. Once governments pay attention to it,

These factories will no longer have a place in the Dharma-ending universe!

Thaqir is the most famous Hell Priest in Lion Eagle City. Hell Priests do not have the Temple of War that those gangsters call them. They are all selected from the most devout group of believers. They even go to work like ordinary people.

Work, and Satchel's job, is to be a judge!

Hell's absolutely fair trial system is simply what Satqir wants, so after coming into contact with Hell, he became the most devout believer in Hell and was very keen to spread the belief in hell. Feit approached Satqir

At that time, Thaqir had just finished the trial of the case. Seeing that the time to get off work had come, Thaqir in the lounge immediately changed his clothes, and he changed from a judge to a priest.

Thakir enjoys his job as a priest. Recently, he especially enjoys preaching to children, holding up the classics of hell, promoting the concept of going to hell to lively children, and then using simple hell spells to perform tricks on the children.

He deepened his understanding of hell, and then received bursts of exclamations from the children. On days like this, even if he kept doing it, he would not have any complaints!

The appearance of Feit surprised Satchel, but when he reacted, Satchel showed a surprised expression, "Miss Feit!" As a priest of hell, how could he not know Feit? Besides, the entire universe knew about it.

, Feite is the maid of Lin Zheng, the God of War, and is very well-known. Even if you have never met her, you will definitely know her.

"Miss Fit, are you here to inspect?" Sachiel asked expectantly. Every once in a while, the God of Death from hell will go to the priests to inspect and record the priests' contributions. If any priests touch

The gods of death will help solve the problems they encounter, such as evil spirits causing trouble. Sachiel doesn't care much about contributions, but when there are problems that cannot be solved in the mission field, Sachiel is more likely to let him solve them.

I didn't mind, so after seeing Feit, Sachiel was very happy. After all, no matter whether Feit came to inspect or not, his troubles would always be solved!

Hell will pay more attention to outstanding priests, and people like Sakir are the key cultivation targets of Hell! Priests who are also judges are rare. Such a talent will become an outstanding judge of Hell in a hundred years.

, so Fite also knew Sakir relatively well. Looking at Sakir's expression, Fite knew that he was waiting for him to solve his troubles. It seemed that the gods of death should teach him more skills.

It's only Satqir who can do it. Being powerless is probably the most depressing thing for Satqir now!

Although things in the factory are very important, the subordinates also need care, so Efit immediately said: "You can put it this way! Looking at you like this, is this some kind of problem you encountered in your missionary work?"

"Yes, Miss Fit!" Sachir sighed helplessly as he spoke, "Recently, I have received several very strange murder cases. The deceased died suddenly. The autopsy report showed that all the deceased were

died of acute myocardial infarction, but the death was too fast. One of the deceased was even a doctor working in the hospital. He died directly in less than a minute after the onset of the disease. He could not even be rescued. What is even more incredible is that these lives

They were all healthy and had no physical problems at all, so their family members thought someone had murdered them and brought some suspects to court!"

Feite frowned when he heard that he died of sudden myocardial infarction? And he was very healthy before his death. How come this sounds so similar to the purpose of her coming here?! When he came to his senses, Feite asked: "

So, what’s your judgment?”

"One of the deceased was a devout believer in hell. After the case was concluded, I went to his funeral to see him off. I found that the believer's body was very weird!" As he said this, Saqil scratched his head in confusion.

, "How should I put it? Miss, it felt like it was not a corpse at all, just an empty shell. It always felt like something was missing from him. Later, after reading the hell classics, I speculated that the deceased should have died with his soul scattered.

But such a thing as losing one's soul cannot happen naturally here, so I guess there must be some evil thieves secretly plotting against my followers in hell!"

Sure enough! A look of surprise appeared in Feit's eyes, and then the anger in his eyes couldn't help but emerge. Each and every devout believer was so stunned, those guys, they deserve to die!

Sensing the anger in Feit's eyes, Sachiel quickly asked: "What's wrong with Miss Feit?"

After hearing this, Fit suppressed the anger in his heart and said to Sakir: "In addition to the purpose of patrolling, I also want you to assist in this matter!"

Thaqir's expression immediately became serious, and he said righteously: "Miss Feit, please give me your orders, as long as this evil thief can be killed, I will not hesitate to risk my life!"

Such a loyal priest is simply the treasure of hell. How could Feit let him risk his life? At that moment, Feit shook his head and said: "I'm not asking you to risk your life, but I'm asking you to expose the evil hidden in the Lion Eagle City!


"After my team and I arrived at Lion Eagle City today, we unexpectedly discovered that there are people in the city who are using soul poison to poison our believers. They even have a strict organization and have built factories in the city to secretly produce those poisons. What you just said

Those who died died because they took the poison they created!"

Sachiel was absolutely furious when he heard that. He immediately wanted to lead people to destroy the factory and arrest all those involved! But in the end, he was stopped by Feit. After listening to Feit explain clearly about the factory,

After discovering the real enemy hidden behind him, Thakir finally calmed down.

"My lord, you are planning to deliberately cause trouble in the city and focus on the factory area. Finally, you, the priest, will come forward to reveal the dangers hidden in the medicine!"

But after hearing this, Saqil shook his head and said: "I understand what the Governor meant, but Miss Fit, this matter doesn't need to be so complicated! You just heard that our believers, because they took those people's medicine,

And died, then I can use this as a reason to directly ask for help from my friend Duke Starr! I am a judge, and I am the priest of hell, plus I am the personal trainer of Duke Starr. If I come forward, what will the other party do?

There is no way to doubt the Governor and the Duke, because it is my priest's duty to seek justice for believers!"

Looking at the upright Sachir, Feite nodded with satisfaction. That's right. Sachir personally came forward, which was more impeccable than Lin Zheng's original plan! Sachir had already accepted many bizarre murder cases.

From this, he realized that someone was maliciously plotting against the believers of Hell in the city, and finally sought help from his friend Duke Starr! All aspects of this were very reasonable. Afterwards, the emperor and others, besides admitting that they were unlucky, had nothing to do.

Who knows that among the Hell Priests, there is actually a judge who has been exposed to murder cases!

"Then do what you said, Sachir!" Then he warned: "But Sachir, I know that you really want to avenge the believers, but for the sake of the overall situation, you still need to exercise restraint as much as possible to avoid

Discovered by the enemy!"

"Don't worry, Miss Fit!" Satchel sighed somewhat self-deprecatingly, "After being a judge for so many years, I haven't learned anything else, but I am very good at restraint!" There will always be criminals who get away due to lack of evidence.

, with Saqil’s temper, if he hadn’t learned to exercise restraint, he would no longer be a judge! But now, Saqil is much calmer than before, because he knows that even if the criminals escape the trial of the court, they will also escape.

But the punishment of hell for them!

After Fit left, Satchel immediately went to the Duke's Palace. When he arrived at the Duke's Palace, Marquis Tabas had not left yet. When he heard Satchel's intention, it really suited the two of them! At that moment,

Duke Starr and Marquis Tabas jointly conducted a city-wide search, which suddenly started! Before the search, the two of them went to the emperor to file a report. The wedding was about to happen, and they learned about it from Priest Sachiel.

Such a shocking thing must be thoroughly investigated! Such a dangerous guy cannot be allowed to lurk in the Lion Eagle City!

After the two people knew it well, they used the wedding preparations as an excuse to hold back the impatient emperor. By the time the emperor finally got out and wanted to notify the factories and related personnel in the city to evacuate, it was already too late!

At this time, the emperor was really a little annoyed with the police in the imperial capital. Why are you so good at doing your duty?!

The drug production factory was found. This kind of sneaky drug production factory, even if it is not the target, will be found by the police. Not to mention, among the police, there are also people from the Duke and the others who can just turn around.

Go straight to the factory and kill them. It's strange that those guys can escape in time!

After the pharmaceutical factory was seized by the police, some people were immediately shocked to discover that the pills produced by the pharmaceutical factory were the pills sold to them by the priests of the so-called Temple of War! People who did not know the harm of drugs and only knew the benefits thought that the factory was the God of War.

After it was done, he immediately wanted to confront the police on duty, but in the end, everything was stopped by the great priest Sakir who "came after hearing the news"!

Thaqir's reputation in the Lion Eagle City is very high, and most of the people who are followers of the God of War have great trust in him! After stopping the public from obstructing the police's official duties, Thaqir finally saw the pills in the hands of the police.

When he thought that it was these pills that killed the believers, Saqir didn't have to pretend at all, and immediately shouted angrily: "It's unreasonable that there are such vicious things in the world. Those who produce these things should all accept it."

The judgment of hell, eternal life!"

The people who wanted to hear justice from Sachiel were immediately frightened by Sachiel. When they came back to their senses, someone immediately shouted anxiously: "Your Excellency, the Great Priest! These are all blessed by the God of War.

What a magical medicine! We all took it, and the effect was very good. Many of our minor ailments were cured after taking it. This is a real blessing!"

As soon as these words fell, a large number of people immediately echoed. They were all so-called "beneficiaries" and couldn't bear to see the "blessing" of the God of War being tarnished!

After Sachir raised his hand to calm everyone down, he said with a look of hatred: "Believers, you have been deceived by gangsters! The God of War has never built a war temple. What is the so-called war temple priest?

What’s going on, don’t you understand yet?!”

Seeing that the people were all shocked but confused, Saqir knew that they were confused by the superficial effects of the medicine, and immediately shouted loudly: "These things you see now, they are not the God of War at all."

not a blessing, but a terrible poison! Indeed, they may improve your physical condition to a certain extent, but after eating them, your souls will suffer terrible damage! I have received several cases recently

It was a murder case, and the deceased were all abnormal deaths. After my investigation, I found that the deceased all had one thing in common, that is, they had taken these drugs just like you! When I saw them off, I found out that they...

All of them have lost their souls. There is no doubt that the culprit that caused them to lose their souls is the things you all have eaten. They are not magic medicine, but life-threatening poisons!!"

Listening to Sakir's heartfelt accusation, the faces of the people who had taken the pills suddenly turned pale! The high priest would not deceive them, so what the high priest said was absolutely true. When they thought that they would actually

The poison was regarded as a panacea, and many people immediately felt their heads empty. The souls in the shock were already unstable, and under the influence of the drug, the unstable souls immediately collapsed!

Feeling the empty breath on these people, Thatchi immediately closed his eyes in grief and anger, and said with tears: "Their souls are all gone!"

Several policemen rushed to give first aid, but it was of no use. They tried cardiopulmonary resuscitation for a long time, but no one could wake up again. Seeing this scene, even the reporters filming were stunned!

"Your Majesty the Great Priest——!" The people who came back to their senses immediately knelt down in front of Sakir in horror. Weeping in fear, they begged loudly to Sakir: "Help.

Us! Save us, Your Majesty the Great Priest!!"

"I don't have the ability to save everyone!" As soon as Sachiel finished speaking, everyone immediately fell into despair, but Sachiel continued to shout: "But His Majesty the God of War will not abandon his believers, hell will not

will abandon us! The blessing of the God of War and the salvation of hell will definitely come! But before that, believers, we still have things we can do, don’t we?!"

Thaqir's words aroused hope in the hearts of the people, and this hope for survival turned into the anger of hatred in an instant. At this time, Thaqir shouted loudly: "Believers, let us use our own strength to

Drive away the enemies hiding around us! They must accept the judgment of hell for everything they have done!!"

"Accept the trial! Accept the trial! Let them accept the trial!!"

The angry frenzy swept through the entire Lion Eagle City in an instant. No one hoped that there was a crisis hidden around them that would make them lose their souls. Under the general trend of nationwide searches, there were many strongholds that even Lin Zheng and the others had not discovered.

They were searched out one after another! According to official final statistics, the number of people who may have died from taking the drug in Lion Eagle City in the recent past has reached a terrifying 13,672!

As soon as this data came out, it can be said that it shocked the entire universe! Duke Starr angrily accused the instigator behind it at the press conference, and issued a warning to the entire universe - after interrogation, it was found that the criminal gang was a huge and mysterious organization

, the evil deeds they committed are definitely not just the human lives in Lion and Eagle City! Countries must be vigilant about the actions of this organization within their own borders, because they may be right next to you, causing killings silently!

This chapter has been completed!
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